Posted by: Helen Philpot | March 1, 2016

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and hates immigrants, gays and people of color then what you have is a Republican duck.

Margaret, once again I find myself stating the obvious – of course the KKK is a part of the Republican base.  Are Republicans really trying to suddenly be outraged by that?  When you hate immigrants, hate gays, question the patriotism of the first black President, use war to solve all your problems… Well hell, Margaret, I could have just used those exact same words to actually describe the KKK rather than the current Republican party.

The entire Republican leadership is culpable for the rise of Trump.  For years they have suppressed minority voters, denied rights to gays, and vilified immigrants.  How in the hell can the party of Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Joe Arpaio, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Paul LePage, Mike Huckabee, Jason Rapert, Jon Hubbard, Loy Mauch, Bob McDonnell, Haley Barbour, Jeff Sessions,  Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, George Allen, … suddenly be offended by Donald Trump?  Hell, the list of racist, homophobic, immigrant-hating Republican politicians is so long, I haven’t even scratched the surface.  And who do you think voted them into office?

The numbers speak for themselves.

The KKK thinks Obama is a Muslim.

Almost half of the Republican Party thinks Obama is a Muslim.

The KKK is anti-immigration.

 A majority of Republicans support a ban on all Muslim immigration and over half support an increase in the deportation of Mexican immigrants.

The KKK promotes hate crimes against homosexuals and is adamantly opposed to same sex marriage.

Almost 2/3 of Republicans do not agree with the Supreme Court’s decision to allow same sex marriage.

The KKK believes African Americans are second class citizens.

Republican controlled state houses have systemically passed laws to suppress the African American vote.

The KKK, small as it is, seems to do best in the Deep South where Republicans do best.  Coincidence?  Oh honey, bless your heart.  I have lived most of my life next door to women who cook and think like Paula Deen.

The Republican leadership can wish all it wants that Donald Trump isn’t their front runner, but in reality they can put wishes in their right hand and shit in their left hand and I promise you that the left one will always  fill up first. If they thought Donald Trump was electable the GOP would be blaming CNN for a faulty earpiece.

In truth, for the first time in my life I have enjoyed watching a few minutes of Fox News.  Those folks are so bent out of shape over this they could kiss their own behind while enjoying the sunshine on their face.  If Bill O’Reilly and company were to be totally honest, they aren’t quite sure what to do right now considering the KKK is probably a ratings point or two for the network.

I have no problem saying what the journalists seem unwilling to say. Until GOP voters demand that the party change its platform, to be a Republican today means you have more in common with the KKK than you probably care to admit. 

Donald Trump was endorsed by a legitimate portion of the Republican base and the party leaders are upset that their little secret got out. I mean it.  Really.


  1. Hello!

    A few of my friends think that’s really interesting, take a look

    Rushing, Beth Spencer


  2. Hey,

    Have you seen that products before? You need to take a look, it is absolutely awesome, here, take a look

    Best regards, Lynn Downs


  3. Dear friend!

    Just take a look at that amazing things, they are awesome! You’ll definitely love them, here, take a look

    Wishes, Homer Walter


  4. Hello,

    Have you seen that awesome place already? We’ve visited it a couple of days ago and we are so excited! Please take a look

    Thanks for your consideration, Janet Jarvis


  5. Hey!

    Here is some information that inspired me a lot, read it please, it may be helpful

    Yours sincerely, Molly Murdock


  6. Hey!

    I’ve been looking for some nice stuff and have come across those amazing things, just take a look

    Yours sincerely, Antoinette Tyson


  7. Hey friend,

    Donald Trump Jr. has acknowledged that he met in New York with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya

    Hugs, Daisy Kay


  8. Hey friend,

    Or you get an important email from the boss while walking the dog, but you’re squinting horribly

    Hope this helps, Penny Lyon


  9. Hey!

    Just take a look at these beautiful things, they are so nice, check this out

    Yours sincerely, Ivan Goldman


  10. Hey,

    I just wanted to say hi and show you some stuff I’ve recently come across, check it out

    Hugs, pudman56


    Love you both….thanks for your truth telling!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Have some Saturday fun!

