Posted by: Helen Philpot | March 15, 2019

Abortion is not a dirty word and Planned Parenthood isn’t a McDonald’s and the GOP can go F**K itself

Margaret honey, nothing pisses me off more than when a man has an opinion about something he knows nothing about. And one thing for damn sure a man knows nothing about is what’s in a woman’s mind and heart when she is making a decision about whether or not to terminate a pregnancy. It’s called an abortion. It’s not a dirty word. It’s legal. It’s a woman’s right. It’s personal. A woman can choose to have one or not. And damn it, there is no such thing as a post-birth abortion unless you’re talking about the death penalty (which is a whole nother GOP lie).

The fact that the GOP has a talking point about post-birth abortions tells you all you need to know about how stupid the GOP is and how stupid they think voters are. If you can’t make your case with the truth then do you really have a case? There is indeed something called a late-term abortion.  It’s not pretty. It’s not happy.  It’s usually the last choice, but it is a choice a woman sometimes makes. And if you knew anything about why a woman might have to make that choice, you would be questioning your faith in God before you would be questioning the choice of that woman.

Contrary to what our asshat of a President and his confederacy of dunces think, women don’t pull up to a Planned Parenthood and order up an abortion like it’s a Big Mac.  No one at Planned Parenthood takes our request for a pregnancy test and tries to upsize us to an abortion and some fries. Women make this decision with a great deal of thought, prayer and consultation with our loved ones and our doctors.

I am an old woman. I don’t like the f-word. I didn’t use that word until the orange asshat arrived. But on this topic, you bet your sweet ass I’ll use it. FUCK YOU GOP for continuing to politicize this deeply personal decision that should be left between a woman and her doctor. Get your lies out of our government and get your politics out of our vaginas. And while you are at it, why don’t you get those children at the border out of those cages. I mean it. Really.


  1. I read it ,Cynthia, and I agree with much of it.

    As you know we have helped raise our grand daughter for over six years now. Doctors had told her parents that as dire as her condition was she could be aborted without severe guilt. Obviously they were wrong but there was no way to know.

    She is now in first grade, and her teacher told me she wished she had more students like her.

    This song describes our grand daughter. She. likes people. she is smart and has an imagination After I told her how proud we are of her and that song reminds me of her, it has become her favorite song. She has taken several dance classes and she can dance. She studied the video for twenty minutes to learn some of the dance steps.

    She also knows the words.





  3. Number 1, my condolences to all Texans – and I do mean all – on the carnage at the El Paso Wal-Mart done by a white supremacist. I’m over a thousand miles away and it blew my mind. They guy actually made sure to kill his sister as well. Now his is jibbering his jabber to some psychiatrists and the cops.
    Number 2, Ralph, if men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament and you damn well know it.


  4. Ralphie . . . . huh????


  5. Amen Gato- amen.


  6. Morning, Pi – Well done, again. If I’d meant to be “polite” when replying to Mr. Ralph, I would have been polite, obviously. As you pointed out, another hint on his part that women don’t have a clue as to how we’re behaving… AND that our behavior should always be measured by some male standard of what’s “appropriate” and what’s not.

    Remember Paul Ryan’s saying that female members of Congress shouldn’t wear sleeveless dresses because it wasn’t “appropriate business attire”? I wanted to scream then, and still do every time I think of it, which is why I hardly ever think of it. (I hardly ever think of Paul Ryan these days, either, for that matter.)

    Patriarchy in its current manifestation really is one of the biggest pains in the ass to ever get a grip in any human society. (And now we’ll probably have to hear paragraphs about how “unbecoming” THAT comment is!)

    “Pfft.” Thanks.


  7. Trying to change your tone doesn’t change the underlying logical fallacies .

    (And yes, you were being smug and more than a bit smarmy about assuming you had/have hold of a large philosophical argument that folks should just be in awe of)

    Nor does it bolster shaky arguments.
    Choosing the term “emotional maturity” is pretty hilarious on multiple fronts given women were, are, and will continue to be berated for emotional weakness- it is considered one of the primary reasons women should not govern … still.
    And you are adding to the insult it here in that sideways remark about how you are being more reasonable than some woman here and “(y)our aggression”
    That’s pretty much having-your-cake-and-eating-it-too in the woman/man convo,Ralph. Pfft.

    You’re tying yourself in knots here Ralph- go somewhere else with it.


  8. Where to begin…

    My position is hardly pompous and I dare say a fair bit more polite than your aggression. It’s not about “Feeling” something is murder or not. It either is or it isn’t. This isn’t an arbitrary comment upon poetry, we are talking the definition of life within the framework of law. Horrible choice of phraseology there.

    Regarding the promiscuity of women, I didn’t say all nor did I imply women were obedient and dainty, you’re taking me out of context and then conflating what’s most important in my point. Women aren’t promiscuous by nature, that’s a horrible male trait and I agree on your point about throwing it about, it’s not good. Women are vastly superior in maturity against men when it comes to partner selection, it’s an enigma to men what women see in us because we are immature grunty childish cavemen on the point. That’s a compliment to the female gender. It was a great frustration to me as a young man but as a married middle aged man, bravo ladies.

    Again, I don’t feel that abortion is a vile act, it either is or it isn’t. There is pain or there isn’t. It’s a human life or it isn’t. These are the questions most people don’t want to look at because from Hitlers Holocaust of the Jews to slavery right upto to the Dred Scott case, to defend the indefensible involves conceding that there is suffering but pointing to that human and denying them that definition and therefore humanity itself.


  9. Hey Ralphie…What the law says

    The RHA permits abortions when — according to a medical professional’s “reasonable and good faith professional judgment based on the facts of the patient’s case” — “the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”

    In other words, women may choose to have an abortion prior to 24 weeks; pregnancies typically range from 38 to 42 weeks. After 24 weeks, such decisions must be made with a determination that there is an “absence of fetal viability” or that the procedure is “necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.” That determination must be made by a “health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized” under state law, “acting within his or her lawful scope of practice.”

    Previously, abortions after 24 weeks were justified only in cases where the mother’s life was at risk — which was inconsistent with a part of the Roe decision, as we explain later.

    Change in criminal statutes

    Under the old law, New York criminalized abortion unless it was a “justifiable abortional act” — meaning it was within 24 weeks of the commencement of pregnancy or necessary to “preserve” the mother’s life.

    The RHA removes abortion from the state’s penal code altogether; the homicide statute still defines a “person” as “a human being who has been born and is alive.” Killing a baby once born was and is still considered a homicide.



  10. Pi, you are the best – the very best!


  11. Oh, honestly, I hope you are aware how insufferably pompous you sound, throwing around words like “hoovering” and “…for her convenience…,” let alone referring to “the fairer sex,” and pontificating about all the things women do, “should do,” and feel, and so on. Kali,

    BTW, is the goddess of creation AND destruction – just to clarify that for interested readers.

    If you believe that all women are constitutionally modest and non-promiscuous dainty little creatures, I must say that your horizons have evidently been sadly limited.

