Posted by: Helen Philpot | May 2, 2016

When does the Right actually get it right?

Margaret, the Republican Party claims to be the party of Christian family values.  And by family values they mean bigotry, hypocrisy, misogyny , greed, war and fake tans. The Democrats, on the other hand, are the godless party of peace, universal healthcare, public education, a living wage, and recycling.

Hmmmm. I guess I read a different bible.

The Pope is at odds with Trump while Vladimir Putin sees common ground with Trump.  And I can only assume Bobby Knight punched a few people in the face on his way to the podium to deliver his endorsement of Trump. Family values? That would be one family of which I am happy not to be on the Christmas card list.

Republicans are just not right.  I mean it. Really.


  1. Hey, Susan – Now that we’ve had our say with you (and I will agree that Helen’s “High Horse” IS a moral compass!), I have to keep reminding myself that this rudely vocal “majority” who are yelling for Trump is only a “majority” of the Republican party – and I’m not even sure they’d be that if the primaries had been two-person competitions. Maybe we’ll see how CA plays out.

    Of course, both Conservatives and Progressives have programs worth consideration (although I’m thoroughly in the camp that thinks the Progressive ones are more meritorious), but He, Trump is in NO WAY a “Conservative.” (Ask my husband, a committed lifelong Republican, who can’t stand the man, and would NEVER vote for him.) As far as I can tell, He, Trump has no “policies,” other than “Get As Much Attention As Possible.” (I’m sorry, but “building a wall” is in no way a “policy.”) Even Putin has more policies than that, despite his half-naked horseback riding, scuba diving, and whatever the hell else the he does to try to look manly and potent. (And let us thank our lucky stars that we have not, yet, been treated to the vision of a shirtless He, Trump golfing in Florida… Oh, god; I’m sorry I even thought of that…)

    There’s a reason that the “Conservatives” have been working so ceaselessly to disenfranchise as many voters as possible: They know that if every citizen who’s entitled to vote actually gets to vote, the GOP won’t stand a chance. If He, Trump is ultimately the GOP candidate, let us pray they are not successful, and do our damnedest to thwart their efforts in every conceivable way possible.


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  2. Hi Gato! I agree with all you said. Trump seems to think he is running to be CEO of the U.S. His ego is out of control, and he is always crass and crude. In stark contrast, President Obama always conducts himself with such dignity and class. You can hardly believe the two of them exist on the same planet. I am looking forward to a day when I don’t hear the word Trump every time I turn on the television. Fingers crossed…..

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  3. Hi, Terri ! Guess I just can’t stop blabbing about He, Trump, and his seemingly endless catalog of evident character traits that should absolutely disqualify him from “governing” ANYTHING, let alone the “most powerful nation in the world.” Can he boss people around? Sure. Has he ever cooperated with anyone, ever, about anything? (Hell, according to him, he doesn’t even “cooperate” in raising his own children.) It’s hard to imagine any Congress, or Judicial Branch, that would relish being treated like Trump’s “employees”…

    Watched Obama’s talk at the Press Corps dinner, and something really struck me about his body language, versus He, Trump’s… Obama’s gestures could mostly be described as “inclusive” – elbows out, hands spread in front of his core, palms toward himself. He rarely points. He, Trump is always pushing his hands forward, away from himself, one or two fingers pointing up, or spreading both arms wide, palms open – what I’d call gestures either of admonishment, or, “Hey, look at me.”

    Just thought that’s pretty interesting.

    (Also, Obama is genuinely witty and funny – and capable of making fun of himself. Has He, Trump ever said anything genuinely funny, except inadvertently? As for “wit,” it seems nonexistent in that one…)

    And, no, He, Trump would not be able to accomplish much of anything as Chief Executive. As for his claim to being such a “deal maker,” he can’t even make a “deal” with the Republican Party.

    Sigh… Well, try to have a nice day ANYWAY!