    What does Donald Trump think of you?



  13. Whirled Peas Δ – thanks for the video, interesting.



  14. An update on democracy spring:



  15. Not sure why this won’t post?!!?

    Cynthia and Mageen,

    Just catching up and thought this could help:

    How Elites Have Used Racism to Divide and Conquer
    *3 minute video

    Peace ~ Δ

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Loved this enough to revisit it.

    Keep going Margaret and Helen. You two deserve your own Comedy Central show!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Please add to,email list

    Sent from my iPad



  18. Mageen – Do these help?


    Liked by 1 person

  19. Helen, I heard Rick perry broke a federal law on elections. What’s that all about? I swear that man should never be out in public without a keeper!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Gato, it is highly debatable that $arah could field dress a moose. It is a helluva lot of really hard work. Recall please that this is the gal who had to ask a lot of questions of the men around her about rifles and how to use them. Her “outdoor” worthiness has long since started to look like a lot of political jive like so much else she produces.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hmmm. Earthquakes in GOP-dom! Trump is getting weaker instead of stronger as the last quarter mile of the primary race takes place before the convention. The GOP governor of Alabama is being impeached on the grounds of financial trickery-rockery with state money spent on burner phones used to contact his inamorata who has already resigned. I think the latter might be classified as a shock wave. Who would have thought the state legislature had that thing called a spine. If this goes through before the Guv legs it out of state, it will definitely be a first! Stay tuned! The GOP provide the best soap operas!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Cynthia, glanced already at that piece you recommended. Did not go deep as I heard all about the same stuff in undergrad school 50 years ago from some really bright profs. Their point was that if poor white and black Americans ever got together they could really change the political scene and climate and maybe even out the playing field. Still waiting!!!!


  23. Gato, Well said!


  24. And have you ever heard such a little WHINER??!! Here’s a guy born with a silver foot in his mouth, who thinks that every other damned thing that happens to him “isn’t fair.” “She/he started it.” “The media isn’t treating me fairly.” “The RNC isn’t being fair.” “I’m being held to a double standard.” Ad nauseum, ad nauseum… And NOW he, and his equally scabrous playmate from Texas don’t think it’s “fair” that Kasich stays in the race – because he’s making it “too hard” for them. Aawwww…

    I’m sure Kim Jong Un, or al-Assad, or Putin, would totally reverse their positions on everything the moment He, Trump pointed out to them that they weren’t being “fair.” This is how Mr. Big Tough Negotiator plans to operate? May it please god that no one points a pen at him…

    At least Mama Grizzly can reputedly field dress a moose – and I’ll bet she can. Mr. Bluster apparently feels faint at the thought of a woman using the bathroom, or – oh my god, unspeakable! – possibly MENSTRUATING!!

    God help us…



  25. Hi Gato!
    You know, Sarah Palin is the perfect spokesperson for Trump. The incomprehensible word salad they spew makes an equal amount of sense. Trump’s recent “thoughts” about allowing South Korea and Japan to get nuclear weapons makes him very dangerous. He does not understand many things, but that doesn’t prevent him from pretending he’s an expert. His candidacy is truly a low point for presidential politics. However, I am hoping he gets the GOP nomination since his negatives are so high and therefore Hillary or Bernie will wipe the floor with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Hi, Terri!

    I’d go with “both,” although a “massive recession” is just one of the many potential disasters we could face were He, Trump elected president. (God; I can hardly even type those last three words in sequence…)

    Next predictions coming up: Locusts and plague, brought over our borders by those Muslim/Mexican/Syrian terrorist refugees/immigrants…

    The dude seems to be getting plainly desperate of late. His self-defenses are becoming more and more bizarre and rambling, his answers to questions less and less coherent, his tweets even more deranged and toddler-like.

