Posted by: Helen Philpot | August 16, 2016

Trump is a chump.

Margaret, the media keeps reminding us that two-thirds of Americans think that the nation is headed in the wrong direction.  Of course, they never seem to tell us what direction that is.   Why are we assuming that it means we are unhappy with Obama? Considering there are more registered Democrats than Republicans and 37% of the population is not white, do you think – just maybe – that a good portion of that percentage actually thinks the nation is headed in the wrong direction because of Republicans?  And considering she is wiping the floor with Trump in the polls, exactly why do we keep beating the dead horse that Hillary is so unlikable?   I happen to like her… a lot.

Trump received 13 millions votes in the Republican primaries.  That’s more than any Republican has ever received. Ever. Wow. That seems like a big deal.  No wonder the media covers Donald Trump like ducks on a June bug.  

Except for one thing…

Hillary Clinton got 16 million.  Hell, Bernie Sanders got almost as many votes as Donald Trump.  And yet, the current polls are big news because Donald Trump is behind?  If you think about it, the only big news is that Donald Trump is still big news.  That and the fact that some people still want to vote for him.  Well that’s the liberal media for you.  Considering Fox News has as many viewers as CNN and MSNBC combined, this liberal media bias bullshit is just that… bullshit.  The reason that news coverage of Donald Trump is so negative is because there isn’t anything positive to say about Donald Trump.

It’s not what you know, but who you know.  My late husband used to say that.  In truth, it’s what you know about who you know that really matters.  We’ve now known Hillary Clinton in the political world for 30+ years.  We’ve known Donald Trump in the political world for one year. So what have we learned?

After one year, we have learned that Donald Trump:

  • Makes fun of the disabled 
  • Is a racist
  • Is a misogynist
  • Doesn’t understand why we haven’t used nuclear weapons if we have them
  • Prefers Putin to Obama
  • Enjoys the writings of Hitler
  • Would bring back water-boarding
  • Makes most Trump products overseas
  • Won’t disclose his tax returns
  • Thinks it’s funny to joke about presidential assassinations
  • Makes fun of the disabled
  • Used lawsuits to stiff small businesses
  • Thinks it’s a good idea to argue with parents who have lost a child to war
  • Thinks women who have abortions should be punished
  • Is proud of his penis and gets defensive when it’s size is questioned
  • Thinks President Obama founded ISIS- an organization started before Obama was a Senator much less President
  • Makes fun of the disabled
  • Didn’t realize Russia invaded the Ukraine but when pressed said it was a good thing
  • Is good at business but better at bankruptcy
  • Discussed the idea of dating his own daughter because she’s his type
  • Thinks women who face sexual harassment at work should just find another career
  • Wishes people at political rallies would be allowed to beat one another up when they disagree
  • Makes fun of the disabled
  • Doesn’t consider American prisoners of war to be heroes because they were captured
  • Doesn’t know what the KKK is and therefore really isn’t sure if he should decline their endorsement 
  • Always wanted a Purple Heart – so much so that he accepted one from a vet and joked about how much easier it was to get it that way
  • Makes fun of the disabled 
  • Wants a litmus test for  what it means to be an American
  • Doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state
  • Wishes he was black today because being black today would give him an advantage – but doesn’t want a black man counting his money. He only wants Jews for that.
  • Thinks women in the workplace don’t give him 100%.  They give him 84% because 16% goes towards taking care of the kids
  • Doesn’t do “the email thing” which is probably the best thing about him
  • Makes fun of the disabled

And what have we learned about Hillary Clinton after 30 years  in the political spotlight… after numerous Republican led investigations… after hours and hours of testimony in front of Republican controlled Congressional committees… after an exhaustive FBI investigation… what have we learned?   We’ve learned that Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell shouldn’t have used their personal email servers while serving as Secretary of State.  Oh, the horror of it all.

Trump is a chump.   I mean it.  Really.


  1. Top 5 videos of Trump insulting women including ‘Grab them in the P*ssy’

    Top 5 Videos of Trump insulting Women – incl ‘Grab them by the P*ssy’


  2. Yeah, but he’s so handsome though.


  3. Great list. I’ve reblogged it because these are things about Trump we must not get lost in the NEW stupid stuff he says and does everyday!


  4. Reblogged this on Unpresidented.


  5. Hi, Sex (??)… Maybe “City” instead… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Great piece; thanks for the link. Watched the advert twice. I need some cheering today.


  6. Thanks for the bullet pointed list – which is even more depressing now that we’re reading it post-election ๐Ÿ˜ฆ at least documenting the hateful things he says keeps it in the public view though.

    Here’s my own take on it, hot off the press:

    When love doesn’t Trump hate

    Hope you find it interesting!


  7. […] via Trump is a chump. โ€” Margaret and Helen […]


  8. It’s not really a surprise about how far Trump’s got – there are a many people who like him because he’s considered more of a celebrity rather than a politician. Times have changed in that we love in a reality-TV/social media obssessed culture and Trump is the one with the bigger laughs.


  9. I loved the ‘fact checkers have an agenda’ soundbite myself. Yes, yes, we DO have an agenda–it’s called reality.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Is it too much trouble to type “Y.O.U.”…?


  11. Exactly… You kind of wonder why the “anonys” of the world bother posting here… My dear Soul Sister Bets has a phrase for such characters: “TBBs.” Stands for “Testicle-Beraring Bipeds,” and they must be regarded as primarily such. Any and all “thinking” on the part of TBBs is formed by their constant awareness of their condition, of its fragility, and their compulsive need to consequently trumpet its mythical “importance”..

    It’s a terrifying world out there for them, full of “defective” microphones, beauty contest winners who gain weight, unfair “fact checkers,” and people who won’t call Sean Hannity…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. There is no point trying to educate/enlighten our latest anony.

    He would prefer a male President–even one who doesn’t pay his contractors; one who files bankruptcy and leaves everyone, from banks to employees, to the community losing the income those business brought, hanging; one who brags about making sacrifices and how daddy ‘barely’ helped him get a start in business through a multimillion loan, while sitting on an effing gold throne; a man who, every single time he’s bested, blames everyone else for his shortcomings and failures, or magically transforms them into ‘bigly’ wins.

    Anony would prefer anything, up to an orange incoherent Cheeto, to a woman–because, in his tiny little mind, women are inherently inferior–they don’t have a dick, you see. The dangling genitalia, in anony’s (and Trump and his ilk’s mind), coupled with the white skin, automatically entitle them to superiority–in their own minds.

    Everything he has written here proves that. He also has trouble understanding that spewing his bigotry and misogyny here will get him nothing–and the world will continue moving forward, regardless of his pitiful white male whining.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Anonymous, I think you were addressing me. As to the civil service exam I took years ago, the young man also taking the same exam was not a vet. He was only recently out of college. Are you trying to say that minorities and women get some sort of extra points on such exams? This is the first time I have ever heard that. Everyone else on the porch is welcome to educate me on this.


  14. Oh blow it anony- you have no clue . No- I was not on big crews. I was on very small ones in rural areas. Very rural areas. I was the job steward for the union out of one shop for a few years . I took the extra hours because I wanted the dollars ,hon and no one else would take em. One guy who NEVER took extra time told me I was taking a job from a man and should go on welfare hehehehe…
    and you missed the whole damn point sweetie.
    I worked the hours, I did the work, did it well , and in my case, I got paid the same, but ya know, too many of those guys went on and on about how women couldn’t do the work, blah, blah, blah…
    That’s the point. They just looked right over my head and acted like i wasn’t there- well, til they needed their job steward anyway… ๐Ÿ™‚
    That was the 70s and 80s- since then I’ve worked with fishermen.
    Alaskan fishermen are a breed unto themselves and by damn- ANYONE who does their part gets credit and anyone who doesn’t is gone. I like that. No phony BS and no silliness like what you’re spewing. There are creeps and rotten apples like in any line of work, but as a whole, it is a damn fine group of men and women.


  15. If u worked longer hrs. Its because u volunteered and im quite sure u would’ve used your union rep if thats not tge case. So to volunteer for something and then complain or need some recognition for for it is so god damn pathetic u make me sick


  16. U mean your husband worked long hours and came home and told u his bullshiy hero stories? Come on.


  17. Dummy, if u were in the union u were on large jobs with crews u were not working longer than anyone else because u arent aloud to so stop your bullshitting


  18. LOL- proved my point anony ๐Ÿ™‚
    And no, you didn’t work twice as hard for half as much as women do. Not for the same job.
    Unlike the others here, I got paid the same as the guys because I was in the union . Still worked way more hours than the guys around me did. And ya, know, those guys who acted like jerks WERE jerks- whether they called me names or you names . And there’s no excuse for that. period.
    Mad at my parents? Pfft. They never acted like Mr Trump. They were hard working solid people who made their mark in the way everyday people do- being true to their word, following through, treating others with respect… ya know, the honesty and integrity dealie?
    Mr Trump? No, he doesn’t have a clue about those things. Not a clue.


  19. Maheene, thats like me taking the civil sevice exame i get a +2 for being a combat vet. The same as being a minority or woman


  20. Hi, Terri โ€“ As your son said, and also add, “Terrified.” We spent a couple of days with friends in Sheringham (East Anglia). They’re smart and well informed, and they’re still distressed about their country’s own “Brexit” vote.

    Most of Europe depends on us (their “cousins across the pond”) to be there to defend them, to show up with weapons and troops when things get tough โ€“ which suits us just fine, since we are the biggest arms dealers in the world. Their economies would take a huge hit were they required to maintain their own armies adequate enough to defend themselves.

    So the idea of a wing nut isolationist, like The Orange Idiot, holding the reins here is pretty disconcerting to everyone, to put it mildly. In addition, they know that He, Trump knows nothing about international affairs, and is totally unpredictable. Not comforting.

    Now gotta make dinner! Haven’t touched a pan or a kitchen knife for almost a month…

    A good evening to all.


  21. Hi Gato, Welcome back! A month in Europe sounds wonderful. Did you get a sense of how the Europeans view the U.S. election? My son lives in London and says most folks seem to be both appalled and puzzled by what’s going on here. This election is the most demoralizing of my lifetime. I’m so disappointed that some Americans seem willing and eager to elect someone who is a bigot, a liar, a racist, and an egomaniac. And as you said, he is the biggest whiner I have ever seen!


  22. Hey, Terri, and Sitters All… This POS (He, Trump) is a whiner the likes of which I’ve rarely seen outside of a Lewis Carroll fantasy. Make that “have never seen”… His questions were “too tough”; his microphone was “faulty”; the MSM is “unfair”; and โ€“ perhaps my very favorite from the first debate โ€“ nobody called Sean Hannity… Oh, for chrissakes…

    I’m just back from a month in Europe, including some time in Germany. If any people know how their entire culture can be obliterated by letting an egocentric maniac take it over, they do. They’re still working to recover, decades later, from sitting idly by and letting Hitler change them, in the eyes of the world, from being recognized as a country of industry, musical and literary genius, engineering brilliance, successful trade and economics, to “the people who killed all the Jews.”

