Posted by: Helen Philpot | February 22, 2018

I’m not sure what a Russian Bot is, but I hear it looks like an orange asshole with a bad comb over

From Helen:

Margaret, I’m mad as hell and I have a few things I need to get off my chest. First, and most important, how the hell do Russians dope in Curling? Do you down a fistful of Xanax before you gently push the stone across the ice?

And speaking of Russians, there is something called a Russian Bot messing with our elections. One of them goes by the name @RealDonaldTrump. Now I don’t know what a bot is, but I assume it looks like an asshole with a bad comb over.

For the love of man, do Trump’s Twitter followers have any decency? These kids are not actors. They are re-acting to watching their friends get murdered by an 18 year old maniac with an assault rifle. I hope that is something these so called Patriots never have to experience.

The GOP’s hypocrisy has no bounds. They can limit and restrict my right to an abortion or my grandson’s right to get married, but the right to own a gun is a sacred gift from God. Because we all know that if the disciples had AR-15’s, Jesus would have said, “Let’s blow the shit out of those damn Romans. Make Nazareth Great Again.” #MNGA

And we know these NRA bought and paid for politicians aren’t going to do a damn thing. If slaughtering elementary school kids didn’t create new laws, this won’t even faze them. And give me a break. Trump is all talk. No limits. No regulations. Bigger bullets. Longer barrels. Anything to make up for that tiny, orange carrot hanging between his legs.

We’re talking about arming teachers instead of un-arming children. We’re making plans to turn our schools into prisons rather than banning assault rifles from an unregulated, redneck militia. Somehow the solution to gun violence is more guns. Now that is some serious bullshit.

And when they are not attacking kids, these “Christians” are worshipping a golden calf. Actually it’s more orange than gold. And more fool’s gold than real gold. A foolish orange cow with a bad comb over. When they gave him a mulligan, they lost the moral authority they never really had.

Well, just like that precious Emma Gonzales, I call bullshit. The solution to gun violence is not more guns. And the NRA is not a membership organization for gun owners. It is a domestic terrorist organization for gun manufacturers. It buys politicians and then forever holds them hostage.

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” #NeverAgain indeed. If my daughter will take me, I’m going to that march in DC. And if I get anywhere near that golden cow, I’m going to slap that comb over right off its orange head.

Bullshit. The whole Trump presidency is bullshit. I mean it. Really.

From Margaret:

Never doubt that a small and ignorant group of Republicans can elect a President; indeed, with the help of Russia they already have.


  1. I was just wondering if you got to the march in DC? It was fantastic, but alas, orange combover was playing golf….imagine that.


  2. #MNGA Oh my… I laughed so hard.


  3. […] #MNGA […]


  4. […] the whole thing here. And as a reminder, the Enough! National school walkout is on March 14th. The March For Our Lives […]


  5. “Your roll is to inform and get the facts out there for us to ponder discuss and pass on. ” By: Anonymous on February 23, 2018
    at 7:45 AM
    I don’t get where you hall monitor types come from- all the time checking on where and what people are doing and whether you think someone really needs to use the restroom.
    Honey, you can define your own role .
    Ms Helen gets to define hers.

    And she does a damn fine job articulating some tough issues.
    Just like these young folks out of Florida.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. HAHAhaaaa! I am cracking up after the first paragraph. This is EXACTLY what I thought about doping and curling..!!..!! Hilaaaarious.


  7. Right on, ladies!!



  8. Miss Helen, I love you. You have an amazing ability to size up the insane bullshit that is going on and succinctly share it with the rest of us.


  9. Parents now worry as much – or more – about their grade-schoolers coming home alive from school than they do their sons and daughters who are deployed overseas in the military… And not without good reason. And, until the NRA (and NOT responsible gun owners) is rendered powerless and irrelevant, that’s how it will continue to be.

