Posted by: Helen Philpot | January 28, 2019

Do you have any idea how hard it is not to use the F-word when talking about Donald Trump? It’s damn near f-ing impossible. #FactsMatter #HowToTrainYourDragon

Margaret, I know you don’t Tweet unless you are talking to your parrots. And for what it’s worth, I told you those things would outlive us. I know you thought I was stupid to get on the Twitter. Well, I should have listened to you, honey. I came. I tweeted. And I got covered in shit. Probably because Twitter is chock-full of assholes who don’t know the difference between your and you’re.

Now before all you NitTwits out there write me off, read on for a little bit. There are some things that are good about Twitter. Most are not easy to find, but they’re there if you are willing to work a bit. I’ll explain…

On Friday, a jackass named Roger Stone whined that the FBI had raided his home leaving himself, his dog, his wife (in that order) and even his neighbor forever traumatized.  From his description, it’s hard to believe he was able to pull it all together in time to make a speech, do a few radio interviews, and then finish it off with a couple of cable news shows, all while hoping someone would ask him about how he once took out personal ads referring to himself as a body builder with a hot wife looking for muscular studs for threesomes. Yep. True story. Stone is a real asshat.

But I’ve gotten off track. This really isn’t about Roger Stone. However, I would like to take a second to point out that while he was kicked off Bob Dole’s campaign for his little trio fetish, he was eventually hired again by George W. Bush and, of course, Donald J. Trump.  In fact, given enough time I can probably prove that while not every asshole is on Twitter, they are all on a Republican payroll somewhere.

Anyway, back to the point of this story…

Immediately the Cheeto in Chief tweeted from the White House that Roger Stone was treated more unfairly than drug dealers and border coyotes.  I find that pretty rich coming from Trump. Unless Roger’s wife was put in a cage, I’d say he got off pretty easy by Trump standards.  How someone can cram so many lies into so few characters is astounding. It’s probably the only thing at which Trump excels. One day the history books will tell the story of how Trump became president because a bunch of racists inbred to the point that they had the attention span of a gnat. If your family tree goes in a straight line, I’ve got a red hat to sell you. Yep. I’m a bitch. Screw you MAGA nation. You screwed up Christianity and now you’ve screwed up the United States of America.  All because you think an immigrant stole your job. Well here’s 280 characters for you:

An immigrant who achieves the American Dream didn’t steal anything from you or your family. They just wanted it more than you and worked harder than you. And they did it with all the odds stacked against them.  If your life sucks lemons, a wall isn’t going to turn it to lemonade.

Off track again.  Sadly, I’m pretty sure any MAGAt who started reading this has long ago gotten distracted by a shiny object.  Probably one of those shiny blondes on Fox & Friends.

So back to Friday…

As if the Stone indictment wasn’t enough, we also saw a woman finally get the best of Trump. Shockingly, porn and secret payments weren’t involved.  Sorry, Stormy. I’ve come to love you honey, but Nancy fucked Trump and that little mushroom of  Donald’s never made an appearance. Now that’s my kind of woman. (Note – I just used a word that I once thought I would never use. The F-word. I’ll explain in a bit.)  The great deal maker just spent a month dealing himself into Ann Coulter’s timeout corner.  Speaking of that pholcidae, Ann Coulter needs to eat a potato chip once in awhile.  Honey, when you turn sideways your nose looks like the tab on a zipper.  I know. I know. I shouldn’t body shame.  Fine. I made fun of a skinny bitch.  Hate me today.  I’ll apologize tomorrow by sending her a pie.  So many assholes. So much shit. So few characters. Even fewer with character.

But where was I?  Oh yes…Nancy.

Nancy Pelosi is one hell of a leader despite the fact that we require her to work twice as hard and endlessly prove herself worthy of her job. Nancy isn’t just matching Fred Astaire’s dance moves step-for-step backwards and in heels, she’s reminding the entire world that if women were allowed to take the reins, some important shit could finally get done. For the love of God, you MAGA asshats, she is the reason you have anything even close to affordable healthcare and a living wage. And if not for your precious GOP, you would have gotten the whole enchilada. I probably shouldn’t have used that enchilada metaphore. Did someone say wall?

Oh, but again, I digress… It’s so easy to do when you are not limited to 280 characters.

