Posted by: Helen Philpot | October 24, 2019

Did anyone else realize we are building a wall in Colorado? Old Mexicans. New Mexicans. @realDonaldTrump hates all Mexicans. #ColoradoWall

Margaret, nobody is perfect. Lord knows I’ve been known to have a mental lapse every now and then. Like when I thought Tulsi Gabbard might have some good ideas to add to the debates. She didn’t and that’s ok. I’m a big enough person to admit when I’m wrong. Having that capacity – that strength – to admit your mistakes, learn from them, grow from them, and then move on – well that’s actually a sign of good character. Which is exactly the reason why I can say without a doubt that Donald J. Drumpf, the 45th (gulp) President of these United States must have a really, really, really tiny penis.

Now hear me out…

Yesterday, Donald told a crowd of idiots that he was building a wall in New Mexico. He isn’t, but that’s not the point of this story. And for those of you who are upset that I just arbitrarily called the entire crowd idiots, just hang in there. I’ll make my case.

Trump told the room full of morons – I mean idiots – that he was building a wall in New Mexico. And then he added that he was building a wall in Colorado. And then in Texas… Wait. What? Colorado? He’s building a wall in Colorado? Yep. That’s what he said. And apparently it’s “a big one that really works.” He then joked about not building one in Kansas. And thank goodness about that because Oklahoma already feels insecure enough. Being cut off from Trump’s United States would just be rubbing salt in those Sooner wounds.

But about that wall in Colorado…

Why Colorado? Does Trump think that Colorado is a border state? Or does he really just hate ALL Mexicans? Old Mexicans. New Mexicans. You know, all those brown people illegally immigrating from Santa Fe and Albuquerque and places farther south. The rapists and the drug dealers with their turquoise jewelry and Hatch green chilis. Or maybe Trump just isn’t very smart.

And speaking of not very smart… Remember the room full of idiots? At the mention of a wall in Colorado they all leapt to their feet and applauded. Hot damn. Trump is gonna build that there wall in Colorado. A big one that really works. That’ll keep out those… those Mex… those New Mex… those (how do you spell that sound a trombone makes?)

Calling them idiots is a compliment. It was mostly a room full of white men with straight lines for family trees. Dear lord let’s hope they all have slow swimming sperm so the tree trunk can just stop right there with that last red baseball cap. If your family tree has no branches, that red hat comes in handy due to the lack of shade.

Now it’s bad enough that Trump can’t place Colorado on a map. And like I said, nobody is perfect. But this guy, this stable genius can’t admit when he’s wrong. Ever. EVER! A few hours later, the asshat tweets out an explanation that he was just kidding about building a wall in Colorado just like he was kidding about not building a wall in Kansas. He was (and I quote) “referring to the people in the very packed auditorium from Colorado and Kansas, getting the benefit of the border wall.”

What. The. F…

He couldn’t just admit that he was wrong. He couldn’t just say that he had made a mistake. Did I mention that he was giving this speech in this packed auditorium full of people from Colorado and Kansas… did I mention it was in Pennsylvania? Now to his credit it was Pittsburgh which is on the far western side of Pennsylvania. That’s only a mere 1,400 miles from Denver and a quick 900 miles from Topeka. All those folks from Colorado and Kansas probably commute daily. Whenever politicians want to score points in Pittsburgh they make it a point to throw red meat to the hoards of voters from Colorado and Kansas. Really. It’s a thing.

If you can’t ever admit when you are wrong, why in the hell should we ever believe you when you insist you are right? I think just maybe it’s because you are almost never right. And I doubt you give a shit.

Bless his heart. The problem with Donald J. Trump isn’t just that he’s an idiot. The problem with Donald J. Trump is that he’s an idiot who also lacks character. And still worse, he’s the most insecure person I’ve ever known. All those stories about how he’s the greatest this and the only that and the perfect phone calls. What the hell is a perfect phone call? Did Ukraine accept the charges? Did it end with an I love you?