    We have the same option. I hope to god we don’t go down that road. He, Trump is not about “us.” He, Trump is only about Trump โ€“ and the size of his “hands,” or how rich he is, or how he is being treated. As I believe Mageen said, this is not a choice of the “lesser of two evils.” Hillary is Apples; Trump is my house on fire.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Predictably, Trump has sent out his surrogates to trash the Miss Universe winner who Hillary mentioned in the debate. He’s a small, pitiful man. He is also on the campaign trail claiming he won the debate (delusional), and his children are claiming he “was not prepared properly.” The apples don’t fall far from the tree!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Thing is, women working harder for less pay is not a feminist conspiracy theory–it’s been proved, empirically, and the studies and statistics are out there. Men, particularly white cis men, who continue to deny this are denying reality.

    I can speculate why this is (such as, they are afraid they can’t compete with women and minorities on objective equal term), but reality is reality, whether you bury your head in the sand and pretend that things were better when (or would be better if) the world were not what the world is.

    On a related topic: if you know anyone who is planning on sitting this election out because “it’s a choice between two evils, and (they) don’t want to vote for a lesser evil, (they) want a GOOD choice,” do us all a favor, and show them this video.

    There never is a perfect choice, but when even people who despise Democrats in general, and the Clintons in particular, can do a comparison matrix and realize that Trump is thousands of times worse; then, the choice not to vote at all, because voting for her leaves a bad taste in their mouth, is not only self involved, it’s also short sighted in the extreme. A Trump presidency would cost them the same it would cost the rest of the country.


  25. Anonymous – this is not an apples and oranges thing like it used to be. Hillary is Apples. Trump is my house on fire. There is no equating here. They are not equal in backstories. Even the Pentagon ripped Trump a new one! And yes I always had to work twice as hard and twice as long for half the money than the guys who did the same work. Get this! Years ago when I took the Federal government test for the civil service I got the same results as the guy next to me did. The Civil Service in their “wisdom” granted him a gs 7 and me a gs 5. We were applying for the same level type of job opening but in different departments. Figure that out!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. oh crap. I’m a DYED in the wool democratic socialist … also too, .


  27. ah jeez anony- nothing ignorant about saying women work harder or longer than men. it is well established that women must work harder and longer to get the same acceptance as men. sad but true.
    The first five years I was in the trades some of the guys thought it hilarious to put dirty sanitary pads in my tool box and talk about me being on- the -rag if I didn’t go along with some cockamamie scheme to hurry through a job (and not do it right). .
    Fact was I left em in the dust even if I did have to drag around a 3 foot pipe wrench to their 2 footer.
    I worked 4 months without a day off one year when the rest of the crew weinie-ed out of endless callback hours. My kid sat and kicked his heels, eating his PBJ sammie, reciting his multiplication tables to his mama who was fixing a water line at 7 PM to restore service to over 200 people. None of the guys would come in. Pffft.
    Personally I don’t care if you can’t spell- I do care that you blaze in here with woman hater rhetoric . And I’m damn sick and tired of folks who say Mr Trump is the lesser of 2 evils. As gato asked- what do you mean by that?
    I’m a died in the wool democratic socialist. Ms Clinton’s politics are so far right of mine I can barely see her but by damn she has worked hard and been screwed by phony “scandals” way too often.She’ll do ok as Prez.

    Mr Trump? Pfft. Creates his own scandals and walks away scot free. Feckin Pfft.


  28. Oh, Anonymous Person… Can you be more specific about the “evils” you are evaluating, and why your chosen candidate is “less evil” than the one you’re rejecting? Just curious, and I think there are plenty of specifics lacking here, all around. I hope you will elucidate, and I thank you for doing so;

    Liked by 1 person

  29. I never said woman shouldn’t think or speak. In fact i believe woman are much better than men at alot of things. But its ignorant to say that woman work harder or are superior to men like someone said in the post before mine. That is what started my rant. And as for my grammar i am typing from a cell phone and i probably would have typographical errors even if i was on a computer with spell check. As for mommy or wife issues everything is ok there at least as far as i know and finally yes i have two children and they are both in very good shape and play sports. So if i offended some of you i apologize i guess i should’ve explained myself better. However i do not think Hillary is what we need right now. Donald wouldnt be my first pick either but i’d say he is the lesser of two evils.


  30. “Hillary called Mr Trumpโ€ฆDonald. I think she should have called him Donnie. His behavior was more like a child then a Presidential candidate of the most powerful country.”

    I think ‘Don-Don’ would have been more age appropriate.

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  31. Have been out and about since previous post and have come to a conclusion: He wasn’t allergic to the microphone. He sniffed something before coming on stage. The sniffling and lack of focus and control are also symptoms of a coke habit – and not the one you drink!


  32. Hillary called Mr Trump…Donald. I think she should have called him Donnie. His behavior was more like a child then a Presidential candidate of the most powerful country.



  33. Is anybody else wondering about the Trump voters this morning? How are they feeling paying taxes while their candidate pretty much admitted he is smart for not doing so? That would have made me upset because I would have interpreted it as him saying I am stupid for paying taxes.

    But then his voters don’t ever think along those lines. They think we are in the movies, where things magically appear. Roads are built, services are paid for, we maintain the biggest armed forces on the planet, with no tax contributions. What a load of crap!


  34. Mageen, The Donald didn’t sniffle. He actually said so on morning TV! The man is so narcissistic that he can’t admit to even the tiniest of ‘flaws’ – even one tinier than his hands!

    Alaskapi, if that woman-hater is a fake I have to give real props for precision. Sustaining that level of vitriol while also cramming in all the expected poor spelling, improper grammar and incorrect homonyms into such a short post – remarkable!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. I am going to hazard a guess: our latest anonymous is a white cis male who believes, despite all evidence to the contrary, that America was ‘great’ at some mythical time in the past. A time and place when white cis males were ‘kings of their castles’ and the little wimminz didn’t think or speak.

    Poor baby, he can’t accept reality, and is incapable, in all ways, to succeed against anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Is it possible to be allergic to a microphone? Trump really had some kind of health issues going last night. The sniffling was only one such symptom I saw. Poor focus was another. Both could be signs of something as simple as a head cold. Hillary was obviously enjoying the evening immensely! She is not afraid to go after someone with a meat axe! She did that a lot when she was an attorney. So proud of her! Vote Hillary!


  37. Hey there, you silly anony woman hater from September 27, 2016
    at 8:07 AM
    If you are real, you are pitiful. If you’re a fake, you’ve got the spiel down pretty dang well.
    Hon- as a woman who successfully worked as a plumber starting in 1976 I have to tell you the guys I met who run their yap like you just did here were pretty insecure and needed to be thought “better” than women , brown people, and any number of other groups .
    Pitiful, just pitiful. Hoping you don’t have kids you are passing your hatreds on to…
    “… todays youth all mostly fat disgusting lazy video game playing waist of air…”? Hoo boy sweetie, I hope to hell you don’t have kids.
    Whether Ms Clinton is what we need or not, we sure don’t need your hot-air hateful piffle.


  38. Hillary won the debate hands down. She had way more stamina than Trump who was twitching, sniffing, making faces, and looked exhausted. He was incoherent most of the time. I hope this is reflected in the polls.

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  39. Anonymous, it seems like you don’t like women very much. Mommy issues? Wife issues? Sorry you’re so unhappy but insulting people won’t make you feel better.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. All of u make me sick! Woman work harder than men huh? Maybe in your word. Im a marine combat vetran and now im a plumber in both of those worlds woman are sub par. If u think i am wrong tell me why the marine the marine corps pft differs for the sexes? Because the feminist Nazis that are already controlling this country are affraid that the woman cant physically keep up with men. And there is nothing wrong with that men have there roles and women have theres. Id like to fist fight one of u ” i am woman hear me roar” makes me sick. People like u are what is wrong with america. Equal everything, welfare for everyone, thats why todays youth all mostly fat disgusting lazy video game playing waist of air .but your right Hilary is what we need.


  41. You go Helen! Your tweets from the debate ? Gold. Absolute gold.


  42. We all had mothers and that is an aside. Most of them would go to bat for their children and see to their welfare. Hillary has done that for the children of this country through her tireless campaigns on their behalf. I am proud of her performance tonight. She held her own and if one cannot distinguish the bullshit from the other side from one coming from an informed perspective, then, we will get what we deserve as a country.


  43. Typical feminist bullshit


  44. Only two of us left standing because of some bug going around…….. We can decided if we drink for the lies told or the facts. Any suggestions?



  45. Andy Debate Parties on tonight? I’d indulge but I am way behind on my inside chores.


  46. Thanks for your article. I’ve always wondered if there would be a commercial against Trump showing all of the despicable things he has done and said like film credits. Anyway, I believe we are all getting a good lesson in a high-functioning sociopath, and have done a lot of research on the topic. I invite you to read the article, and feel free to re-post it if you wish. Again, thanks for helping educate people about this issue. B. Ashley


  47. your right he sucks


  48. Worse than comparing refugees to candy, is knowing that the Skittles comparison is widely uses in white supremacists circles, and that it was started as a ‘celebration’ of Treyvon Martin’s murder by George Zimmerman.

    And these are the people who some asshats claim are ‘better’ than Hillary Clinton.


  49. The gift that keeps on giving – kids as clueless as their clueless father! Number 2 Trump son comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles. Now the company that makes the candy is outraged and getting in his face. Maybe thats what it takes in this case – one corporate biggie taking it to another corporate piggie. Humanitarian arguments simply do not resonate with any Trump in Family #1.


  50. mageen, it’s a result of Drumf’s “all Mexican immigrants are rapists” statement, and it’s been going on since that asshat started his run, last year.

    In other news, our would-be dictator would be happy to eliminated the first amendment to “protect out liberties.”


  51. Trump is not only a chump. He’s a piรฑata and they are selling like tacos! Just Google “trump piรฑata” and be prepared! Obviously the Trumpites are so into their own little bubble they don’t know about this. Its actually a result of Trump’s “Hispanic outreach”!


  52. So, to anyone still checking comments here, who happens to comment elsewhere, you may want to watch this video, read the article here, and share both everywhere.

    Since mainstream media can’t be bothered.


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  53. Easier, that’s the link to the video. My understanding is, that there is another link, to the text version, which contains links to all those 178 instances. Receipts, if you will, of those examples of Drumfsterfire.


  54. LOL Mageen! Yes, let us keep the fires burning for Hillary!

    Azteclady, hope this link is the one you were talking about and hope it works.