And so, here we are.  After 4,542 characters and one President without character, we arrive at my point:

With all that news to offer on Friday, that same evening the Washington Post tweeted out this headline for a story: Texas officials flag tens of thousands of voters for citizen checks. I don’t know what the terms mean, but the kids call that click bait and then go on about something to do with ratios. Not important. What is important is that IF you actually read the article – and almost no one on Twitter does – the very LAST paragraph explains that Texas has no proof of voter fraud and further research most likely will show that minimal if any occurred. But that didn’t stop the Great Orange Yeast Infection from tweeting a few hours later the lie that voter fraud was a huge problem because 95,000 illegal immigrants voted in the last election in Texas.

Why the last paragraph of that story is not the first paragraph is a good example of how  we got into this mess. Shame on the Washington Post for making it so easy for Trump. In my day, people called it judging a book by its cover. I have always just called it what it is: Bullshit. And friends, Twitter is full of bullshit. And the biggest asshole spewing shit and stinking up the place is Donald Jackass Trump. His 57 million followers judge a book by its cover, a person by their color, and their own IQ by the number of channels on their cable box. The only book they might pick up is the Bible and, I promise you, they don’t read that one either. For the record, he’s YOUR president, and YOU’RE an asshat for believing him. YOUR is a possessive adjective.  YOU’RE is a contraction of you are.

Now mind you, if you look really hard, you can find Tweets like the one from the Texas Tribune to its 180,000 followers warning people about the misleading headline.  How much do you want to bet that almost no MAGA-hats follow the Texas Tribune? Trust me.  It requires reading more than just a headline, and those people only get their headlines from one place – Fox News – the only place with more assholes full of shit than Twitter.  And speaking of assholes, can Tucker Carlson pull his head out of his long enough to see where role modeling Bill O’Reilly is going to take him? A loofah, a hot shower and Lindsey Graham.  No wait. What? That doesn’t make any sense. But it did allow me to sneak in a mention of Lindsey Graham. Of all the Real Housewives I hate; Lindsey Olin Graham is at the top of my list. No matter what side of his mouth Lindsey talks out of, it’s always shrill. Don’t try to follow my logic folks – it’s all shits and grins at this point.  Because in the end, that is all Twitter is good for.  Well, almost…

Journalist and politicians have no business trying to do their jobs on Twitter.  It’s a great place for cat videos, clever comments from Quinn Cummings, and teen activists trying to take down the god-awful NRA.  All those things SHOULD be accomplished in 280 characters or less.  You really shouldn’t have to work too hard to point out that cats are cute, Quinn is hilarious, and the NRA is evil.  But trying to be President of the United States 280 characters at a time should be a god-damn constitutional crisis. And Congress should at long last put a stop to it. Censure him. Indict him. Impeach him. Anything him.  Just quit tweeting at him and do your damn job.  And the same thing goes to all of you journalists on Twitter. A story is more than its headline.  If you are going to limit yourself to 280 characters, then make sure you get to the truth around character 10 or 11.  Trump and his followers lose their attention after that.

You know what else happened last week?  Five women were shot execution style by a gunman in Florida.  Another gunman killed five people in Louisiana. All that and we focused on an idiot like Stone. It doesn’t take 280 characters to make the case that a national state of emergency isn’t at the southern border. It’s at the NRA headquarters. If the President wasn’t so fixated on how many likes he gets, he might know that. Jesus H. Christ I hate that man. How on God’s green earth did he ever become President? Oh wait. Twitter. I forgot. Damn you @Jack.  And by the way, did you really suspend me because of my joke about Trump listening to the voices in his head?  Seriously?  The man practically started a nuclear war on your platform.

Now, I’ll admit that I am probably just another one of those assholes on Twitter, but I did meet a few good people along the way. I doubt they even knew I was following them. If you want to be on Twitter and do some good, follow @davidhogg111 or @Emma4Change. Want a good laugh?  Follow @quinncy or @louisvirtel. Want to actually make a difference as a political activist?  Try @Alyssa_Milano or @williamlegate.  Want to waste your time?  Follow a Kardashian. And for the love of God, give @kathygriffin a break. It was a fucking halloween mask. If you follow a journalist, promise that you’ll click on the link and read the whole story.  Might I suggest @texastribune, @DanRather, @annanavarro or @NicoleDWallace.  Just don’t follow a politician until they retire. And that goes double for @realdonaldfuckingtrump!