    Let’s leave it at this: Since you feel strongly that abortion is “murder,” just make sure that you never, ever, ejaculate anywhere near any area where a viable human egg may be lurking – snd all will be well. Then stop explaining why other people do things, what constitutes “the ideal family,” and how various medical procedures should correctly be described. We’ll all be grateful.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. BINGO!
    We gotta Bingo!
    keep your legs closed-check
    women better than men about regulating sexual response so it is on them to refuse- check
    someone calls it a baby, someone calls it a fetus- no science allowed- check
    abortion is for convenience- check
    murder, moral, schism, et al- check
    Go suck a chicken egg,Ralph.
    No one needs your horsepunky folderol since it has damn all to do with what women face in real life. Pffftt!
    And no, no one here needs explain to you why they think murdering a baby is a good thing- that is a rather nasty baiting logical trap dealie…


  13. It sounds beautiful. Tell me, is it offensive when someone posts an ultrasound on facebook and calls it a baby? Technically they are making the exact same statement I am here in stating that it’s life.

    Or is the english language so powerful that simply by one woman calling it a “baby” when she is intending to add to her family and another calling it a “fetus” because she is going to have it hoovered out of her for convenience this creates an impossible moral schism that allows for both to be correct?

    I’ll give you a hint, both positions cannot be correct. Whenver a woman calls her unborn child a baby she is in turn calling anyone who had an abortion for convenience sake a murderer.

    Facebook is thata way ===>>>


  14. Yes, you’re very wrong. Watch the video where they pushed through abortion upto 9 months in NY and they all celebrated and the empire state building got turned pink (and then to a pic of the Goddess of destruction Khali a day later).

    As for the point on underwear, you’re the keeper of your underwear, just say no. Blokes are randy and would fk a crisp packet if they thought it was female but women aren’t promiscuous by nature in that way and have a far higher emotional maturity when it comes to stuff like partner selection. This is known and settled psychology and actually very much a compliment to the fairer sex. Emulating lustful thoughtless blokes is not a good idea. It’s giving up what’s great about you to embrace what’s awful about us.

    There is plenty I can and do say on this matter because while you do put in that initial 9 months and we are very grateful for it, we didn’t design the genders and beyond that we are expected to be fathers to what is the product of BOTH parties.

    You should stop talking like your experience disallows any other opinions and remember that the criterion for a well balanced child is known to be without any shred of doubt the nuclear family in a mother and father.


  15. Ralph… Did you make up this name, just for us? WTF makes you think you’re an expert on what women do with their wombs? Huh? You got one, yourself? Wish you had one? I have no idea where you get the idea that ANY woman is in any kind of celebratory mood when she has an abortion. That is your effing fantasy, sirrah. Maybe you and your fellows should consider the possibility of someone’s “celebrating” cutting up human babies when you unzip your pants, and start tugging at her underwear, and tell her that if she really loved you, she should prove it – or any of the other BS you mutter when your organ is doing the talking.

    There is nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING, you can tell me about any of this, because I have been through it all. I doubt that you have. You may certainly feel free to orrect me if I’m wrong about that.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. At our hospital they deliver the fetus, they do not cut it up. They even clean it up if the parents want to have a funeral. Every single woman who died in childbirth at our hospital died because they waited too long to terminate. Either they wait until the blood pressure tops 300 and then an artery blows, or they wait until the fetal heart stops, but then sepsis sets in. What I want to know is what is moral about the “pro-lifers” who are ok with all this death?


  17. Women celebrating turning their womb into a snuff movie, how nice. In order to allow all of this nonsense fluff you stuff around this topic to make it morally ok in a very unconvincing way removes THE TRUTH.


    Abortion doctors speaking out on the matter is also the sort of unavoidable truth you can’t get away from. Listen to this guy….


  18. Greetings! I just read this and it’s amazing!! I truly look forward to reading more in the future. I’m in love with your words and the way you expressed your thoughts so easily. And I was wondering if you could checkout my new piece on Anti-abortion feminists and reproductive rights and comment some feedback. Looking forward to hearing from you. – Kiran


  19. Great post! You explain very clearly that women don’t treat abortions as just another form of birth control (like putting a condom on), and a decision to get one is very serious. However, I think you’ve made a couple of mistakes:

    One reason why you oppose this legislation is that men don’t know what goes through a woman’s mind when deciding to have an abortion. However, this is a fallacy. It’s true that men don’t 100% understand the thought process of a woman contemplating abortion, but it’s equally true that women who haven’t had abortions don’t 100% understand these thought processes, either. If you’re going to be consistent on the principle, you shouldn’t let women who haven’t had abortions have a say, either.

    You also said that abortions are acceptable because ‘it’s legal’. This suggests that the law is moral, which it clearly isn’t. Slavery used to be legal. If you lived in that time, could you point to the law to justify why slavery was acceptable?

    Personally, I think that a better argument against abortion is to prove that the fetus isn’t a moral being; that is, it’s not worthy of moral consideration, rendering abortion acceptable. I go into more detail about this in the article below. What do you think?


  20. Yes, about time! –

    When We Talk About Abortion, Let’s Talk About Men


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  21. Years and years ago when Biden supported the Hyde Amendment I thought he had done himself a very bad deal. It was a much better thing when he recently came out on the side of oppressed women. This abortion thing with various states is nothing less than oppression, making women into slaves. And frankly, no abortion even in the case of rape? I can only conclude that rapists matter more than the victim. Thats why we need to keep on fighting!

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  22. You go, Cynthia! Well-stated, all around. Thanks.


  23. Borrowed from Meg C***ey –

    Exactly, except you have a few of problems.
    1) it is another human and therefore has NO rights to use a woman’s body in any way. Therefore, if the woman wants that human removed, she has every right to do so.

    2) Again, you seem to be forgetting that women are people, and human, and are alive. Isn’t it always the case with your side! You seem to think people are people only when they are male and/or a fetus. According to you, if they are a female with a fertilized egg attached to her uterus, she’s no longer a human, no longer alive, and no longer has any rights.

    3) It really doesn’t matter if a fetus is alive or not, it doesn’t matter if that fetus is a “person” or not. No one, not even a fetus, has rights over a woman’s body without her express permission. That permission can be granted or revoked at any time. Body Autonomy is a basic human right. It’s even granted to corpses. No one is allowed to use my body, even if I’m dead, in any way that I do not or have not given permission for.


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  24. A judge in Missouri has just given the Planned Parenthood clinic a break! How long that will last is anyone’s guess.

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  25. My daughter went to college with this woman and her husband.

    “As we head into Memorial Day, I’m thinking about May 2006. Joe was killed May 5th, his cousin’s birthday. It took 2 days for his body to be identified, since he was burned so badly. When he was flown back from Afghanistan, regulations prevented me from receiving him at Dover. I received him in the parking lot of a funeral home on May 22nd.

    He was buried at Arlington on the 23rd., his sister’s birthday. That Memorial Day, President Bush spoke about Joe and addressed me and Lauren, as well as other Gold Star Families directly during his speech at Arlington. He spoke of All who gave their lives and of a grateful nation.

    To date, I am not in receipt of the survivor benefit Joe earned through his service and death. It is wrong.

