Posted by: Helen Philpot | August 16, 2017

On one side there were Nazis and on the other side there were no Nazis and Trump still came down on the wrong side. #charlottesville

helen-mug1  From Helen:

Margaret,  several people have asked me why I haven’t been writing. The truth is, honey, this isn’t funny anymore.  Our President… scratch that…  the moron currently occupying the White House just equated George Washington to Robert E. Lee.  He can’t understand why a memorial to the symbolic founding father of our country is different than a memorial to a general in an army that fought a failed rebellion against our government.

Mr. President, with no respect intended, I implore you to please step down.  You are not qualified for the position you now hold.  Quite frankly, you are not qualified to be much more than a reality TV star, a position I hold in very low regard by the way.

There is a reason that in Germany you will find no statues of Hitler, no monuments to the Third Reich, and no Chancellor of Germany suggesting there was blame for World War 2 on both sides.  And there is a reason that Robert E. Lee himself didn’t want statues honoring the Confederacy.  In his own words, “I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

Mr. President, you joked recently that you might one day be on Mount Rushmore.  I wonder at times what color the sky is in your world?  Are you really this stupid?  How in God’s name did you become the leader of the free world?

No, Mr. President.  There were not many sides in Charlottesville.  There were just two. Right and wrong. There were white supremacists on one side and Americans who believe all people are created equal on the other side.  There were hate groups and there were Americans who oppose hate. There were neo-Nazis and… Do we really have to go beyond that? Isn’t that what we call a non-starter?  There were Nazi’s, you stupid piece of shit, and still that wasn’t clear enough for you?  Really?  You couldn’t even get this one right? On one side there were Nazis and on the other there were no Nazis, and you still came down on the wrong side?

Now, I don’t know what the Alt Left is, but if it’s the group that wants to stand up to neo-Nazis and white supremacists to end racism, bigotry and hate then sign me up.  I suggest however that it is just more crap from the endless pile of crap falling freely from your mouth.  Mr. President, how many Alt Right funerals took place this week?

What kind of a man is so cowardly that he is unable to distinguish between those groups? What kind of a man can’t comprehend the simple concept  that while we all have  a right to protest, not all protests are right? What kind of man, I ask? Well, I’ll tell you exactly what kind of man.  The kind that started the birthers, molested women, made fun of the handicapped, joked about having sex with his daughter, and espousesd beliefs that people from Mexico are rapists and murderers.  My God if this man had an honest thought, it would die of loneliness.

Everyone wants to claim that we need to get back to the issues that Trump ran on.  We are quick to say that the majority of Trump voters were voting because of the economy. Well pardon my French but in this case the bullshit is both walking and talking.  This is exactly the issue he ran on.  He kicked off his campaign accusing immigrants from Mexico as being rapists and murderers.  The Republican Party owns this.  If you are a Republican today, you condone this.

Hillary Clinton called them a basket of deplorables. I prefer to call them a confederacy of dunces.  My heart goes out to Charlottesville and to this great country of ours as we suffer this fool of a man who was too stupid to know he was too stupid to be President. I mean it. Really.

margaret-mug1 From Margaret:

Helen, dear.  I know I’ve lived too long that when given the choice between dinner with the President of the United States and dinner with Sarah Palin, I would gladly ask Sarah to pass the peas.   And I don’t even like peas.


  1. Love these Ladies!


  2. Oh wow! I just stumbled into your blog on Facebook. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Keep on writing. You two are now my new Obama. Hope & Change. Hope & Change.


  3. Gato, I worked a call in line for a Charleston, South Carolina, manufacturing company when Hugo hit. I will never do that again. Every macadamia around got hold of the number and called in thereby jamming up the lines for the real victims. As for the little towns in the area, I know of what you speak. Felt really, really bad for them. Heck, I felt bad for anyone trying to get out of Charleston. One highway had traffic moving at a crawl. Charleston just didn’t have wide open highways that would have been a big help. And the airport? I know someone who was on the last flight out. It was overbooked but it managed to take off. As it taxied down the runway, my friend could see a HUGE mob of people trying to break down the fence between the terminal building and the tarmac, yelling and screeching to hold the plane and let them get on, even if they had to ride with the baggage. They were scared to death. And now I hear there is something brewing in the Atlantic and might hit next week anywhere from South Carolina and on up the coast. I tell yah! It just never stops!

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  4. It would be interesting to know how many Texas Gulf Coast/Houston residents are eager for “the president” to show up in town – TOMORROW !!?? – for a little look-see… Probably about the same number of people who would be delighted to learn that their picky, thoughtless, rude, and totally self-centered uncle will be dropping by to see how they’re doing right after their toilets backed up, the refrigerator broke, an eighteen-wheeler had just crashed through their living room wall, and a horde of rabid rodents had been discovered in their bedroom… Oh! And he’s bringing along his lovely daughter and her shoe collection, a few of his “special counselors,” two dozen 8×10 robo-signed photographs of himself at his new desk, and some leftover nice red caps for everyone. (And they, and all the rest of us, will be paying for all this, too…) I can just feel the love, can’t you?