No, Mr. Trump you are not the only President in history to donate his salary. Hoover and Kennedy did.

No, Mr. Trump you haven’t been treated worse than any other President ever. Four sitting Presidents have been assassinated while in office.

No, Mr. Trump your crowds aren’t the biggest ever. Your words aren’t the best ever. Your phone call wasn’t perfect. And your hotels aren’t the best locations for G-7 summits.

Just stop being a total piece of shit and admit when you are wrong. Is that so hard? Are you really that insecure? My god, just how small must your penis be? I mean how serious a problem can we be dealing with here? Can someone help me out? Ivana? Marla? Melania? Stormy? Ivanka? Russian Hooker #4? How bad is it?

And to the entire GOP – is this really the ship you want to go down with? This guy? The guy so insecure he flipped off the female astronauts who politely corrected his incorrect statement about females who have walked in space? That’s your guy? The guy with the bad combover and the cheap suits made in China? The guy who just brought our soldiers home from Syria by selling them to Saudi Arabia? The guy who last year said the Kurds were our friends and is now abandoning them because they didn’t help us in World War II?

You don’t follow that guy. You impeach that guy.

And for the record, the various congressional committees that have been investigating a possible impeachment have members from BOTH parties. The Republicans have NOT been shut out of the process. Sure Matt Gaetz has been shut out, but that‘s only because he sits on the Asshats With DUI’s Committee which isn’t a part of the impeachment inquiry.

That little third grade stunt yesterday where GOP congressmen stormed a closed hearing room was just that- a stunt. And it was the worst display of poor statesmanship since Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie” at Obama during a joint address to congress. Grow the hell up. You are supposed to be the nation’s leaders.

If this is the best the Republican Party has to offer, then maybe Tulsi Gabbard should come out as a Republican. How hard could it be to shine in that chandelier of dimwits?

And if you are a Democrat, I am begging you. No matter who gets the nomination. We all get our asses out to the voting booth and vote blue no matter who. Even you Tulsites. There will be no Jill Stein mistakes this year. Because America can’t take another four years of this shithead. I mean it. Really.


  1. I have always had an issue or so at least with every preceding administration. I even experienced hardship during the Reagan Administration due to his policies. I was very surprised that President Obama was actually so conservative regarding deportations. ON the books,, he deported way more than the present administration. Its what he didn’t do that draws my admiration. He did not take children as young as babies away from their parents, many of whom were legally seeking asylum. He didn’t have border officials and employees who made sure even the asylum seekers who could prove their lives were in danger were refused sanctuary by making the test for asylum so easy to fail. I don’t know about anyone else on the front porch but my father was an immigrant. That makes me First Generation American in more ways than one: first to get an undergrad degree and then a graduate degree. Those are just two examples. My father entered the country through a legal port. All he had with him was his high school diploma. No visa. Yes, that was a very long time ago. It was just after this country had required visas. but the border guards let him in. He became a citizen in record time. The border guards put themselves at risk with their judgement. They could have lost their jobs and been blackballed from ever getting another decent job. I have come to think that there was a rush of God’s grace going on in his favor. He came to love this country beyond measure. Given his history and the way he loved his family, there is no way I can favor what this administration is doing to this country – farmer or not farmer, doing well or not.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Humans are amazing creatures. Two humans can look at the same picture, read the same book, witness an accident/crime and yet describe the details differently. We can recognize the faults of others but not see our own. We believe what we want to believe. Even if it has been proven to be mostly false or false. Yet we believe we are the superior living thing on the planet. We will not be happy until we have destroyed this planet and every living thing including the human race. We are sooo f**ked.