    As for that teacher who inadvertently leaves a weapon unattended? He/she will be fired and or jailed. The football player who’s “had enough,” and snaps after four or five concussions? A failure of the mental health system. Just a couple more “bad apples”… It couldn’t POSSIBLY be a “gun situation,” and it will ALWAYS be “too soon to talk about it,” and nobody could be ever be so insensitive as to try to “politicize tragedy” and pass laws that would make it less likely that such tragedies happen just about every other week. That wouldn’t be “freedom,” would it?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Loving Helen, Margaret, and Generation Z


  11. Thank you both, Helen and Margaret! Glad to see your post. You have been missed. Leave it up to Helen to make you think really hard while you are chuckling. We don’t need to arm teachers. I was like, do these teachers keep these guns on their desks to shoot the potential shooters as they come through the doors of the classroom? if locked up, how do they get to these guns before being shot first? It is an asine idea. We need to educate kids about not bullying other kids. We need to establish a mental health system that works. We need so many things that the NRA is never going to go for. All the gun makers think about is to make money. Human lives don’t count. We sure don’t need assault rifles to hunt, they are made to kill other humans. As simple as that. Shame on them all!


  12. I love you both. My youngest son 16. This week, a student at his school was arrested for making a threat to “recreate Parkland” at his school. It is so hard to send him to school, knowing there are people who DO things like this, and our government is so bought and paid for by the NRA that they will do nothing to protect our children. More guns are not the answer. What happens the first time a six year old finds the gun Teacher left unattended for just a minute? Or that big burly football player decides he’s had enough and grabs the gun, or a teacher snaps? THEN what?


  13. I LOVE YOU TWO AND HOPE TO BE LIKE YOU WHEN I grow up…..but I’m only 68…..still time!


  14. Hey, Mageen…! Good to hear from you, and everybody else, too. I actually had a moment of pity earlier this morning (but only a moment) for Wayne LePew and his “No Reality Allowed” gang. A sterling example of what happens when chutzpah gets control of the gonads… Plenty of gun owners around here have thought, for years, that the NRA us absolutely ridiculous in continuing to insist that there’s no difference between an assault-style weapon and a hunting rifle, and that nobody should ever have to tell anyone how many of what they’ve got, and where they got them – or even learn how to use them, for that matter.

    Shooting club members know what those 30-bullets-a-minute, large-capacity magazine, blunderbusses are for – they’re designed for war, for killing or maiming a vast swath of whatever is anywhere in front of their barrel. They don’t merit much respect from hunters or trap shooters, or anyone, for that matter, who gives a fig about marksmanship and skill. But ol’ Wayne just keeps standing up there and mewling away about how the “right to bear arms” is our most basic “freedom”… And how those “European-style socialists” want to take away everybody’s “rights.” Oh, for heaven’s sake. And BS.

    If the NUA weren’t so perpetually arrogant, and stupid, and had made even the TINIEST effort to indicate that most gun owners have some brains, some sense of responsibility, and maybe even the desire that their own children, gun-totin’ or not, should be able to get through elementary school without being blown to bits, they might not have brought their impending downfall on themselves, as god-awful long as it’s seeming to take.

    One is reminded of a certain group of Orange Cheatos who can’t seem to figure that out, either. The fading into irrelevance of every single one of them can’t come soon enough…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Had breakfast out this AM in a well known neighborhood eatery. Overheard lots of talk about the high school massacre, especially about the NRA. That outfit is losing its grip on the public FAST. No one at the eatery is pro NRA and the loss of support from various supporters was widely and loudly mentioned and approved. Got that? Approved!!! the eatery is located in a very conservative, “red” part of the county, so this reaction is totally notable! The NRA is going down like rush Limbaugh who is know broadcast only by small stations with much less muscular signal. And even they are taking a hit. I also saw the video of LaPierre and that strange woman at the CPAC. They looked, sounded and acted like they were scared to death. They have bastardized the 2nd Amendment long enough and lied about the God given right to buy military weapons. All I can say is those kids in Florida need to keep on keeping on! This is the generation that can do the job!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I think I love you both


  17. Well, Helen, I will be at that march so I hope to see you there! What a thrill it would be to meet such a wise woman!!!!