  55. And as for that commercial of Trump stating “Does she look presidential? She doesn’t look presidential to me.” That’s not just a dog whistle or a bull horn but a full bore artillery blast!!! Translation: only a man can be president. she’s not a man. Frankly, I have grave doubts about his “man”liness! And after that fake health report from a fake doctor, I wouldn’t trust a notarized document from the Mayo Clinic on his so-called “health”!

    Liked by 1 person

  56. OK. Here goes. Sick or well, alive or dead, a woman can and generally does outwork any man on the planet. Furthermore, there is the bounce back issue. Hillary has it in spades. Virtually every President we have ever had has experienced a first class health issue, including George Washington who had a benign tumor removed from his leg aboard a ship anchored off shore. Not only no transparency (press) here but also no anesthetic! And look how the press complied with FDR. The photographs were staged to show a hale and healthy man.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Terry in NY, actually many of the Drumfsfire’s outrageous lies and antics are reported by mainstream media–for five minutes.

    My biggest issue is the follow up. As you say, Hillary Clinton has to spend hours explaining and clarifying ever other sentence–or action, or inaction, or gesture, or facial expression–while that misogynistic, bigoted, narcissistic, fascist, xenophobe gets free airtime, and little to no rebuttal for his lies.

    Another problem is that the list of lies, fraud, unethical and criminal behaviour from Drumf and his mouthpieces is…well, exhausting. This morning, Keith Olbermann spent almost 18 minutes listing (with little elaboration) 178 such instances in just the past 15 months.

    I cannot find the list of links (user error, I’m sure), but I’ll post it here, and everywhere, as soon as I do find it.


  58. Azteclady and Easier: Agree with all you say. For the past two days the press has been picking apart her simple and correct comment about Trump’s supporters. Trump says more offensive things than that all day every day. His advisors include a sexual harasser and an alt-right hero. Not a peep from the media. Where are his medical records? Where are his tax returns? His running mate for VP can’t even condemn David Duke. This is the most disgraceful election of my lifetime. i feel very sad and discouraged for our country.


  59. Thanks for sharing Christiane Amampour’s piece Azteclady. I always liked her, she is probably one of the few true journalists left on that channel. Thanks also for sharing Hillary’s follow-up comments regarding the “half basketfull of deplorables” statement. It does clarify her feelings. But of course the 30 second soundbites, regurgitated, are not going to report all the details of course, not sensational enough.

    I did admire the fact that Hillary went to the 9/11 ceremonie even though she was not doing well. When it comes to her, it is like you do, you are damned, you don’t you are damned. The fear has been sown about her health and I can understand her not wanting to fawn the flames further. It is just too sad, the way the press is treating her.


  60. I’m sick unto death of the media (I’m looking at you, AP) legitimizing Drumf’s neo-nazi followers (that basket of deplorables), legitimizing their conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton.

    And I’m sicker yet of how little space is given to the fact that, while she coughed while giving an speech, Drumf has yet to release any of those many test that came out ‘positive’ (per his personal doctor’s letter).

    Or his taxes.

    Or records from ‘his’ (founded by other people’s money) ‘charitable’ foundation naming those charities that have received any money from it.

    Hillary Clinton trips and falters climbing into a van while dealing with walking pneumonia–and everyone from the New York Times on down, speculate on how many days of life she has.

    Drumf’s health records are never produced, he is obvious overweight, pasty-faced, erratic in his speech (to be generous)–and, other than some noise about how ridiculous the language of that letter is, there’s no follow up.

    I could go on and on and on, but really, the problem is not most of us reading this; the main problem is mainstream media, who as a body, don’t seem to understand what actual journalism IS.


  61. azteclady-
    Personally I think Ms Clinton showed the best of what she is with the further clarification type remarks she made. that was not a walk back- that was a “I need to be clear about what I meant” kinda thing which is a dang sight more honest and open than a lot of politicos even take a stab at. I well remember Mr Romney trying to hide under the carpet after his 47 percent remarks .
    And Ms Amanapour? A-effin-men!!!
    Sick and frickin tired of this crap about Ms Clinton’s health. Thank heavens the woman is post menopausal or we’d have to listen to endless speculation about her “being on the rag”.
    If someone wants to argue about her ideas, I’m for it. Am done with the sexist crap. done.


  62. Easier, I know you don’t watch CNN, but I just saw a bit on about how one of their hosts, Christiane Amanpour, called out the tremendous sexism of most of the media regarding Hillary Clinton’s ‘lack of transparency’ about her health:

    “When it comes to overqualified women having to try 100 times harder than underqualified men to get a break, or even a level playing field — well, we know that story.” Amanpour said.
    Amanpour went on to highlight past U.S. presidents with health incidents or problems.
    “Who can ever forget George Bush senior throwing up over the Japanese prime minister and then fainting at a state dinner?” Amanpour said. “And he oversaw the fall of the Soviet Union and even won the first Gulf War.

    “John F. Kennedy saved the world from possible nuclear Armageddon during the Cuban Missile Crisis, called for a new frontier in space and generally inspired whole generations around the globe,” Amanpour said. “While the press kept secret his painful struggle with Addison’s disease — leading the world in sickness and in health.”

    And, on the ‘walking back’ her remarks about the basket of deplorables, here’s the full statement:

    “Last night I was โ€˜grossly generalistic,โ€™ and that’s never a good idea. I regret saying โ€˜halfโ€™ — that was wrong. But let’s be clear, what’s really โ€˜deplorableโ€™ is that Donald Trump hired a major advocate for the so-called โ€˜alt-rightโ€™ movement to run his campaign and that David Duke and other white supremacists see him as a champion of their values. It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and given a national platform to hateful views and voices, including by retweeting fringe bigots with a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 million people. It’s deplorable that he’s attacked a federal judge for his โ€˜Mexican heritage,โ€™ bullied a Gold Star family because of their Muslim faith, and promoted the lie that our first black president is not a true American. So I won’t stop calling out bigotry and racist rhetoric in this campaign. I also meant what I said last night about empathy, and the very real challenges we face as a country where so many people have been left out and left behind. As I said, many of Trump’s supporters are hard-working Americans who just donโ€™t feel like the economy or our political system are working for them. I’m determined to bring our country together and make our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top. Because we really are โ€˜stronger together.โ€™ ”

    So, all in all, I don’t see it quite as a walk back–though I believe it would have been wiser for her to say, “some of (Drumf’s) supporters” rather than give an apparent percentage. It would have still drawn fire, because to mainstream media, it’s all about creating drama; but she wouldn’t have had to issue a sorta, kinda, maybe, ‘apology’/statement of regret.

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  63. Easier, you’re darn right! Hillary nailed it. If I had said that and then been persuaded to apologize, I could say I’m sorry for the way I said it but NOT WHAT I SAID!


  64. Just saw it online on HP. The words Hillary used ” half of Trump’s supporters are deplorable” and she is right. She should not walk them back.


  65. I said I was no longer watching, especially CNN and I am maintaining my stance. I still watch the evening news on other channels and watch some news on the internet. A guirl has to remain informed. ๐Ÿ™‚ That said, my husband has turned the channel to CNN on the way out of the living room, thinking I was still like I used to be about that channel, and before I could get to the remote to change the channel, there was a this headline that stated: “Hillarly Clinton apologizes for saying that half of Trump supporters are something really bad” with the last three words at the end being mine.

    Here is my problem with Hillary, if she is listening. Mean what you say or don’t say it at all. It makes you look weak. I can understand apologizing when you offend, especially when you did not mean to, but don’t apologize when you tell the truth. That is the appeal of your opponent. He does not apologize ever, even when he tells lies, and makes stuff up. His campain is based on lies mostly and he still appeals to people. Instead of taking it up to his supporter, call him out on his lies, consistently. Eventually, somebody will hear you. Leave his supporter out of it. If he still appeals to people after all that has been grudgindgly reported about him, you are not going to make a dent in that support by going after them. And that, is my spill for today.


  66. It is completely maddening to watch the right obsess about email protocols, while Trump tells more lies and says more outrageous (and apparently treasonous) things every day. There is NO equivalence, and for anybody, including the media, to pretend there is a real disservice to HRC and the country at large.


  67. Azteclady, my feelings exactly! I just posted comments that I began writing around the time you were posting yours and you reflected the same exact feelings. I guess most of us on this blog think alike. Just hoping that the remainder of the country come to its senses come this November.


  68. Easier, I think that Trump “won” in the sense that ignorant people swallowed everything Trump got to say, unchallenged, as gospel. I wonder how many of those same ignorant people–or bigoted people, or racists, or just plain asshats–stopped one minute to ponder whether the words coming out of Trump’s mouth actually made any sense, in any universe. Let alone, under current circumstances.

    At the same time, for whatever reason (read: misogyny, whether conscious or not), Clinton got the damned emails for ten minutes, and then interruptions and “you, there, hurry along” for the questions that actually pertained the purported topic of the forum.

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  69. Phony balanced reporting for sure ladies! While they are all complicite in helping Trump reach the republican nomination with their obscene incessant coverage, I am more disappointed in CNN than any other news outlet. I used to think they did a decent job of presenting both sides. No longer. My TV used to stay on CNN all weekend; well, I no longer watch. Hopefully, there are many people out there like me, turning them off. I also hope as a result, its owners will soon be feeling the pinch in the wallet. They have given themselves a black eye with their coverage. No matter how hard they try, they will not turn an ill-informed, caring for nobody but himself individual into presidential material.

    As for last night’s moderated Commander in Chief forum, which I watched in its entirety, I was disheartened to learn today (through my husband because I am really avoiding the news) that the news media thinks Trump has won. Really? Hillary was pilloried by Matt Lauer about those “damn emails” to quote Bernie, while Trump was once again, allowed to spout inaccuracies without being called upon. If he wins the presidency, we will get what we deserve. We don’t ever learn. Like somebody once stated, the democrats go in to clean up and put out fires started by republicans. Still, we keep electing them. Go figure!

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  70. I wonder, sincerely, at people who call themselves conservative and/or Republicans, who are still willing, today, to vote for a man who says the things Trump said at the farce that was the ‘commander in chief forum’ on nbc. A man who praises a dictator, and gives as his reason to do so that the autocrat in question praised him first.

    I wonder at those same people, who are willing to entrust command of the armed forces to a man who didn’t know–who perhaps still doesn’t know–that JAG a) exists, and b) what it does.

    I wonder at those same people, being willing to vote for a man who thinks being President means having the power to ‘fire’ generals.

    Dear lord, he’s not only ignorant as hell, his very opinions are treasonous–and yet, people like uaw are willing to vote for him.

    I would be happy for those people to get the President they so richly deserve, and laugh myself silly over their shock and surprise when their lives turn into an ever worse hell than whatever they may going through right now. Then I remember all the innocent people–me and my loved ones included–who would also get this narcissistic xenophobic misogynist asshat for President.