    My entire family (Mom, Dad, brother, and sister-in-law) lived in Folly Beach, SC, a barrier island just outside of Charleston, when Hurricane Hugo came to town in 1989. They evacuated, like 80% of the island’s population. NO ONE, other than emergency and aid workers, was allowed to set foot on the island until days after the storm had completely dissipated, and even then only residents were granted access. And it was long after that before there was adequate power, clean water, fully passable roads, or anything even approaching what they’d left. A year later, the remains of demolished houses were still being bulldozed off beachfront lots. And if anyone thinks for a minute this was because Charleston County didn’t have “great people on the ground,” or lacked some sort of preparation or coordination for this kind of thing, think again. The possibility of dealing with a major hurricane has always been a fact of life on “The Edge of America.”

    A NOTE FOR THOSE OUTSIDE HARVEY’S PATH OF DESTRUCTION: The City of Charleston was overwhelmed with aid, food and water donations, and every other sort of assistance that could be offered. My family reminded me that it was the little-known fishing towns, small farms, and communities nearby who were inadvertently overlooked. (How many of us had ever heard of Shem Creek, Moncks Corner, or Hendersonville…?) Their residents needed EVERYTHING – water, food, bandages, diapers, pots and pans, clothing… So keep that in mind if you’re thinking of chipping in somehow. Ask the Red Cross, or whoever you contact, who needs what, where, and they will tell you where your contribution will do the most good.

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  5. Who wants to bet money that he will tour the area in a copter? Hell, if he were to do it in a boat, he just might have to pick up soaking wet humans who have already been exposed to contagion that comes with such huge floods. He may even have to touch them and with his phobia, well, that just ain’t gonna happen! And those tweets! Books? What the blazes does he have to say about books except to sell his own ghostwritten tripe? Wonder how much he is going to personally donate to any fund established to cope with this disaster? Oh, boy! Look at that! I didn’t mean to, but I have overloaded you all with questions. Will go away for a bit now. Everyone needs to rest and start breathing regular again.


  6. Perfect response Gato! So far he has tweeted about ten times today, never mentioning the storm victims. Because he has no empathy for any one.


  7. Already done, Mageen, tweeting away yesterday and today… Many of those “great people” on the Federal team are temporary or assistant heads of departments, because Himself is so busy pardoning law-breaking law enforcement officers and taking more steps to prevent immigration that he hasn’t gotten around to filling vacancies… What a dickweed… Yes, when he can gather all of our attention once again, he’ll show up somewhere down there – maybe with Ivanka and Jared in tow – and announce that this was a storm like the world has never seen, and he’s dealing with it in ways like the world has never seen. (Well, at least THAT’s true.) Maybe he’ll even add something about how the flooding washed away mostly “illegals,” and isn’t that a good thing… And we get to pay for Photo Ops #8,372 – 8,718. Think he’ll get to sit in a power boat, wearing a “MAGA” life vest, and make little engine noises..? FUN!


  8. By next week around this same time the Barking Yam will most likely have said something about the hurricane and flooding that will horrify decent people. This is really not a question of a bet. This is fact. He has no idea what he is talking about 90% of the time. Still no excuse for rubbing salt into the wounds of suffering people.


  9. Figured you would see the point of this. Love you! Jillly

    From: Margaret and Helen To: Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 4:38 PM Subject: [New post] On one side there were Nazis and on the other side there were no Nazis and Trump still came down on the wrong side. #charlottesville #yiv1161251848 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv1161251848 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv1161251848 a.yiv1161251848primaryactionlink:link, #yiv1161251848 a.yiv1161251848primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv1161251848 a.yiv1161251848primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv1161251848 a.yiv1161251848primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv1161251848 | Helen Philpot posted: ”  From Helen:Margaret,  several people have asked me why I haven’t been writing. The truth is, honey, this isn’t funny anymore.  Our President… scratch that…  the moron currently occupying the White House just equated George Washington to Robert E. ” | |


  10. Helen now don’t go running off with Harvey. He’ll just blow you away, He’s full of hot air. And will probably drown you with his tears if you refuse to go.

    Be safe…all those in its path.


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  11. The whereabouts of the draft dodger in chief this weekend: Camp David. Folks here have been asking if the White House has given any thought about just staying put in order to keep a closer eye on Harvey. As of yet, there is no change in plans. As for FEMA, there is kinda sorta somebody in charge. Its a woman and she is considered in an acting capacity. there is supposed to be a guy somewhere to actually head it up but he looks like a dollar short and a day late. Just what coastal Texas does not need right now. God bless you all down there and stay safe!

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  12. Helen and all who are in any of the “bands” of that damn Harvey, hope you all will be safe and sound until that miserable clears out.

