Posted by: Helen Philpot | October 22, 2015

Even when I watch my P’s & Q’s I can still spell bullshit

Margaret, I just read that Texas State idiots – I mean auditors – raided Planned Parenthood clinics today.  Women trust and value the work of Planned Parenthood. We see this for what it is.  That Asshat Abbott has decided to abuse and harass until he gets his way with women. 

The battle lines have been drawn.  Governors across the country want to score political points by pleasing their conservative base. They have targeted Planned Parenthood.  Doctors and nurses and staff at Planned Parenthood have been there for us when we needed them most.  Now they need us more than ever.

Honey, you know me, even when I watch my P’s & Q’s I can still spell bullshit. Join me in calling bullshit on these politically motivated investigations.  Call now.  Hang up and call again.  Rinse and repeat all day long.  Enough is enough.  I mean it. Really.


Arizona Governor Ducey: (602) 542-4331

Arkansas Governor Hutchinson (501) 682-2345

Florida Governor Scott: (850) 717-9337

Louisiana Governor Jindal: (225) 342-7015

North Carolina Governor McCrory: (919) 814-2000

Ohio Governor Kasich: (614) 466-3555

Oklahoma Governor Fallin: (405) 521-2342

South Carolina Governor Haley: (803) 734-2100

Tennessee Governor Haslam: (615) 741-2001

Texas Governor Abbott: (512) 463-1782

Wisconsin Governor Walker: (608) 266-1212


  1. Please add my asshat to the list:
    Kansas Governor Sam Brownback — (785) 296-3232


  2. Would love to read one of Margaret and Helen’s annual Thanksgiving posts. Fingers crossed there is one on the horizon. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  3. My thanksgiving dinner roll call of what I am thankful for will include Margaret and Helen and the porch sitters. Keep on keeping on! Now, have to come up with a better pumpkin pie recipe than last year! Wednesday night is the traditional pie baking time for the Thanksgiving dinner. I’m hoping to have a pumpkin pie with some altitude this year. Already have plenty of attitude. Thanks, spell check!


  4. Hi Gato,
    We usually agree, but in this case I kind of get why some people are hesitant to declare war on “radical Islam.” It’s because these people (ISIS et al) have nothing to do with Islam. They may use that phrase, but their actions are not supported anywhere in the religion of Islam. Hillary used the term “radical jihadists” which seems just as good and more accurate. We do not need to be alienating peaceful Muslims by lumping them in with brutal sociopaths who are basically thugs and criminals. Whatever name we call them, this vicious ideology needs to be stamped out; and we need the help of all nations, especially those in the region, to do the job. This is not something the U.S. should tackle alone. There are five million+ soldiers in the militaries of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. They need to be engaged and conquer the 30,000 ISIS members in Syria and Iraq.

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  5. What this terrorism is affecting children.



  6. This is satire but a great idea.



  7. Hi, Cynthia, and Porch Sitters All… This piece came up on my screen from somewhere else a day or so ago, as well. Thanks for posting it. That’s really been my question: What DO they want, and why do they think blowing up people in other countries will help them get that?

    They are the “Muslim crazies,” not dissimilar from our own “Christian crazies,” and we are, IMHO, far too reluctant to call them what they are – just as we too often don’t dare call our own lunatic “Christians” what they are: Psychopaths. Sociopaths. Terrorists. Killers. Barbarians. Totalitarians.

    What really interests me is the apparent fact that ISIS has now, at least in their own opinion, established a physical “state,” a caliphate, with actual land territory and boundaries, which seems to be quite important to them. The “believers” are evidently called to physically come to that place, and live there, under the strictest version of the most ancient “laws” outlined by the Prophet. Of course, this “state” just happens to be on land that the rest of the world believes belongs to some other recognized “state,” and damned if I can remember where it is… So, we dare not make efforts to obliterate that caliphate because we will be trampling on some other recognized “state’s” sovereign territory…

    (Could some wise person here please tell us where that place actually IS…?)

    I was unhappy with Hillary last evening when she refused to use the phrase “radical Islam,” saying that it would offend Muslims… But these people ARE “radical,” just as “radical” Christians are more radical than Christian, and “radical” Republicans are more radical than Republican. At some point, “radical” obliterates the relevance of any other designation that follows it… And I think we’re there, both with ISIS, and in our own country.

    And, as far as preparing for the End Times, the Rapture, or whatever the hell (literally) these “radicals” choose to call it, do they REALLY think that the Ruler of the Universe needs their “help” to make that happen…? Please… Give me a break. What incredible chutzpah…

    The greatest sin of all, in every religion: Spiritual pride. It is the one sin that is not forgiven.



  8. And one more



  9. A very interesting article about the difference between ISIS, Al Qaeda and Islam. Worth the time to read.

    What ISIS Really Wants



  10. I haven’t visited here in a long time. It is good to see UAW Tradesman still at work. My history on this site was interesting. Some people who seem not to be here now tried to vote me off the site. Others called me troll and still others made personal attacks. A few and and I liked or at least tolerated each other. The moderator (Richard?) wrote that by the definition of troll, some of the people accusing me of trollage were actually the trolls.