    For the life of me, I can’t understand why “the media” keep trying to talk to him at all. He makes about as much sense as any member of the Bundy clan…


    Liked by 1 person

  27. Donald Trump predicts “massive recession.” Real economists have no idea what he’s talking about. Is he stupid or just trying to scare people? Maybe both.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. I found this to be a very interesting piece. The comment section as well. Yes it is quite long but worth the time.

    “From the era of slavery to the rise of Donald Trump, wealthy elites have relied on the loyalty of poor whites. All Americans deserve better.”

    I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump


    Liked by 1 person

  29. It’s funny. I’ve heard many suggest that Donald Trump isn’t personally a racist. Frankly, I don’t care. He’s mad a conscious choice to run as a racist. On that point, I am inclined to take him at his word.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Awk! Helen! Clint Eastwood is moving to Texas. I don’t care where he lands in that state it will still be way too close to you! Protect yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Please check out this site.

    “Every American deserves an equal voice in government. That is our birthright of freedom, won through generations of struggle. But today our democracy is in crisis. American elections are dominated by billionaires and big money interests who can spend unlimited sums of money on political campaigns to protect their special interests at the general expense. Meanwhile, as the super-rich dominate the “money primary” that decides who can run for office, almost half of the states in the union have passed new laws that disenfranchise everyday voters, especially people of color and the poor.”…….


    Liked by 1 person

  32. ^
    I love our President !!!

    Dancing the Tango at the Argentina State Dinner

    Peace ~ Δ

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Cynthia, congrats on your cousin! That knowledge alone will be a big help if you choose The Big North. I flipped Costa Rica around in my thoughts for awhile, but frankly, I wonder what a country the size of West Virginia would be able to pull out of its hat when under abnormal pressure, say like when the country loses most of its coastline due to increasing sea levels due to climate change. I am also rather tied to four seasons. The cold in Canada does not bother me as much as the soggy cold and wet snow in the winter where i presently live below the Mason Dixon line. I am also very favorable to the national health care in Canada and the poise Canadians have whenever under pressure. Canada also has mountain ranges east and west that would work for me if ocean levels do away with anything in the Atlantic provinces or Hudson Bay. Plus, you know, all those cousins all over the place.


  34. mageen – family history research – I found a cousin who is a senator in Canada. Perhaps he could pull a few strings for me. Too cold, IMO. I have a cousin who moved to Mexico for financial reasons. I was told Costa Rica was the place to go.

    After 30 moves, I’m not sure I have another move in me.



  35. Cynthia, Canada for me. I’ve oodles of family up there coast to coast and as I spent a chunk of my childhood there I am familiar with the language!


  36. Like

  37. Like

  38. Good god… This is just pitiful. Pathetic. Appalling. The GOP is TOTALLY out of touch with reality, as far as I can tell – and they departed reality of their own volition!

    Aren’t all these delegates theoretically “selected” by actual citizens – people who, you know… VOTED for them? And, if they are, what on earth makes the GOP “elite” think they can just come up with some plan to get them all to vote for someone other than the person whom they’ve already pledged to nominate…? And what politi-hos would actually DO that?

    Rarely has any pooch been so thoroughly self-screwed as this bunch…

    Cruz is not one lick “better” than He, Trump, IMHO. In fact, he may be worse, because he actually BELIEVES, apparently, that he is divinely ordained to be in charge. I often have the feeling that Trump just likes all the attention and has no interest whatsoever in actually being Pres. (I could be foolishly wrong, of course.)

    BTW, a friend of mine suggests moving to some obscure Caribbean country because, as she puts it, nobody ever gives a sh*t what goes on down there. Just a thought…


    Liked by 1 person

  39. And if you thought it could not get any worst…here it comes:

    “Among the recruits under discussion are Tom Coburn, a former Oklahoma senator who has told associates that he would be open to running, and Rick Perry, the former Texas governor who was suggested as a possible third-party candidate at a meeting of conservative activists on Thursday in Washington.”

    Canada or Mexico? Mexico or Canada? Cold or hot? English or Spanish?


