Posted by: Helen Philpot | November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Letter to the Family 2016

Dear Family,

I look forward to seeing you all for Thanksgiving.  This will be my last Thanksgiving as the head cook and bottle washer.  Next year, God willing, I will sit back and relax while the next generation takes the lead.  Until then, you’re going to have to humor me one last time.

As always you can leave your electronic devices in the basket by the door and I suggest you do the same with your political opinions.  My turkey has both white and dark meat.  That means at my table you can be someone who voted for Donald Trump but you do not need to be someone who acts like Donald Trump.   If you don’t heed my warning, you’ll get the store-bought pies Gertrude brings rather than my homemade ones.

This year I learned that it takes all kinds.  For that reason, I am broadening my horizons and opening my mind to the fact that some of you have certain dietary concerns.  So listen close.  If you are avoiding fat, sugar, sodium or gluten you should be concerned.  If you are vegetarian, I think you might be able to forage enough on the table to make a meal.

We have two new babies in the family.  What a joy.  The back bedroom is the perfect get-away for naps, but an inside trashcan is the wrong place for dirty diapers.   Put your disposable diapers in a trash bag and take them all the way to the can outside.  Thanksgiving is on a Thursday and the trash truck doesn’t come until the following Tuesday.  That’s six days of smell I do not need.   Double bag them and bury them deep so I don’t see them.

Football is on all day long.   The television is not.  When the meal is ready the set is off, and it doesn’t go back on until the last person is done with their meal.  God forbid we actually talk to one another.

Kids come in all shapes and sizes.  Guess what?  So do cups.  If your child isn’t going to finish their first drink, then they don’t really need a second one do they?  I am not a woman who likes to waste food – liquid or otherwise.   And speaking of otherwise, plates should be full at the beginning and empty at the end.  Take a little of everything you like as long as you plan to finish it.  Once everyone has had the chance to eat, you are welcome to go back for seconds.

You were all so kind to offer to bring something.  I was so kind as to say bring nothing at all.  But if you insist on arriving with a dish, make sure it is table ready.  I have two ovens and four burners.   All of them will be in use.   Turkey and stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes with cream and butter, sweet corn, green bean casserole, candied yams, peas in sour cream, cranberries, homemade bread,  apple and pumpkin pies.  Honestly.  What else is there to bring?

Cloe, I am tired of fighting with you, dear.   Feel free to bring that disgusting dish you call Jell-O-salad.  I question if it is really either.   Honey, no one is going to eat it so make sure you have the appropriate container to take it back with you.  I don’t need that left-over mess staring at me every time I open my fridge.  However, if you want to make it with orange Jell-O this year, we can call it Trump Dump and at least laugh with you rather than at you.

Mary, honey, you’ve given me a goodly number of great grandchildren.   Precious gifts from heaven, each and every one, especially that middle one who looks the spitting image of your late Grandfather.   But honey, you and your husband made the decision to have all those children and, therefore, you must suffer the consequences.  Parenting is a full-time job.  You don’t get to take time off when you get to my house just because it’s a holiday.  Little feet stay on the floor and off the furniture. Red drinks and other liquids that stain should either be avoided or consumed outside.  My nice things stay out where I can see and enjoy them.  Your children’s hands stay off.  “Yes” is not the only word in the dictionary.   There is also “No” and “Because-I-said-so” (all one word).  But for the love of God, you have to mean it when you say it.

I don’t know what a selfie is.  I don’t pose for the camera anymore because the camera doesn’t love me anymore.  If you want a picture of me, take one off the wall. If you do get one of me this holiday, spare me.  I don’t need to see it unless you have one of those appy things that makes me look 50 years younger and 50 pounds skinnier.

I love each and every one of you and I am so glad to have yet another holiday together.  Come hungry and leave full.  Hug one another because you can.  Argue if you must, but then agree to disagree.  Try something new or let go of something old.  Give more.  Take less.   Oh hell.  Listen to me rattle on like I am some sort of philosopher.  Screw it.   Come for the food and stay for the company.  Everything else can be made better with gravy.  I mean it.  Really.
(Note:  The death of Margaret has been greatly exaggerated.)