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  3. I appreciate your comment,I truly haven’t talked to anyone that regrets their vote, but to be honest, I typically leave politics out of my line of work. I also didn’t condemn Obama with his poor judgement, and wanting us to get use to the new America with an unemployment at record high, and illegal aliens coming in by the thousands, he was our president, which was history in the making, and I respected the office, but, that didn’t stop me from wanting to save our country from complete devastation, just imagine a Hillary America, where it’s ok to bleach bit hard drives, crush phones with hammers and destroy evidence while under a federal investigation, if you or I did that, guess where we would be, this great country could not have survived. Also,I too know quite a few farmers from my community,I live and work in a very rural area, some have purchased new equipment for the first time in years, I’m not disputing what you have said, just in our side of the country,farming is good. it’s all a matter of perspective, it’s always hard to see the other side, I get it. This will be my last post,it’s truly pointless to bicker back and forth, I respect your opinions as you should mine, I truly believe our country is safer, stronger, and better off financially, we all believe in what we believe, I can’t change your opinion, and you sure can’t change mine, my entire family and the millions of citizens that will vote for Trump in 2020. May God bless America, thank you for allowing me to have a small platform in your democratic blog, oh, before I go, I truly laughed till it hurt when I read grandmas letter to her children and grandchildren, I’m pretty sure they all want to say something like that.


  4. Tracy, in my work I naturally run into all the political perspectives. That includes Republicans who have regretted their vote and plan to do otherwise next time around. They are embarrassed and even HURT. Should they suck it up, too? A large segment of the people in my world are farmers. They can’t understand why they seem to be singled out for a world of hurt with tariffs, especially what they want and need free trade and even that is tough enough for them. They can’t understand why they got stuck with the short straw. More and more farms are disappearing. The suicide rate among farmers is woeful. But, hell, yeah, whatever it ways said.

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  5. Thanks Cynthia,bless your heart too, there is a lot to be thankful for, despite everyone’s differences, we all want peace and happiness in the world and with each other. Thank you for your kindhearted response, have a joyous and blessed Christmas…


  6. Tracy, Bless your heart, Sweetpea!


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  7. Can’t wait for four more amazing promise kept years, then,after that, let’s get one of the siblings to run the country, you dems are all alike, this president has done more for our country than any president in my lifetime. So, suck it up buttercup, cause president Donald J. Trump is going the distance…


  8. Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! “Remember, don’t bring a green jello salad to dinner!”, said Helen. I am Thankful this country is still in one piece although it is very torn and tattered at this moment. Hoping more people will wake up and stitch us back together.


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  9. Things here are destined to get out of control the 24 hours before Thanksgiving, so I wanted to make sure to wish all the porch people a happy Thanksgiving before it was too late!

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  10. Really, Randy? By that logic, Idaho, Nevada, British Columbia and Alberta are “border states.” Are we going to build (useless) walls there, too? When someone spout such illogic, it’s laughable.


  11. If only it were possible to get Jim Jordan to stop talking… And Nunes to stop with his eye-rolling comparisons of the current “situation” to anything George Washington ever did… I will say I enjoyed Schiff’s final statement, “Getting caught is no defense.” Exactly. I’m going to TRY not to watch all day long today…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Watched Sondland throw Trump under the bus along with Rudy. Now, if Manafort, Stone and Trujp’s fixer lawyer had not been sentenced to jail, would that have happened? Sondland is independently wealthy and doe snot need Trump to do a damn thing for him. The same could be said of some of these other guys in on this Get Joe Biden thing but they just bend over and let Trump do as he pleases to the country. My hat is off also to any woman who testifies publicly against Trump. Fiona Hill is doing the testifying today and she works in the Vice President’s office which is just down the way from the Oval. The R’s are appallingly desperate in their comments. They really can feel that sinkhole getting wider under their feet.


  13. Asshats of the DUI Committee has me rofl.  When done Helen.


  14. ooops – “This is a bizarre situation. Democrats trying to find out who broke the law and Republicans wanting to know who ratted them out.”