  71. UAW- You know Assange is a right libertarian, don’t you?
    While he might have 1st amendment rights- he is not a US citizen but sure likes to meddle in US affairs.
    “Assange told an online audience that heโ€™s โ€œa big admirer of Ron Paul and Rand Paul for their very principled positions in the U.S. Congress on a number of issuesโ€ and insisted that the libertarian wing the Republican Party represented the โ€œonly hopeโ€ for reform in American politics.”
    He is NOT a liberal. He doesn’t do liberal things and quite frankly I think he is a nasty piece of work with an agenda which is not open and transparent like he thinks our government ought to be. Screw him.
    Nice enough for you? ๐Ÿ™‚


  72. uaw, you do know that your rights–and Assange’s–end when they infringe on someone else’s rights, correct? Or is that also for other people?


  73. Geez Alaskapi…I thought you and the others would love Assange. He’s just using his 1st amendment rights…..OH THAT”S RIGHT….ONLY FOR LIBERALS


  74. Azteclady-
    I am very tired of the phony balanced reporting routine myself.
    From false equivalents to regurgitation of remarks without investigating accuracy or bias and any number of rhetorical devices , far too much reporting is just horsepunky .
    As relates to Ms Clinton, there really is a vicious campaign by design amongst her adversaries and a sloppy undercutting campaign by pretending to be balanced in coverage by too many media types.
    What is worst is that folks are falling for it. Why do people fall for this bullshit?
    We can hardly get a hearing of actual stances of the candidates but boy, we can get all this lyin sack o spuds gossipy garbage witch hunt crap.
    As I’ve said here before, I may not vote for Ms Clinton ( I won’t vote for Mr Trump!!! never) but my vote means nothing to anyone except me here in red Alaska. I am a Democratic Socialist through and through- have been for 40 plus years and I’m not fond of the prospect of more centrist politics which get us not much of anywhere except NOT backward.
    Alaska means doodly-squat in terms of electoral votes though.
    Many, if not most of the folks who stop here, don’t have the luxury I do though. They live in the swing states and every dang vote matters. I’m talking to the folks I know and hope y’all are too.

    BTW – we have a new wrinkle in Alaska Senatorial race in last 24 hrs which opens a tiny hope we can unseat an R Senate seat here. Slim but possible. Joe Miller is running for Senate as a Libertarian to take a run at Lisa Murkowski again. She screwed Ds and moderates after the last election with her all R all the time behavior after asking folks to help her save us from Joe Miller ( I voted D anyway- guy was great)by writing her in as an independent.
    Independent my foot.

    This time we do have a real independent in Ms Stock and this might give her a chance. Do a lil dance folks?! Only thing Alaska can do is try to change the makeup of the Senate…


  75. Great post azteclady!

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  76. Okay, now I’m mostly caught up.

    Alaskapi, I completely understand many people’s reservations about Clinton’s policies. Not only has mass media spent literally decades smearing her reputation, and thus coloring the public’s perception of the person behind the accusations, but during the past year and change, both the media and the GOP have redoubled their efforts–putting a nebulous and falling apart ‘party’ well ahead of country.

    I have been ranting about the lack of decent coverage and follow up of Drumpf’ criminal behaviour (and that of many of the people he surrounds himself with). Just a couple of days ago, when (finally) covered the bribe (because that’s the only possible name for it) that Trump paid to FL AG Bondi through his foundation, so that his so-called university wouldn’t be investigated/sued, in the same piece, the authors of the piece had to devote several articles to Hillary Clinton’s ‘ethics’ issues. Supposedly, in the name of ‘fairness’ and ‘objectivity.’

    However, when they talk about the emails, and Benghazi, and whatever else, if they mention Drumf or any of his mouthpieces, it’s to repeat that campaign’s unfounded and unproven accusations. And, apparently, that’s also in the interest of ‘fairness’ and ‘objectivity.’

    It’s like there’s some sort of powerful kook-aid circulating all over the major news outlets’ newsrooms.

    Or that they care more about the short term click-bait money than they do about the hellhole the country would circle down on if the misogynistic xenophobe compulsive liar narcissist is elected in November.

    I hope that everyone with a modicum of common sense realize that ‘protest voting,’ in the hopes that the people around them will vote for Clinton, and thus stop this fascist from reaching the White House, would be doing exactly what many Brexit voters did–with the attendant abysmal results.

    So yeah, let’s not be complacent; let’s not trust that someone else will use their head to keep us out of the sewer.

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  77. Well, well, well.

    I haven’t checked the exchanged between uaw and alaskapi, but I wonder if the former has read what a very conservative newspaper from a deeply read state has said about both candidates. From The Dallas Morning News:
    “Clinton has remained dogged by questions about her honesty, her willingness to shade the truth. Her use of a private email server while secretary of state is a clear example of poor judgment. She should take additional steps to divorce allegations of influence peddling from the Clinton Foundation. And she must be more forthright with the public by holding news conferences, as opposed to relying on a shield of carefully scripted appearances and speeches.

    Those are real shortcomings. But they pale in comparison to the litany of evils some opponents accuse her of. Treason? Murder? Her being cleared of crimes by investigation after investigation has no effect on these political hyenas; they refuse to see anything but conspiracies and cover-ups.

    We reject the politics of personal destruction. Clinton has made mistakes and displayed bad judgment, but her errors are plainly in a different universe than her opponent’s.

    Trump’s values are hostile to conservatism. He plays on fear โ€” exploiting base instincts of xenophobia, racism and misogyny โ€” to bring out the worst in all of us, rather than the best. His serial shifts on fundamental issues reveal an astounding absence of preparedness. And his improvisational insults and midnight tweets exhibit a dangerous lack of judgment and impulse control.”

    Distrust for the media aside–and I have a lot of issues with most media outlets’ lack of follow up on the many many many questionable, if not downright criminal, things Trump has done since the 80s–it’s telling when so many staunch Republicans who know what the hell goes on in actual governing (like say, public officials from Reagan’s and the first Bush administrations), publicly and loudly support Clinton over Drumfsterfire.

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  78. Mageen – I understand when she gave a speech she always thanked her husband for allowing her to be there. She wanted women to stay at home being the good little woman while she made a career for herself! She did know how to style her hair! I imagine there will be someone who will miss her.



  79. Cynthia I thought Fred Schlafley predeceased her as he was older. If so, his permission, as such, must have been telegraphed from the great beyond! This dame was really something else, and not good! Example: she actually sued a family member with the same last name for using it on the beer he made in his own brewery. Must have been a really “no class” thing for Phylliss. Like she had a lock on class? NOT!


  80. Phyllis Schlafly passed away at age 92……..with her husband’s permission I assume.



  81. Lurk a lot, love this blog. I agree with Terri in NY, Hillary is being pilloried, if they had anything on her she would be in prison, but no. Bernie won my heart and Hillary gets my vote. I hope President Clinton nominates President Obama to the SCOTUS!

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  82. I used to visit this blog often, particularly during the 2008 election. I am sorry that in reading the comments I saw UAWtradesman still here polluting this nice blog with his republican rants. Such a shame.


  83. Alaska, I agree with you! It seems that there is a obsession with trying to prove ulterior motives to anything and everything HRC does. She’s not perfect, but she has spent her life in public service. Where is the press scrutiny of Trump’s businesses and background? Where are his health records? Where are his taxes? How often does a person have to prove they are a racist before people believe it? Everyone needs to vote, no matter how unenthusiastic they are about HRC. Trump has already embarrassed this country enough.

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  84. I’m not trying to convince folks who visit here regularly that Ms Clinton is ok- I am trying to get folks to get out there and counterbalance the BS which is dragging her down. Personally, I think she is being Swift-boated more than “Gored” but it is working folks.

    It is working.
    I spent much of the last few days reading everything I could find about the Clinton Foundation. The spin and lies are rampant and it is disgusting.

    Part of what is going on here is that the Centrist/New Democrats like Ms Clinton do not get the frustration of plenty of Americans who have now tarred both parties as being the same/indistinguishable/ whatever and walk right into ambushes by the Swift boaters -who are at least tapped into the frustrations if only for their own gain.
    While the parties certainly are not the same , the net effect of neoliberal economic policies from the Rs and the new Ds has been the same for everyday people. While I think she has moved to adjust her thinking some on many issues and would do ok ( not great but certainly ok) all this made up crap about Benghazi, the foundation, etc IS creating a drag on her campaign.

    The news outlets which play the false equvalency games with Mr Trump and Ms Clinton appear to be staffed with folks who can’t tell an apple from an orange but it is working. It is working.
    We need to stop it. No more Swift Boat crap, no more “Gored”.
    It is of no consequence in most ways that Ms Clinton is a woman and that the R party is tearing itself apart- the well oiled nasty machine is still operating and operating with effect.
    If it weren’t so damn serious I’d laugh myself sick over the stoopid remarks about the liberal left she supposedly serves by Rs and the shady banksters /Wall Streeters she supposedly serves by too many of my compatriots here on the actual liberal left.
    Jeez and crackers. Mr Trump the opportunist is ready to step into the breach folks- slam the door in his face?!


  85. Mageen-I pretty much agree with you but I am not ready to wholeheartedly jump on the Clinton bandwagon as I do have very strong reservations about Centrist philosophy. I do think she would do fine as president and I think Mr Trump would not.
    I do understand the burn-down-the-house desire on the part of lots of disaffected Americans but I reject it just as I reject the idea of returning to some mythical moment of greatness. Our “house” needs a lot of work but is certainly not ready for the scrap heap and we never had that moment where everything was wonderful for every American which is total bullshit .I can’t quite believe the make-America-great-again crap has sucked in so many folks.We’ve done ok in this country but we have a long way to go yet.


  86. Alaskapi, as for the folks who trust and support a man who believes in walls – of all sorts – history’s shown us that people like Build A Wall Man will turn on their supporters in a New York minute as persona non grata and it will not end well. UAW cannot fathom that he could be one of them if Build A Wall Man wins. His total lack of filters and boundaries will carry him away to excesses from the git-go.

    As for the woman he reviles, I would pick her any day over a spoiled trust fund baby. She was not born with a silver spoon anywhere nearby. She worked her way up. She is being reviled mostly because she is a woman, doesn’t own an apron and has lived her life largely outside the home working for the benefit of others, first, for children with Marian Wright Edelman. UAW, look up this remarkable woman. And, yes, UAW, she is African American.


  87. UAW- I think the argument that the partisan R “investigation” lacked the neutrality necessary to decide what security changes might be called for to keep diplomats like Mr Stevens safer is very important.

    “Democrats on the House Committee released their own, three-hundred-and-thirty-nine-page report on Monday. They also cited โ€œwoefully inadequateโ€ security in Benghazi. But they claimed to have been virtually shut out of the official Committee report. They called the probe, led by the South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy, a witch hunt. โ€œGowdy has been conducting this investigation like an overzealous prosecutor desperately trying to land a front-page conviction rather than a neutral judge of facts seeking to improve the security of our diplomatic corps,โ€ the report said.”