  1. Happy New Year to all! Hey, Folly Beach, SC! Edge of the World? How about Xroads of Civilization! The sun is shining blissfully here but frankly its very close to being emerge! Snow is predicted towards the weekend. I have feeling that is the way it is going to be throughout the month. Its happened more often than not in the first month of the year. that means anyone who thinks there will be an inauguration to watch on TV may find Trump doing a Reagan (second inauguration) from an indoor facility. Hmmm. Looks as if this inauguration will be a bit shy on Mormon Tabernacle choir members. The local high schools in D.C. have already bowed out. We know for a fact that the military bands do not have that option. Parade planned to be 90 minutes. Could even be shorter. Doesn’t matter all that much at all to me as I have a medical appointment that day! Better my health than Trump’s “wealth”.


  2. Happy New Year to all, from The Edge of America – Folly Beach, SC.

    Our most important JOB for the foreseeable future is to NEVER act as if that pathetic POS deserves to be taken seriously. He doesn’t. He’s dangerous, for sure – for innumerable reasons. Any time someone says, “Give him a chance,” say “No.” And focus on people who can actually do something: Your Congresspersons, your local governing people, any groups doing what they can to help your neighbors in need.

    And always call a lie when you see one!!

    Focus! And courage…


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  3. Hi Mageen,
    My Christmas was wonderful with both sons visiting.
    I agree, the future with President Elect Pussy-grabber is not looking good. In fact, it seems worse that I originally anticipated. His bromance with Putin is troubling. However, his immature, nasty nature is what bothers me the most. I don’t know if I can endure four years of tweets about whatever random thought bubbles through his brain. With the word salad that comes out of his mouth he is giving Sarah Palin a run for the money. God help us.


  4. Greetings, porch people! Just checking in to see how many survived Christmas Day! We had a quiet, civilized experience. No one had jet lag or a hangover. Have to stay in shape, you see, to manage our way through what is about to be a very troubled and troubling Administration. The serenity of the day resulted in some perspective for me. The President-elect has any number of Achiles heels. For one thing, he is addicted to Twitter and in total denial of this addiction. Despite his assertions to the opposite, he really isn’t that smart. I honestly believe he would literally and even figuratively lick a steak knife. So let’s start with this much info. In my broken cajun French, laissez rollez le bon temps!

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  5. To all the porch dwellers, Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Live long an prosper in love! See you in 2017!

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  6. And you know this is to all porch sitters, here now, and/or here before and still remembered… Even the most cantankerous among us. They might just be our guiding lights…

    What does one do with a bully? Think the best advice I’ve heard is to just ignore him/her. Weird to think that not paying attention might be the best thing to do, but it may be. Goes against every fiber of my being…! But I’m willing to give it a try.

    Meanwhile, I’m heading down to my deceased brother’s turf, to share his heritage with his many friends, who are now mine, as well. Blessed to have them, and blessed to have all of you, as well.

    He,Trump has no one who truly loves him, far as I can tell. “Sad!”

    Deeply and grievously sad.

    Love to the porch!

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  7. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to Margaret and Helen and all friends on this porch. Do enjoy your time with family and friends.

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  8. Wishing Margaret and Helen and all the porch people a very Merry Holiday!

    (I know Santa is going to bring that pony this year that I have been asking for the last 70 years!!!)


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  9. Thanks Mageen! Well put.


  10. WTF!

    Greg Palast

    “Officially, Donald Trump won Michigan by 10,704 votes. But a record 75,335 votes were never counted. Most of these votes that went missing were in Detroit and Flint.

    How do you disappear 75,355 votes?

    I flew to Michigan to investigate.”…..



  11. An excellent, and moving, reminder, Mageen, and quite in the spirit of “the season”!

    Yes, those who support(ed) Trumpty Dumpty must already be wondering how a government full of relatives, generals, wall street hotshots, lobbyists, and general billionaires is somehow going to benefit them, or qualifies as “draining the swamp.” (Here we have the New Carnival Reality Show – the Clampetts, the Kardashians, Duck Dynasty, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, all rolled into one…)

    And when they, like a lot of the rest of us, find themselves once again without affordable health care, diminished social services (if any), burdened with unwanted children, further accused of laziness and a moral failure to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when even their boots have been taken from them, arrested for expressing their outrage and dissension,they will certainly not be invited to even share ten-to-a-room in Trump Tower, will they?

    No, as always, it will be the “libtards” who will still be pushing for civil rights, voter equality, health care, decent education, training for whatever jobs are left, a decent minimum wage, free expression, an uncensored media, and so on.

    You put it well; thank you!