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  4. I’m pretty tired of those that think the blame for the rise of Trump is equally shared by Dems and the GOP and a general dissatisfaction with government. It is the GOP who has obstructed every effort made by President Obama to do the very things Donald Trump is now proposing. Does anyone remember the American Jobs Act proposed by the president? It was designed to rebuild our infrastructure and schools, while reducing payrolls taxes and putting Americans back to work at American jobs. The GOP said NO! Now some are acting like Donald Trump is some magician who will wave a magic wand and bring jobs back, at the same time ignoring the fact that unemployment is now lower than during the Reagan administration. Part of the problem is that some Americans seem to have both amnesia and a irrational dislike of our current president.

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  5. Susan Binns sniffs “Get off your high horses and be willing to think beyond your own agenda!” To which I reply, Phooey! Helen’s High Horse is the moral compass of America! If you don’t like her blog (notice that it’s a BLOG, not a News Source, oh if only you could realize that about Fox “News” as well), there are by verified count ten billion gazillion other things you could be reading (and complaining about) on the internet.

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  6. Margaret and Helen, I guess it all depends on how one defines “right”! I am in the process of prepping for pulling up stakes in case someone throws something into the national water supply and Hair Trump makes it to the White House. Cannot abide this piece of plasma. One of the most critical roles the President plays is Comforter in Chief as when the space shuttle blew up on leaving the pad in Florida. Thats just one example. Cannot see this guy carrying that off no matter who writes his speech in such elegant and soothing words. He would blow it off and do his own thing. Thats the crux of this kind of personality: his own thing. To hell with everyone else. Our Presidents have been a lot of things throughout our history, including unable to handle their own birth language, but so far I have not seen a case of malignant narcissism such as Trump. God help us that we never will!

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  7. To post to facebook, copy and paste the URL of the post. It worked for me. 🙂 Then it comes up with the title and everything.


  8. I noticed that word too, but always have trouble with spelling it. We sure as heck know what it is though.


  9. Bless your hearts! I hate the “either or” philosophy where someone is totally wrong and the other is totally right….. That way of thinking is what has brought us to this juncture in time where the American people are suffering! Conservatives and Liberals are not enemies, but Americans who must find common ground! If we do not, we are in for even more difficult times. I am a life long fiscal conservative and social liberal. I do not see those who think differently from me as evil and that is why I’m often offended by the vitriol of your blog. Really! Get off your high horses and be willing to think beyond your own agenda! I see both Liberals and Conservatives having good things to bring to the great table known as compromise. I believe strongly in states’ rights, social welfare for the needy, but abhor all abortion, especially the killing of those who are viable and able to survive the butcher’s knife. Being a former teacher, I hate the mediocracy that has become the norm in our public schools, especially those of our minority population. I feel that African-AMERICANS, brought here against their wills for hundreds of years, are more entitled to social services than Mexicans who have broken our laws and come here illegally. The fact that the American economy continues to falter, indicates that we cannot go on spending with reckless abandon. Limited resources means limited services and I claim those for citizens of this country. So let me close by saying this… Think of yourselves many years ago. Did you ever dream that the great divide would be created by those who want to kill in the name of choice and those who view life as sacred? By the way, I’ve babysat for friends while they’ve had abortions, was once pro- choice myself and do not condemn or vilify those who make such decisions for themselves But, for heavens sakes, surely you see how sad this whole scenario is! Okay, let me say this I DESPISE DONALD TRUMP! He’s just awful but I’m beginning to see that a great number of our fellow citizens think differently from me. They may have a majority and, although I will not vote for such a man, I will have to acquiesce to the majority. Lord, I could go on and on but let me just ask that you quit being so nasty and realize that there are folks out there, albeit ignorant and misinformed, who think differently from you and their pitiful opinions, and their votes, count just as much as yours and mine! Let’s agree to disagree but make every effort to get along and help this country we all love! I hope you’re enjoying the beauty of spring where the yellow green of the trees almost takes one’s breath away! The contrast between the bright blue skies and chartreuse leaves brings tears to my eyes! I also hope you will continue to speak, yet softly, and put that damn stick down! Your friend and dissenter, Susan Binns >


  10. There’s a basic flaw in the argument. The Democratic Party you describe no longer exists, and the candidate it wants to coronate is actually to the right of many of the positions Trump has expressed when he’s not playing to his audience.