    “After years of congressional investigations, do you feel that your brotherโ€™s death has been politicized in Washington?

    Yes! Definitely politicized. Every report I read that mentions him specifically has a political bent, an accusatory bent. One point that seems to be brought up again and again is the accusation that the attack was a response to the video. I could understand why that conclusion would be made, because it was right after the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt. But, frankly, it doesnโ€™t matter that that was the thinking, that night, about why the attack occurred. Itโ€™s irrelevant to bring that up again and again. It is done purely for political reasons.”

    I recognize you don’t think Ms Clinton has the gravitas to be President. That is your right.
    I also know that Mr Trump and far too many of his followers would freeze people like me out of my own country- their version of a Great America is monochromatic, narrow-minded, and exclusive. Old mixed race women in non-traditional work fields and fighting for tribal sovereignty issues here in Alaska like me would not get one bit of attention. Period.


  88. UAW-
    I truly despise Assange. Something I rarely feel or say. I truly despise him. He’s a nasty self centered creep masquerading as a crusader for open information.


  89. UAW why don’t you channel some your seemingly copious free time into investigating Trumps’s Russia connections, his bankruptcies, his tax returns, his crooked business deals, and his incredible amount of falsehoods? Maybe you can figure out how he saw “thousands and thousands of Muslims in NJ celebrating 9/11”? According to Politfact 76% of his public statements are false.


  90. Alaskapi
    I think the American people are being treated like chumps and Helen isn’t helping. And you actually think Hillary has gravitas after blaming Chris Stevens death on a movie,etc

    Assange for prez/2016


  91. I disgaree UAW. I think it has less to with teflon and more to do with there- is- no -there -there.
    Also- I think there is far less of people ignoring and covering up than you do. Too many folks are beginning to fall for the BS about her who should know better.
    Character assassination is NOT a way to approach questions of character. I do not join piling on Mr Trump if it is just snarky or nasty but I do think he lacks the depth and gravitas necessary for the Office of the President . I also disagree with just about every idea he has floated to solve problems in this country.
    I disagree with Ms Clinton on numerous issues as well and disagree entirely with her overall centrist views. ( Centrism is NOT the same as middle of the road or moderate) However , I think she has been the target of far too many BS “investigations” which have gone nowhere from people who despise her and that she is moderate enough to do ok if we end up with her as President. I do not think the same can be said of Mr Trump at all.
    And please remember, I am a far, far left libertarian who is aware that I am not a very common critter and do not expect that others have to see the world the way I do. I’m ok with moderate but would like Democratic Socialist way more better ๐Ÿ™‚
    Mr Trump’s view of America excludes me. Entirely. For a worldview which is narrow and way too nasty way too much of the time.


  92. I think some of(alot) of the teflon from Bill rubbed off on Hillary. They’ve had years of practice; and for 80 million Hillary and Bill should be in jail for 80 million years..
    I don’t know why that B*tch is being protected. Soro’s won’t say…..and the others died.
    Hillary keeps lying and everyone just shrugs it off. First we got all the e-mails,then we got 30 thou more,that’s it I promise,then 17 thou more…Lying C word. now she’s in perfect health because of memory lapses from brain damage


  93. UAW-
    Whitewater did indeed fail and we spent almost 80 million dollars investigating whether the Clintons did anything wrong there. 80effing million dollars to come up with Monica Lewinsky and the perjury dealie. GREAT return on that taxpayer pile o dollars there.
    As that inquiry, done mostly by people who really, really wanted to take down the Clintons , lead to NO indictments of the Clintons or even enough real information to think about indicting one or both, what should we think? – the Clintons were around a messy situation but did not participate in any of the illegal portion of it or 2- they are so damn smart they eluded detection by a passel of people determined to bring them down?

    Personally, I opt for 1 but am beginning to think a lot of folks think 2- which means the Clintons are a hell of a lot smarter than given credit for by the same people who think 2. Bit of a mind boggler there…kinda like the folks who call Mr Obama a socialist Nazi weak powerful dictator, eh?
    Somewhat the same with Benghazi- once again you have a whole pile o folks who don’t like Ms Clinton piling on in investigations, Over 23 million dollars spent in trying to pin crap on her as SoS
    You and I and no one I know could come that clean if investigated by folks who want to take us down.
    The FBI inquiry on the private server dealie – I read all of it. Her behavior was sloppy but did not rise to the level of indictable AND the larger questions of who minds the IT store at State and other government offices have not been addressed adequately because too many people are running around trying to roast Ms Clinton.
    Feckin Pfft on all of it!




  95. wonder why no one brings up Whitewater when talking about business failures


  96. good one trumpsatire
    Now it’s Trumps fault if ISIS attacks even tho Obama(and Hillary) brought in thousands of muslim refugees and the Mexican cartels are helping other get across.
    I should have started this with”You must be a liberal if”


  97. Cynthia, did a bit of back-tracking on that particular stanza of the National Anthem. Yes, there were former slaves in British uniform. They were often positioned where the Yankees could see them in an attack. the British generals thought that was a good idea. This got to my curiosity. It is recorded that Hessian mercenaries were given the chance to either return to Europe or stay and become farmers, usually in parts of Pennsylvania where their language was already spoken. Don’t know what happened to the ex-slaves in red coats, if they were given the same choice.


  98. One more small point. Trump is a priceless gift to ISIS and any other group of fanatics. If there are attacks during the days before the election, that will be why: ISIS trying to throw the election to Trump. See if that will get through to your Trumpster friends and family.


  99. And don’t get compLacent either…

    Mr Silver has been more right than anyone else in recent years.

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  100. Thank you Helen- Mr Trump is indeed a chump.
    And Assange is an asshat.
    Don’t get compacent folks- I may not like Ms Clinton’s politics much but I’ll be damned if I can stand this sicko trashing of her character. Trump IS a chump and she’s not.Period.


  101. For all those who want to know what it looks like when the Prozac wears off, refer to speech, Trump, Donald J., Arizona, August 31 2016. He had to be totally stoned to go through 30 minutes with the President of Mexico without even trying to take over the country, which would be one way to end all illegal immigration from that area.

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  102. Trump just makes me want to pull my hair out. I can’t believe this is what the country has come to. It just seems obscene that he would have gotten this far.


  103. Azteclady, when is the press going to give attention to all the trials that concern Trump that are now in progress or starting soon? One of his surrogates, Kellyanne, spouted some nonsense about rape being extinct if women were as physically strong as men. Since we don’t seem to be brawny or even try to be, then what happens to us is our fault? Our responsibility? Poor Kellyanne! She has never heard of what happens to men in prison? Big brawny guys attacked by gangs and raped? Where has this child been cocooning all her life! And by the way, Trump is planning to go to Mexico prior to his speech on immigration. And he has all these on-going court trials. I kinda have the feeling he is fleeing justice.


  104. Not really all that long ago, Cynthia, there was a huge celebration in France and of course most of it took place in Paris. A young schoolgirl with a fantastic voice was chosen to sing their national anthem. There was a vibrant outcry from certain areas of the population that such a young and innocent person would have to sing certain stanzas that involved blood and murder. I do not recall how that issue was resolved but it sparked my interest in all the parts of the Marseilliase and I ended up understanding the basis of the argument. Some of the lyrics were aimed directly at the historic enemies of France which included Germany, a country with whom the French were at peace. This had to be the total definition of a “tight situation.”


  105. Mageen – “I wonder if you all have ever heard all the stanzas to the Marseilles?”

    I have not but will check it out along with the fourth verse of the SSB.



  106. Oh, hey, when is big media going to talk about the Drumfsterfire’s RAPE TRIAL that starts on September 15?

    I guess that is not as noteworthy as blaming the first female candidate from a major party for…being not having a penis she can whip out in the middle of a debate, or something?


  107. Okay, so this is not quite about Drumpf, but it’s definitely worth reading: Judd Legum dissects the latest NYTimes article that is trying to make men’s actions the responsibility of the women in their lives. The thread starts here, but seriously, all his commentary is worth reading.

    What I positively love (sarcasm warning) about this, is how the man with three wives and countless mistresses, the one who paws his own adult daughter on the stage of the Republican National Convention, feels that he has the moral standing to opine about someone else’s character, behaviour, and marriage.


  108. Cynthia, I taught school. This was the stanza we ignored. It is rather confusing and was originally thought to refer to the British who tried to level Ft. McHenry.

    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
    A home and a country, should leave us no more?
    Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    We used the fourth stanza in place of this one.
    The minute you asked about this I immediately recalled the sight of that young service man competing int he Olympics and coming to a screeching halt and attention when the National Anthem was played. His future in the service is guaranteed to be ever upwards.

    And for purely comparison purposes only, I wonder if you all have ever heard all the stanzas to the Marseilles?


  109. Change of subject….did you know the meaning of third verse of the national anthem?? Or just what kind of a man FS Key was?



  110. Mageen and Gato, To add to what you have already said, I just watched Mike Pence on CNN and he was talking the biggest amount of b.s. you could imagine. To listen to him, it’s the media’s fault, they are taking everything out of context, and Donald Trump is just the best candidate ever. What a load! I hope when this election is over, Mike Pence’s career will be over as well. He does not deserve to hold elected office again. He hooked his wagon to a bigot and there’s no coming back from that.
    Mageen, the woman who was filling in for Chris Matthews is Joy Reid, and I agree, she is really, really good–Intelligent, calm and she does not suffer fools.


  111. Gato, I’ve seen talking head shows involving a Trumpite doing their best to defend El Donaldo and have noticed that ever since the conventions there has definitely been a new M.O. regarding the journalists, both of D and R persuasion. They are doing their darndest to keep the bloviators from getting away with murder. There was a woman covering Hardball for Chris Matthews the other night and she ran all over the Trumpeters just like Chris would have but even better in IMHO. Then there was the little girl on With All Due Respect who did the same thing. The Trumpeters didn’t like it one doggone bit. Well, poor babies! This does give me some hope even after reading a special feature in the Washington Post on some Pennsylvania folks who were interviewed on why they liked Trump. Sorry, folks! None of them made a lick of sense, especially when one of them described Altoona as a small town! No, not really! I’ve been there. And I spent much of my childhood in a small town. Altoona is wayyyyy bigger! But then again, I think he was looking at the world through Trump glasses!


  112. Hi, Magen โ€“ I just walked out of the room where my husband is watching the show to which I think you’re referring. The lovely new Trump spokeswoman is, I believe, Ms. Kellyanne Conroy, or Conway, or whatever her name is.

    The “insults” supposedly flung by Hillary Clinton in her talk were, in fact, a series of direct quotes from He, Trump, Himself.