  12. Easier, and all, please remember that a huge part of the electorate that supported Trump from the hinterlands are often without cable TV or its alternate, daily newspapers, any other timed periodical and rarely if ever get out of their area to get a taste of the wider world. Also, so many of these same people never had a science class when in school for one reason or another. A percentage of them never completed their schooling. Their ability at critical thinking is not that great. They are the most easily flimflammed of them all. They have never heard of over half of the things we experience all the time. Hence, their “buyers remorse” is going to come about very slowly but when it does, there are enough of us in the world who now worry just how bad their reaction will be. What do we do? Hold our own end up. It just may be that we collectively may be the only “island” these people can swim to when high water hits.

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  13. Hi Gato,

    I understand what drives you and I admire it. Hopefully, there are many more of you out there than there are me. The American electorate has me thoroughly defeated and that is all there is to it. I don’t understand how so easily manipulated people can be, brushing aside the obvious and casting our lot to the wind. Having to walk around with this feeling of anxiety for the next four years is not a prospect I am relishing at all. I had to do the same from 2000 to 2008, and guess what, I had cause to do so. Hoping for the best Gato, for all of our sakes.


  14. Hey, Easier –

    Thanks for your reply! But please know that I’m not motivated primarily by “optimism.” Optimism, in my view, requires having a strong belief that your actions will somehow guarantee the outcome you desire.

    I don’t have much of that kind of optimism. What’s driving me is my firm belief that not speaking out against lies, injustice, deceitful manipulation, and corruption is what allows all those things to take hold and thrive.

    “Optimism” is nice, but it’s certainly not required in order to take action.

    I have no idea what will happen in the next few days, or weeks, or even years. All I know is what I am compelled to do – and that’s all I can do. That’s all anyone can do, as far as I know.


  15. Hi Gato,

    Thanks a bunch for trying! I admire your optimism.


  16. As for the pick as Sec/State, this guy is too attached by far to Russia as he has his own vast interests there cuddling up to that government. There is no way he would in his official duties ever even raise his voice to Putin et al. when needs must. He has way too high of a stake in such a fight.


  17. Mkat and all, I’m betting that Trump never once figured that his far flung properties would have targets on them if he were elected. the guy is just not that smart! Quite frankly, if they do take a hit, hopefully it will be night – time on the golf course and no one is injured but such a strike would not be viewed as injurious to the U.S. Trump’s golf courses are not diplomatic embassies. If he doesn’t like what happened, he should pony of the dough to raise his own security forces and not involve every mother’s son in the U.S. of A. to protect property we all have no stake in.


  18. Hi, Easier – No, it’s certainly not a good feeling! But I try to keep in mind that it’s very likely that the deluge of lies, deceptions, accusations, and denials that keep rolling out of the Trumpsters are designed specifically to make sure plenty of people feel that way… And that the opposition will eventually give up out of discouragement and exhaustion – and sheer revulsion. As always, they don’t care what they say, so long as they’re blaming someone else.

    As that Kellyann mouthpiece so succinctly put it recently, “It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. The damage has been done.”

    Don’t succumb!

    The most heartening “news” I’ve heard recently is that some of The Orange One’s innumerable attorneys are upset about pressure being put on the Electoral College, and warning that it could “jeopardize” his election. OH, I SO SINCERELY HOPE SO!!

    So contact your Senators and US Representatives, “red” or “blue.” Let them know what you think. Don’t let them pawn off their responsibility to a bunch of state party loyalists, most of whom we’ll never know. Call your state’s party headquarters. Get guidance from Contact the Government Accounting Office and tell them that there must be an audit of the “president-elect’s” finances before an Electoral College vote.

    The Trumpsters know that, at this point, they must do everything they can to silence voices of protest. Don’t let them. The clock is ticking…


  19. Hi Delurker and Mikat

    Wouldn’t you know, I was thinking about Auntie Jean just about a week ago, worrying that she has not posted any comments lately. I hope she and her husband are doing okay,

    Auntie Jean, if you are still reading Margaret and Helen’s blog, could you please give us a sign? Your old buddies are worried about you.

    Lori has not commented lately also. Hope she is doing alright.

    I am kind of in the dumps right now. Just don’t want to listen to the news and I am worried about everything. It is not a good feeling at all.


  20. Oh, jeez, Cynthia… And I thought I’d already imagined every possible nightmare scenario… But there’s just no end to the “possibilities,” is there?