  18. Well, Helen, I will be at that march and I sure hope I get the pleasure of seeing you there too!


  19. I am so happy M&H are back. Thank you for being here.

    I am so very proud of these kids. They have handled themselves beautifully. (Wish they could run for office now!!) I hope the all students in this country rise up and demand gun laws. Hey, hey NRA, how many kids did you kill today!


    Liked by 2 people

  20. I absolutely love you two. You’re always sot on. No one can say it like you. My only negative comment is that you don’t write often enough. Do you think you can work on that please? Our country has a huge problem, beginning with the orange idiot, closely followed by the other repugnicans. We need HELP.


  21. So very happy to see a post from you two again, and I agree with every word you wrote. Not only do I agree – I posted the link to this on my FB page.


  22. I love you both. We must noot give up…….I think only humor will get rid of this lying creep in the WH……we need you both so we can keep on laughing at him….


  23. Your wisdom and wit, you two fabulous ladies, is the perfect salve for these trying times. I’m so grateful for you both. You always strike the perfect balance of intelligence and snark. LOVE you!


  24. Love this post from Margaret and Helen. Please change my email address to ***



  25. Terrific, missed the ladies, too..they are sharps men when it comes to hitting the mark on the Jackass in Chief!


  26. Glad to see you back in the blog world. The gun nuts and other Republicans sure have been showing their despicable sides this past week. My blood is boiling!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. So happy to hear from you two. Keep up the good work. Much love from Chicago.


  28. Arming ex-military teachers in schools? Let’s arm General Kelly and make him Trump’s security. I mean he was in the military and probably won a “shooting contest” so he’d be a good one to be the armed “guy” in the WH.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Dear, dear Helen, your witty words make me laugh in this island of despair and renew my will to fight the orange creep. Thank you!!


  30. She always hits the bullseye

    Sent from my iPad



  31. I haven’t heard from you in a while, I’m so glad to receive the email. I hope you’re well.


  32. Where you gals been? I was beginning to worry about you, don’t make me do that. Great rant, thanks kids.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. I’ve missed you as well – enough to actually get a Twitter account!


  34. This is great. I hope those two intelligent and hilarious women will keep speaking up.

    Sent from my iPad



  35. Surely its not long enough to hang. “Nestled” maybe.

    Liked by 3 people

  36. Very well said. I also call BS!! Emma Gonzales for President!!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Anonymous – Trumplethinskin’s insults to women, minorities, the disabled, gold star parents, etc. have left him open to personal insults – and he is more grotesque than anyone he mocks.

    Deborah – YOU have found no evidence of Russian hacking? So Mr. Muller is just making up Russian names and issuing indictments against them? And your sources for YOUR “Russian investigation” are??

    Liked by 4 people

  38. keep your articles coming, love them


  39. Hey, Anon! Great idea with the postcards; love it!


  40. Thank you for singing out. I sent postcards to the top 21 NRA money whores in Congress with the single message of the dollar amount they’d taken and drops of blood (nail polish can look really authentic, but does take an eon to dry). It’s not much, but I’m not done. Fired up, ready to go!

    Liked by 4 people

  41. Helen, you say everything I want to say, only you say it better. I will be attending a rally on Sunday in support of school kids everywhere. Even here in red, red Idaho, there are some of us who are fed up to the gills with the NRA bought-and-paid-for congress.