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  13. Porch dwellers, this could be it. Harvey may be the one thing can finally and irretrievably break Trump and even send him packing. Bushlet finally ended up admitting that his biggest mistake was the non-response to Katrina. At that time he had picked a guy with no experience in disasters as FEMA chief. Right now, there is no FEMA chief at all. My prayers are with the folks in the path of Harvey. That damn storm is due to stall once it gets on land and not leave at all until Tuesday! The outer bands of the storm will even hit Louisiana and that surely includes New Orleans. Yeah. Like they need this! Stand by, y’all and see where Trump is when the Texas coast gets beat to death. Anyone want to guess which golf course? Or any other place but the White House? After all, an entire weekend is involved here!

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  14. I’m sure once Hurricane Harvey makes land fall Trump will say there were many sides to blame. Many sides.

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  15. please keep writing and I will keep sharing on facebook. I wish the reporters during the press conferences etc would speak as clearly and honestly as you do. For instance when he says we are all equal and should be united, just add “except transgendered”. What pray tell is unequal about transgendered? Love you ladies…more more


  16. The only person who makes Trump look bad is Donald Trump! He’s a disgrace. His performance last night was despicable. I cannot believe this man is president, and I have absolutely no respect for the people who smiled and cheered while he embarrassed and shamed our country. Hateful.


  17. Lou, honey! Its time to wake up! You don’t want to be late for school! Mamma knows you’re having a terrific dream, but seriously, you have to wake up!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Lou Harrison said:
    “Turns out that it is likely that this whole Charlottesville scandal was created by the left, to make President Trump look bad. What do you have to say now?”
    Horseshit Lou, Absolute horseshit.
    How do you get from an Idaho Freedom Caucus Rep insisting the stoopid story some right wing conspiracy theorist posted is ” plausible” (having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable: – ) to “likely”?
    1- It is not true that the stoopid conspiracy theory is plausible for all the reasons most of that crap is just that- crap- not the least of which is that it would rely on a kind of keep-their-mouths-shut by so-called players that is inhuman.
    2-All the Idaho doof says is that appears plausible- he gives no evidence or comment about why he thinks so. For crying out loud- all that means is he is capable of shooting his mouth off.Even there he equivocates with mealy mouthed language ” I’m just suggesting…”
    This doof believes a shaky theory with little or no “proof” of its own.
    and you extend his I’m -just -suggesting -it -might -be -true crap into it -is- likely- true?
    This is like that stoopid middle school game where people whisper some juicy tidbit along a line of people and look at the garbled mess it becomes at best.
    Total horseshit.


  19. Lou Harrison: Seriously? You think it’s all George Soros’s fault? That seems likely to you? Do you believe everything you read on right wing websites? Tell me, is Elvis still alive? Was the moon landing faked? Please go back to wherever you came from.

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  20. As the Tweeter of The Free World so likes to say: “The Fake News Media Is Out of Control! SAD!”

    And – hey – I saw the image of an Idaho Congressman’s buttocks burned into my toast this morning. What do you say to THAT…?

    Liked by 1 person


    Turns out that it is likely that this whole Charlottesville scandal was created by the left, to make President Trump look bad. What do you have to say now?


  22. It was great discovering this, and your blog!

    The latest history-related response is that we shouldn’t “erase history.” Yet I don’t hear calls to bring more attention to Native Americans of the 20th century, much of whose history has been, you know, erased…


  23. This Canadian has missed your posts!


  24. […] the whole piece, including Margaret’s coup de grâce, here. God only knows what we’re in for this week. Hold onto your […]


  25. […] the whole piece, including Margaret’s coup de grâce, here. God only knows what we’re in for this week. Hold onto your […]


  26. Choice of meal between Sarah Palin and the President ….I’ll choose my cat!

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  27. My friend in Indiana sent me your blog to London and now I’m sending it round to my friends here. We’ve all agreed, long ago, that if the orange turd steps foot on British soil we’ll be taking a day off to be there to ensure he remember the experience. From this side of the pond we can’t quite believe what is happening on your side. It can’t go on for much longer, he doesn’t have the intelligence. Stay doing what you’re doing x

    Liked by 1 person

  28. I love both of you. I’m Canadian.

    A few of my friends and I have some loud conversations about the US (I have too much respect for you, to call him your) President and where his, oh look, I found a new shiny thing brain, is taking the world to.

    The BS that came out of his mouth regarding Charlottesville, came damned close to making me flip my lid.

    In my life , I have never wished any other soul, to experience the camps for real. My mother was born in one. I wish he were there now. A classroom isn’t going to teach him anything.

    Hmmm. Oh wait. Did he fake that as well?


  29. Thanks again ladies for your wisdom and wit.I am an old woman who stands with you !


  30. How much I missed you, Helen and Margaret! As usual, you so articulated the issue with such clarity! Thank you for this post. It truly enlightened me.
    Hats of to Germany for taking responsibility in acknowledging that evil and hatred have to be dealt with and shedding all things nazi was the best course of action. Unfortunately, the nazis are out in the open around here, spewing their hatred of humankind, and are being defended by the US president no less. What a shame! Are we going to be able to survive this presidency? Thanks again Helen!