    Liked by 1 person

  40. Great planning!…/


    Liked by 1 person

  41. Thank You Senator Franken!

    This is worth watching, IMO.



  42. Hi Gato,
    You’re right. Trump doesn’t shake hands (a germaphobe I think) You usually only see him surrounded by body guards who are escorting him to and from either a limo or his airplane. Mingling with the masses is not to his liking. He’s most at home in front of a podium or tweeting insults to journalists or anyone who he envies or who he thinks has crossed him. He’s a very small, petty person with the grandiose notion that he’s better than everyone else. I think what his supporters really respond to is the permission he gives for them to vent their prejudices and resentment of people who are different from them–all done in the cause of rebelling against “political correctness.” It’s pretty ugly.
    And yes, please go back to blogging. I, for one, will be reading.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Oh, heavens, Terri – A scary Fox News moderator! That’s like thinking Bill O’Reilly is scary, or – heaven forfend – Brett Baier…

    Has there ever been a less frightening group of TV personae than this bunch? (I will give Megyn a bit of credit, actually.)

    I am now trying to recall ever having seen He, Trump, working a rope line, or actually shaking hands with people, being amongst people, visiting a homeless shelter, or picking up a child. In a coffee shop? Visiting a bookstore? (Hell; he won’t even appear in person 90% of the time on the Sunday Showz; he just calls in…) Have we seen him anywhere other than behind a podium, hollering “Get ’em out”?

    Have we ever seen him dishing out meals at a soup kitchen? Visiting some of those vets he theoretically so supports? Even WALKING DOWN A STREET and saying hello to people, for god’s sake?

    When we look at what POTUS and FLOTUS have done these years to reach out to people, of all sorts, in so many ways, and to welcome them, and then look at… He, Trump… HTG, I gotta wonder WTF people could possibly be thinking…

    But He, Trump, is selling something to his supporters that they very much want – and that’s a belief in their greatness, in their uniqueness, and in feeling proud to be Americans. And no one can, or should, tell anyone not to want that.

    It’s what we all want; we just approach it in different ways.

    Kind of got off on a rant here…! Maybe I need to ramp up my own blog again!


    Liked by 2 people

  44. Gato, you forgot to mention Donald Trump running away from a debate moderated by big, bad, scary Megyn Kelly. Not exactly a profile in courage is he?

    Liked by 2 people

    DON T.



    Liked by 2 people

  46. Oh, Cynthia – Gotta love Juanita Jean… And we think voudou is weird, and drinking chicken blood, cutting off goat heads, and that stuff…? Right here in our good ol’ US of A, stuff like this goes on. (No chickens or goats, though, right…?)

    What bizarre sort of Jesus-empowerment am I evidently missing these days…? Lawdy, lawdy…


    Liked by 1 person

  47. Talk about being in it for yourself….this Texas cowboy got his self a “Jesus Shot.”

    “Miller, a former rodeo cowboy who suffers from chronic pain, told the Houston Chronicle earlier this year he has received the “Jesus Shot,” a controversial but legal medication administered only by a single Oklahoma City-area doctor who claims that it takes away all pain for life.

    Miller declined to confirm or deny whether he received the injection during the February 2015 trip.”



  48. UAW – If you’re talking about the Chicago, “He, Trump,” rally being “shut down,” that only happened because He, Trump declined to appear – despite the fact that the Chicago PD apparently assured him they were perfectly competent to handle any disruptions. (And, frankly, you’d think they would be, wouldn’t you…?)

    I gotta say, the guy keeps telling us how tough he is, and how he can stand up to all these nasty people all over the world, and a bunch of noisy kids with placards show up in Chicago, and he runs back to his great big airplane…

    The inability to stand firm and address disagreement is not a wonderful leadership quality… (And don’t even START with any of that “wimpy Obama” BS; POTUS is putting the feet of Congress to the fire regarding their Constitutional duty to give any SCOTUS nominee a hearing – and Congress is, at least so far, just “Trumping” the whole issue: “We don’t like it, so we aren’t going to show up or talk about it, and you can’t make us…”)

    The GOP implosion is agonizing and ugly.