    So we see the Trumpsters’ modus operandi here: When He, Trump says something, he’s “telling it like it is.” When someone repeats HIS EXACT WORDS, she is “hurling insults.”

    And, fer chrissakes, Ms. What-her-name goes on about how immigrants aren’t vetted, and nobody’s following the laws the way He, Trump will. Let’s try and think of the last time we heard anyone (other than a Trump supporter) say anything remotely like, “Gee; it’s just a piece of cake getting US citizenship!”

    And we’re supposed to believe that the slime who consistently brags about how he just loves dodging every law he can is suddenly going to become the chief enforcer of proper protocol and process…? GIVE ME AN EFFING BREAK HERE!!

    I tried to be nice and watch this stuff with my dear husband, but I just couldn’t stomach more than seven minutes of it…

    Maybe a couple of Pepto-Bismols, or a drink… Probably both…


  113. Oooooohhh, yuck! Face the Nation had a woman from the Trump campaign on the panel this AM. She whitewashed everything Trump has said or done since the start of the campaign. Leave it to a bully like Trump to hide behind a woman. I’ve seen a number of women on different talking heads shows that are bleaching his political laundry. Once in a while I will see men like Ben Carson but Trump simply does most of his hiding behind women! Why any woman would vote for this waste of DNA is beyond me!


  114. Hi Gato, I agree with all you say. If he is so gd rich, why cheat seniors out of $35,000 of tuition to attend his “university.” We need to see those tax returns. I hope he stays in the race and loses big. He will take down-ballot republicans with him and the Dems could possibly win the senate. In the meantime, I am embarrassed for our country. Even today there is news about Steve Bannon, and it is not good. Did he receive “extreme vetting” before he was hired? I think not.


  115. Hi, Terri โ€“ I hadn’t seen this, but I’m not at all surprised. More and more I am becoming convinced that He, Trump is in deep, DEEP financial difficulties, and is an ever-more desperate creature.

    IMHO, his “campaign” has nothing to do with any desire to be POTUS, and everything to do with becoming a hard-right media mogul who will make Fox, Rush, and everybody else look like the Daily Kos in comparison. Why else bring in Ailes, and the Breitbart operatives? Why else hold “rallies” over and over again with only his unshakable “supporters”? Why else focus only on comments that stir up the media and have nothing whatsoever to do with governing? (The “media,” BTW, should be ashamed of itself for playing this sick game with him, to say nothing of the GOP, who can count on his throwing them under the proverbial bus again and again.)

    He’s neurotically obsessed with attention, and he’s desperate for money.. I suspect he owes astronomical amounts to both China and Russia, just for starters. And, as I keep yapping, anybody who tries to screw Putin had better be goddamned careful…

    I just wish it would all end; the sooner he drops out, the better, far as I’m concerned. His efforts to save his hide are destroying this country โ€“ and too many Americans are willing to let him, or even help him, do it.


  116. Hi Gato,
    Regarding Donald Trump’s “charitable giving” have you seen this?

    He’s been described as the world’s cheapest billionaire. Just one of many things that could be said about him…..


  117. fact checkinf Hillary


  118. Hi, Magen โ€“ I’m guessing He, Trump didn’t write ANY check because HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY MONEY…He’s too GD cheap to buy any advertising, so his “organization” posts all kinds of ridiculous “offers” on Facebook: “Win lunch with Eric Trump,” (yuch) or pay $80 for some gold-colored “membership card” proving you’re in the “big league,” or buy a signed copy of his book for something outrageous like $164.00…

    But my personal favorite is the “offer” to win “Dinner With Trump” for a donation of $5.00, The slapped-together visual shows a smirking He, Trump, behind a bare table with only a single empty plate, a fork and a knife… No spoon, no napkin, no glass, no tablecloth, no nice arrangement of flowers, no place card, nothing much at all. It’s just pathetic.

    But, then, He, Trump has nothing to offer anyone, even if he waned to, so why should this to be any different?

    The Governor of Louisiana specifically requested that Obama not come immediately after the disaster, and that no politician use this as a photo op.. Obama listened; He, Trump didn’t give a rat’s paototie, as usual. Went there, accompanied by a bunch of armed militia-types, stood perfunctorily in some distribution line behind a truck for ten minutes, then wandered off to talk to reporters.

    As #realdonaldtrump himself might put it, “Many people are saying failing GOP candidate is a loser! Numbers going down! SAD!”


  119. Got to say this. Heard from my friends and family in Louisiana. They were lucky. They live on high ground. Nevertheless, they can’t figure out why Trump didn’t write out a big check. And what was the Play Doh all about? They also noticed that when Obama arrived he had no trouble touching people like a hug or a hand on the shoulder. He also spent more time on site with people. Trump not so damn much. He’s not a people toucher. Money? I would bet “Yes”.


  120. I was on the fence about Assange until I read that he has “outed” men from Saudi Arabia (where homosexuality is punishable by death) and released medical and personal information about random people with no political connections. And now he is toying with an American election, threatening to release damaging DNC emails right before a presidential election. It seems his commitment to “transparency” has morphed into a desire to unfairly influence U.S. elections.
    As for Trump, he is just a horrible person. He doesn’t know anything and he says whatever comes into his head at any given moment. He has, however, become more than a joke with his hiring of Steve Bannon. One look at Breitbart and you know you are looking at white supremacist propaganda. This is a sad time for our country.

    Liked by 1 person

  121. Morning, Mageen, and all… I have no idea what’s in this for Assange, other than trying to “be important”… But, of course, there’s quite a lot of that going on these days, isn’t there?

    There’s one thing I’ve learned to count on, though: Whatever He, Trump “accuses” someone else of being, we can be sure is the thing he’s currently most terrified we will discover about him. Very common behavior, well-known in mental health circles… “Projection.” Or, as we lay people call it, “Takes one to know one.”

    Less than twenty-four hours after his “outreach” meeting with black and Hispanic leaders, he’s off on his “Hillary is a bigot” rant. As his Soviet connections surface, it’s “pay-for-play” and “The Clinton Foundation is under the thumb of foreign governments.” Questions about the bizarre letter from his “doctor”…? Right into “Hillary’s got serious health problems.” And so it goes.

    Apparently, Stephen Bannon, one of the “new” operatives in He, Trump’s “campaign,” is registered to vote at an address in Florida where he does not live, which is reported to be illegal under Florida law.

    I keep wondering if somehow He, Trump has “messed with” Putin in a way that Putin sincerely dislikes โ€“ perhaps some unpaid debts or unkept promises. He, Trump has a long history of stiffing suppliers, and has usually managed to have his attorneys intimidate them into submission. I doubt that Vlad is so easily dismissed…

    I don’t LIKE or admire any of this kind of behavior, but it’s certainly been the basis for many a melodrama: Petty con man overestimates his own abilities and infallibility, tries to con a serious operator, and gets his comeuppance, often in very dramatic terms.

    Whatever the hell is going on, it is a continuing mystery to me as to what it will finally take for a good portion of this country to accept the reality that He, Trump is not “campaigning,” he’s promoting his brand and trying to get money โ€“ and he is completely unfit to hold any significant position of power, and certainly not the presidency.


  122. Arrgghh! Its bad enough with Trump bloating like he’s on drugs, now Julian Assange is sticking his poor, benighted nose into all this. Seriously,who even believes in what he does anymore? He’s a criminal, for pete’s sake! And he’s been locked in a house for a long, long time in some kind of semi hemi demi solitary. Truth seeker he ain’t. I mean it. Really! Now I need pie!


  123. Every word is true, sorry there is no truth in mr. Trump!!!


  124. A presidential canidate beaten by two old ladies: I like. Very much. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  125. I personally detest the way in which Trump talks about America. He is unrelentingly negative. He is always paints a bleak picture of the richest, best country in the world. Yes, we have problems, but his pessimism is not the way to solve them. He constantly uses fake “facts” to paint as black a picture as possible. As for the latest so called “pivot”–ha. Same old, same old. A leopard doesn’t change its spots, even when its reading from a teleprompter.


  126. Hi, Keith โ€“ Nice to have some “professional documentation” here. He, Trump is a lousy businessman โ€“ unless you happen to think that a “well-run business” is one that cares only about the profit margin, no matter how many people are screwed, or whether or not your product has any value… Of course, there are far too many people who think that’s just fine.

    I’ve long found it interesting that not one single “business partner” of He, Trump has stepped forward to vouch for his grand business acumen. There’s only one person saying how brilliant he is, and that, of course, is He, Trump, which he then must follow by saying, “Believe me” over and over again.

    He also seems startlingly uninformed about the business environments of even the cities where he holds his “rallies.” He repeatedly claims that businesses and factories have closed, when they are, in fact, still open; he claims layoff numbers that are double what they actually are; and, of course, my favorite: He could have started “putting Americans to work again” by, perhaps, having those stupid caps of his made in the US of A…


    Liked by 1 person

  127. Interesting headline and article from a survey of the National Association of Business Economists. By a 4 to 1 margin, these working economists say they believe Hillary Clinton will manage the economy better than Donald Trump at 55% to 14%. Trump actually trails Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate who comes in at 15%. The article can be linked to below.


  128. […] that's about a third of it. Read the rest at Helen's post here. Meanwhile, the Hillary Clinton campaign released this crushing ad demonstrating why Trump's […]


  129. I don’t love Hillary Clinton as much as you seem to, but I do hate the Dangerous Demagogue with a passion that matches yours. I’ve taken the liberty of sharing your post on my Facebook account. My blog is at:


  130. Gato, I, too, am very interested in hearing more about the Russian connections ofTrump, Manafort, and others in his campaign. Some believe Triump has borrowed from Russian individuals. I’d really like to see those tax returns. Also, there is an interesting article in the Washington Post about Trump’s charitablele giving, or I should say lack of charitable giving, since they could not find evidence of any of the “millions” of dollars he has claimed he donated. What a weasel.

    Liked by 2 people

  131. You’ve got more common sense than the whole Trump following. Please keep at this.

    Liked by 1 person

  132. Well, given that the Ukranian government apparently wants to “talk to” Mr. Manafort (something about conspiring to overthrow the government, I think), and the US government wants to “talk to” him (something about taking money from foreign political groups while participating in American politics, or something along those lines), one would think it prudent for someone in his situation to get out of Dodge. (OR, as it’s now called, “Pulling a Lochte.”)

    But, to paraphrase Yoda, “The chutzpah is strong in these ones…” so taking prudent action is far from a certainty.

    Besides, this Congress isn’t likely to bother too much with this, because… Hillary didn’t do it.

    As for whether or not He, Trump knew about Manafort’s connections, my guess is hell, sure he did. But he probably thought his ol’ buddy Vlad would cover all asses concerned. Putin’s a formidable player (and I don’t mean that as a compliment). He, Trump hasn’t a clue what he’s fooling around with.