  31. I am so proud to be a recipient of your posts. I cannot say enough to endorse what you say. Continue to speak out to help us to become more ethical, more moral, more humane. Let us get back on the road to greatness that we started on with ‘the greatest generation’. We have detoured long enough under a conservative Supreme Court that recognized corporations over people, under a Republican Congress that does not value the earth or the people inhabiting. Let your voice continue to ring out whether or not you can lace it with humor. I truly enjoy your humor and I do believe that humor and music are food for our souls, but we must have truth, and you, deliver truth so well. Thank you for speaking out for righteousness.


  32. […] “…if this man had an honest thought, it would die of loneliness.” […]

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Helen you are awesome!
    Margaret you are a hoot!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Thank you for this wonderful message, I wish that I had your ability to write. THANK YOU


  35. STANDING O 👏👏👏👏👏

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Bannon is out. General Kelly put a letter on Trump’s desk for his signature. Of course, Trump as usual didn’t read it cuz he has other way more important things to do but he certainly signed it . Now, look. Why can’t someone do this with Trump’s resignation? Hell, I’ll volunteer to carry the letter into the OvalOffice and plunk it on top of the desk. Since I am not a 10, he won’t even see me and he will sign it cuz thats the kind of important stuff Presidents do!!

    Liked by 2 people

  37. IMHO, the GOP politicians who refuse to condemn this person’s appalling and dangerous behavior, again and again, are MORE culpable – unless, like their “leader,” they, too, are deeply psychologically impaired, unstable, and unfit to hold public office.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Yes and yes again. But let’s not totally ignore the Republicans who are hiding behind poll numbers. The pusillanimous members of Congress who refuse to condemn him are as guilty as he is.Silence in the face of lies and hate is nothing less than endorsement,

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Mageen, you said: ” briefly read on one source that Trump’s father was very racist and white nationalist and even participated in at least one event hosted by the Nazi party here in the U.S. prior to World War II”

    I don’t know about the Nazi connection to Fred Trump, but he was arrested following a KKK rally in Queens:


  40. […]   From Margaret and Helen: […]


  41. Oh, god, I have so missed your wit and sense of humor. I don’t know what happened, but I stopped checking in here when Trump won. I guess I went into a head-long spin. But I am coming out, and need your straight talk and humor in my life, so I will be following you as regularly as you choose to write, and Margaret, glad to see you joining in with your wit and humor, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. My ulcers are trying their darnedest to come back on me. I briefly read on one source that Trump’s father was very racist and white nationalist and even participated in at least one event hosted by the Nazi party here in the U.S. prior to World War II. I went through so many sources today that I can’t recall the name of the one where I picked up this tidbit. Does anyone out there have any info on this? If this is so, Herr Trump is picking up where Vater left off.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Thanks always!
    I related to most of the comments and don’t have much to add…just more frustration.
    However, as some of the comments reflect, this is not just about one man and his administration. This is about the Republican Party.
    Trump is the love-child/result of decades of Republicans dismantling of our democracy. It started with Reagan sowing division by delegitimizing ‘big government’ and ‘welfare queens’ and continues through gerrymandering and stealing the Supreme Court. Politics is now all about power, not about service. It’s Game of Thrones… in Washington. It’s about building a personal empire/party, not about building a democracy.
    The Republicans say they’re against white supremacy/nazis. Yet, they vote to restrict immigration and voting rights. They support 45’s panel on voter ‘fraud’, which is based on false/manipulated voter fraud data. The Justice Dept. has just requested the names/info of persons posting on a left wing website…it goes on and on…
    At least ’45’ puts it all out there for those of us who want to look. The rest of them are of the same cloth but operate in ‘dignified’ secrecy. Their farce of ‘legislating’ h/wealth care illustrated that all too clearly.
    Let’s keep our eyes open, keep the discussions ongoing and take peaceful action when possible. And may our democracy prevail.

    Liked by 3 people

  44. Kevin – no comment, neit, non, negitory, no way…..


  45. So now that they have proven us right about them (that given their choice, they would have a goddamn Nazi sympathizer in the white house) we can’t allow them to amplify their numbers by suppressing the votes of non-Nazi sympathizers.
    They deserve to be represented in the government, but only proportional to their actual numbers.

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  46. There is an unhealthy false equivalence by too many, including the White House incumbent, between Black Lives Matter and White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups. The former is saying my life and rights matter in this country, while the latter is telling them “no they don’t.” These groups are trying to sand around their edges saying we are White Adbocacy, but that is Machiavellian. Their chants and dialogue betray that.

    Back to the President, he could not even jump over the lowest of bars on this issue. If we went back in time to the fall of 1945, and told the American GIs that 72 years later Germany would be the moral leader of the free world and the US would have a pseudo-Nazi President who benefited from Russian spies and Neo-Nazi support, they may have a hard time with that. Keith

    Liked by 6 people

  47. Yep Lou. You are correct. A bunch of Nazi’s came to an otherwise peaceful community and some people stood up to them. So tell me again who’s fault it is?

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Right on, ladies…great post!