    He, Trump would no doubt SAY that he’s just doing what should be done to protect any American-owned property/interest/whatever anywhere, but it would APPEAR, both to many US citizens and to the rest of the world, that he was primarily protecting his own a**. And neither justification would be more probably “true” than the other.

    And THAT, of course, is the danged problem…

    Add to that fact that he has amply demonstrated, again and again, that he is so thin-skinned, so thoughtless, so ill-informed about the possible consequences of just about everything, and so reckless, that there cannot be a despot anywhere in the world who has not seen, and is already chortling over, what an easy “mark” he is.

    We MUST do every thing we can to convince the Electoral College that it would be a grave– and I mean GRAVE – mistake on their part to confirm the election of this person. The only thing that has to happen is that somehow that bunch of people does not muster the required 270 votes to do so.

    If they do not come up with that number, the selection of the next POTUS goes to the House. The House of Representatives is composed of individuals actually ELECTED by their voting constituents – not the mostly-anonymous recipients of a “party reward.” It is difficult to predict what the House might do – but, at the very least, those who still believe that He, Trump is the “best choice” will have to stand up, publicly, and say so.


  21. Trump has properties/hotels/golf courses around the world, If terrorist(s) wanted to hurt Trump/USA these would be easy targets. Knowing how arrogant/vindictive Trump can be would he send troops to protect his assets? Would he hold the leader of that country responsible for tracking and convicting the terrorist. What if that leader doesn’t do enough? What if people realize these properties are a potential target and refuse to use them? What would Trump do?????

    Will he take that risk or will he resign?



  22. Hi Everyone,
    I have been reading and lurking for in the background for years. I always enjoy reading the latest from these ladies. I have been so depressed and alarmed at the Cheeto lizard getting elected, I just haven’t had the heart to write. I am truly scared for America in a way I never thought could happen here. We MUST find a way to save our country! I have joined some local and national groups and send $$ when ever I can. My fear is that it will never be enough. How can we continue as if the election was “fair” when we know it was hacked and our own FBI tipped the scales towards the orange turd? WE MUST have another election. 6 weeks, put forward your best candidate, limited amount to spend and MONITORED election. Winner takes all.


  23. Delurker,
    I have been concerned about Auntie Jean as well. I tried to get in touch via the kitchen, but apparently the password was changed and I didn’t get the update. I spent a very nice afternoon with her and her hubby 2 years ago. They are delightful and welcomed me in with open arms. Unfortunately, they are not spring chickens as the old saying goes, so I am worried.



  24. Hi, Mageen – Haven’t heard that one about Perry yet; Tillerson is bad enough. (I’m sure he’s a “fine CEO,” at least in Trumpian terms. The main reason for his selection, though, is his already-long and deep cooperation with Russia on energy production deals that Putin so strongly desires…)

    ON THE “GOOD NEWS FRONT,” of which there has so little for so long, it looks like the Electoral College is starting to feel some significant pressure to do its actual job. Ten electors have signed a letter saying that they cannot vote responsibly without information as to whether or not Russia hacked the election. Trump’s lawyers are apparently “concerned” enough to get their knickers in a twist about this, saying that allowing the suit to proceed could “threaten Trump’s becoming President.” (WELL OF COURSE IT WOULD, THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT, ISN’T IT?!)

    So, everyone, get in touch with your State’s electors, whether they are Dems or Repubs, and let them know that you, as a citizen, are equally concerned about this, and urge them to withhold their votes until a report is concluded. Red State electors don’t have to vote for anyone else; they just have to either not vote, or vote for “any other Republican.” State laws do not override Federal law; the maximum penalty for an elector’s not voting as pledged is a fine, and no fines have ever been imposed on any elector for doing so.

    In my State, CT, I was not able to get the contact information of our designated electors, but was told by the office of the CT Democratic Party that all opinions would be forwarded, by their office, to the electors.

    Secondly, urge all your State’s Federal lawmakers to support Senator Elizabeth Warren’s call for an audit by the GAO of the president-elect’s financial holdings, and to urge their fellow lawmakers to do the same.

    Pass these suggestions on to everyone you know.

    Only a few days ago, the two electors who started were considered just a couple of malcontents out to cause trouble. (Trump supporters are still saying that, but who cares?) Now they have gained enough momentum to cause some of Trump’s endless bank of attorneys to be “concerned.” That’s good enough for me…

    It is completely irresponsible to allow someone whose international financial connections and obligations are so murky to take the helm of this country. And since the president-elect himself has done nothing since the election to put these very considerable concerns to rest, it is apparently up to the citizenry to do their best to make that happen.