So, here we are at the end of my little rant. In this story, I used the F-word. Three times. It’s a word that I had always banned on this little web blog of mine.  I humbly ask for your forgiveness.  But do you realize how hard it is to talk about Donald Trump and not use that word?  It’s god-damn near fucking impossible.  I mean it.  Really.


  1. THANK YOU! Not only do I agree with every fucking thing you said, I laughed my fucking ass off!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t worry, I use the “F” word more frequently with Trump as “president” than I have in my entire life….

    Liked by 2 people

  3. […] tall cuppa java (but not that Starbucks sludge at least until Captain Four Percent leaves the race) and savor the rest here. Chances are you won’t need caffeine for the rest of the […]


  4. MAGAts. It’s less stressful, and sums up all their inbred Nazi stupidity and the feeling in cuss words, all in 6 easy letters.


  5. Please change my e-mail address to I love your posts and don’t want to miss them. Thank you!!!



  6. Are you Molly Ivins’ cousins? Or best Friends since grade school? You make me miss her so much, and very grateful that you are here, writing and delighting.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. is she from amarillo or dumas? anyway. I LIKE HER.


  8. FYI People who swear are more honest. I swear!
    From 2012:
    From now:


  9. I always tried to keep it at least PG on Twitter but now it’s fucking impossible! What is YOUR Twitter handle so we can follow YOU? Love you both!


  10. Thanks Helen! Wow! One of your longest posts ever! So much ground to cover since your last post in November. Isn’t Speaker Pelosi a gem? I knew she was a threat when I heard my red state colleagues vilifying her during the last few elections. I have been a fan of hers for a long time. She truly delivered and I feel a little safer knowing she is where she is being, the adult on the playground full of children. God bless you Helen for providing some laughter during these trying times.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I absolutely love your posts. Agree 100% with all you say. Keep it up!


  12. A lot of good observations


  13. fuck trump and his liege of criminals..

    Liked by 1 person

  14. fuck trump and his liege of criminals.


  15. Darlin’s, you are BACK!!! Missed you lots. Fabulous post. Yes, I did read about that Texas scam about Latino voters. Some state governments simply have no shame whatsoever!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. LOVE IT!


  17. […] Do you have any idea how hard it is not to use the F-word when talking about Donald Trump? It’s da… […]


  18. This is one of your best and most comprehensive posts. I think I shouted “F’Yeah” at every paragraph. BTW, @JohnDingell is a good Twitter account to follow too. Wise, witty, and experienced in government.


  19. […]   (Hilarious)   From Helen Philpot with Margaret and Helen: […]


  20. I love love love your posts wish they were on facebook so I could share with all my friends ok I didnt read far enough thank you for your perspective on this mess


  21. Oh Helen, you are the light of my Internet! Live long and prosper, and never quit poking those who need it with your pointed stick!

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Donald Chump – oh, I mean Trump – is tyranny’s greatest asset. While he creates smoke and storms with his stratospherically BS comments, and gets everyone focussed on him, the thugs in the background with power quietly pass legislation that suits them and their vile agendas. Twitter and Donald Trump are a match made in both heaven and hell, and together make the perfect storm to hide what is really going on.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Where have you been?? I was so happy to get this rant (your term-not mine). We need to hear from you more frequently . It helps my sanity for sure . I so enjoyed reading this lengthy but so accurate accounting of the current state of affairs. I am going to attempt to try and put thin on Facebook but seems that comments and attachments go missing. I think censorship is iblowing in the wind . I wish Mueller would finish for God sake. We need action. It reminds me of the Nixon days only much worse. You made my day as I read your words even despite the F bombs 💣 MJR

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Living in trumpland as I do, I crave connections with people who actually think and understand that – aside from the appalling politics of the Cheeto in Chief (I love your name) – he is not even a decent human being in any sense of the word. Thanks for helping be stay sane.


  25. You ladies make my day. I am not allowed to rant about Fhump, his german name that his dad changed, in my family. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Read your rant.
    1. rant about twitter
    2. rant about trump, coulter, graham & twitter nitwits
    3. Admission twitter not so bad & we should follow some twitter folks you like

    Two days ago @veterans_1 notified all around Central Texas that USAF Vet Joseph Walker, who had no family was about to be buried in Killeen. Approx 2000 folks showed. Twitter may not meet all your criteria but that event alone is more worthy than any of its faults.