  49. […] On one side there were Nazis and on the other side there were no Nazis and Trump still came down on … […]


  50. And there are still so many people who support him no matter what. Even if he burned down a crowded orphanage. Support like that is called tribal and you will never convert those people, even if they knew for a fact that they would go down with him. Its delusional and suicidal. Its eve worse when these people are put I charge of something. They take down people who don’t agree with them. All that leaves behind is a mess of charcoal.

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  51. What is really amazing is, as of Tuesday, 38.7% of American adults support him!!
    That is an astounding 110,000,000 people! 110 million adults support him! That is out of a total adult population of 243,000,000. What is wrong with these people?

    Liked by 3 people

  52. Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight. First, here’s NBC’s report.

    “Since the weekend, witnesses have told us that in fact, both sides were antagonizing for a fight,”; NBC’s Tom Costello says. Later, the report shows a clip of Trump’s Tuesday press conference in which he said, “What about the alt-left? What about the fact that they came charging … with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs?” Costello’s narration continues, “In fact, that’s true. Witnesses tell NBC News there were people on both sides who seemed ready for a fight and some counter-protesters were armed with clubs, some with pepper spray.”

    The BBC published a similar look at the violence in Charlottesville and what Trump said about it. BBC reporter Joel Gunter, who was there Saturday, said, “The President said that the violence on Saturday was perpetrated by both sides. “After playing a clip of Trump’s press conference, Gunter continued, “Trump is right. There was violence on both sides. I saw counter-protesters throw bottles, rocks and paint and clash with the white supremacists. Both sides sprayed pepper spray.

    Liked by 1 person

  53. Your word were at the right time. I agree with every word you wrote. This President would do himself a favor and just shut his mouth and let give up his throne that he thinks he won. Thanks again for your written thoughts.


  54. OMG! She’s back and just skimming it, she has taken the words right out of my brain, even to calling him moron. I’ll have to digest this, sending to you in case the bitch forgot you, LOL




  55. Dear Anonymous… If only it were that “simple”… Let’s give some thought to what we label “stupid.” When someone is denied the most basic human needs – compassion, care; respect; a sense of community and, at the same, of autonomy; the reassurance that a decent future does, in fact, lie ahead; enough food to eat; a home; and at least the possibility of comfort and care when suffering illness or loss; and so on – That person is likely to behave in ways that we call “stupid.” When we add a lack of education, isolation, and fear, the likelihood of someone’s acting “stupid” is increased monumentally.

    Cultural “stupidity” has nothing to do with brain cells; it has to do with cultural and social deprivation. It’s a vicious cycle: Angry and desperate people act in ways that harm themselves and the society in which they live. When they do that, others deem them “unworthy” of any concern. We do it all the time, as humans have done for millennia: “Blacks are destined to be slaves.” “Women don’t have the mental capacity to understand government.” “Immigrants are all drug dealers/rapists/terrorists.” “People on welfare are mooches and crooks.” “Addicts just have no moral fiber.,” And so on, and so on.

    No democracy will survive if it denies great parts of its citizenry access to basic human needs, as we have seen throughout recorded history – and are seeing in our own front yard again today, to the great anguish of most of us.

    Building walls has never protected a society; building schools and hospitals always has.

    Liked by 3 people

  56. Former president Lyndon Johnson said it best. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” Unfortunately that pretty much describes the “Alt-Right”.

    Liked by 3 people

  57. Yeaaay! Helen! And thank you for writing this abd thank you to Whitney for sharing it!


  58. When I retire, which i hope will be in the very near future when I can get good price for my house, I am going to Charlottesville. Been there frequently in the past year and it suits me. Plus crap doesn’t scare me. As for Trump, how he got past kindergarten let alone college is beyond me. He consistently proves that he is dumb enough to lick a steak knife. As for both sides being in the wrong, no way! I had members of my family fighting the Nazis in Europe even before D Day. They weren’t wrong. The Nazis were. And now Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world. This dummy in the White House just cannot be allowed to retire after a fulfillment of term, no matter how short. Impeachment is written all over him. Where that is concerned, it should have happened yesterday. And one more thing. I am eternally grateful he did not decide to run as a Democrat. The Republicans own him.

    Liked by 2 people

  59. Preach! Please run for president in 2020!


  60. Thanks for telling it like it is.


  61. 👍👍Two thumbs up. And 😂 for Margaret, who has never had that much to say since I’ve been following them.


  62. We shall have to start correcting the spelling. Not President Trump. “President” Trump.

    Keep telling it like it is.

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  63. So many of my friends claimed I was overreacting in November, when I predicted something like this. “Give him a chance,” they implored.

    I am goddamn Cassandra, y’all, foretelling the future with no one willing to believe me until after the fact.

    Thanks for this, ladies. The FAUXtus has got to go.

    Liked by 4 people

  64. Oh my, you are exactly right. This is the saddest presidency ever. Even sadder is that Pence and Ryan are no better; they just know enough not to spout off all the time.