    This year, I spent the 2nd, 22nd, and 23rd in DC, working with other survivors advocating to pass #HR553 and #S622 to repeal the offset of survivor benefits. Several friends and family members have joined in this fight. As a result, HR553, is currently the most cosponsored bill on the Hill. We have been working this legislation for 20 years. We need more help to get it passed this year.

    This Memorial Day, please consider joining our effort. Next week, you can call/write your Members to ask for co-sponsorship, ‘yes’ votes, and funding for #HR553/#S622.

    Senator Kaine has never supported this legislation. He would be a good place to start. Representative Ratcliffe also needs urging. If you want more information, please PM me. #AxeWidowsTax”



  26. George Carlin really says it all! M own parents went through several miscarriages and one premature birth of a boy who lasted only a few minutes in the delivery room. This was before incubators and such. When they found out that the RCC had no funeral policy for less than full term babies, it really tore them up. They attributed the policy to the parish pastor, not the entire RCC. However, they were in no position to do the research. If they had they would have left the church immediately. Instead, they tried again and got two full term pregnancies, both girls. The dead premie ended up in a specimen jar in the lab of a medical school.


  27. “THIS IS 🔥! George Carlin’s classic stand-up on abortion and the “sanctity of life” is just as relevant as ever today!”



    Liked by 1 person

  28. No problem whatsoever ordering Levitra, “Super Pump,” “Power Blast,” or any of a dozen optimistically-named “male enchancement” products, from just about anywhere in the world.

    I really am getting sick and tired of patriarchy, I must say. I mean it. Really.

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  29. Online abortion pill provider ordered to cease delivery by FDA

    Perhaps it is time for some of us to become drug dealers.


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  30. Porch dwellers, this anti-abortion thing is just a shot across the bow. The same mentality is at work trying to revoke Brown v Topeka Board of Education. Both are control issues – political, physical, mental etc. We still have to double our efforts to fight like hell. There was a terrific piece in the Washington Post in the past few days re: life begins at conception and therefore should have all the rights of feet on the ground humans. The fetus should start drawing financial support in and of itself from the state/society. The mother should be showered with support that so many now do not get in so many places where assistance has been reduced to a shadow or nothing at all. Lets see where the forced birthers stand on that! If they object they must divest themselves of “pro-life” sloganeering.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Stop it christianshepherd- playing games is playing games whether you wrap it up in self righteous language or not
    The whole damn basis of Helen’s post is that women take the decision to have an abortion very, very seriously as opposed to the dingbat accusations that they treat it as a item on a fast food menu – the latter being a favorite rhetorical device of the so-called right-to-life crowd.
    The extensions of the dingbat theory- life begins at conception and women don’t respect the lives of the “unborn”- rely on simple assertion and doodly squat facts.
    You just wanna build a another dingbat layer on to that hogwash with sideways references to Nazis and slavery without establishing fetuses are fully human yourself.
    I am tired of the refusal to talk about viability, mother’s health, men failing to take responsibility for their sperm, and all the rest of it.
    We live on a slippery slope- we do the best we can for the most people . We don’t need anymore of these doofus refusals . like yours, to even engage in the real life issues.
    Take your unicorn and go away.


  32. No one is saying that human fetus is not human life. It is a question of viability. Does that fetus have the right to make life difficult for its siblings, Does a fetus have the right to compromise the life of his or her parents or even kill its mother? No parent is obligated to donate an organ to save the life of the child, Why should a fetus live in a someone’s body without consent?


  33. So your very well thought out response to clearly a very polarising issue that involves ending the life of something is a frothy mouthed tirade of abuse into thin air?

    I can give you two abominations in our recent history that involved pointing to a human and deciding that it wasn’t actually human in order to do things that are now a stain on history. You probably know what they are.


  34. sharon – I don’t know how to copy the message/post I received but a start is here.

    The message was to come visit your auntie/cousin/friend/sister (in NY). “Will pick you up, get you where you need to go, hold your hand, show you the sights, give you a peaceful place to rest.” In other words help you.



  35. There needs to be a national Jane Collective, an underground railroad that can take women from an unsafe abortion state to a safe abortion state to exercise bodily autonomy. I would carry a membership card, pay dues and show up anywhere to help anyone who might need my assistance.


  36. There are some places were sanity still rules in America!

    With Abortion Under Attack, These States Are Fighting To Protect It
    A number of state lawmakers have proposed legislation to protect abortion rights even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.



  37. When did women become, once again, the “enemy” at home?

    religion in politics
    whites noticed they were NOT out producing people of color in the baby
    making department
    the right to vote
    custody of children in a divorce
    college education
    the pill
    legal abortion
    woman lib movement
    women competing for typical “male” jobs
    loss of the “American Dream”
    white males losing control of “their” world

    IMO women are not looking to dominate men. They want to be equal partners with men.



  38. Oh, Cynthia… Peace, indeed… Yes, it seems that here we may be in 2019, where we have been before, sadly All who read and post here have that luxury, and probably many other “advantages,” as well. How do we reach out to those girls and women who are not on their keyboards as much as we are? Who have less-than-adequate education? Whose childhoods are spent in poverty, bullied, abused, in households where their mothers can’t defend them, and their brothers and fathers abuse them? Where being pregnant is seen as a sign of being loved, and motherhood becomes a solitary nightmare? I realize that these are stereotypes, but those stereotypes are reality for too many women… And men, as well. Nobody wins here. Nobody. When did women become, once again, the “enemy” at home?


  39. OMG is this where we are in 2019?

    “If the Government is going to force all women and girls to carry any and all pregnancies to full term no matter what, then what is the point of any prenatal testing?”



  40. Have read up on the various states trying to completely do away with freedom of choice. The entire goal is to have the Supreme Court overturn Roe. It is obvious to me that the people writing these proposed pieces don’t know zip about human reproduction. They are on the same level as the legislator who claimed that if you open a woman’s mouth and look downward you can see the baby. They actually believe that sperm and egg meet immediately and magically form an embryo. They have no idea how long it takes for sperm to travel or the fact that even if the sperm and egg meet, the result may or may not be “implanted” in the wall of the womb. As for the idea of removing an ectopic pregnancy from the tube and depositing it in the womb is even possible and if possible would result in a full term healthy baby is a non-starter. Don”t waste your time trying to explain the “why” of all that to them. Its a no-go.


  41. James – please read this:


  42. Here is a parting gift. Simple Minds is a Scottish band who has been performing for over thirty years. They are Christians but I don’t know their views on pro life or pro choice. This is a religious song which even mentions the second coming.

    Chrissy Hinds of the Pretenders was married to the lead singer at the time. She let Rush Limbaugh use part of one of her songs because her parents liked Rush. He bragged about not having to pay royalties so she sued. Now he gives her an annual payment which goes to PETA’+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\\

    So far, no one has been able to refute my statement that a few late term abortions survive the procedure. I gave you an example. From their prospective the outcome was good, but a few others likely died as they were supposed to. My only demand is that all of them be humanely killed before they are removed from the mother. A tiny number of late term survivors implies others who may have suffered before death.