    Isn’t that what “democracy” is all about…?


  25. OK, now. Would love to hear from Helen about the nomination Rick Perry as Energy Secretary! (I hope that this will be revealed as a joke very, very soon.)


  26. For someone who loudly proclaimed multiple times a day for weeks that the election was rigged, Agent Orange sure is reluctant to investigate said rigging.

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  27. Has anyone heard from Auntie Jean from Hawaii? It’s been quite some time for me and I’m concerned.


  28. Hi, Mageen – Yes; spellcheck can be a willful little beast, can’t it? (I disabled it, so all my mistakes belong solely to me…!)

    Agreed that at least those Electors who aren’t totally Party Loyalists above all else must be having quite a moral dilemma these days…It’s my understanding that, for years, being named an Elector by your party was pretty much considered a kind of “merit badge” for work done – although that’s apparently far from its original purpose. As for the death threats, they are pretty much the standard response to anyone who disagrees with anyone else, pathetic and alarming as that is. Just about anyone who opens his/her mouth in opposition to anything can expect to receive a few. Just read “response” posts to almost any political blog – blogs which, BTW, usually include the word “ripped,” or “slams,” or “bashed,” or “destroyed” in their titles. What else would we expect? You could be a union boss, a senator, rape victim, “pundit,” “spokesperson,” or whatever… Doesn’t matter.

    That’s what we’ve allowed ourselves to become as a society: Armed, dangerous, and ready to “stand our ground,” whatever we personally deem that “ground” to be.

    As for concerns about “civil chaos” should the Electoral College reject He, Trump, I have to weigh that against what seems likely to be years of violence, chaos, lawsuits and counter-suits, oppression, financial disaster, general non-governing, and even war… “Reckless unpredictability” is a terrible platform for leadership. I have no reason whatsoever to believe that this “president-elect” will behave any differently once he’s been sworn in to office. (God help us…)

    I can only hope that enough electors weigh the possible consequences as they decide how to cast their votes – and do everything I can to urge them to do that.


  29. Porch dwellers, please forgive Spell Check. Have tried to contralto its nasty little perversion so spell what they want rather than what I wrote but its no use! They remain incorrigible.


  30. Gato, right now I would not for any amount of money want to be a Presidential elector! They have everything coinage at them from every direction except a speeding train! They are even getting death threats against themselves and their families. Pile on top of that the intrusion of Russia into the election and a smart elector would have to ask, what have I got to vote for? Did we even have a legal election? Auditors!! Where are the auditors!


  31. Were you at my house for Thanksgiving? Chaos, noise, cell phones, football and lots of food…too much food…..but I do it every year and glad that we are all well and together…..of course it takes me 3 days to recover….


  32. Hmmm… Suddenly I’m a new “anonymous”… Not!


  33. Hi, Mageen – Well, it hadn’t occurred to me that this was a possibility, but I’m certainly glad to see it… Perhaps all of our intelligence agencies thought, when they first said that they were pretty sure this had gone on, and more than one Russian “official” confirmed it, that someone would listen to them…

    But, no, the Tweeter-Elect said, “It never happened,” and that’s what many people believed. (There also seems to be some confusion, in some camps, between “voter fraud” and hacking, but that’s another story…)

    So let’s hope this goes forward, and I think it’s not unreasonable to expect another tweetstorm of indignant outrage and wounded fee-fees… It may have already started; I’ll have to check.

    I’m proud of Obama’s declining to “go gently into that good night,” and to do it with dignity.


  34. Porch dwellers, I’ve been praying for this! President Obama is going to institute an official investigation into the probably hacking of the election. England and Germany have been hacked by the Russians so it is finally time for this country to face up to the very, very real possibility of it happening here!


  35. I believe it goes to the House, and whoever gets a majority there is it. I do ‘ t believe there’s a limit to the number of candidates nominated – but someone should check me on that.

    AND, BTW, asking an elector from any state to reconsider his/her vote is NOT “harassment,” no matter how many times Lou Dobbs or the chair of the Florida GOP says it is. Nor are electors bound by State law or party affiliation. They are sworn solely to uphold the US Constitution and their duties as specified therein, PERIOD.