    I could say I told you so, since many of my statements have come to pass. For example, Obama has harmed our country and the Democratic party. It is undeniably true that the party is weaker now than it has been in years. Look at the state offices. The bench is cleared. While Republicans have a diverse group of mostly younger candidates, the Democrats are stuck with two old white primary leaders.

    I could almost vote for Bernie Sanders, because he seems more honest than his opponents, but if you have been reading, you know it won’t happen. The primary is fixed for Hillary. She, like Obama, is a liar, and an incompatent foreign policy administrator. She blamed a video on Benghazi when she knew it was a terrorist attack. Obama said ISIS was JV, and on the day of the Paris attacks, he said it was being contained. Putin has outmaneuvered Obama.

    I took delight in saying “I told you so” a few times in the past, but the Paris attacks have made me too heartsick to take any satisfaction in doing that. I have been near where the blood flowed. Maybe some of the people I met were killed there. Probably not. I don’t know. Progressives in Europe are feeling the wrath of people who are fed up. The same has happened here in the last two elections. Right now, both parties have given me enough for heart burn. I don’t really like any of them. I do know I would never vote for Hillary.

    Maybe my missive will bring a little more traffic here for a couple of days. I expect to be attacked, but I won’t be here to read it. We are still caring for our grand daughter, and there is little time for such foolishness.


  11. Lest it be misinterpreted, I mean that the available candidates might be better, not that I am necessarily better at choosing!

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  12. Y’know, I can be as pc as anyone, but it is tiresome to have to keep typing s/he or him/her, etc. My use of “him” was not meant to be exclusive. A good local GOP candidate – male or female – whatever, I might consider voting for. I’ve not seen one on the national scene in a while, but there have been some local repub candidates that I would consider. OTH – I’m in Northern California, so my choices are likely to be different (and better) than those in – say, Texas or Alabama! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  13. So mark the horse you would consider voting for a Republican HIM? There actually are some Rupub women.



  14. I’m 70 years old, primarily liberal Demo voter, but show me a GOP candidate that is good (I’m talking locally) and I’ll consider voting for him. But I am appalled by the current crop of GOP candidates and have been for the last 20+ years of national elections. I look back and think, GAD! Bob Dole looks like an intellectual giant and a raving leftist compared to these idiots. I wouldn’t have been happy if, for instance, Dole had been the GOP candidate and had been elected, but I wouldn’t have feared for my rights and those of so many minorities as I would be if any one of these clowns gets elected. I may not love Hilary, and think that while Sanders is good there’s a snowball’s chance he’d get nominated/elected, but these GOP candidates SCARE me. The outright lies, the NOT conservative but reactionary attitudes. William F. Buckley’s would despair at the thought of these “conservatives.” Whatever happened to the “loyal opposition” that would compromise on issues? These candidates (and their Congressional counterparts) are like little children, stamping their feet, “NO!” at anything that doesn’t follow the TeaParty line.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You’re so right Gato. What a bunch of babies! They can’t stand to be challenged on anything. They want to be asked friendly questions by fellow conservatives. The whole GOP race is a silly farce with a whole bunch of unqualified, ignorant candidates. Ben Carson?? Donald Trump?? What are they thinking? Facts and truth mean nothing to these people. How sad for our country.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Wonder if he ever noticed “poverbs” before now… Ya think…?


    AND, BTW, might I take this opportunity to mention that rarely have I seen such a bunch of whiner babies as this bunch is…? They don’t like the questions; they don’t like the questioners; the “debate” is too long; the room is too hot; they’re being picked on more than anybody else has ever been picked on; it’s not fair for anybody to ask them anything, especially about anything they, themselves, said; that one got more minutes than this one did; ad nauseum, ad nauseum, ad vomitum…

    Liked by 1 person

  17. A gem from Juanita Jean:
    Poor Ben Carson. All that education and he never learned to shuddup.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Ladies, you need to include Governor “Butch” Otter of Idaho. Our legislature is already announcing they are targeting Planned Parenthood next session, which begins in January. Office number 208-334-2100

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Wow! You two REALLY DO go way back:

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  20. To clarify which Ryan this link is referring to, it’s Tim Ryan D-Ohio, NOT the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin.

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  21. This just in…

    “Ryan personally thanked US Rep. Rosa DeLauro for helping him understand that “Nobody celebrates abortion,” and that such decisions are personal ones that should be between women, their families, and their doctors. He also acknowledged that federal and state bans won’t reduce abortions. Such laws only make abortions less safe.

    “Instead, Ryan wrote that government can play a role in significantly reducing the number of abortions by passing laws to help women access contraception and better sex education.”
    “Today, I am a 41-year-old father and husband whose feelings on this issue have changed. I have come a long way since being a single, 26-year-old state senator, and I am not afraid to say that my position has evolved as my experiences have broadened, deepened and become more personal. And while I have deep respect for people on both sides of this conversation, I would be abandoning my own conscience and judgment if I held a position that I no longer believed appropriate.