  43. Get over yourself Kate-
    No one here is going to let you drag them into the tired old it- is -a- baby -from -conception crap.
    When you can convince all of us you are for free birth control, quality sex ed for our young folks, and ready to commit the dollars for real support services to poor women with kids maybe, just maybe, some of us might even believe you really give a damn about those babies you are yapping about.
    Now-? No, don’t believe you at all. Just a lot of self righteous hot air coming out of your mouth. Pffft.


  44. Ms. Kate: With the amount of due respect I am able to muster at this moment, I must say that “…as far as you’re concerned…” isn’t very far – and, additionally, is incorrect. If there is a “baby killing factory” in this country, or anywhere, it is the no-holds-barred “Second Amendment” people, backed by the NRA. Feel free to compare the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood with the number of children slaughtered by unsecured guns – in the hands of family members, or irate ex-boyfriends, or desperate mothers, or drug-addicted parents, and whoever else.

    However far you may be “concerned” does not make you correct. Righteousness is always the most appealing in the abstract, isn’t it?

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  45. Planned Parenthood offers the best medical care at the best price. You are welcome to pay more for mediocre care elsewhere, but why would you? The worst part about Planned Parenthood, is that on a clear day, you will find protesters who object to pap tests, and they might call you names. I just let it run off my back, as I am over 50, happily married, and definitely not a slut. I just wish the blue hairs would get a job.

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  46. Abortion is not a bad word unless you are the baby. Planned Parenthood is a baby killing factory as far as I’m concerned and since it’s impossible to do what you suggest, may I suggest you try it on yourselves.


  47. My BFF and I are friends for 60+ years too and we love reading your views. We agree with them all!


  48. Cynthila, I can’t disagree. Our grand daughter is a miracle who would be a different person without us.. Her parents didn’t know how to cope, and they were so busy. My wife was also working on an estate and had little time on ocassion. It was left to me.

    Doctors told us she would be about two or three years behind her peers.

    She and I were alone when she had her first seizure, She cried incessently, and sometimes I was the only one who could quiet her. One night I carried her up and down a hall 640 times and then waited another fifteen minutes to put her down to be sure she was asleep. I taught her about life and death when the dog died because her parents were too emotionally distraught.. When she cried because she couldn’t carry on a conversation at age two and a half I taught her how to talk and relate to people.. As far as she is concerned I am the final authority when she has a question.

    Her kindergarten teacher told me she wished she had more students like our grand daughter and she knew from talking to me that I was her grand father. We were alike.

    She beamed the first time I told her I was proud of her. She told her mother,”Opa said he is proud of me.”

    Doctors cannot explain why she is how she is.

    Her slight Asian eyes puzzle me, because she is a blue eyed red head with blonde hair too as her mother does. She inherited some of my
    14% Asian genes according to a genetic test, but is that what we are seeing or some other genetic quirk related to her situation? She likes our having the same shade of blue eyes.

    I am not bragging about any thing we did. We just tried very hard. You would have done the same.

    We are on our way back to Omaha More later


  49. Re: the notion that a fetus can determine pain and fear – from what I can find in these “studies” what is being noted is an autonomic reflex. That is different from “knowing.”


  50. Sorry, *Medicaid. Medicaid pays for the care of premie, not medicare.


  51. Jamses: “babies should not be dismembered or otherwise destroyed while they still live. They must be injected with poison first, and if an abortion survives it should be given care and not left to die on a table.” Never happened in our small town hospital. Babies were delivered, stillborn or living. If they were under the age where medicare would cover them, they were held and sang to until they expired. Usually by the father because the mother was busy having her life saved, sometimes by a grandmother or nurse. the babies were given comfort care. It is torturous to care for a premie so that it can survive, they cannot breathe without surfactant. The body is usually prepared for a funeral, as a catastrophic pregnancy is usually a wanted child. The Prolife crowd has a vested interest in portraying doctors as desecrating life, and late term abortions as women waddling into clinics because they did not get a round tuit. That is not reality.


  52. Yes! I wrote sth on abortion and am still going back and forth on things because it’s such a complex issue. So, who in their right minds, thinks that the decision of aborting is easily taken? Every woman needs the freedom of choice or else she’s not free.


  53. James: I know you and your wife devoted a huge amount of time and energy to your granddaughter which improved her outcome. If you had not been there where would your granddaughter be today? Not all parents of a disabled child have the resources to duplicate what you have done. What happens to these children when their parents are no longer able to care for them? I can only decide for myself. Others should have that choice as well.



  54. Mageen – I don’t believe I did. It a fetus/baby feels “real” pain wouldn’t childbirth be excruciating pain. It was on my end.

    James : According to a study published last summer in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a fetus is not capable of experiencing pain until 28 to 30 weeks after conception, when the nerves that carry painful stimuli to the brain have developed. Before that, the fetal reaction to a noxious stimulus is a reflex that does not involve consciousness, they write (JAMA 2005; 294:947-954).

    That is why the authors of that study oppose any law that would require doctors to tell women that a fetus can experience pain earlier than 28 weeks.

    “Because pain perception probably does not function before the third trimester, discussions of fetal pain for abortions performed before the end of the second trimester should be non-compulsory,” the authors state. “Fetal anesthesia or analgesia should not be recommended or routinely offered for abortion because current experimental techniques provide unknown fetal benefit and may increase risks for the woman.”


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  55. Mageen, babies can allegedly feel pain and fear at around 20 weeks. When doctors do pre- birth procedures on such fetuses they often give them anesthetic from what I have read. I believe we need to err on the right side and be sure those unborn babies are dead before any removal procedures begin.

    My wife had a late term miscarriage and it nearly killed her. We got a financial settlement but we would have rather had the baby. She had just been sent for an exam when the dead baby came. She said it was a definite baby.

    Every case is unique.


  56. Shawn Kelly, people like Sarita Hhalaparava are irrelevant to my point. That baby should have been killed before the heart stopped beating to save the mother’s life. My point is that babies should not be dismembered or otherwise destroyed while they still live. They must be injected with poison first, and if an abortion survives it should be given care and not left to die on a table. If the baby is killed before the abortion the rare problem of dying babies struggling to breath will not happen.


  57. Cynthia, where did you get the idea that a fetus at any stage has the intellectual capacity to determine things such as pain and fear?


  58. “but if late term abortions are needed the babies had better be dead first.” I suggest that you look into the case of Savita Halapanavar, who was miscarrying, but they waited for the fetal heart beat to stop before delivering the fetus. In the meantime, Savita contracted septicemia and died two days later. Savita had a beating heart too, and her life was subordinated to a doomed fetus. One size does not fit all, late terminations are usually a grave matter, not a matter of choice. It always galled me that a bishop had to be called to save a woman’s life, …What the heck did they know about emergency obstetrics?

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  59. Cynthia, your questions deserve an answer whether you want one or not.
    The answer is all or none of the above.

    Our grand daughter was almost aborted. She was born microencephelic and looked like Pinhead when she was born..My wife and I have spent almost six years with her five days a week and we now bring her home from kindergarten class four days a week because there is no room for her in the school day care center until next year. Her parents’ work schedules keep them from home for most days.

    Our grand daughter now has a normal appearing head and she is a pretty blue eyed red head. She does have Asian appearing eyes which add to her charm. She is in kindergarten and is smarter than most.