    Liked by 3 people

  42. So happy to see you in my inbox!! And Brava!!


  43. I’ve missed you! Happy to hear from you and look forward to more of your wise counsel. XOXOX


  44. Thank you for your exceptional insight. As a retired teacher, I know arming us is not the answer. Someone mentioned that the parents from Sandy Hook tried, but had grieving, other children, jobs etc. These wonderful high school students will make a difference. Let’s hope we see it in the polls across the country and especially in Florida. Thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

  45. Welcome back! We have all missed you SO much!! XOXO


  46. Thanks you. You have already brightened my ever increasingly dark day. As a teacher I have watched where we are spending more and more money on creating fortresses out of our school, while cutting all help for mentally ill people. Does anyone else see a correlation here. Apparently, we only care about you from conception till graduation, then you are on your own.


  47. Thank you. As usual, you got right to the point and stuck it where it needs to go.

    Namaste, Susan 🐰



  48. Well done as always. We have been missing your emails, which we forward widely! Hope you are well.


  49. Well done as always. We have been missing your emails, which we forward widely! Hope you are well.


  50. it is ok for us to meddle in others elections but do not touch ours.
    we are offended? really? check out history. maybe offended because an outsider is in the white house and the Dems are upset at losing the election (no I am not a Republican but an American who looks at the issues). what is the name of all that is holy does the size of his carrot, his hair and orange skin have to do with anything. Your thoughts are valued but stop the petty ugly stuff and bring the information you have to your readers Your roll is to inform and get the facts out there for us to ponder discuss and pass on. Hate should never win.


  51. I am a former teacher. I grew up in a hunting culture so long guns do not scare me. AR-15’s on the other hand do such a good job of chewing up a victim that it would be hard to identify the body. Would I have packed heat when I was teaching? No! I was teaching adolescents. The hormone barrage that hits them at that age makes their lives more miserable than merry. Have teachers been beaten up by teenagers? Yes. I know one that was almost disabled for life by a kid witnessing the explosive breakup of his parent’s marriage. If he had come after me and I had been ;packing heat, would I have shot him? Most likely not. My upbringing was multifaceted in dealing with trouble. Likely I would have busted his chops and stopped him. Then what? Well, there was always the chance that I would be sued, no matter the circumstances, and lose my job.

    Back to the hormones: remember complexion problems of the teen years? OK. what most people do not know is that depression also sets in with the hormones. It seems to hit boys much, much harder than girls. It can turn a great student into a failing student as it impacts attention span and concentration. It also impacts perception. Everyone and anyone is the enemy. Depression also gets int he way of learning alternate solutions to life problems. The troublemaker in the class is never tested for the disease and goes on to do very, very bad things.

    As for the NRA, I have long thought of them as subversive. Actually, they meet all the qualifications. And they have bastardized the 2nd Amendment by refusing to recognize Heller as written by Justice Antonin Scalia who blatantly said that AR-15s are military grade, not civilian, and thus should be denied for sale to civilians.

    Not simple, its it! But the NRA has finally let its own cheese fall off the cracker. There is now a huge opening and it looks like the kind of whirlpool that can suck them down.

    Bless you both, Margaret and Helen. Keep on keeping on.

    Liked by 3 people

  52. Love your blog as always, but it should be “fazed”, not “phased”. 🙂


  53. I am so ashamed of our country every time I look at that orange “bone spur cadet” who occupies the White House. I have no respect for anyone who voted for that self centered moron, including some family members. I hate to confess that I do not see any hope for this country. The inmates are running the asylum and we’re doomed!

    Liked by 2 people

  54. Ive missed you. I lost my words in this year of daily chaos. You give me hope that they will return.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. AMEN


  56. Love you, ladies. Keep up the good work We need you.


  57. Maybe the solution is to give the politicians more money than the NRA. There are more of us and with a small donation, i.e. one about the size of Trump’s dick, we can be more successful buying them off.