  36. Mageen, I don’t see it happening but just curious – what if enough of them cast votes for Kasich or anyone else and nobody gets the 270 needed?


  37. Gato, thanks for your comments. I’ve been following the news on the electors. At least some of them are going to cast their votes for Kasich. I hope that when they return home nobody retaliates against them. This is getting more and more interesting by the day!


  38. Hi, Magen – I really don’t know the answer to that. I suspect one of the main goals of the “hamiltonelectors” bunch is to clarify that to the electors.

    I certainly never thought of the Electoral College as much more than an annoying bit of political rigamarole… Until literally four days ago. And I’m also guessing that Designating someone an elector has been primarily a party’s way of “rewarding” a loyal party member for working hard by giving them a “title” with what everybody took to br an essentially meaningless task.

    And now we have this situation… one that most of us here find unimaginable – but one our founders foresaw as a possibility, however remote. (And they saw that, even though they were solely a group of relatively wealthy, educated, white men.)

    Now these electors find themselves in this extraordinary situation – the near end of a totally bizarre election process. I do not envy them. If they don’t “elect” Trump, there will be total chaos. And if they do, we will most likely suffer months and possibly years of chaos. I believe that the second alternative will be the more damaging, and more global in its impact. And, yes, the tiny hand on the red button is in there…

    Yes, the GSA lease for the former D.C. Post office building is just one of the innumerable issues coming up – and I mean innumerable.

    Having contacted all my state representatives, I am now relying on for guidance for further action. Other avenues may appear. Much as I would love to just throw up my hands and give up, I JUST CAN’T.


  39. Just one question: how well schooled are the electors in their job? Do they know they can’t/shouldn’t vote for anyone who has yet to cut all financial ties with anything and anyone that can enrich them while in office? Trump’s Washington D.C. hotel lease will soon be up for renewal. Since he signed the original lease, he is most likely to put his signature on the renewal. The only way he can get out of this is to not sign or if GSA, a government agency, does not even offer him the renewal but puts it out to bid!


  40. Hi, Terri – eye surgery four days ago; hard to type. But check out The electoral college has a job to do. They were put there, in the Constitution, to act as a firewall in situations like this. Our founders were prescient.


  41. Unemployment under Obama is now 4.6%. When will our great president get the credit he deserves? Meanwhile Trump is behaving in an ungracious and ugly way–attempting to claim a mandate that doesn’t exist. It’s going to be a very long four years… Not sure I have the stomach for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. loved it you should send it to all of your family 😂




  44. Upon surveying the post-turkey daze, I heard about something concerning some lawyers from both the G.W. Bush and Obama Administration who declared that the Constitution forbids the election of anyone still doing private profit business even as Prez Elect. Anyone else hear of that?


  45. […] Guys ~ George P. Bush III: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know ~ Black on black crime: Myth or not? ~ Thanksgiving Letter to the Family 2016 ~ Dark Tourism ~ 16 Years Ago, William F. Buckley Wrote This About Donald Trump And It’s Eerily […]


  46. Happy Thanksgiving!


  47. […] Read the whole letter here. As usual, I'm disappointed there won’t be any livestreaming. […]


  48. […] the whole letter here. As usual, I’m disappointed there won’t be any […]

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  49. Happy Thanksgiving to Margaret and Helen and to all the porch people!

    Helen we are going to need your wisdom and humor to get us through these coming years.


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  50. Clean up on aisle 9!!!

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  51. If you are looking for Margaret, you can find her at that spot between the balls and the anus. Or maybe that’s where you find Trump. I am not sure.


  52. She’s the skinny one.


  53. Who is Margaret?


  54. Oh jeez and crackers- who let the flying monkeys in? I’ll bet it’s that damn Trump Dump jello goop.
    Have a wonderful holiday all- especially Helen and Margaret who have made this place for us all here
    ( I’ll believe Margaret passed when Helen says it- not before – and certainly not from goofballs who sound like they’ve sipping at home brew)


  55. Oh for the love of God, the Russians have hacked Margaret & Helen’s blog.
    There is no place to hide now


  56. Damn, girl ain’t even cold and you bitches all ganging up! Chill


  57. More turkey for the rest of us!


  58. Can I have her stuffed bear collection?


  59. Hardly a blip


  60. wouldnt it have been on the news if Margaret had died?