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  65. Thank you, both!
    I’ve been yelling at the TV set every single day since this moron was elected. For all those individuals who voted for Trump because they simply couldn’t vote for Hillary, I hope you are most affected by this loose cannon’s “decisions”. This man, Trump, is a very sick man. He is mentally ill. And this country will pay the price. Much in the same way as Nazi Germany paid the price with Hitler. I got to see Germany in the 60’s and it was still struggling 20 years after the war. That’s how we will be if Trump continues.
    Thank you both for speaking up! So many I know are too afraid.

    Liked by 3 people

  66. This is a tough one… A “traitor,” as far as I understand, is someone who actively works against one country because he thinks the principles of that system of government are “wrong” or harmful in some way – and the focus is on the system. There is usually some consistency, some statement of beliefs, something to back up that position.

    In that sense, Trump’s traitorous acts are just “collateral damage,” because it’s difficult to point to any “principles” he consistently defends, other than his insistence that any person, action, government, poll, news report, or “protest,” that doesn’t support and enhance his PERSONAL public “straw man” facade that he is incredibly wealthy, popular, always courted by the “best people,” desired by the most beautiful women, and so on, is immediately rejected by him as some “fake” this or that. Personal “loyalty” is the only thing that counts to him, which explains why he can “admire” Putin (who’s too smart to openly cross him), and trash almost every aspect of the American system of government, and anyone in it, when he sniffs any opposition.

    People, and their “loyalty” to him, are his only concern. I don’t think he’d know a “principle” if it smacked him in the face. So saying, “We’re going to repeal and replace Obamacare” one day, and saying “We’ll let Obamacare collapse on its own; it doesn’t matter,” may seem inconsistent to many of us, but it isn’t to him. The first thing didn’t work, so it no longer means anything. And one day, the President’s Council on Manufacturing Jobs is the best thing that ever happened, and, when the membership begins to depart en masse, that whole concept is suddenly declared worthless. Sean Spicer was the best Press Secretary ever, until he no longer was.

    Add in the ignorance, the senseless bluster, the vanity, the need to lie gratuitously and/or exaggerate just about anything, the hidden financial obligations, the isolationism – personal, social, cultural, and “intellectual”– and we’ve got a real and extraordinarily toxic mess having this limited and damaged individual as the “head” of our government.

    Has anyone seen ANY indication that he is capable of “changing”? At this point, there’s really no point in “blaming” him for being who he is, any more than there’s sense in “blaming” a porcupine for releasing her quills when she’s attacked. She’s a porcupine; what else should we realistically expect?

    The porcupine keeps doing what porcupines do, and too many of us spend far too much time debating whether or not that small mammal with the quills that keeps bristling up is or is not actually a porcupine, and, if so, what possible motivation could be driving the porcupine.


    Liked by 6 people

  67. Thanks for keeping it real!


  68. Thank you for speaking the truth!



  69. Reblogged this on travels with toby and commented:
    Thank you Helen! She is spot on and this one’s too good not to share.


  70. BRAVO!!! You sure have a way with words, all of them excellent and spot on. I just want to add one little tidbit. This piece of shit also was the leader of the birther movement. He CREATED the flippin’ birther movement!!! I pray to God every night “please God, save us from this moron”……….still waiting.


  71. As usual, you are so correct! Well said also. Thank you. Now, we need some brave and responsible people in our country (US House and Senate for starters) to take action and get that orange-haired witless moronic piece of shit out of the White House.

    Liked by 2 people

  72. Well said! Thank you! Thank you!


  73. The only problem with getting rid of #45 is that the 18 people in line to replace him are very, very scary and they have more savvy about getting things done. And they are every bit as bad as he is. Plus – all of his bluster is like the shell game – yelling about the Nazis has gotten us off of the subject of Russians who may, or may not have influenced our elections like we influenced theirs.

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Once again, Helen, I have no problem with anything you have ever written, however, you, and NPR, and probably most media have avoided the use of one word. The one word that describes Robert Edward Lee, Jefferson Finis Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and the rest of the Confederate higher echelon is TRAITOR! Just use your imagination and imagine what would have happened if Grant had “captured” Lee, and all of his soldiers, rather than allowing them to return to their own homes, and Davis and company had been tried in a federal court.

    And, Margaret, I am not sure I would want Sarah to handle anything before me, and I love peas. Let’s hope you have other guests at your table.

    Liked by 2 people

  75. Thank you for writing. I’ve missed reading your posts. It’s tough to be a Texas these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  76. Thank you, ladies. In the midst of all this awful crap you made me smile. You go girls!

    Liked by 1 person

  77. I still can’t believe we actually elected him!!


  78. Once again you get it right. Trump is a traitor to every decent American value. He is a con artist. But if that weren’t bad enough, he used everything at his disposal to incite every domestic terrorist, every despicable white suprimist lunatic in the country. The evil genie is out of the bottle and won’t go back in because their president has their backs. Their president says they are ‘fine people’. Resign, traitor trump, resign now.

    Liked by 2 people

  79. Dear, dear, Helen and Margaret, it has been so long since I’ve seen one of your posts. I’ve missed you. I’ve counted on you so many times to put my thoughts to paper. You did it again. Thank you.
    Stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. He will be praising the likes of Benedict Arnold next.