    Here’s the thing. He’s a hustler, a showman. He knew going in what would rouse the rabble, and he has the money to pay skilled writers who can provided him with just the right harangues to stir them up. With the help of a compliant corporate media, he’s created the image of a demagogue that’s a caricature of what the GOP has allowed itself to become. The operative phrase there may well be “created the image.”

    Would he be an effective president? Not likely, based on his resume and the fact the bulk of the world thinks he’s the joke the media and the intelligentsia have described him as. On the other hand, the other fact is the president’s effectiveness is largely based on who he gets to fill the cabinet and his advisory staff.

    There is a very good chance that if the Donald is the GOP candidate, and the Democratic establishment insists on running Ms. Clinton, he could end up being elected. The Dem establishment either deliberately or out of its own arrogance refuses to understand that the Sanders contingent is composed of many, many independents who will NOT vote for HRC and who COULD vote for Trump for that very reason. Calling them names isn’t going to make them likely to change their minds, yet that’s what’s happening.


  11. Misogyny.

    Please fix


  12. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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  13. Spot on Helen & Margaret!!!…..we here in Nawth Cakalacky are so “dedicated” to bigotry, hypocrisy, misogyny, greed etc…..we “trump” even the Repugs in right wing bullhockey…..

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

  14. NOT RIGHT………in the HEAD!!


  15. Oh, YESSS!!! Excellent, Marte!

    When I actually force myself to grasp the fact – the FACT – that many “government officials,” and “governing bodies” are actually WRITING LAWS and encouraging “citizens” to challenge fellow citizens on the veracity of their GENDER at the door of a PUBLIC TOILET… I am rendered incapable of any “thought” whatsoever.

    And then, as my faculties gradually return, doing that doesn’t seem far removed from cutting off people’s hands for petty thievery or stoning a woman to death because she had sex without her father’s permission…

    (BTW, has anyone specified the proposed “punishment” for peeing in a stall that doesn’t conform to the gender on your Birth Certificate? Six months and $5000 for a first offense? “Third time you’re out” – life imprisonment? Is it a misdemeanor or a felony? What if YOU are a six-year-old trans girl, in the ladies’ potty room WITH YOUR MOMMY? Does Mommy get sentenced and you get sent to CFA…?)

    Sorry… Guess I got off on a rant there…

    Liked by 4 people

  16. Oh, it’s family values all right. It’s just that it’s the Manson Family.

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  17. I’d like to be able to share this on facebook. Is that possible? And if so how? I tried copy and paste, but post just disappeared.


  18. Hi, Jean R – I think people have become so alienated from government, and so convinced, often correctly, that they have little to do with decisions made in Washington, that they’re just ready to dump the whole system – and they believe installing a blowhard, egomaniacal “outsider” will do the trick. It won’t.

    This “alienation,” BTW, is the expected result of the ever-growing requirement for vast sums of money in order to win an election – thank you so much, accursed “Citizens United” – of the disenfranchisement of voters through gerrymandering and ever-more-restrictive “Voter ID” requirements, of the relentless installing of fear and paranoia, the obsessional focus of the MSM on controversy and melodrama, and on and on and on… None of this was/is “accidental.” Making the populace feel “helpless,” through fear, lack of education, lack of health care, and poverty has been “the plan” of Big Bucks all along. The only thing they dislike about He, Trump is the fact that he is SO repugnant he might not be elected! (Enough people can still struggle to the polls, and he has alienated SO many “constituents,” that they worry he might be a little risky…) If they could smooth him out, so he behaved a little more like Romney, they’d be perfectly fine with He, Trump as a candidate. The fact that he has no governing experience (which Romney did have) doesn’t matter one whit, much as it should. You’d think they’d at least care whether or not their candidate is a “successful” businessman, which He, Trump is not particularly. He inherited a ton of money, and hasn’t blown all of it – and that’s about it. Big deal.

    Let’s face it: NO wealthy CEO is a “Washington outsider” these days. He, Trump has been sucking up to politicians his entire life, and has – by his own frequent admission – used the “rigged system” to save his own bacon over and over again. He’s an “outsider” about as much as he “loves women,” about as much as he’s “going to win the Hispanic vote,” and as much as he has “beautiful long fingers.”