  61. That’s like saying Garfunkel died. Or Ringo died. Or that other guy in Wham! Eh


  62. Who cares if Margaret died. As long as Helen can write!


  63. Margaret and Helen, I do so love to read your “Holiday message”. I have 2 son’s and one D-I-N-L . The youngest is in the Army25 years getting ready to “muster out”.I am so happy I did not know I could hold my breath that long!
    However I have no grand children. And will not have any. I have a wonderful kitty . This year I will be home alone with kitty. ( Live in San Marcos, love it here. I am from San Francisco . Have lived in Texas since 2002. Enjoy your comments so much. And do forward them to many friends.
    Have a happy Turkey day..


  64. I’m so sorry to hear about Margaret!. My deepest sympathy for your (and our) loss. Thank you for the Thanksgiving posting.


  65. Ah, Helen You are a treasure. Thank you so much for still writing your Thanksgiving letter. It is an inspiration and your family is truly blessed to have you. I did not realize that Margaret passed. Someone wrote that. I am sorry for your loss. Please continue to write. You offer such wit and wisdom. Happy Thanksgiving.


  66. Love it! Happy Thanksgiving Helen, and to your loved ones!


  67. Really…? Margaret is no longer with us on this mortal coil…? Oh, I would so like to see a picture of her. (I always want “a visual”…)

    And, as always, the wonderful Thanksgiving letter. This year, as we have done for the past three, we’re sharing it with friends; there won’t be a relative in sight. Think I’ve mentioned this before, actually.

    Here’s my favorite Thanksgiving memory… I’d just graduated from college in Ohio, in 1965, with a BFA in “painting and graphics,” and had moved to New York. Several of my art school friends had done the same, and we lived all over the city. I had an entry-level job in publishing, and was sharing a tiny one-bedroom apartment with a co-worker. One of my college pals decided to host an “Orphans’ Feast” for Thanksgiving, in his grubby little walk-up in the East Village. And there I was, on the subway, holding my casserole on my lap, on the way to join everybody. It was a great time.

    Interesting thing… After more than fifty years, it’s his home where we’re going again. It’s now far from East 12th Street, and I’m not traveling by subway; I’m older, and a much better cook. A lot has changed, but the feeling of love and community, and genuine gratitude, has not.

    And I feel the same way about the “porch” that’s been created here, all the “pies” we share, and how blessed I am to be part of it.

    Fly on, Margaret! And thanks to everyone…

    Liked by 1 person

  68. Helen, you are a gem. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I mean it. Really.


  69. I’m glad someone else does not want to see orange jello in the fridge either. Trump Dump – I intend to use that! Have a great one and pass on the baton, for sure…………


  70. God bless you all! I hope your Thanksgiving is the best ever!


  71. As always, I love receiving your Thanksgiving letter to your family, Helen. Happy Thanksgiving to you and that family. Keep sharing your thoughts and opinions with all of us!


  72. WHAT?? Say it isn’t so! First Trump and now the passing of Margaret?!?
    I seriously can’t take any more.

    I’m jumping


  73. Oh, dearest Helen, how very sorry to hear of Margaret’s recent passing. Cherish the wonderful memories you have and know that she will be forever in your heart.


  74. Helen, I’ve been looking forward to this. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and to all the front porch-ers, as well.


  75. Happy Thanksgiving!

    “Everything else can be made better with gravy.”

    … or bacon. Or both!


  76. You make me really miss my mom!
    Thank you.


  77. I always look forward to your Thanksgiving post to your family. Amen to everything you say! How fortunate you are to have so many to share your Thanksgiving meal. My family is scattered all over from Alaska to Texas, Las Vegas to Virginia. A Happy Thanksgiving to you both, Margaret and Helen.


  78. I look forward to this each and every year. Thank you for not disappointing. Happy Thanksgiving!


  79. Love it.


  80. Thanks for the great letter – I couldn’t agree more – I have the feeling that we are all going to need you & Margaret more than ever in the next year – keep up the good work – happy holidays to all – peace –


  81. i would LOVE to have t’giving at your house, helen. i’d keep my way-to-the-left political opinions to myself, my feet on the floor and not on your furniture and i’d drink my red wine outside. HAPPY T’GIVING!


  82. First year in over 30 that we are not doing Thanksgiving for all–just the four of us this time. It’s been a bad year and I would like to be surrounded by people who care for one another. We don’t need anybody else’s crap. Have a wonderful holiday, Helen!