    Our daughter knows of a baby born near the limit of late term abortions. He had an eight percent chance of survival and had almost every imagionable problem. Now he is in kindargarten.

    The star of the movie Unplanned claims to have survived a late term abortion. These three would have been victims of tragedy had they been aborted.

    As we know others are better off dead. I am pro choice but if late term abortions are needed the babies had better be dead first. Surely doctors can inject toxic fatal chemicals into the babies so they don’t feel the fear and pain they would otherwise suffer through.


  60. I am with you 100%. Planned Parenthood was, in a sense, my primary provider off and on for 25 years. Their doctors found an oddity and sent me to a specialist. Previous doctors had never noticed my problem. They helped me on so many issues! And I never once heard the word abortion.
    Thank you Planned Parenthood!

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  61. I was raised to be a republican Changed my mind in 1980 when they took a giant right turn and abandoned AND started punishing half of the population for being female.

    It never ceases to bewilder me that the party that professes “Hands off” all regulation on companies and politicians think that it is their duty to come into my bedroom, my doctor’s office and finally into my body to dictate my decisions.

    I love you two …….

    Liked by 2 people

  62. Question needs an answer, please: third trimester abortion.

    Are these fetuses/babies/beings/unborns normal, healthy beings? Could they grow up to be happy, productive humans?

    Or are they beings that medical science could/can keep alive but would have little or no normal quality of life? These beings would/could cause a emotional and financial burden to the family beyond their ability to care for them. Or if placed in a medical facilities/institutions where neglect or abuse are likely to occur.

    Adoptions – how many children are now in foster care that could be adopted? How many kids have we “lost” at the border that we don’t know how to find their parents. We do not have a great record caring for children at this time as it is.



  63. Took a bit to find the translation, but worth it – yeah, “cheeerful,” “bright,” “obvious,” whatever… LOL.

    And a further thought on “unborn,” and the also-popular “pre-born”… They are creepy because they reek of HUBRIS, a pitiful attempt by humans to designate the beginning and end of “life” as we know it, as if those were things we should be able to determine. “Life support” is right in there, too, as was exemplified in the Terry Schiavo situation.

    The Bible literalists out there should remember that it is made very clear therein that THE GREATEST SIN IS SPIRITUAL PRIDE – and I’m talking to you, right here, Mr. Vice-President Pence.

    Fond greetings to you, Pi, and all us cheerful, bright, and the like, Porch Sitters!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. gato-
    Thanks, my friend.
    I am so, so tired of the one and two dimensional arguments against abortion-all of which refuse to engage with multiple pieces of the issues involved. I am equally tired of the logical fallacies , too numerous to spell out, that end in horsepunky assumptions about what is at stake

    (put Ming Lang in google translate and prepare for a chuckle.)

    LOL!- you’ve stopped by here long enough to know I’m not known for my patience and understanding … 🙂

    I have never thought about “unborn” that way. It IS a creepy way to talk about potential human life.
    I’ve always thought it an attempt to do an end run around having to defend the life-begins-at-conception stuff- just pronounce it life-though-unborn as if there is no question. Irritating , silly, and dishonest.

    Helen- Thank you once again for shouting it all out clearly and concisely.


  65. Pi, “unborn” has always sounded creepy to me and right down there with “undead”. Hence, it does not work for me. Or a whole lot of other people as well. I wonder if the forced birthers have ever considered this. Language has power. It can attract or repel. “Unborn” just reminds me of really badly done horror movies.


  66. Well done, Pi! I just didn’t know where to start with that one… (Is “Ming Lang” a real person? If s/he is, is s/he a vegan? Against capital punishment? Anti-war? Favors gun control? Health care for all…?)

    Yeah, we DO do the best we can, for as many people – and other living things – as we can, and it IS complicated. But there it is, as it is.

    And, frankly, to be all wrought up about abortion, and say nary a word about the participant in conception who will NOT become pregnant is, as you say, “horsepunky,” as well. IMHO.

    Thanks for the good work!!


  67. Alaskapi, Just Thank you. I love your patience and understanding.


  68. Oh horsepunky Ming Lang-
    You did not address one point Helen made except a maybe-sorta backhanded swipe at the idea that women have reasons they have abortions with the crap about “dispensable”
    Ming Lang says: “… I think about the rights of the unborn females.”
    Sure honey- We’re all pretty much tired of that one.Not going to argue about rights of fetuses, embryos- any of it. Rights are funny critters-
    “Rights are entitlements (not) to perform certain actions, or (not) to be in certain states; or entitlements that others (not) perform certain actions or (not) be in certain states.
    Rights dominate modern understandings of what actions are permissible and which institutions are just. Rights structure the form of governments, the content of laws, and the shape of morality as it is currently perceived. To accept a set of rights is to approve a distribution of freedom and authority, and so to endorse a certain view of what may, must, and must not be done.”
    Helen has presented a compelling argument that women have fundamental rights and you skip right on by without even trying to deal with that in your remarks.
    But I will ask why you are thinking about only females. Male “unborns” not important? Or are you playing games with emotional tags?

    ” If they are dispensable why not old people? They too can be a burden and an inconvenience but there isn’t anyone wanting to adopt them.”
    Hoo boy- I spent way too many minutes trying to figure out the predominant fallacy here.
    The assumption that all abortion arises from women who just don’t want to be bothered or don’t want to be inconvenienced is a tired trope. It is easily disputed by multiple reliable surveys taken which categorize women’s reasons to make this tough decision but that doesn’t suit the straw man you are building here, does it? Nor the mild threat implicit in your old people crack?
    And Pffft! on the people wanting to adopt kids assumption- there were 107, 918 American children in foster care waiting to be adopted in 2014 alone.

    Click to access afcarsreport22.pdf

    Those kids have anybody wanting to adopt them?

    “It’s a slippery slope when all of life is not respected”-
    Honey, we live on a slippery slope so get over it. We’re going to balance the rights of as many of us as we can, as fairly as we can, and we’re not going to play stoopid word games with phony moralists.


  69. It all sounds so “now”, I think about the rights of the unborn females. If they are dispensable why not old people? They too can be a burden and an inconvenience but there isn’t anyone wanting to adopt them. It’s a slippery slope when all of life is not respected.


  70. Not particularly relevant to this (wonderful) post, but OMG. I will be 74 in July, still working full time, still riding my slightly crazy horse. I was walking from my parked truck to a bookstore (they still exist!! tho rare), and there was a group with a table with leaflets, etc. that I had to pass on my way to the store. I should have been warned by the plethora of “Murrican” flags, but there it was – lots of “support Trump” literature, etc., mostly older, i.e., my age folks…but what blew me away was one of the posters – “Presidents for Peace” – with pictures of Trump, PUTIN (!!!!!) and Bolsanaro. I. JUST.CAN’T. I’d like to think it’s senile dementia, but these people vote. And this was Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area! AAARRGHHH!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  71. Wow! I’ve met my soul sister, for sure. Thank you for vocalizing so well an issue that absolutly drive me NUTS when I here men trying to legislate what can and cannot be done to women and their bodies. I’ve said for years that abortion would never be a “hot topic” if men were the ones who got pregnant.