    I fucking love you Ladies!


    Liked by 2 people

  27. I am a 70-year-old grandmother of 6, trying to live a normal life in retirement. I had never used the F word out loud until I turned about 60. Since trump, my usage of the word has grown exponentially. I should be ashamed, but I’m not. But enough about me. I would like to direct your ire to one of trump’s henchmen. I’d like to hear what you have to say about his FLN (Fucking Little Nazi). I bet you know who I mean. You know, the “advisor,” speechwriter, “brains” behind the operation, Stephen Miller. Go . . .

    Liked by 3 people

  28. I feel your pain. Frankly, expletives are about the only way to describe IQ45, or Mitch McConnell, or Paul Ryan, or Lindsey Graham, or any of their other FOX Friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I call him “TP”. It is a nicer way of saying “Ass Wipe”. Love, Love the post!

    Liked by 2 people

  30. […] for these “elder” women and their blog. This one about last week’s events is a classic! The subtitle: “Do you have any idea how hard it is not to use the F-word when talking about […]


  31. I love your blog. So eloquent, and well spoken….telling it like it is..
    If your ever back at twitter I’d love to follow. coalchild o’neill


  32. Thank you for expressing my thoughts exactly, only funnier. I could not loathe this POTUS more, and no, I can’t avoid the f-word when describing him. My name for that vile thing is F-ing Piece of Sh-t, and that’s the very nicest thing I can say about him.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Thank you for your post. It is a breath of fresh air, f-bombs and all. And if anyone deserves them it is the Rumpster.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. So great to hear from you. We need you! I am still amazed that America is so f*cked with trump in control. How did we get here? Why?

    Just an FYI – There are very few words with the versatility of the word f*ck.



  35. Stay at it… don’t fucking pull back. You provide a service and me both cry and laugh at the same time. Bill in California

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Helen, you’re so right. A friend and I were just sharing last week about how we’re using the “F” word, more than ever before, with this administration. So, I don’t use it anymore. I just say “PHUCK-IT.”


  37. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂😂😂



  38. This is one of your best pieces ever. I laughed and said “amen” so often all the way through. We need more Americans with this much common sense!

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Well it’s about time you blogged again. We need you now more that ever. I mean it! You speak our minds and our swear words. I wake each morning and say to my partner, ” I don’t hear any cheering so I guess he isn’t dead yet”. That orange turd is ruining our country so the Russians don’t need to start a war or use any weapons. We have rump shitting on us daily.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Bitch, you funny!


  41. You are my hero. Keep up the good work – it’s like a breath of fresh air to read your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. That epic f***ing screed was *exactly* what I needed to read today!

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Yes Ma’am. You told the truth. Quite honestly, given the subject(s) you were commenting about. I think you were quite restrained. I live in Alabama, lived here all of my life. I was fortunate to meet people who were very patient with me. Life has been so much better since I learned to walk upright. My knuckles no longer stay raw.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Love you Helen! You say what we all want to say.


  45. You are a genius


  46. Somebody had to say these words! I’m glad it was my favorite duo. These days I don’t even hesitate to say the “F” word to my mother when we’re talking about president stupid.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Helen,
    You say what we all think of the hot mess in the WH. Don’t stop and don’t change. I mean it.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

  48. Hi whoever you are these days,
    We’re at asshat and fuck? Cool. My 82 year old mom can’t use a cellphone let alone email or Twitter.
    I know the difference between your and you’re. But then I’m not a Republican.
    Sadly, I can’t share this one because the Lindsey Graham comment was gay bashing and I want to be better than them.
    While I agree, and absolutely hate Ann Coulter, I can’t condone fat shaming either.
    Lastly, if it’s any consolation, while DJT may have 52 million followers, I’d bet the ranch at least 1/3 of them are like me, the only person I hate more is Mitch McConnell, but I like to keep track of his ranting and raving now and again. (My anxiety can’t take his bullshit daily.)


  49. You’ve GOT to be kidding. The so-called f-word simply isn’t part of my vocabulary. Period. And it’s completely possible to talk about the twit without using that word. But I prefer not to talk about him.

