Posted by: Helen Philpot | July 3, 2007

Hello Margaret

I am learning how to do this.  My grandson Matthew is helping me.  I hope it works.  If it does then I just want to say Hello to Margaret!


  1. Hi Ari. She’s right about “it comes back, it repeats itlsef.” Clothes always do. What a beautiful lady who looks so full of life and seems so happy. You really know how to find them. Thanks for sharing. I did a post the other day about your blog and how enjoyable it is. Gave out your link so that other’s could come and enjoy too. Take care and thanks.


  2. Just got here from Mudflats AK. Sorry I didn’t know about you back before the ‘change,’ you would have helped me through it, but it’s all a little OK now. I’m glad to see this outpouring of love for you, but I was taken aback at Sarah Jane’s comment. I don’t understand why anyone would doubt that an ‘age challenged’ person could do this. I’m adding you to my morning read and have sent word of you to some friends who will also appreciate youse guys.


  3. Are you ladies for real? Are you sure this is not some young person trying to pose as two older ladies to tug at our heartstrings? Because Margaret and Helen, if you are real women, I ADORE you!! After reading The Angriest Man in America, Helen, if you do not have anymore fight in you, I will fight twice as hard! My grandfather fought communists so my parents could eventually immigrate to America so I could live in the best country in the world, and I will fight to keep it great 🙂 (which means opposing people like Palin)


  4. I have never read a blog before. my sister sent this and I love you ladies! Thanks for keeping it real! Gosh, I vote Margaret & Helen for President!


  5. I’m beginning to think we have overwhelmed Margaret and Helen. After all they started this blog to stay in touch with each other – not expecting it to take off to the extent it has. We can only hope they will not stop posting their thoughts here on current events. They may have to have two blogs – this one for their readers/fans and another one just for themselves. I for one am hoping they do not abandon this one.


  6. Ladies, you’re wonderful I love your blog and I am passing it on to my daughter who is a long distance truck driver. She will pass it on too!

    I am turning 62 on January 20th and I hoping that Obama will be moving into the White House that day. It will be a good birthday for me and a great day for the country.


  7. Thank you ladies for your honesty & not caring what other people think of what you say – – Say it over & over again…hopefully, your blog will become viral and everyone will see what an absolutely scary situation we will be in if we wake up on 11/5 & if the knucklehead & barbie doll are in the white house !

    In New Jersey & concerned…


  8. You ladies are awesome!! Keep telling it like it is, you have a powerful way with words!

    Zinnia, 55 in MD, hoping for a future


  9. Girls…you are my heroes. My sister sent me this link and said, Cat, this is you at 82! Yup, feisty and funny and completely left of center. Love you girls…rock on!!!
    Cat, a Jersey Girl


  10. You gals rock!! Great writing & observations. I’m sending your website address to all my family and friends. Not Alabama stupid–too funny!! Thank you.


  11. TRIED TO FAX THE ENVELOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, laughing my ASS off!

    You girls rock. I BETTER be as cool as you when I make it to my eighties.

    Palin ought to be wondering what’s hit her in her big haired noggin. I’m afraid she’s way too slow on the uptake.


  12. Hello!!

    This is amazing – thank you, thank you, thank you for saying what is (hopefully) on everyone’s minds. You speak with the kind of courage and gumption that we really need to hear right now. Plus, I’m laughing my ass off and can see the funny side of this ridiculous world. Thanks again and keep writing – pleeeease!



  13. I never really looked at blogs until I heard about yours on Stephanie Miller’s Air America Radio Show. All I can say is that you remind me so much of my dear gramma; right down to her common sense and “no crap” approach to seeing the world and through the occassional fool that comes along. I miss her very much but smile fondly whenever I read one of your entries. Thank you!


  14. Helen & Margaret,

    This 77 y. o. senior is loving your blog!

    Thanks for your wonderful commentaries! You speak for more of us than we can imagine.

    Keep up the good work.

    I am cheering you on!


  15. Well I must say I am thrilled to see our elders having such a grasp on things.

    I was not quite such if Palin’s “charming ways” were influencing those over 60 to the point they were not able to see pass her BS for what it really is.

    Palin & McCain are targeting seniors and rural people because they are banking on them not being aware, they think most are easily mislead, so it’s always good to witness that some are not!

    Keep up the good work!


  16. Hi Miss Helen,

    Greetings from Harlem, NY. I’ve read all your posts. You are an inspiration and a lesson to us all. I just wanted to give your grandson, Matthew, a shout-out for guiding through the blogosphere. He’s done a real public service.
    You must be so proud. Thanks again for taking the time to share your wisdom.


  17. About time we heard some good news from our senior
    citizens. We will get a 5.8% raise next year but that
    will be a long way from what Bush has stolen from us
    during the past eight years.


  18. From a San Antonio single mother of a 17-year old…

    I’ve just finished reading several of the entries. Thanks for standing up to the insanity. I am relieved to find that there are so many others who can see through Palin – I almost began to doubt myself.

    Speaking as a baby-boomer daughter of parents from the greatest generation, I thank you. Thanks for your homegrown common sense, something Palin has attempted to convince us that she has.

    Keep it up and don’t back down – .


  19. Your blog is working! And it’s even making waves!


  20. Hey Porgy! how’s tricks?


  21. As a 6th generation Texan who lives in the hill country and has been a single Dad for 15 years raising 2 boys..I gotta’ tell ya’ that I love a girl with gumption..Give ’em hell ladies..From your friend and admirer..K.N. Terry Burnet, Texas.. This weekend is the Red River Shoot Out…HOOK ‘EM HORNS!!!!


  22. I got it. Now I am going to try to figure out how to give you permission to make entires like I do. Matthew said its easy. Samantha’s shere today with her kids. She says hi.


  23. Hello?…Helen??
    Testing,1,2,…check, check.
    Helen, Dear, it’s me, Margaret!!
    Look at us now…surfing this here innernet…we are two “happen’in” broads aren’t we? Is this thing on??
    My nephew is telling me what to do here. I going to press send now.
    Helen, I will call you to see if you received my Blog entry…oh, my nephew says I don’t have to call you.
    I don’t really understand but will in time I’m sure. Helen, this reminds me of the fax machines you bought us back in the 70’s when I first moved to Maine, Remember? You said we could “fax” letters to each other instead of having huge phone bills. You had to call me anyway to tell me to take my letter out of the envelope BEFORE I faxed it! My how we laughed about that….okay, here goes the test Blog entry…more later, Dear.