  15. What part of protecting a “whistle blower” identity does nunes/republicans not understand?


  16. Hi, Mageen – Watching here, too. Esppecially noted Lt. Colonel Vindman’s succinctly-put concerns about “the phone call”: If Trumpty Dumpty focused on the Bidens (which he obviously did), it would – at a minimum – “appear” to be a partisan political move, would undermine bipartisan support for Ukraine in the US, and further Putin’s “plans” in the region, and consequently threaten OUR national security . Inevitably, with Trumpty, it all leads back to Putin. Always. Every single thing. And it’s difficult to believe that it’s only about money – but it might be. At this point, I think that somewhere under that square straw Brillo pad on top of 45’s head, he probably realizes that his very existance may be at stake… (“Hello, Brilliant Doctors at Walter Reed…!!!”)


  17. Have actually been paying attention to the TV coverage of the impeachment. What I am seeing: the most damning testimony – enough to send the Golden Gibbon flying unexpectedly to the doctor – Republicans sweating like pigs in a drought – Adam Schiff handling the hearings like Admiral Perry (Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead). Have also been witnessing the REAL Republican voters of yesteryear surfacing and vowing to vote D if the GG actually survives this process. Once this process moves on to the Senate, I propose that the Senate be allowed a secret ballot, just like the rest of the electorate on Election Day. However, if Trump resigns for “health reasons”, all of that may not be necessary. Second however, but that leaves us with Pence who is just as involved in the Ukraine scandal as Trump.(Rick Perry has already posted his notice to resign. This actually proves the old adage that even a blind squirrel can find a nut sometimes.) Hoping that the D’s in the House will open an investigation of Pence that runs alongside the investigation into Trump. Furthermore, if Pence does succeed Trump, hoping that the R’s on the Hill finally find their spine and dump him. Keeping my fingers crossed in all of this, even if I have to glue them together!


  18. Enablers of Trump…it reminds me of the song about the lady who swallowed a spider to catch the fly….


  19. Oh my, I missed you so much…don’t do that again!


  20. Actually, everyone I’ve talked to in Hawaii are NOT Tulsi fans either. We don’t trust her at all and most think of her as self-serving. As for that Trump wall, did you hear that drug smugglers have already cut holes in it with reticulating saws? Tsk! What a waste of money that wall is!


  21. […] Now go read it. I mean it. Really. […]


  22. […] you need convincing, here’s the start of the current post. Now go read it. I mean it. […]


  23. You have been missed Helen! Thanks for this post. We needed it. Hope all was well. One thing is really pissing me off. How ignorant could our republican lawmakers be regarding obtaining the whistleblower’s identity? The laws enacted by Congress are supposed to offer protection to such individuals. They should know better. It is just so disheartening to be witnessing such state of affairs, legislators not knowing or abiding by the laws on the books. Sad indeed!

    Liked by 3 people

  24. Although I follow you on Twitter, I have so missed your posts!


  25. This 80 year old in Australia says a hearty “Amen” to that.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I will hold my nose if necessary, and vote for any DEMOCRAT that runs. I will NOT vote for ANY non-Democrats, or people who support them. Period.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Thank you for posting, I’ve missed you! I always put your posts on my FB page so others can enjoy. Please, keep on sharing your thoughts. Peace and love.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. New Hampshire used to be the reddest state in New England. Then, a s**t load of Mass Hats move here and the state turned blue. If only there was a wall at the state line 30 years ago. Someone tell Peach Head its still 1980 up here. Never too late to cash in on the wall craze.


  29. When one of his “base” gets in your face, start asking questions such as did you ever take a history class in high school. You would be amazed at how many did not! How that happens is really beyond me but I guess there are “special programs” in some school systems. That would mean they are shoveling out each year at graduation as many as they can in order to look good. That only means we the people have to suffer these lug nuts when they call us elitists because we can damn read!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. it’s been too long since my last dose of Helen and Margaret. Give ’em hell, ladies.