  81. You aalways cut through all the crap and get to the essence of whatever it is that’s going on. Thank you and keep writing!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  82. Helen, you write so straightforwardly and with no nonsense! The Senior Twit could learn a great deal from you.


  83. […] On one side there were Nazis and on the other side there were no Nazis and Trump still came down on … […]


  84. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.


  85. You made my day……thank you for so wonderfully and honestly saying what I’ve been feeling! Bless you both!😉❤

    Liked by 1 person

  86. Oh How I miss hearing from both of you! As always you speak exactly how I feel. I agree with everything you say, but do you think in watching & listening to #45 that 1st he has a bit of dementia, or a real mental problem, or is he just an old white WASP who wants to live in the nice white world he grew up in during the 50’s, & 60’s? It seems he wants to erase ALL the progress we have made since then. I can just picture what his daddy must have been like in the 30’s & 40’s & 50’s…shudder..!! Now that’s a family that should have been part of the governments forced vasectomy’s !!

    Liked by 1 person

  87. Good to hear from you two – I’ve missed your voices, though I understand; it’s been hard for me to spit out more than an outraged statement here and there. So, thank you.

    Liked by 3 people

  88. I sure hope all the stupid people that voted for this moron come to their senses and see what a mistake they made


  89. I was excited to see your post!! Trump continues to incite and divide this nation every single day! You are as usual spot on! It’s not funny and it sure is scary!


  90. Sunshine to you Helen and Margaret. We need all the help we can get to live through this nightmare.

    Liked by 1 person

  91. SAD! 😦 xoxoM


  92. Wonderful post! Every word rings true. This is truly a terrible time for this country, but if we resist and persist, we will survive this Dumpster fire of an administration.


  93. Sing it, sister! Reading a blog post from you two always improves my day. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  94. Dear Margaret and Helen, you nailed it…as usual! I don’t think I’ve ever read you as angry and I can well understand why. None of this is “funny” (as in ha-ha; funny as in pretty damned weird and stench-filled, it is!).
    Keep it coming. PLEASE!

    Liked by 2 people

  95. Thank you for your wise words. He has exhausted me. But, fight on all of us…..

    Liked by 1 person

  96. Dear Helen and Margaret,
    Spot on as always, but if given that choice for dinner, I’d explain that I was fasting. Because if I had to eat with either of them, I risk throwing up in their laps. On second thought . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  97. Lordy! What planet are we living on? Thanks Girls for the insights and humor!


  98. Reblogged this on FiftyFourandAHalf and commented:
    Margaret and Helen — they always say it best.


  99. You hit that nail right on the head each and every time. Beautifully done! I’m gonna re-blog.


  100. Thanks you Margaret and Helen. You seem to bring a voice of reason into this crazy world we are forced to live. I am very, very scared for the direction our country is going.


  101. Reblogged this on Our View From Iowa and commented:
    This is the rant I wish I’d written.

    Liked by 1 person

  102. This is the rant I wish I’d written. Thanks much.


  103. Is it possible to laugh and cry at the same time? If so, that’s what I’m doing! Thank you so much for brightening this corner of the world. I’m Canadian, and watching aghast and agape at what’s going on across the border. Come on, wonderful people of America, please, please end this reign of stupidity!

    Liked by 1 person

  104. Thank you Helen for always saying what I’m thinking but in a much more eloquent and informed way. I have to say I love Margaret’s reply. It made me laugh out loud.

    Liked by 1 person

  105. Love you both! R.I.P. Resist. Insist. Persist. Thanks!


  106. Well said, and so needed. Please keep posting.


  107. Yes!!!!! You Ladies are just the best!!!!!!
    It’s all fun & games until someone’s eye gets poked out by a pointy hood.

    Liked by 1 person

  108. Is Trump even the right species to serve as President?

    Liked by 1 person

  109. I love you, ladies! You tell it like it is.


  110. Did not mean to hit reply. Great article! Well thought and well said. S

    “If the plan doesn’t work change the plan, but continue to the goal”



  111. Love you, Helen and Margaret.


  112. Well said, ladies.


  113. “If the plan doesn’t work change the plan, but continue to the goal”



  114. Helen, as usual you have hit the nail on the head. 45 has got to go!


  115. Margaret and Helen — I almost rubbed my eyes when I saw your names in my inbox…except I’ve been chopping onions to go into potato salad. Even so, I’m just so happy to see another of your rational posts. I very much agree with you and there are so many people in this country who agree with what you’ve written. I don’t know what it’s going to take for those of us possessed by sanity to get it together and call an end to this crap. It’s more than time we did! Health and long life to you both ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  116. Beautifully written. How I wish each of these well-written and highly accurate words could be delivered to the Dunce-in-Chief’s mailbox. Of course that presupposes the man knows how to read.. Thank you for the glimmer of smart sanity in a world with far too little of both (smarts AND sanity). :-\

    Liked by 1 person

  117. Happy to see you both, and other old friends here today. Margaret, your comment made laugh out loud!


  118. Thanks, M&H; always love hearing your remarks on things. You’re often a succinct blend of Molly Ivins and George Carlin – a mix that you make work!