    Liked by 1 person

  133. Mageen, gato,

    The ‘pivot’ to excuse Powell’s use of personal email as Secretary of State began even as the first reports were published–“Secretary Powell has no recall of that conversation.” “Neither General Powell, nor the House, have record of that email (though the FBI does).” “Well, things were different then.”

    And so it goes.

    Manafort: I wonder which of the so-called ‘left leaning’ media outlets that so often attack Hillary Clinton, and apologize for Drumfsterfire’s blunders, will hire him. I mean, CNN already has what’s his face, Corey Lew…d?


  134. Hi, Magen โ€“ Of course… And there’ll be no “pouncing,” because, as we all know, nothing is ever a “crime” unless Hillary Clinton did it โ€“ and an equal number of things actually BECOME “crimes” simply because she did them.

    And now, practically lickety-split, the lovely Manafort has cut and run. (That didn’t take long…) So much, yet again, for confirmation of He, Trump’s splendid “instincts.”

    It SOOOO makes me yearn to see those tax returns…

    Christie’s little bailout maneuver in Atlantic City is a nice reveal, too. I swear to god, some day He, Trump is going to screw with somebody who really isn’t going to like it…


  135. Holy cow! AOL is carrying a message that says Collin Powell advised Hillary to use personal email just like he did! Always did think that this personal email thingy while at State had a precedent or two. Now just watch a House Committee pounce on this decorated General – or not!


  136. Helen you’re the best! You’re better than Andy Rooney. CNN or MSNBC should give you a five (or 10) minute spot every week. We’d all be there cheering you on!

    Liked by 1 person

  137. Hi Aztec,
    Thanks for the link to the article about Trump’s letter from his doctor. I hadn’t seen that one. I think the article I read was in Time magazine. This pretty much proves it’s a phony letter. Where’s the outrage?
    This campaign is about to get even uglier with Trump’s new campaign team manager who is a right-wing zealot. Oy.


  138. Hey! I need some instruction on how to get to your websites…

    Would love to see them…


  139. Hey, Aztec (and what an intriguing post name, BTW…)

    Yeah; that’s the post I saw, too. A couple of weeks ago I asked my primary care doc’s office to email me a copy of the results of some lab work I’d had done, so I could forward it to a new provider, and they said they weren’t allowed to email anything, They could only snail me, or I could swing by their office and pick it up. A copy showed up in my mailbox two days later.

    This internist, and his staff, have been my PC providers for almost thirty years, so I’m no stranger to them. And they stick to the rules, as well they should.

    How do we get this stuff out of here, and into the world at large…? Hillary makes major policy statements after major policy statements… And that idiot just keeps “walking back,” or “doubling down” on some piece of garbage he’s uttered… And that’s all the press reports.

    I don’t love Hillary, but I like her well enough, and, good god, presented with a choice only between an apparently sane person with years of experience in governing and international affairs, and someone who knows absolutely nothing about either, and โ€“ if anyone would care to admit it โ€“ is a nut case… Which should we choose…

    The porch knows this, and I’m sure we’re all getting tired of making the same case over and over again.

    But, apparently, we must.

    Liked by 2 people

  140. Terry in NY: regarding that letter, did you see this piece? I’m A Doctor, Here’s What I Find Most Concerning About Trump’s Medical Letter

    Beyond the fact that the letter was clearly written by someone who is not a medical professional–as said by more than one actual, practicing, licensed, physician–is the fact that the letter head of a letter dated December 2015, includes in its letterhead the name of a doctor who passed away…in 2010.

    I can’t wait to see how that little detail is explained away, along with all the other gibberish.

    Liked by 1 person


    Liked by 1 person

  142. You said everything that was in my head and that I say to myself when I hear the Trump defenders or Hillary haters. Thanks for being so eloquent.


  143. I don’t know how many times Hillary Clinton has been investigated by Congress, the FBI, and whomever else you can thin of–this is millions upon millions of tax dollars wasted on finding…that they cannot charge her with a criminal action.

    And yet, faced with a very real health crisis (zika in Florida, anyone?) and TWO concurrent natural disasters (floods in LA and wildfires in CA), the House Republicans choose instead to ask for MORE paperwork from the FBI, to start the wheel all over again.

    Oh yeah, and they wonder why so many people are fed up with a Republican controlled Congress.

    Liked by 1 person

  144. I recently read an article about the very “unique” letter from Trump’s doctor. There are many irregularities in it, including grammatical errors,typos, the use of a commercial email address, and the fact the letter says all his tests showed “positive results.” In doctor speak “positive” test results are usually not a good thing. And he didn’t go to Viet Nam because of some health issue that apparently has miraculously disappeared. At the end of the letter the “doctor” asserts DT would be the healthiest person to ever be elected president. (I’m paraphrasing) That alone sounds fishy.


  145. @uaw – It’s time to get over your terminal case of CDS.

    President George W. Bush, took 879 days of vacation, including 77 trips to his Texas ranch according to a report by The Washington Post.

    According to The Washington Post, โ€œNo modern president took less vacation than Jimmy Carter (79 days), while Ronald Reagan spent 335 days at his beloved California ranch.โ€

    Last December, CBS News reported that the number of vacation days President Obama has taken since the beginning of his presidency stood at 161 days. If you add the 28 days of vacation he has taken this year his total comes to 189 days.

    As for which president has played the most rounds of golf, itโ€™s definitely not Obama. For instance, Dwight Eisenhower played almost 800 rounds during his eight-year presidency, according to a study of his daily itinerary cited in Golf Digest — many times what Obama has played.

    And Eisenhower is not even the No. 1 golf-playing president. Woodrow Wilson played nearly 1,200 rounds during his two terms. Wilson “played more rounds of golf than any president in history,” said Wilsonโ€™s biographer, A. Scott Berg.

    Liked by 1 person

  146. UAW, really… Obama actually does his job as POTUS (whatever you or I may think of his abilities at doing so), and you get all wired up about his spending two weeks a year on holiday…?

    On the other hand, He, Trump is doing nothing but “campaigning,” and he can’t even be bothered to appear in person at half the “interviews” he gives, but chooses to phone in from Mar-A-Lago, or wherever. Doesn’t that bother you even the tiniest bit…?

    Liked by 1 person

  147. And then, since I apparently can’t help myself, I started poking around looking at comments about He, Trump’s “medical letter” outlining his physical and physiological wonderfulness, according to his “long-time personal physician.”

    Never mind all the glaring weirdnesses therein, what struck me the most is the fact that in December of last year, He, Trump tweeted that he was about to release it. The tweet ended with… “It will show perfection.”

    “PERFECTION”…? Really? As many have pointed out, no medical report by any actual doctor has EVER concluded that any human being embodies “perfection”…

    This is no “unique candidate.” This is a seriously disturbed individual with enough money to keep himself surrounded by fawning sycophants who dare not contradict him in any way. Sadly, that includes a significant percentage of the Republican party, and a notable chunk of the American populace.

    And he is not “campaigning.” He makes no effort whatsoever to solicit any new supporters; he just reiterates the same crap, over and over again, in closed “rallies,” to the same group. He has nothing “real” whatsoever to gain from destroying the Republican party, other than the ability to brag that he was able to do it.

    Shakespeare would have loved this whole thing…


  148. I had heard Ivanka was on David Geffen’s 200 million dollar yacht. Where are the sons? I think we can be pretty sure they are not out hobnobbing with the masses in the rust belt states. Nope, no visiting steel mills or coal mines or factories for them.


  149. and while Obama goes golfing again




  151. Uhhh… I really had to check this out on the web to see if you were joking….

    Indeed, no…

    I hardly know which of the following I find harder to believe:

    Putin may actually HAVE a girlfriend.
    His alleged “girlfriend” is Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife.
    Ivanka and Jared were then invited for a nice boat ride with David Geffen, an
    alleged Democrat. (Well, she does seem like an intelligent and attractive
    young woman, despite her paternal origins.)

    One can hardly wait for the next piece of “news”…


  152. Ivanka’s been on vacation with Putin’s girlfriend in Croatia.


  153. Gato, I totally agree. The Russian connection is probably one of the many reasons we are not seeing Trump’s tax returns; along with the fact he is nowhere near as rich as he claims, and the fact he doesn’t pay ANY taxes. Bottom line–the man is a racist, a bully, a narcissist, and a total and absolute phony. And by the way, where have the Trump children been in recent days? Nowhere to be found. I think they see the writing on the wall…..


  154. Intelligent, rational discourse about race, religion, sex and politics is impossible given the current climate. Draw your own conclusions as to why this might possibly be the case …. Thank you Helen for vocalizing what so many of us think and feel right now.


  155. I could have written this and I’m so glad you did.


  156. Go lady go,,,you are always spot on with your thoughts.


  157. Yet another reason we are not seeing He, Trump’s tax returns… The dapper young Eric Trump was crowing not long ago about how much money his lovely family made in the Soviet Union.

    The minute someone says he’s not disclosing his tax returns because “there’s nothing to learn from them,” you know there’s plenty โ€“ just as we all know that the minute someone says, “Believe me,” we know it would be particularly foolish to do so.

    The guy makes me sick.


  158. I am very interested in Trump and Paul Manafort’s relationship with the Russians. It seems that Trump falls all over himself saying things that are favorable to Putin. He also encouraged Russia to hack the DNC. And now we learn one of his key campaign managers has taken cash from the Russians. More investigation and scrutiny is needed asap.
    And as for hiring someone from Breitbart–how ridiculous. Shame on him.
    And it looks like Helen and Margaret have woken up some of the trolls. Ha.


  159. Years ago when my then Congressman Jim Moran went to visit his sick little girl in the hospital he was amazed and very appreciative to discover Hillary at her side. As a mother, she was gently and privately – no press entourage – visiting little Dorothy and wishing her well. Dorothy did beat a really horrible health issue and grew up. Her father never forgot Hillary’s goodhearted deed. Only when Mr. Moran – now inplrivate life = recently revealed this did the world ever here of it. Can you imagine Trump doing something of this nature? The President must often play the role of Comforter in Chief as well as Commander in Chief. Without that talent – and commitment – the country would be sorely lacking.


  160. 77.1 % of America is white. Per Census. What else do you write that is wrong. Could you once say something nice about anyone. I do not believe you are Margaret (female) too much anti women comments. I think you are one of the problems of our beloved country. Hate never solves anything. .


  161. And now He, Trump has hired ROGER AILES and some dude from BREITBART…??!! And he likes them because they’re… “WINNERS”…??!!

    Still spots available for Sarah Palin and Louie Gohmert, I’m sure…

    Could this BE any more pathetic…? Alas, I’m sure we’ll soon see that indeed it can be.

    Good god; the guy can’t successfully run a casino, or an airline, or a winery, or even a fake “university,” or his own “campaign” โ€“ and some people actually think he could run a COUNTRY…??!!