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  72. […] to her friend Margaret with some profane and furious wit about the way conservative Republicans think, speak, and vote on abortion rights. […]


  73. As always….brilliant to the point…no nonsense bullshit!
    On behalf of a 70 something woman I wholeheartedly THANK YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Right on, Lady!! Keep it up!!

    Liked by 1 person

  75. Thank you for this. And SpongeBob and Patrick were right–swear words can be “sentence-enhancers.”

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  76. What a wonderful article. Why do we only hear from the abortion shame-ers? And men really need to hush on the subject if getting a woman pregnant is just an ego inflater…

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  77. Have had family experience with someone who was crushingly conservative and publicly swore that she would never have someone else’s bastard in her house – namely, an adopted child. Yup. She was anti-abortion. Turns out her “familiars” were like-minded. And No, they did not believe in rape. It was always the loose female’s fault. The male of the species was never to be blamed even if they had witnessed a rape with their own eyes. It then came as not a shock when they claimed in their anti-abortion, pro child screeds that preventing and prosecuting rapists was not in their organizational bailiwick. Somebody else of lesser degree could handle that but they weren’t touching it. And if anyone of them were even raped and impregnated? Well, they just didn’t see how that could happen in as much as they all led godly lives and thus men never bothered them. Luckily they weren’t all that close with my side of the family so they never questioned why neither I nor any member of my side ever visited with them! Hell, they were just plain damn dangerous!

    Liked by 2 people

  78. […] Read the rest here. They really should have their own radio show. Did I say radio show? I meant TV show. Did I say TV show? I meant TV network. […]

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  79. This country will not progress until all of the Senators and all of the Representatives are women, and Democrats at that. Men go through life with their fingers in their ears singing La la la when they should be learning about Women’s bodies. I’ve given up on them. They should just be grateful that it isn’t them getting an abortion. Nobody wants the pain and agony, but sometimes it’s the lesser of the evils.

    Liked by 2 people

  80. Understood! Will do, and “begorra,” or whatever to you and yours, as well!


  81. gato – my comment was not meant as a question…just sarcasm about a troll. It is St Patty’s Day! Have a glass of your choice of green and enjoy.


  82. Well, “Non,” I have no idea whatsoever about “Dean”‘s sexual history, inclinations, preferences – or even if “Dean” is some person’s real name, or a self-given title to indicate “authority,” or what. None of us who post and comment here know anything, really, about each other, other than how we choose to express ourselves here and elsewhere in the electronic universe…

    I’ve read many heartfelt and moving posts on this site, and others, and have posted some myself that I hope ring true to others – because they are. Rants like the one “Dean” put up, though, full of proclamations and generalized characterizations, usually indicate to me that the person posting has little or no experience in the real world about the subject s/he’s pronouncing on with such passion – and, usually – much indignant condemnation.

    I doubt that anything anyone could possibly say would ever cause a “Dean” to say, “Oh… Maybe I’m wrong. Let me think about that…”

    Nevertheless, every now and then I find it impossible to just let those rants go by without voicing my objection.

    All that said, I think you’ve probably made a pretty good guess there in your earlier post!

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  83. gato – Do you think dean has had sex with an actual live woman? IMO, he is as pure as the day he was whelped. (Well, other than the intimate relationship he has with his left hand, Lolita. You might hear him pleading with her in a Pro Bass parking lot somewhere.)


  84. Hey, Anonymous – Good reply to “Dean.” (I also liked “hanas,” which I suspect was intended to mean “heinous.” But we’re not here merely to correct people’s spelling, are we…?)

    Perhaps “Dean” could be as concerned about who unzips whose pants as he is about who spreads whose legs… And who won’t wear a condom because it “doesn’t feel natural,” and who swears he “won’t come inside you,” and then, “Oops,” and who says, “If you really love me, why won’t you prove it?”

    If men were compelled to have their willies scraped out any time they got a woman pregnant and didn’t want to become a father, or had to struggle, outside a clinic, through lines of angry protesters calling them murderers, or have some stranger offer them a coat hanger to do the job on themselves in some dark alley, I doubt we’d hear quite so much self-righteous bull crap as “Dean” feels he has some “right” and authority to declare.

    Actually, he can “declare” anything he wants. He still doesn’t have a clue.

    Liked by 1 person

  85. Helen,
    I love your intellect, bravery and frankness. You are my adopted Grandma. Thanks for always making my day.
    (That’s what my Granny always called me.)


  86. Dean – Just how does a woman get pregnant? You’re (you are not your) the impregnator. If you think abortion is wrong then do not risk creating a life. Too many males refuse to accept responsibility for the part they play in a sexual encounter that results in unwanted conception. Do you ask your sex partner if she minds the possibility of becoming pregnant? I strongly suggest you ask before proceeding, pendejo.

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  87. Thank you Helen. Most women wouldn’t choose an abortion, but that is not the conversation of the right. Most of us feel politicians should not make medical decisions for anyone, let alone one as personal as the one a woman has to make involving a possible abortion.

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  88. Cry all you want. Scream your hate . that only prooves your guilty of the hanas crimes against humanity
    Life starts at conception . if you do not want a baby than dont spread your legs like nothing else matters. Abortion kills a baby human out of sight of others to see nor hear the cries from within. Shameful stop making them if you don’t want them


  89. I’m also an old woman, mid 70’s. I distinctly remember the moment I learned that all pregnancies don’t end with happy babies in their daddy’s arms. Not sure exactly how old I was, maybe 9 or 10, but clearly old enough to understand some things. I was either assigned to read or chose to read a Pearl S Buck book, I believe “The Good Earth.”

    What I remember of the book was that the people used “night soil” to fertilize the crops…my family grew much of what we ate, hence the interest…and that a woman in the book went to the field to work, had a baby in the field, and killed it because she couldn’t feed it. I could relate to that because at that time in MY history we had some lean years (in Connecticut of all places!) and there were times when home grown potatoes and browned flour gravy was supper.

    A couple of years ago, a friend who writes and was working with a group wanting to educate young people about abortion told me that most of those young people often thought there WERE NO abortions until they became legal, I guess creating the idea that if they were made illegal again, they would stop. Yes, I know, Magical thinking. (wish I could add a shower of glitter to the word magical but I don’t have that kind of device.)

    My friend is about 10 years older than me and is my hero because she persevered and finally found a Pilates instructor willing to teach an old lady when she was 70…now @ 85, she is still doing it. I learned from her that it is possible to survive old age for awhile if you just keep on peddling. Once you stop you just fall over.

    I hope some of us enjoyed Pi on the appropriate day. We enjoyed “corned beef and cabbage” Pierogies yesterday, celebrating our Irish/Polish ancestors as well as a belated nod to PIErogies 🙂


  90. What thou sayest! Yes, I know that sounds kind of biblical. So does Amen, and it means so be it.

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  91. You say what I feel! Wat to go!