    He, Trump is a superb con man, and there’s nobody who can’t be drawn in by a terrific con. (Madoff’s suckers were not exactly poor, stupid hillbillies, were they…?) People are absolutely correct in thinking they’re being screwed. It’s just that He, Trump has spent his life doing plenty of the screwing – and he’s not likely to become someone else between now and November 2.

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  19. My sister’s pastor had a very good point, I think. It’s long. He said in his sermon that Christians have been relishing the End Times and the Battle of Armageddon for a long time. He believes it’s here, but not in the form they have been schooled in. This battle is the same one Jesus was sent to fight. His message was one of love, acceptance, and the “care of the least of me” to the faithful who had strayed from the path and those who had been excluded from walking on it at all. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the poor and disenfranchised, chased the money handlers from the church and chastised the hierarchy and the temple priests for their greed and deviation from the path that God had intended. He came to set the record straight. This war we are in now is once again between the Pharisees, the Trump’s, Cruz’s, pastors of mega-churches and small churches who preach hate, exclusion, and relish judgement, and have kidnapped and held Christianity hostage for their own purposes, and the truly spiritual that know what the practice of faith is supposed to stand for and look like. A battle against good and evil. Another point he made was that Jesus didn’t teach or die to be the focus of our worship.The focus should be the message He delivered…love. The Beatitudes…humility, charity, and brotherly love. He taught of the transformation of the inner person and the virtues in life which will ultimately lead to our rewards. Love becomes the motivation for the Christian. See any love floating around the message of the current Republican party. This group doesn’t speak for all Republicans and few if any Democrats. The battle lines that have been drawn and many Christians are having to decide who they are actually following, the wolves in sheeps clothing or the actualy words of Christ.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Short, sweet, to the point, and so, so right! Thanks.


  21. As always, you are spot on! Couldn’t agree with you more, nor enjoy your dissections of the “right” more! Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Spell check-Misogyny


  23. How can so many people be so blind? Poorly educated, perhaps? Gullibility comes from a lack of critical thinking skills, and we have become a nation of the gullible, by the gullible, and for the gullible, it appears. How else could we have so many clowns in Congress? A democratic republic requires educated voters. I appreciate both Bernie and Hillary for their views on education.

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  24. Hopefully their party is imploding through the process they have set in motion.

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  25. I am sincerely worried about the morals and ethics of our country as a whole that so many people can vote for Trump. How can they not see what a fake he is and how totally unsuited his temperament is for holding the office of the president? He shoots his mouth off about things he knows nothing about and will do nothing but embarrass us on the world stage, if not get us all killed with his talk of nukes, etc.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. What was your first clue!!! Ya Think??!!!


  27. Either Hillary or Bernie would be a far superior choice to anyone on the Republican side. “The Donald” is a pathetic “Richie Rich” and Cruz is a phone Christian. I hope the Democrats sweep the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

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  28. None of these idiots are right–I mean “correct”. Both parties are to the extreme. There are no more moderates. And who is to blame? The non-voters for not doing their civic duty during mid-term elections. Those mid-term elections are just as important, if not moreso than the Presidential election because we vote for a congress. The current congress is made up of tighty righties who despise Obama and have tried to stymie him. But–it’s the people who voted or failed to vote that gave us this circus.
    And since when did God have so much to do with politics? Whatever happened to separation of church and state?
    I blame the Republican party for allowing Bible-bangin’ conservatives to take over. I blame political correctness for pussifying the Democratic party.
    Both parties need to take a step back and reassess.
    As for me. I want to know just why the hell the three majors–i.e., Trump, Clinton and Sanders have NOT addressed the biggest “ism” out there now. Ageism. All three of these bozos are senior citizens and yet they go after the youth and minority vote and allow the seniors to just sit out in pasture like cows. Ageism needs to be both addressed and stopped and none of the politicians address this.

    Liked by 4 people

  29. I love your posts and forward them frequently. I know I would want someone to tell me if I misspelled a word. It is misogyny, not masogony, unless I have been incorrect all my life. Which is a possibility. Really. >

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Putin likes Trump because he considers him the lightest of all lightweights and the easiest to get the better of. Trump would be Putin’s little patsy (with apologies to Patsys everywhere). Pass it on!

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  31. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW and commented:
    Margaret & Helen on “family values” and the Republican Party.