    On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 08:18 Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret, I know you don’t Tweet unless you are > talking to your parrots. And for what it’s worth, I told you those things > would outlive us. I know you thought I was stupid to get on the Twitter. > Well, I should have listened to you, honey. I came. I tweete” >


  50. Girl, you are on a roll this morning! I’m going to find you on the twitter.

    Liked by 3 people

  51. Thank you for expressing the f word… is appalling to my husband……I will show him your writing……and I am 75. And I use it every time I refer to the dump…….haha yeast infection! I love you.

    Liked by 5 people

  52. Amen to it all!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Thank you ladies!

    Liked by 2 people

  54. I can swear in 3 or 4 languages, but I chose not to, until trump came along. Now I find myself wanting to say all kinds of swear words. Unfortunately trump himself will never understand this was all his doing.

    Liked by 3 people

  55. F—–g A!! Again, you hit it right on the orange man’s nose!!

    Liked by 3 people

  56. I grew up in NY, so I’ve been using the f word in every part of a sentence since kindergarten. I love your honesty, I’m glad you are speaking out. We need more women’s voices. I mean it. Really.

    Liked by 4 people

  57. Helen and Margaret, the temptation is strong, I realize that. To guard against that, here is a brief post I wrote the other day.

    “I am an imperfect person with many faults. As an independent voter who has been a member of both parties, each party has good and bad ideas. Yet, what I find problematic are people (especially leaders) who name-call and demean others who disagree with them.

    Name-calling weakens any argument and is used as a short-cut by someone whose position needs more scrutiny. Demeaning others throws water on civil discourse.

    If you hear or read name-calling, dig further. Question more. Why do you say that? If you see or read where someone demeans another, dig further. Again, ask why do you use that tone or language? It diminishes your argument.

    Listen more. Listen to hear, not just retort. People want to be heard. An old boss would say “we have two ears and one mouth – use them in that proportion.” After you listen, then you can question someone. “Help me understand your point,” you might say. Or, “I understand what you are saying, but I do not fully agree with your point.”

    Give them the same courtesy you would want in return. Returning the name-calling gets you nowhere. Returning demeaning behavior does likewise. I am reminded of the old comment, if you want your children to hear you, whisper.”

    I added in a comment, we must focus on the actions and words and not the person. Yet, it is difficult when the person chronically does something versus someone who may have slipped up. I prefer to say the President has a hard time with the truth, rather than calling him the word he has earned to be called over his lifetime. In fact, his former economic advisor added a modifier of “prodigious” in front of that word and one if his lead counsels was even more colorful when he resigned.

    So, to your point, it is hard, but we must try. If for one simple reason, the President would prefer a mudfight over a fact based push back. Keith

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Brava!


  59. Keep preaching the truth, sister, and I’ll keep enjoying my seat in the amen choir.

    Liked by 4 people

  60. Besides the great laugh and pinpoint accuracy, I learned a new word–pholcidae. Thanks so much. Always looking to improve my arsenal of ever so accurate word.

    Liked by 2 people

  61. […] This post is from a blog I am going to start reading: “Margaret and Helen: Best Friends for Sixty Years and Counting…” Helen writes: […]


  62. Absolutely hilarious and completely spot on, as always. thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  63. We’ve missed you … but that one more than made up for your absence!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Thank you for making my effing morning perfect…I mean it. Really.

    Liked by 2 people

  65. you Go Girl…Thanks so much for saying what’s on my mind.
    I share your writings with some ‘like minded’ friends.
    Hope that’s OK.


  66. Truth bomb! Love your rant. You’re the best! :-). Oh, and I am someone who ended up living in Texas, not by choice, but by circumstance. There is no crisis at the Texas border. There is no voter fraud here. GOP Gerrymandering, however, is rampant.

    Liked by 2 people

  67. Thank you so much. I so look forward to reading these. I do share them with some very ‘like minded’ friends.


  68. I love you, Helen! This was an awe inspiring rant. Thank you. I will help spread it far and wide.

    Liked by 1 person

  69. Thank you for this. To paraphrase Spock: “My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts.” Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  70. The f word doesn’t bother me as much as taking God’s name in vain. After all we even see the f word on tshirts at the mall.

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Thanks for giving Twitter the spanking it deserves—nothing but a bunch of twits there, and you are right, Twitter is basically responsible for giving us Donald Trump. As always, I loved your rant! More, more, give us more—we’ve missed you!