    Liked by 2 people

  49. UAW. Nope. Nope. And nope. Been around The Hill for too long and know too much about the man you claim is a comparative angel.


  50. Teri=hypocrite

    no Biden rule…or just not for Republicans
    You keep forgetting about 8 years of Gridlock Harry Reid running the Senate, McConnell’s an angel compared to him


  51. Hey Gato

    “And, BTW, the right to “free speech” is not written to permit one group to shut down another group, on either side. It specifies that the GOVERNMENT shall not abridge the freedom of speech”. YEP…but shut down a rally

    Just remember that you wrote this.

    and let’s see how well the “Democracy Spring” turns out (how many police officers are killed or injured)


  52. Gato –

    “HTG, these congress critters act like their job is solely “electioning.” They don’t give a rat’s a** about actually GOVERNING. No; apparently all they think they’re supposed to.”……..

    I would add the fun parties and perks; hobnobbing with the rich and famous; selling their vote to benefit both buyer and seller; making a “middle class” income yet managing to become multi-millionaires from it; the “ego booster” that comes from the power and respect of being a politician….to mention a few. Point is….. they are there for themselves, only themselves.

    Yes there are a few exceptions on both sides.


    Liked by 2 people

  53. Right you are, Terri – Congress liked Judge Garland just fine… Until the instant Obama said, “So do I.” It’s really that simple.

    HTG, these congress critters act like their job is solely “electioning.” They don’t give a rat’s a** about actually GOVERNING. No; apparently all they think they’re supposed to do is court donors, and snoop baselessly, and endlessly, into any half-baked allegation that swirls around baby parts or emails or the “war on Christianity” or mosques or black people actually trying to vote or wicked, wicked Mexican toddlers sneaking into the country with Ebola…


    Liked by 1 person

  54. Oh boy, UAW you can be so clueless. Yes, the Senate is supposed to advise and consent, but they don’t even plan to do that. They are just refusing to do their job. Just like they have been doing for the past seven years. And there is no “Biden rule.” The GOP has done nothing but obstruct every single Obama initiative since he was elected. They put party above country in every instance. They won’t even appoint a judge they all voted for previously, all because they want to destroy Obama’s legacy. Enjoy President Hillary Clinton’s pick.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Well, UAW, Ol’ Buddy, I guess you’ve missed this and that… Yes, He, Trump HAS said things like “I’d like to punch him in the mouth,” and “In the good old days they’d be taken out of here on a stretcher,” and so on…

    And I do believe some “conservatives” (of a certain ilk) have blown up churches, killed people in prayer meetings, slaughtered toddlers in Newtown, “occupied” Federal lands and National Parks with themselves and/or their livestock, et cetera. And those are just the things that come to mind without doing much research.

    Somehow you seem to think it’s just fine to punch somebody out as they’re being escorted from a building, but not “just fine” to get pissed off and break windows if someone kills your kid for no reason other than his hoodie made him nervous…

    And, BTW, the right to “free speech” is not written to permit one group to shut down another group, on either side. It specifies that the GOVERNMENT shall not abridge the freedom of speech. So all kinds of yelling and hollering can happen. And there’s a distinction between yelling and hollering, and punching and shooting… At least there once was.

    And PLEASE don’t get all whiny about how “conservatives” have to be afraid to go to a rally…!



  56. and Gato.
    I never heard Trump say to act like the BLM, the Black Panthers, or the whiny assh*les at todays colleges.
    Maybe he should have some other 78 yr old slap some “smart” into people.
    How many conservatives have burned police cars or looted businesses . That’s a liberal agenda. Look at Ferguson or Baltimore, or Chicago. Conservatives shouldn’t have to fear walking down the street to go to a rally.
    Even the ones that think their running the RNC should be sh^tting bricks right now. Imagine a Trump/Cruz ticket running 3rd party. That would destroy both the DNC and the RNC………and


  57. Well Terri….I’d like to know where it says that the Senate HAS to confirm the presidents choice. And then there’s the Biden Rule. Like I keep saying…”HYPOCRITS”


  58. Like

  59. Hey, Cynthia – We KNOW what He, Trump is saying. He’s giving permission, and instructing, “his people” to go ballistic ape-sh*t whenever they want, any time they feel they’ve been “wronged,” or that their “rights” have been infringed. And, of course, they have guns… (Yeah; let’s make that GOP convention open-carry, shall we…?)