  58. I like you both a lot and hate Trump, however I don’t think the Russians are to blame here and find it sad that you are believing that story line. Our current mess is the result of our politicians led by their own greed. And the Democrats are not much better ….. I think 27 of them voted yesterday to approve Wilbur Ross as Sec. of Commerce — yes, after they make their strong statements to the press against Trump many Dems vote with him in Congress. Dianne Feinstein, my senator, voted for Wilbur, oh dear. The Democrats voted to give Trump more money for defense than the GOP had asked for — perhaps this is why the Democrats lost so badly during the last elections? I won’t vote for candidates who expand the Pentagon’s power and keep the armament companies wealthy, and who are best friends with Wall Street bankers (i.e., Obama and Hillary). I still can’t find any proof the Russians ‘hacked’ anything, especially not this last election, and I read everything I can. Open to proof, but so far can’t find any and don’t think Mueller will turn up anything meatier than money-laundering & other gangster crimes. Yes Trump is bad but the Dems have to look at how they allowed him to win. Otherwise we’re looking at Trump in 2020.

    Liked by 1 person

  59. The difference between Sandy Hook and this is that these kids took video and recorded their thoughts and these kids are old enough to be able to fight back themselves. They are not grieving parents trying to deal with being harassed while mourning and setting up funerals. They are social website and tech savvy. They are sharp and articulate and just a few months or a year away from being able to vote.

    Turn our schools into prisons and only hire ramboesque teachers? That will really make schools feel like a safe place to those kids.

    When I started teaching high school, during all the upheaval over the Vietnam War, I used to worry I wouldn’t be able to save kids from a gunman or demonstrator. Would I fail to measure up to protect them? I never thought I wanted a gun so I could kill anyone. Never.

    Liked by 4 people

  60. These are a Parkland radiologists reflections on AR-15 wounds. It is horrifying.

    Liked by 2 people

  61. When it comes to public safety, or saving lives from murdering ass-hold weapons, Cadet Bonespurs Orange is the new Jack (ass).


  62. Traitor trump and his quisling republican administration including congress have done more to destroy democracy than any off shore terrorists. They are worse than any terrorist group andbecause they are white so called Christians no one calls them terrorists. No one belongs in a secure federal prison more than traitor trump and his corrupt little mob. Psychopaths have no place in government. The mindless puppets who sold out the United States need to be indicted, stripped of their citizenship and imprisioned. Perhaps that would show the orange idiot that he isn’t #1. He ranks lowest of any president.
    Speaking of more guns in schools, an armed sheriffs deputy was in the Flotia school at the time of the shootings. He did nothing to try to stop the shooter. Guess the NRA lied when it said that “the best way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun”.

    Liked by 1 person

  63. You are right on target, as usual.



  64. I’ve missed you so much! Everything, as always, spot on.

    Liked by 1 person

  65. I couldn’t have said it better.

    The Parkland students have the NRA and politicians shaking in their boots–their bullying, terrorist organization has started to crumble: National Bank of Omaha dropped their branded VISA; Enterprise, Alamo, and National Rental Cars withdrew their discounted privileges. By the weekend, many other businesses will be on board. There is something grossly wrong with people who can tolerate babies being blown to smithereens, communities held hostage to gang violence, and women murdered by controling, angry significant others, and no outrage or urgency to eliminate it. The innocent souls lost at Parkland, has created a movement and the students left behind have galvanized a nation–there will be no turning back. Gun safety is on its way!

    Liked by 2 people

  66. I always feel better knowing that you are still living out loud and out there!

    Liked by 4 people

  67. Thank you ladies! Brilliant as usual.

    I think we’re about to find out that in addition to being a domestic terrorist organization, the NRA is a Russian money laundering partner, and has been for some time. After all, the NRA wants to protect those 2000 guns that go over our borders DAILY. That’s a Cash Cow they relish worshiping and will protect at all costs.

    I only hope Mueller, Schneiderman, and their team, are as honorable, and lawful as we all need them to be.

    Liked by 3 people

  68. I am always encouraged after listening to you!


  69. Ladies I love you both. Unless we force change nothing will stop the NRA from turning our country into a war zone. How anyone can think that arming teachers is the solution to school shootings is beyond me. I hope to see you in DC!

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