  31. AMEN!


  32. Thank you! Enjoyed the read very much!


  33. Oh, thank you, thank you so much! My dear friend of many, many years passed away a year ago. We both knew what the Golden Gibbon was like from many years back and it sickened us to see him desecrate the office, the Constitution and this country. When all of this impeachment action revved up with a boatload of evidence thanks to the whistleblower, I can tell you that she was probably laughing so hard in Heaven that the angels must have had a hard time tuning their harps! Now even more R Senators are cutting the umbilical and finally getting in touch with their vertebrae! The only “sad” thing about this is that this guy could end up making Nixon look like a Boy Scout!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Thanks for posting, Sherie – I certainly HOPE that the world can remember that the hearts of so many Americans are most assuredly not “this.” Even at our most xenophobic, most of us are not cruel, completely self-centered, thoughtless, without compassion, or feel that we have no responsibility to our neighbors, wherever they may be. For the last three-plus years, we have been told, over and over again, that “patriotism” equals isolationism; that “strangers” are “enemies”; that corruption is “smart”; that differences are dangerous; and that truth is “fake” if you happen to not like it. It will take a very long time for us to return to who we believe ourselves to be. We will need all our strength to do so. Thank you for your support!


  35. Well said…..I pray that Trump is impeached or loses the next election as I don’t want to die with him as prez or witness the disaster another 4 years of this idiot will create.


  36. I love you, Helen. Please keep on keepin’ on!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. I am so happy you are are so many others. As I read your post it became clear to me that what you write gives me hope. I have realized the brilliance of your writing but not that the emotion I felt was hope until this post came out. Thanks for telling how it is and in a language we all understand and appreciate. I am Canadian but we follow your politics very closely given that we are your closest ally and we share a very large border. We are dependent on one another for so much. We see what is happening to your democracy and feel the pain with you. The greatest county in the world has become a laughing stock but I also think the world knows the true heart of Americans and it is not this.
    This was perhaps your best and absolutely brilliant posting. In my heart of hearts I hope the Dumpster reads your posts. I can just imagine the antics if he does. Now that would make a good SNL skit.
    Thanks for coming back.

    Liked by 3 people

  38. […] wrong with someone who ties himself and his administration into pretzel shaped knots because he can’t ever, ever be wrong, even about little mistakes that can’t possibly be m-m-m-mistakes. Because … Trump. […]


  39. Love you!!!!


  40. as a denizen of Oklahoma…please, please let him build a wall at Kansas………….lol

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Hallelujah! Well said!!

    Liked by 1 person

  42. You and your posts brighten my day. Thanks for telling it like it is.


  43. It’s PITTSBURGH! We have an H at the end of our name. This is a forgivable error, and I admit, I have difficulty spelling Cinncinnatti or Cincinnati or whatever it’s called. I am not angry, just pointing out a very common error. And I love your column, by the way. You can spell Pittsburgh however you like. I am dead certain the Ass in the White House can’t spell it, or find it on a map, or tell you what state we’re in, or tell his ass from his elbow.

    Liked by 2 people

  44. Hello! If I may ask. I’ve heard rumors Pounce almost got suspended from HS at one point because he assaulted an autistic student. Are there other items not known in the press? I mean this guy is in line for president. Thanks.


  45. Good to hear from you!


  46. Goodness, Helen.  The language and whatever of an old lady…..I am right along with you, at age 76. He has made me use words that would have killed my Mother and my 2 grandmothers. Hopefully civil times will return when this arsehole is gone gone gone……and he MUST take dense with him. We know him well here in Indiana. I am always thrilled to see you in writing. Fran

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Reblogged this on silverapplequeen and commented:
    It’s been TOO LONG since I read a Margaret & Helen post & here’s a doozy! Enjoy, readers! Enjoy!


  48. THANK YOU for staying the obvious!


  49. So glad to hear from you again! You really nailed it with this one.


  50. I sincerely love you❤️


  51. This has got to be one of your best ever. Thank you.


  52. What the fuck is this bullshit? Fuck you and your racist anti-Trump rhetoric.

    I tried to objectively view this from a liberal position and it was not funny you Fucking Dolt. Colorado is a border state. Who the fuck doesn’t know that? The Rocky Mountains go all the way into Mexico you idiots.