    He’s not only giving permission, he’s priming them to do exactly that, and he has been all along. We must remember that someone COULD say, “I will urge my supporters to be respectful of those whose opinions differ,” or “It is our intention to offer an open forum for all points of view,” or something along those lines.

    But… He, Trump CHOOSES to inflame; CHOOSES to rabble-rouse; CHOOSES to predict, inspire, and foment violence. None of this is inevitable; it’s a choice. We must never forget that.

    He speaks to those who have no Best Angels left, and they hear him…

    And, hey, NY Terri, meant to get back with you, too. Hope this will suffice!

    Best to all of us…


    Liked by 2 people

  60. Well, UAW, I guess I missed the part where it says a president can’t make an appointment in his last year of office, and where it says the Senate can refuse to do the damn job they are elected to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  61. Just what is mr. trump saying???

    “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued. “I wouldn’t lead it, but I think bad things would happen.”


    Liked by 1 person

  62. so Obama(actually Garland) gets Borked….we’re right back to the hypocrite thing again….
    the senate must confirm(or not confirm) the nominee


  63. Like

  64. terri….

    Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution states that the President “shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States,

    so Obama gets Borked


  65. Hi Gato! Gllad to hear from you. I’ve been wondering where you’ve been. My son lives in London and my brother lives in Australia, so I often hear what the folks in other countries are thinking. To quote my brother “what the hell is going on back home?!” I agree, this is no longer amusing or funny, it’s upsetting and disturbing. Hope you are well. Welcome back!

    Liked by 1 person

  66. Shouldn’t the Mescaleros have a say in all of this?


  67. “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make RECESS APPOINTMENTS to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.”

    Obama has/is not making a RECESS APPOINTMENT at this time.

    Apple and Oranges, uaw!


    Liked by 1 person

  68. Yo, NY TERRI! You remain so on top of everything, and that’s a wonderful thing… I have been away big time for quite a while, and now am just starting to catch up. No idea what the thread is that you, and others, have going with UAW… But, HTG, that dude does hang in here, doesn’t he?

    Getting an out-of-the-US perspective on our recent politics has been… Shall we say?… Enlightening. And yes, it’s the GOP, and, specifically, the Donald Person, who is scaring the beejeezus out of everyone – and rightfully so.

    There is nothing funny about any of this. This is not “reality TV.”

    I think it’s the POTUS’ duty to appoint someone to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. ASAP. Period.

    Just chiming in here, after an almost inexcusable absence…

    Many thanks to all the Sitters who’ve held the Porch! (Including you, UAW.)

    Liked by 1 person

  69. Question UAW: What does the U.S. Constitution say about the appointment of Supreme Court judges? Why should we be interested in what Chuck Schumer has to say?

    Liked by 1 person

  70. Like I said….Hypocrits




  72. Like

  73. Try again.
    Almost too true!
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Make your own. Have fun.



  74. Cynthia, one more First Lady at another funeral – Hillary Clinton at Mother Teresa’s funeral. Also, it is usually the job of the Vice President to do funeral duty.

    Hang in there, girl!

    Liked by 2 people

  75. “Guess I got under Cynthia’s skin. Apparently she thinks it’s fine if a Dem does what she complains about a possible future Repub action (Hypocrite)”

    “under my skin” Hardly…I have, unfortunately, friends and family who only use their head for a hat rack. I can handle it. (Of course I drink a lot. It helps)

    No uaw, you missed my point….the Republicans in congress have stated that a president does not nominate (1) a SC candidate in their last year in office and (2) they won’t even consider one if he tries. They think the “people should have a say”…ie they hope a Repub will win in 2016.