  72. AAPLAUSEAPPLAUSEAPPLAUSE!! well said. well done. and I too hate that fucker. But. About Pelosi. She didn’t take him down, BOB KRAFT OWNER OF NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS GOT THE GUBMINT REOPENED. NOT Nancy. and trump is going to shut it down again in three weeks, create a non-existent emergency around his wall BS, and invoke presidential powers to declare martial law; THAT WAY HE gets to control every word heard on air, and read in print. back  to SUPERBOWL though, Kraft told him you better open the damn government – SUPERBOWL people need TSA and ATC. On Saturday, trump said very quietly outside the white house, he is going to “shut down the government again in three weeks, and make the wall the national emergency that  it is.” He always speaks quietly when he wants no one to listen or pay attention, and those are the times we should listen more closely, attentive. When he’s bellowing and ranting and  yelling, he’s saying nothing, when he’s quiet and talking, he’s plotting  even more sinister crimes. The end game, trump’s end game, bannon’s end game, putin’s end game (although putin has an altogether entirely different motivation), is for trump to be president  forever. Bannon said in 2017 after that (s)election about the 2020 election: “If we can get 60% of the white vote, and 10% of the black vote, WE CAN RULE FOR 50 YEARS.”  3 weeks. tick tock. February food stamp allotments for 30 MILLION people were disbursed on or by January 20th. I don’t think that early issue date was because of the “shutdown.” There’s a method to the madness.   I’m willing to bet the March food stamps allotment is never disbursed. What will 30 million hungry people do? And then, what would this trump-diseased government do to those citizens? js, Nancy didn’t own him as twitter is saying. She knows why he backed down, it wasn’t for her, it was for his boy Kraft. She and her cohorts could be, INDEED SHOULD BE working at this minute to impeach his sick ass, but are they? No. They are not. She knows why he acquiesced, it’s about the dollar bill and SUPERBOWL revenues. The rich taking care of the rich. Thanks for letting ME sound off M&H. Peace.   3 weeks… tick tock…


  73. I love you very much. And, although I don’t twit, I empathize. My language has seriously deteriorated since November 2016. I use words I’ve never thought of using. And it’s all the fault of the Teapublican party and that person that is now infesting the Oval Office. Thank you for your thoughts.


  74. It truly IS difficult to mention the Mango Mussolini without using the f word. I don’t know how the fuck you held off for so long!


  75. Thumbs up!


  76. I could not have said it as well as you did!! Thanks for an awesome rant.


  77. I have seldom used the F word. The last three years of Trump has turned “seldom” into “frequently.” I’m going to do better. I don’t like what comes out of my mouth. I detest that my vocabulary has shrunk to the size Trump’s penis.

    Liked by 1 person

  78. With Molly Ivins and Ann Richards gone from Texas and the planet, I thank the Goddess for keeping Helen safe and sound of mind. I mean it. Really.

    Liked by 2 people

  79. On of the longest rants but perfectly thought out and on target… keep them coming!


  80. Thank you for speaking your/my mind!



  81. You’re the best ever! Thanks for making my day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  82. Helen, you have a way with words, and I love it. Keep up the great work.

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Bravo, Helen. You are on the last of folks with any sense at all. Keep it coming. And, how is Margaret doing? Rick Marriott


  84. I want to be best friends with the two of you! Keep your posts coming…they make my day! With love, from a 73-year-old displaced NC gal!!


  85. Reblogged this on silverapplequeen and commented:
    A great rant! Reminds you that “Twitter rhymes with shitter”.


  86. I fucking love your blog! Thanks for the great rant! You put a smile on my face this morning & I REALLY needed it!

    Liked by 1 person

  87. Sent from my iPhone



  88. I too try to keep the f-word off of my little blog, but in tribute to you Helen, and in gratefulness for your wisdom… FUCKING AWESOME POST!

    Liked by 1 person

  89. One of your best fucking rants ever!! Love you!!


  90. Thank you!


  91. Your peeps on Locker Lane applaud you once again!

    Liked by 2 people

  92. Have missed you ladies…you are great! You perfectly describe his base cult!


  93. Thank you so effing much! ❤ I'm so damn tired of this …


  94. I just call trump a fucking moron on a daily basis, Well, I actually scream it when I hear his voice.

    Liked by 2 people

  95. I love this so effing much. Thank you!!!