  53. Wonderful stuff! Welcome back

    Liked by 1 person

  54. “How hard could it be to shine in that chandelier of dimwits?” Ah, Helen, had I not already loved thee, that woulda done it.


  55. Here’s a few laughs for you:)



  56. OK – all you ever wanted to know about Pittsburgh!!

    Pittsburg, California.
    Pittsburg, Florida.
    Pittsburg, Kansas, Crawford County.
    Pittsburg Township, Mitchell County, Kansas.
    Pittsburg, New Hampshire.
    Pittsburg, Oklahoma.
    Pittsburg County, Oklahoma.
    Former spelling of Pittsburgh, a large city in Pennsylvania.

    Municipal documents always used the latter spelling. … The city was chartered in 1816, its name being spelled without the ‘h’and its official form is still ‘Pittsburg’. The ‘h’ appears to have been added by the Post Office Department and through that action, local usage appears to have become divided.
    Dec 21, 2000

    The city was originally named to honor William Pitt the Elder, but it was General John Forbes who did the naming. His Scottish background is the reason for that extra “h”—think Edinburgh. To edit the spelling to the German “burg” was akin to editing the city’s founding.
    Oct 1, 2013

    Liked by 2 people

  57. Once again, you nailed it. From straight white men to his tiny tiny tiny penis. Thank you and write again soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Hey, Don’t worry one bit about spelling just concentrate on CONTENT like you did. This is akin to the Republicans focusing on process because they’re afraid of the content! YOU nailed that content, Babe!!!


  59. Man, Ladies! Where have YOU been? My husband and I have missed you. We had to watch Colbert (HA) to balance ourselves out because we missed your letters so much. OK, that is a lie, we watch him regularly. BUT, WE HAVE MISSED YOU! Please don’t wait so long….in this crazy nightmare of Trump….we need all we can get! Thanks.  Karen

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Amen! and Hallelujah! I agree with everything but especially the part about voting for the democrat no matter what or who!!!! Don’t split our vote and get this over with! The sooner the better!!

    Liked by 3 people

  61. It is spelled Pittsburgh!

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Thank you for putting it all in plain English for us! You gave me a good belly laugh with this one.




  64. Missed your wise words Helen! Gaetz has his nose so far up 45s behind, he found Nunez. I would love to see a Warren/Buttigieg ticket just to see the brains – tiny as they are – to explode out of Conservatives’ heads. Imagine a pushy progressive woman and a gay man running for prez.

    Liked by 4 people

  65. Oh I have missed you ladies! Love the post!

    Liked by 1 person

  66. There is a Pittsburg in Kansas and a Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.

    Liked by 1 person

  67. PA’s big town is Pittsburgh with an H. CA has the Pittsburg without. You have but one error. Donald Trump’s are marching towards infinity. Thank you for your trenchant commentary on this mess.

    Liked by 1 person

  68. Helen, everything you say is spot on, and I love you for it, except this: Pittsburg is in California; PittsburgH is in Pennsylvania.

    Keep up the good work, and don’t mince words!!

    Liked by 3 people

  69. So happy to know you have not abandoned us in our time of need. It’s been a long three year depression with this ^%$#*&@$! in in the WH. Will it end in the near future? If we continue down this path America as we know it will be just a memory. Thank you for being with us and for spreading some hope today.


    Liked by 1 person

  70. The best piece I’ve read in a while that accurately describes the lunacy that is our nation’s leadership. My cat could do better leading the country than the resident idiot in charge.

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Incomparable. Please keep writing the truth.

    Liked by 2 people

  72. Was just thinking had not seen a post from you in ages! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  73. wasn’t that a hoot? saw dt saying that last night on msnbc’s all in with chris hays. mare

    Sent from my iPhone



  74. YAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  75. I can take a deep breath and now face the day. Thank you for your posts – you give me hope that what I am seeing and feeling is seen and felt by others. Yes – “Vote Blue – No Matter Who!” You are a treasure Helen.