    Liked by 1 person

  162. All those fools that like T-Rump for speaking his (very small twisted) mind should really love you!! I certainly do. Thank you for voicing my thoughts with such honesty and humor.


  163. love it


  164. Tony, darling, are you hungry? I’m sure there’s a place that’ll deliver to your parents house, you little parasite you.

    Liked by 3 people

  165. You two old hags need to stop spreading your bullshit and stick two what you obviously do best – eat. Call the pizza boy. He delivers.


  166. Another great post. I spoke to an acquaintance recently in a diner where the news was on. I said, “Trump just lies and lies and lies and still has supporters.” She got up and walked away without saying a word. Of course, it turns out that she’s a Trump supporter. Her life is also a mess. For starters, she has no health insurance. She insists she can’t afford insurance through the Affordable Care Act. I asked if she had ever called and spoken to anyone at No, she hasn’t, but she knows she can’t afford the insurance. I told her that some people get insurance for free. I offered to call with her to help her get insurance. No, she knows she can’t afford it. Her mind is made up that she has to live in misery, so she supports Trump. My mind is made up that I will live in decency and ask for assistance when I need it, such as getting health insurance through the ACA after a couple of years without any insurance. You’d better believe I support Hilary Clinton because I want to know that some crazy person is not going to enter the Oval Office and dismantle everything that President Obama has worked so hard to establish.



  167. I just can’t figure out how he has not been “attacked”. Does anyone know how we as a citizen could start an impeachment on him?
    * reason.. he is just to stupid, * reason 2 see reason 1> What bothers me is the people that think he is going to improve their life!! I wonder where they came from> Mental homes? I feel sorry for them.
    Just to note.. we that can read and think, need to really educate our children NOW.They need to know what is BS and what is not.


  168. David is truly an “ASH!”

    Liked by 1 person

  169. Dear David, I am amazed you are interested in dropping your ‘pearls of wisdom’ around here. I mean, you might get infected by all the ‘lesbian’ cooties.

    No danger you might, suddenly, start to use your brain for what it was intended. Common sense, sadly, isn’t contagious.

    Liked by 1 person

  170. This us hardly reiterated: “Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell shouldnโ€™t have used their personal emails…”. So true. People will do anything they can to discredit Clinton. It’s amazing. But she stil stands strong. She has a backbone that I can only dream of having! Go Hilary!

    Liked by 2 people

  171. Good Lord, I can’t believe you two old lesbians are still writing this blog.
    What are you…in your early hundreds now??


  172. Thank you so very much Helen! I was waiting quite impatiently I should add, for your next assessment of our Republican flag bearer. You did not disappoint. There is no liberal media. It is all about money, these days, no journalistic standards whatsoever. After all the free press and crowing about not having spent any money, what is the complaint about? The free press is biting him in the butt and I, for one, am loving it. You get what you pay for. Free is not always free, sometimes, free comes at a price.


  173. Ladies, once again you come to the point. Well done as usual. Trump does not deserve even to live in America. As he is in bed with the Russians, let him move there and see how he likes losing all the freedoms he is accustomed to having. When he loses the election, Putin will drop him like an anchor. No more loans and the ones outstanding will be called. It will interesting to see how Putin likes being sued by little twitty trumpers. More interesting St see how Putin retaliates.


  174. Loved This!

    Sent from my iPad



  175. Thanks for the “Colorful” info…

    As for He, Trump, he’ll probably tell the world โ€“ any of it that might still be listening โ€“ over and over again how he was cheated, how the system is rigged, how he didn’t really “lose,” but was robbed of his rightful victory, and so on and so on. (In short, he’ll be essentially a Rush Limbaugh.) And I’m sure he’ll be offered a media platform from which to do that.

    And as long as our government pays no attention to the hundreds of thousands of people who feel exactly as he does, he’ll have an audience. His “followers” HAVE been cheated, over and over again โ€“ by an entire upper class of Trumps. And that’s the irony…They’re right, but He, Trump and his kind are the perpetrators of their oppression, not their liberators.

    I feel sorry for him, too, but only to the degree that I think he might actually feel any pain about this โ€“ which I have to think is the remotest of possibilities. If someone’s grip on reality is tenuous, his ability to suffer from the effects of any “real” consequences is probably equally so.

    Margaret and Helen really nailed it with this post, IMHO.


  176. gato – Colorful has been around for years….she is harmless.

    Trump is self destructing every day. In some ways I feel sorry for him. What will he do after this???? Do the “important/power” people have any respect for him these days?


    Liked by 1 person

  177. Why don’t you spare Jesus the trouble of going to the trouble of removing this blog, and just REMOVE YOURSELF from it. Surely you can do that for your Lord and Savior, can’t you…?

    (Besides, Jesus might have His own ideas about what’s “evil” and what isn’t, and may not be all that interested in your opinions… Ever consider that possibility?)

    Liked by 2 people

  178. Yahoo. I meant YAAH-HOOOO!

    MSNBC, CNN and FOX need a copy, so they can stop waiting for TRUMP to PIVOT!


  179. YOU, and everyone else, don’t seem to be aware that Trump is a SOCIOPATH. Check the internet for ‘characteristics of a sociopat’ – I found at least a dozen matches.


  180. Sent from my iPad



  181. You and your followers are evil. I will
    Pray so that Jesus will take this site away.


  182. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  183. Do you have a facebook presence? I think these messages would do very well there… Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2016 12:05:48 +0000 To:

    Liked by 1 person

  184. Dont forget we have learned Trumps own brand products are made overseas

    Trump’s closest advisors have business interests with Russia.

    And Less people were killed in embassys under Hillary but she had the most number of investigations! Check out the numbers killed under other presidents and the few if any investigations.

    Obama lost his blackberry when taking office. If Trump won wonder if he would relenquish his twitter and other social media??

    Does ANYONE remember the statement republican congress made to intentionally block everything Obama


  185. We love you, Margaret and Helen! When we see that you have posted, there is a sound of happy cheering rolling around the world. We really love you!

    Liked by 3 people

  186. The one thing that Trump has done is separate friends, seriously. But, again, I am facing the facts that who needs someone as a friend who thinks Trump is great – really. So, with that said I have decided that a person who I thought was a friend is not on that list anymore when just last night she and I had a ‘coming to Jesus’. She spouted out that “didn’t you know that Obama starting ISIS???” Man, that did it. Adding this to her comment that it was OK for Trump’s daughter to hang with Putin’s girlfriend (just on the news) – I think our ‘supposedly friendship is done’. With that said, I can thank Trump for showing me who my true friends are – I am left with only the smart ones. Keep up the good work Helen, you are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bobbie White

    Liked by 2 people

  187. What about the rape claim against him? The man should be in prison, not running for president!!

    Liked by 2 people

  188. Dear Lady, this election will be all about turnout. We, as in the Democrats, are ahead in the Executive race. The down ticket races are where we need turnout. So many of the house seats controlled by the GOP are gerrymandered to the tune of 2-3% majorities. The GOP House majority is vulnerable this election if enough liberals bother to vote in what would seem a blowout. We only need to turn out 3-4% extra voters in those “safe” GOP districts to take the house for two years. If Mrs. Clinton can swing a 10% majority over Mr. Trump, her coat tails will give us two years of liberal government at the national level. I suspect the Senate is a given if Mrs. Clinton wins, the House is a matter of by how much.

    Liked by 1 person

  189. The definitive list. Until tomorrow when he says something else stupid.

    Liked by 1 person

  190. see below:

    Cheers, Elkhorn

    => As of sending this e-mail, I have not received a National Security Letter <= If you play a Microsoft CD backwards, you hear satanic things; but that's nothing: if you playย one forwards, Windows gets installed. ย "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" โ€” Upton Sinclair "Evolution is just a theory. Like, umm, gravity."

    From: Margaret and Helen To: Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 5:05 AM Subject: [New post] Trump is a chump. #yiv9369485856 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9369485856 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9369485856 a.yiv9369485856primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9369485856 a.yiv9369485856primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9369485856 a.yiv9369485856primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9369485856 a.yiv9369485856primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9369485856 | Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret, the media keeps reminding us that two-thirds of Americans think that the nation is headed in the wrong direction. ย Of course, they never seem to tell us what direction that is. ย  Why are we assuming that it means we are unhappy with Ob” | |


  191. Well documented! Profoundly presented! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  192. Helen for President! I mean it. Really.

    Liked by 2 people

  193. This old, white lady totally agrees!

    Liked by 2 people

  194. I particularly like (warning: sarcasm!!!) (real sarcasm, not Drumpf ‘sarcasm’) how Trump says that Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the stamina to be president.

    Dude, after decades in the GOP’s cross-hairs, she’s not only still standing, she’s totally kicking your ass into next year.

    Liked by 3 people

  195. Good list, Helen!


  196. You forgot to add he’s an idiot! Other than that, you nailed it!

    Liked by 2 people

  197. Love these ladies! >

    Liked by 2 people

  198. What is even scarier than Donald is his supporters.

    Liked by 3 people

  199. Awesome, as usual. Thanks!


  200. There aren’t enough ways to really say what an ass he is, but thanks for trying.


  201. Thank you, Helen! Hello to Margaret as well. Glad to see the old blog is still kicking!

    Trump is so much worse than a chump, but you get style points for saying it. ๐Ÿ™‚


  202. What’s also astonishing is that Politifact has rated Trump as “Mostly False”, “False” or “Pants On Fire” in over 75% of his fact-checked statements since 2007. In that same time, President Obama and Hillary Clinton are at 25% and 27% respectively. Despite this, many people still insist that Mrs. Clinton is less honest than Drumpf. They must be the “some” that Drumpf listens to whenever he prefaces a lie with “Some people have told me…” Just because an opinion is held by a majority doesn’t make it correct.

    Liked by 4 people

  203. Thanks for the concise and growing list of all the ridiculousness of Donald Trump!


  204. Amen, sister!


  205. I am surprised he has gotten this far. Everything one needs to know about Trump’s lack of veracity as a candidate is in his history and it is not hard to find. If one looks, what can be easily found is a history of exploiting people for money ranging from evicting people from their homes, stiffing contractors, employees and investors, multiple thousands of lawsuits as a defendant and accuser, selling his name for royalties to developers so that they may charge more money to unwitting buyers, and, per the three class action lawsuits outstanding, alleged misrepresentation by Trump University and aggressive sales tactics to strong arm money from unwitting students and seminar attendees.

    The fact that his ardent followers think Trump is the champion of the common man is both comical and sad. Like many narcissists, Trump cares only about one thing – Trump and getting his. Whether others get theirs is irrelevant.

    Liked by 2 people

  206. I noticed that you mentioned making fun of the disabled repeatedly. I like that because I truly thought that that would be the end of Trump. Sadly, I was wrong. Thank you for putting my thoughts and feelings in to words. I love reading your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  207. well said!

    Liked by 2 people