  92. We know this is not really about aborting all those poor little babies. Don’t we? IIMU that after the Civil War and Reconstruction the freed slaves/Negros/Coloreds were reproducing faster than the white couples. Whites were afraid of being out numbered in time. Jim Crow, KKK, segregation and any way they could stop POC from being successful was tried. Then 1920 women (white of course) got the right to vote, 1922 woman could be awarded their children in a divorce. During WWII women took jobs that were normally male jobs/positions. Woman were educated in fields other than how to be a good wife. 1960 the pill came and women could enjoy sex as much as men without fear of pregnancy. Women became a force that scared the heck out of men. Women could/can make it without men…if they want. If abortion is so terrible birth control would be enforced, a male birth control pill would be developed, abstinence only would not be taught etc. The POC population is growing in the US and the whites are worried. And did you ever see the anti-abortion people picket/protest an abortion clinic in a black neighborhood?


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  93. You two women are my heroes! I am involved with our local PP and help (handhold literally and figuratively with the patients during their procedure) them get through their choice. It’s a hard choice for all women and they need support. Your no nonsense articles are right on. Thank you!

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  94. Lady, you need to get familiar with reality and what really goes on in a surgical suite during late term abortions.
    Some of the fetuses are alive and viable…meaning they could live yet their little lives are being snuffed out.
    I believe killing another human being is called murder.

    You complain about not wanting politicians’ noses in our vaginas and I agree. But once the child is born the mother’s vagina is not an issue…a very much alive human is the issue.

    So, in addition to clearing out your cag vagina of intrusions I suggest you clear your ass as well and get your head out it on this issue.


  95. Here, Madame Ladydee 1, are some similar words generally considered, in US English, to be less “offensive.” Perhaps you will find them acceptable…

    Ignorant, intrusive, obnoxious, sadistic, cruel, vulgar, pandering, overbearing, misogynist, racist, arrogant, self-centered, dictatorial, sexist, xenophobic, stubborn, insensitive, narcissistic, vicious, and inhumane.

    Take your pick.

    Have a nice day.


  96. Your vulgar language is offensive!

    Sent from my iPhone



  97. Many years ago I was one of those women who chose to have an abortion. It was not a decision made lightly, it still bothers me to this day. At the time I had no choice–I was in college, dealing with a parent who would never have understood as physical and mental abuse was her reaction to everything that was not “correct” in her view of the world. For me it was a result of a condom breaking. One woman was there because her pregnancy would have been her 4th child, and she and her husband were having trouble supporting the 3 children they already had. None of us there that day wanted to do what we had to do, we were left with only one choice. Those who are pro-life should put their money where their mouth is and adopt all those unwanted children, that includes government support after birth with medical and all that goes with it. But they don’t… and until they do, I will never have any respect for any of them.

    Liked by 1 person

  98. […] via Abortion is not a dirty word and Planned Parenthood isn’t a McDonald’s and the GOP can g… […]


  99. Kudos to you–keep telling it like it is!!


  100. Keep up the good work! I worked for OB/GYN in the days when women had to fly to NY to get a legal abortion with no follow-up. Then was a school nurse for adolescents who could freely go to PP. There they got counseling and education. Abortions were not pushed like these ignorant GOP’s are spreading rumors about, but education was! Now they have no one to turn to! Continue your fight!

    Liked by 1 person

  101. Absolutely the truth. Thanks for saying it and, although I don’t usually use it, I’ll echo the F*** word.


  102. Hello Helen and Margaret. Thank you for being so brutally honest from a white man from your neighboring state of Louisiana. What is noticeably missing in this discussion is the absolutely critical need to also focus on teaching sons and grandsons to be truly appreciative and respectful of all women, ladies and girls and the heart wrenching emotional decision involved in an abortion. The lying pro-birth (not pro-life) GOP did not elect the orange oaf, the american people did and I am constantly amazed at the people who are “carrying the water” for the asshat Trump and the coward GOP “to drown them with”.

    Liked by 2 people

  103. Right on, Helen! Some days, the supply of available curse words is insufficient to meet my demands! Lately, it’s been pretty much every day!


  104. You wrote what I’ve always thought but never dared to put in print or say out loud: FUCK the Republicans who think we women are so weak & pliable that we would suddenly decide to have an abortion because we walked by a Planned Parenthood building. We should be trusted to make that decision for ourselves & not have to be subjugatied to old White Men. Get the FUCK out of our vaginas!!! Thank you for letting me vent.

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  105. Thank you, wise women. So much propaganda, so many people claiming to know more than the women involved and their doctors. My mom put it well, “Some people need to keep their noses out of other people’s bodies.”
    Anti-choice people should turn attention to children in need if they wish to really be pro-life.

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  106. Hey, Gina – Maybe men should just “not enter themselves” INTO ANOTHER PERSON in the first place, let alone into any debate that may follow. HTG. too many men act as if they had nothing to do with causing any of this, when we all know dam well that “patriarchy” only became a “thing” when men realized that what they did for five minutes, nine months earlier, had anything to do with the potential creation of a new human being.

    Not absolving any gender of responsibility, but the fact remains: Only pregnant women have to decide whether to have an abortion, or not – and to commit their bodies, and the rest of their lives, to the consequences of whatever decisions they make. Period.

    Liked by 2 people

  107. Thank you for this great piece! Abortion should be a decision for the woman who is pregnant. Not some old rich white men. Men should not even enter themselves in the debate unless it is to talk about male birth control. We have to remain active in the control of our lives or Handmaids Tale will be a true possibility for our futures! Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  108. I love you Helen. I am always happy to see an email in my inbox from you. Please keep it up because we really need you right now!

    Liked by 2 people

  109. I love you both!

    Liked by 1 person

  110. I am from the same state as Sasshole, who is the sponsor of the infanticide bill. I just might have to read your column to him the next time I call his office. Thanks! You two are the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  111. Thank you for speaking truth… inspire me to be a better “old lady.” It is time for ALL of us to speak truth and use our platforms.

    Liked by 1 person

  112. Amen, sistah! Thanks for always saying what I’m thinking.


  113. Perfect


  114. You rock!!!


  115. amen


  116. those pro-life type people have no understanding of birth defects or of problems that can crop up in pregnancies. They are f–ing ignorant. They insist on being ignorant. They do not want to be informed. It would get in the way of their prejudice against other people and they would not feel superior to others.

    Liked by 2 people

  117. I can’t LOVE this enough. And I feel the same about the F-word. Glad you’ve got our backs, ladies.


  118. You nailed it Helen! That orange freak in the Oval Office and his cronies are a bunch of lying misogynists.


  119. You just ROCK! It’s so refreshing to read straight ‘talk’, especially when there is so much bullshit coming our way from so many directions. Thank you. Really!


  120. Yes yes and yes.


  121. Thank you!


  122. One thing i don’t see anti-abortions folks talk about is what an existing mom does when a later pregnancy threatens her life. Leave the other children without a mother?

    Liked by 1 person

  123. Sing it, Helen! Your voice is beautiful!


  124. Love you, Helen!!


  125. Enjoy your blog


  126. Dear Margaret and Helen,

    I’m a big fan, and here’s why:
    a. Deep and honest friendships like yours are amazing to behold. As the young people say, #lifegoals.
    b. Telling it like it is seems to me to be a virtue in this tired world.
    c. Knowing there are Texans like you shining a light from my home state feels like a little redemption.
    So thanks, and keep it up. Carol
    p.s. Are you any relation to a Mrs. Philpott who taught elementary school in Dallas?