    Liked by 1 person

  76. Exactly! Thank you, Helen.

    Liked by 1 person

  77. I ❤ you ladies

    Liked by 1 person

  78. This is without a doubt one of the posts I’ve seen on the sheer stupidity of Trump_The_Chump and his followers. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  79. So glad I signed up for email notifications when you post. Thanks for a wonderful morning read. Now I can face the day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  80. So glad I signed up for email notifications. Thanks for your most excellent piece!

    Liked by 1 person

  81. Can I just say, right on, sister! Never fails to amaze me how uninformed Trumps masses are, how brainwashed they are, and how embarrassing this President is.Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone


  82. A shining ray of hope is the dismal political atmosphere. Thank you for call a spade a spade and a dimwit a dimwit. Missed you and this column brightened my day and my faith in the ultimate process. A million than yous!

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Dear Helen,

    I adore you. I want to write just like you someday. Hell, I want to BE you (I just turned 60 and know how to use a zippy cart, so I’m not far behind).

    This is one of the best pieces of writing I’ve seen this year and given that I’m online several hours a day and read 250 books a year, that’s saying a lot.

    Thank you for sjaring your considerable wit.

    Liked by 1 person

  84. Learned on a forum I frequent that there are Trump rally groupies. They follow him from one rally to another. They have badges to tell all how many they have been to. Glad I have a life

    Liked by 3 people

  85. Thank you Helen, and thanks for returning to the fray. I have missed you.

    Liked by 1 person

  86. All I candy is “Amen”


  87. AWESOME! Your best yet, and that’s saying a A LOT. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  88. Love you Helen!

    Liked by 1 person

  89. “White men with straight lines for family trees.” That’s priceless and should become part of every discussion about Trump voters. Thanks for all the laughs the and the brilliant insight!

    Liked by 2 people

  90. Amen!


  91. Thank you. I was gonna say that : )


  92. AMEN!!!


  93. My world is a little brighter with you in it, Helen. I hope you and Margaret are well.

    Liked by 2 people

  94. Thank goodness for you ! You give me hope that the USA can turn around this debacle of government that sits in the White House and Senate. We are so thankful here in Canada that we held on to Prime Minister Trudeau and did not vote in our wannabe Trumper who was aided by dark money and MAGA forces.
    My whiney redneck province voted all blue [ conservative] but one, so now we have no one at the table. They do not know anything about world economics, nor do they care about diversity. They do not know fact from fiction and obviously didn’t pay attention when critical thinking was taught in school. God knows we tried. Uneducated, skill less citizens waiting for a miracle which will not happen. It is so sad and frightening.
    But we will resist and persevere.

    I’ve read here for a long time, but first time commenting. I realize I’ve been holding my breath since November 2016.

    Liked by 5 people

  95. You are far too kind to these idiots.

    Liked by 1 person

  96. Just last night I commented to my husband that it has been a while since the last Margaret and Helen post, and then, today, your latest gem appeared in my inbox. Thank you! I needed to hear your thoughts, and to be reminded that there are some kindred spirits out there.

    Liked by 2 people

  97. So good to hear from you, Helen, and this is a masterpiece!

    Liked by 1 person

  98. Brilliant. Now THIS was an absolutely spot-on PERFECT dissertation about the current asshat-in-chief.

    Liked by 2 people

  99. Is there a way to share this column to Facebook?

    Sent from my iPhone



  100. Fabulous. As always.

    Liked by 1 person

  101. So lovely to see a new post, and you are entirely correct. Brava!

    Liked by 1 person

  102. Thank you! Your columns are so needed now!

    Liked by 2 people

  103. As usual, you’re absolutely right. Thanks for the uplift!

    Liked by 1 person

  104. Back with a bang! Another great one!

    Liked by 1 person