    Here’s my POV, for what it’s worth… Trying to apply any kind of “logic,” or common sense, to what this guy is doing is totally a waste of time. Why is he doing all this ridiculous stuff? It’s not based on any “principles,” or “beliefs.” It’s based only on his animal-ike preservation need to make sure his “people,” are whipped into a frenzy of rage and victimhood equal to his own. And that he does. He’s only one, and he can’t carry a weapon. They are many, even if fewer by the day, and they’re all armed to the teeth. He’s supporting his own militia. This is not someone who is EVER going to say anything remotely like, “Oh, thank you for pointing out to me the error of my ways. I am so grateful, and will make every effort to be a better person.” He, obviously, doesn’t even know there’s a problem, and it’s unlikely he ever will. The only hope is to work on those who aren’t quite as far gone as he is, and challenge them again and again on what they believe they stand to gain – or lose – by continuing to hope that they can get him to “change.” He’s not capable of changing, but they might be.

    Liked by 2 people

  119. Calms my heart and nerves to read your posts…..please be here for us………

    Liked by 1 person

  120. Thank you for telling it like it is. I have nothing but contempt for this so-called President. As for his Vice President; where is Mister Holierthanthou? Obviously he chooses to follow the unholy one and will not speak out. So much for Christian values. I am sick to death of the Republicans who have chosen to support and enable both of these toads.

    Liked by 1 person

  121. Well said Helen. I’ve missed you. You are correct when you say it’s no longer funny. But we have to stand together and we have to laugh. It’s the only way we will get through this nightmare with our sanity intact.

    Liked by 1 person

  122. What will it take to get him out? I say that while dreading what the runners-up have to offer. Thank you for writing this, Helen. I hope you had already digested your last meal. I have trouble keeping mine down just thinking about the Dumpster.

    Liked by 1 person

  123. Honey, as we say in Georgia, pass the butter beans, yeah, I now love all the Bushes too. So glad you are alive and well..and TAKING NAMES sista. I’m a old Texas gal and adore you ladies… in Ga. ain’t easy, but hell I’m so old I remember when Connally was a democrat.


  124. Thanks! That put it precisely.


  125. I love you ladies!


  126. You ladies make me miss my mother a little less. I am actually glad she did not live to see this. It would break her heart.

    On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: ” From Helen: Margaret, several people have asked > me why I haven’t been writing. The truth is, honey, this isn’t funny > anymore. Our President… scratch that… the moron currently occupying > the White House just equated George Washington to Robert E. ” >

    Liked by 1 person

  127. Where have you been?!? We need you?!?

    This is one of your best. Thank you!

    Beth >

    Liked by 1 person

  128. Thank you ladies!


  129. Well said!


  130. Well said, as usual. Keep it up, for all our sakes!


  131. I had to check it out but there is a ‘group’ called ANTIFA. I posted this on Facebook …In the Sept issue of The Atlantic is an article about the rise of Antifa, ‘The Rise of the Violent Left’. I had no idea what Antifa* was, actually thought it was a typo the first time I saw it in print. Apparently it is the ‘Alt-Left’ $45 is referring to as ‘violent’. If you do a Google search – Antifa – you might get to read it. I subscribe but wasn’t able to get the article to appear here when I posted the https://www. address.

    From the article: “…a movement called “antifa,” which is short for antifascist or Anti-Fascist Action.” This is one place to learn about them …

    My daughter informed me … “Some of the faith leaders standing in Charlottesville on Saturday reported that is was the Antifa who put themselves between the peaceful clergy and the Nazis who started attacking them because the police had fallen back.”

    And then there is this …, My daughter let me know that …”

    Please keep on being who you both are.


    Liked by 3 people

  132. Dear Helen and Margaret, I want to be you when I grow up. (I’m only 70.)

    Liked by 3 people

  133. It’s so good to see something from you again — even if it is about the plague afflicting our country, as well as the ugly racism which elected him. You said everything I’ve thought, and then some. First of all, the monuments glorifying the shameful rebellion against our government need to come down, or at the very least, moved to museums or maybe cemeteries. They definitely do NOT belong anywhere near places of government, that government they attempted to destroy.

    And “confederacy of dunces” is a good catch-all phrase for the followers, but the leaders are far more dangerous: the leaders are nothing if not traitors. Treasonous traitors.

    Liked by 2 people

  134. Love you two ladies. I hope you don’t mind if I borrow your arguments. I couldn’t say it any better.


  135. Wishing you both a long and prosperous life, knowing eventually you’ll go to the grave still telling it like it is.


  136. Amen, Sisters !


  137. I enjoyed that immensely, thank you, Helen.


  138. On target – as usual.


  139. Bravo!


  140. Even in these times of trouble, you two bring a smile to my face.

    Liked by 2 people

  141. Oh ladies, I mean it too. He has got to go back into his gilded cage.

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