  83. Helen, you are my hero! Have a great turkey day.


  84. Helen
    I think you will enjoy passing the baton to the next generation. I did so several years ago and it has made holidays oh so much more pleasant. My daughter’s homes are bigger than mine; their children [and their cousins] have their own room to play in and aren’t under our feet all day; and since my 3 daughters and I all like to cook, we plan our menu together and all bring our “specialties”, so no one person has to do everything. The hostess does the turkey and stuffing and we go from there.

    Wishing you and yours the most wonderful of holidays and please keep on writing your letters – I look forward to them more than you can ever know.


  85. Happy Thanksgiving Helen and Margaret. You are a treasure that makes the season bright (I know I am mixing holiday metaphors).


  86. Look forward to your Thanksgiving letter every year and you never disappoint! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


  87. Happy Thanksgiving Helen and Margaret and to all of you who enjoy these lovely Lady’s.


  88. From one Helen to another, thank you for the Thanksgiving House Rules which I will be passing along to all my dear ones. I will simply instruct them to insert their name in the appropriate place. You have saved me so much time! Happy Thanksgiving.


  89. Thank you for your holiday tips as well as your wonderful blog with Margaret! Wishing you both & your families a happy holiday of joy, health & sharing of love & goodwill towards all.


  90. Excellent words to live and behave by. I might have to pass them on to a few folks.


  91. Blessings on you both, and may Thanksgiving find you wrapped in the warmth and love of family!


  92. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW and commented:
    Love Margaret & Helen. This time it is Helen whose Thanksgiving reminders to her family is a gem.


  93. Happy Thanksgiving Helen! And thank you and Margaret for you wonderful opinions throughout this past election. It has been one of the few bright spots!


  94. Wonderful letter to your family. Hope you all have a great holiday!


  95. This is why I gave up on holidays all together. If they want a traditional dinner let them eat at Furr’s! Besides no one in my family is traditional in any manner & I am old and crazy myself. I will mentally honor the relative who came on the Mayflower wile eating my pumpkin pie made by Omaha Steaks folks. Good luck to the rest of you!


  96. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Again we have that empty chair at our table as do many others. May we take a moment to remember them as well as our Lord.


  97. I wish you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings.


  98. Dear Helen and Margaret,
    Thanks for sharing your family Thanksgiving letter once again, Helen. We all feel honored by including us in your life. Although we don’t as as much to be thankful for this year as we should, sadly, we still have you two precious ladies.
    Peace, love, and good health always.


  99. I actually kind of like this one. I see myself,sadly, in it!

    Sent from my iPad


  100. That is usually my biggest beef with family get together’s. I have kids. I watch them where ever we are. But some people think that when they are at a family gathering they don’t have to watch their kids.

    Have a great Thanksgiving Everyone.


  101. Helen,
    Here is something I wrote that you can copy if you like and give to your children and grandchildren for use with their kids.
    The Word

    Two little letters
    they make up a word.
    So easily said
    and usually heard.

    It makes life easier
    so that nothings assumed
    and no ones time
    by another is consumed.

    Too bad there are people
    that don’t know how to use
    the one little word
    that can change anothers views.

    And what is this word
    that affects people so?
    It is very simply
    The beautiful word, NO!

    Dianna Platz-Smith

    Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all your wonderful comments.


  102. Happy Thanksgiving Helen. Wishing you and your family health and happiness.


  103. Happy Thanksgiving, Helen. More gravy, more love…I’m with you


  104. Happy Thanksgiving, Helen! Your family is lucky to have you.


  105. Dear Helen,
    Every year I always look forward to your Thanksgiving letter. I share it with my four grown kids and tell them that this is what real Texas woman are like and what it was like for me growing up in Texas. You are the best!! And darn it, even if you don’t cook next year like you stated, you still better write a Thanksgiving letter.
    Love to you and yours,


  106. Oh Helen, I always look forward to the annual Thanksgiving letter to your family – the humor, and love, and the warnings for people to behave. Your letters always remind me of my own grandmothers and how much I miss them. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  107. Happy Thanksgiving, Helen. Your family is lucky to have you. ❤


  108. This is a treasure — as are you! Your family is truly blessed to have you. Have a most wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and day!


  109. Absolutely perfect!!


  110. Thank you, Helen. As someone who never particularly liked Thanksgiving, I appreciate your particular brand of warning and warmth. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