    “I have come to believe that we must trust women and families — not politicians — to make the best decision for their lives.”

    Liked by 1 person

  22. UAW; as usual fact free! Federal dollars do NOT fund any abortions. And UAW, if a woman decides to have an abortion, what business is that of yours? Abortion is legal, whether you like it or not. Now, don’t you have some animals you need to kill?

    Liked by 1 person

  23. and thank you for the list of people to thank


  24. geez….so would swallowing


  25. Like

  26. Mandatory vasectomies would be equally, if not more, effective.


  27. congratulations Speaker Ryan


  28. and medicaid covered abortions


  29. finally….someone with sense…”women should keep their legs closed”…it would prevent pregnancies….


  30. Utah governor Gary Herbert:(801)538-1734

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  31. What’s next? Men riding around in the backs of pickup trucks, threatening women whose clothing or demeanor they don’t approve of? Is this the American version of sharia? Flaunt the law and impose backwater beliefs by force? Maybe it’s time for the women of our land to say, “Enough! Our legs are closed until health care is open and available to all!”

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Please encourage everyone to vote in elections. It does matter. You have one party through ALEC who has used state legislation in several states to restrict the right to vote and counts on fewer people voting to win. That says to me this party does not trust its own platform to stand up to scrutiny.

    Supporting Planned Parenthood for all the great work they do to reduce unwanted pregnancies, reduce abortions and reduce poverty is key. But, it is also key to vote so that politicians with strident views do not carry the day.

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  33. I don’t care if they caller ID me. I identified myself by name anyway. I want them to know who I am!!! I cannot believe what Asswipe did today. Auditors, that is total nonsense!!!!! I bet PP are the most audited organization on the planet now. What in the world does Asswipe think he will find that thousands who came before him did not find??? Damn straight I’ll call again tomorrow. I would be glad and happy to go there and talk to them in person if I could. Abbott may be crippled and got really rich from it (he sued for millions cause a tree fell on his legs, maybe it affected his brain too!) but he has cojones bigger than Texas and I don’t mean that in a good way!! Grrrrr…..

    Liked by 1 person

  34. thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!

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  35. Thanks for sending this, Leah; I’m going to make some calls tomorrow. This is absolutely outrageous…

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  36. Wait. What has Mo Gov Nixon (Dem) done? As far as I can tell, he is the only thing keeping our asshat Super-red MoLeg from dragging us back to 1950….


  37. I CALLED!!

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  38. governor asshat nixon also got a call (i trust he is no rlation to asshat dickie nixon)l frankly, i hope the feds go after all these asshat state governors and legislators and attorneys general who are trouncing on womens’ constitutional and statutory rights to privacy with respect to health care choices of any kind. they deserve it, really.


  39. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon (573) 751-3222


  40. hey sheryl in california: i am from ny and i called and identified myself as such. where applicable, i also indicated that i had family or friends living in the governors’ of asshat states who oppose their policies. womens’ issues transcend state lines! roar!

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Go for it

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  42. ps: i dont care if they know who i am and i identified myself. i am woman hear me roar!

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  43. live in calif. or i’d be all over this… unless we californians can also call these other states’ offices…???? bring on the wave of support for Planned Parenthood. bless you for this.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. I called every single number on your list and left messgaes as able to do immediately so.

    the following state governors and their answering agencies apparently do not work any hours other than 8:30-5:00 or 9-5:00 as they do not have anyone answering and no messaging service (or they make you call a different number to leave a message–(what a bunch of lazy louts):

    TX, FL, OHIO, NC, OK, SC, TN.

    Gee, if this was such a popular idea that was car hing on you would think they would be manning the phones themselves and taking all the congratulatory calls laced with the sporadic objections. . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW and commented:
    Margaret and Helen are at it again! Let’s make these calls now!

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Where I live, Asshats would be about the politest term we could use. I personally prefer mofo, but that’s just my potty mouth. They’re all about “life” until that life pops out, and then it’s all about taking away the things that make a life possible for so many. Screw them, and the horse they rode in on.

    Liked by 3 people

  47. I have called ALL the governors’ offices on the Asshat List. They seem to be getting calls because some sounded annoyed.

    We have to start asking candidates if they support Planned Parenthood and helping the ones who do with donations and/or volunteering. Young women especially are going to have to get with this agenda or suffer the consequences for years.

    Liked by 2 people

  48. When you call, if you don’t want your caller ID to show up on the other end, remember to dial *67 before you dial the number you are calling. The receiving ID will then show “PRIVATE CALLER” or something similar and your number will not display.

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  49. Unless and until women rise up and vote in unprecedented numbers, these privileged white men will do everything they can to control us, and will keep abusing their power in order to please their conservative bases. I believe it was Gloria Steinem who said, “If men had babies, abortion would be a sacrament.”

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  50. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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