    Liked by 1 person

  127. Brava! Brava! Encore! Encore!


  128. Thank you, Helen!


  129. I think we need to protect Helen & Margaret like we do Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

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  130. Couldn’t agree more. But perhaps another response to the GOP might be, if you insist on going down this path, forcing a woman to give birth when she would otherwise elect not to, then pass legislation requiring that the man who started the situation provide adequate financial support for both the woman and his child for the rest of both their lives, and if he does not, jail time. Marginal would-be fathers might think twice before dipping their pen in the well.

    Liked by 1 person

  131. Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times YES!! The saddest part of this are the blind WOMEN followers and believers of the horse-shit the GOP and its tangerine-ball-bag of a “leader” are peddling. Like another poster, I’m off Facebook for awhile (or forever) because a family member posted a patently false meme about late term abortions. Was she interested in the truth or did she want the hysteria surrounding the lies? Turns out, it’s the latter. The uneducated will always gravitate to the easiest answer – usually blaming someone else (Liberals, Democrats, Mexicans, New-Yorkers, Hillary Clinton, etc….) instead of truly understanding a complex issue like abortion. Jump on the ignorance train, full speed ahead! Thank you for your wonderful essay and Right On!!

    Liked by 3 people

  132. Thank you Helen!

    Liked by 1 person

  133. […] via Abortion is not a dirty word and Planned Parenthood isn’t a McDonald’s and the GOP can g… […]


  134. Thank you, Helen. I’m pissed off too! A few years ago I sat in a townhall meeting of a since disgraced US Rep from south Texas and listened to another group of men, who have no business in the private matters of women, Catholic priests, make false statements about abortion and Planned Parenthood. A young woman of 16 who stood in support of PP was met with vitriol, from the priest’s congregants, calling her a whore and physically trying to intimidate her. The legislator and the priest did nothing. The police stepped in and escorted a man out of the room. The young woman stayed composed and gladly accepted a seat with me. As a grandmother with granddaughters, I raise my voice in support of that young woman and mine! But I’m angry that the fight for the right to control our bodies is not won and that we have to teach our daughters and grandchildren to fight for theirs. Keep writing, Helen!

    Liked by 3 people

  135. Thank you. I would add that we need to move the conversation about abortions away from the moral/religious aspect and toward the actual intent of making sureany woman who needs or wants an abortion can receive a medically safe one. As someone has said elsewhere, abortions have happened since the beginning of time, despite social stigma and legality issues, and legislating against abortion care is not going to make women stop getting them.

    Liked by 3 people

  136. I love you, Helen. Don’t ever stop speaking your mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  137. Thank you Helen.

    Sent from my iPad



  138. BRAVO! You nailed it!


  139. Right you are Helen. You’ve stated exactly my sentiments in this essay. I’ve been saying this for a long time, to anyone who will listen. Mostly to MEN who think they have all the answers, but really don’t know what a woman goes through, both mentally and physically with this decision that she must make alone. Thanks so much for saying it so perfectly.


    Liked by 1 person

  140. Thank you! How in the world could these dumbnuts legislators think they could write legislation that covers all the issues. As many have said, this is a WOMAN’S decision. Good on you Helen for speaking the truth, and to all, support Planned Parenthood!

    Liked by 1 person

  141. On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 07:47 Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret honey, nothing pisses me off more than > when a man has an opinion about something he knows nothing about. And one > thing for damn sure a man knows nothing about is what’s in a woman’s mind > and heart when she is making a decision about whether or no” >


  142. Love this so much! Thank you for writing it.


  143. This perfect!! Thank you! Teri DiCicco

    On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 8:42 AM Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret honey, nothing pisses me off more than > when a man has an opinion about something he knows nothing about. And one > thing for damn sure a man knows nothing about is what’s in a woman’s mind > and heart when she is making a decision about whether or no” >


  144. Wow, I read this aloud to my hub after I read it. We both salute you!! Succinct and excellently written. I am so tired of the hypocritical, full of shit. disingenuous, lying GOP and the orange oaf they elected. Ugh.

    Liked by 3 people

  145. Helen, may you live forever! Your latest rant was so wonderful that I had to keep stopping to read it aloud to my husband. As many times before, you have made my day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  146. Talk about hypocrites…the GOP only cares about the “unborn” while cutting the funding for the “born” programs


  147. This is not enough, but I am sorry. Sorry for you, your family, your country, our entire population that is filled with such hate.


  148. I love you, and couldn’t be said any better.


  149. Thank you for this…damn right, it’s our right and FUCK the orange boss mob!


  150. Yep – what she said. We have a serious problem in this country and it starts with the lies from trump and runs right on down through the entire GOP.


  151. Reblogged this on silverapplequeen and commented:
    Usually a post like this would go to Aunt Polly’s Rants but I want a greater audience to read it. Helen nails this issue with a capital F. THANK YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

  152. And the church said “Amen!”

    Liked by 3 people

  153. Thank you for letting the assholes know that it is absolutely none of their damn business.


  154. You ladies are superb!

    Liked by 2 people

  155. There is such a thing as a post-birth abortion. I cannot think of a better description of mass shootings, or police shooting an unarmed black person, or inaccessible medical care, or poverty, or war, or despair caused addictions.

    Liked by 4 people

  156. I had to go off Facebook because a relative posted a meme from a Danish neo-Nazi about late term abortion. (Maybe that was not really a Dane, but a Russian bot. I had my suspicions.) I also read a post from a neonatal nurse who described several real cases (not her own) of why late term abortion is sometimes the only reasonable choice on a very narrow, heartbreaking list of choices for a mom. Thank you for being here.

    Liked by 3 people

  157. Right TF on, Helen!!! When I was in my twenties, I had an IUD. (Anybody remember those?) Nevertheless, I got pregnant by my long-term “boyfriend,” who I later married, for whatever that’s worth. I chose to have an abortion. Abortion was not yet legal. I was fortunate at the time to be able to do so: I had a sympathetic OB/GYN, resources, and the money to make it happen. Even so, it wasn’t an “easy” decision, nor one that was reached without considerable thought.

    More attention to reminding men to KEEP IT IN THEIR F***KING PANTS would seem to be in order. for starters. They haven’t a clue..

    Great post. Thank you.

    Liked by 5 people

  158. Thank you for the truth, delivered with humor. and a few “F” bombs as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  159. Brava!!

    Liked by 1 person

  160. Thank you Margaret and Helen, thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  161. Ive been following you for 10 years, more or less. Actually longer, I found you in 2007. I just want you to know that sometimes FUCK is the only word that fits, and in times like now, its still inadequate. I hope you had a happy pi day with some pie and thoughts about the old days when we shared recipes… good god I just reminded myself of the one who spoke in tongues! Remember her? We had good times.

    Liked by 2 people

  162. Could not love you more and I needed this posting today to reinforce my political resistance.

    Liked by 1 person

  163. Yes. Thank you. Not that the GOP would listen to a woman, but thank you all the same.

    Liked by 2 people

  164. Nobody could have said it better! Thank you forsharing your thoughts.

    Liked by 3 people