    Well we the people elected President Obama by a land slide in 2012 and we want OUR SAY NOW.


    Liked by 2 people

  76. uaw – RE: Dennis Miller

    We need to be careful when we follow the masses….sometimes the M is silent.

    President Reagan DID NOT attend Mrs. Truman’s funeral.
    President Carter DID NOT attend Mrs. Eisenhower’s funeral.
    President Clinton DID NOT attend Mrs. Nixon’s funeral.
    President Bush DID NOT attend Mrs. Johnson’s funeral.
    President Obama DID NOT attend Mrs. Ford’s funeral.

    Tradition says current First Ladies attend the funerals of former First Ladies. Michelle will be attending Mrs. Reagan’s funeral.

    WOW You can find more things to fault/hate President even if you have to create new hoops for Obama to jump through.


    Liked by 1 person

  77. And this one I’ll dedicate to both the DNC and the RNC


  78. While I’m at it

    Liked by 1 person

  79. HAHAHA..Good one Whirl….



    Yuck,yuck,yuck…..really funny


  80. Guess I got under Cynthia’s skin. Apparently she thinks it’s fine if a Dem does what she complains about a possible future Repub action (Hypocrite)

    ” defines “to bork” by reference “to the way Democrats savaged Ronald Reagan’s nominee, the Appeals Court judge Robert H. Bork,”

    ”We’re going to Bork him,” proclaimed a feminist advocate….YEP… that feminist advocate must have been a conservative.

    Alaskapi….notice that Bernie took Michigan…’d Trump



  81. OK, so I am the queen of re-iteration, but here goes. My grandmother came from German stock. When Herr Hitler was getting into Poland and Czechoslovakia, et al. the Nazis were here in the U.S. and calling themselves the American Bund (among other things). They were brown shirted and such and strutting their brutality at various public gatherings complete with the Nazi salute. They even came after people like my grandmother for her money. She blew them off very decisively and then had tea with her best friend, a Jewish widow. Oddly enough, these thugs did not beat her up like they did some other people who resisted them. They simply went to the next woman on their list who had a lot more money. And yes I freaked out when I saw something at a Trump rally that came even slightly close to what my granny experienced! The bund kind of went up in smoke when this country jumped into World War II with both feet. Now there are those who defend Trump and the arm raising. Do these defenders know that Trump is highly fond of a book of Hitler’s speeches? As his first ex-wife, Ivanna! People who refuse to study history are gonna hate like hell to repeat it. And I damn well mean it!

    Liked by 1 person

  82. .
    A Public Service Message:

    Not All KKK Members Support Donald Trump!


    Liked by 1 person

  83. .
    Try, try again.

    This Is Why Donald Trump
    Sounds and Acts Like Hitler

    It is not like it was a secret that Trump’s hateful speeches, and more troubling, his policy proposals are very close to those instituted in Nazi Germany; even some conservatives have cited his “fascism.” However, the idea that he has studied, at least since prior to 1990, a book of speeches Hitler used in his rise to power should put an end to complaints about comparing him to Hitler or Godwin’s law.

    The not surprising revelation is that prior to becoming a World Wrestling Entertainment or reality show celebrity, Trump kept a volume of Hitler’s speeches close at hand. Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana related in a 1990 interview with Vanity Fair that “from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.” Trump confirmed that the former Mrs. Trump’s 1990 assertion is true.

    Yeah, I’m sure he keeps it right next to the Buybull. 😉

    Peace ~ Δ


  84. Ye protest too much! Which tells me you are an always RIGHT about everything person. This blog is a relaxing place to visit with like minded individuals. If you wish to ALWAYS BE RIGHT, feel free to move along to RIGHT minded blogs who will appreciate your comments to the full extent you think they are worth again. We are all entitled to our own opinions so no need to contact me again. Mutiple screen names do not work with me either.


  85. Damn, Helen, who was that woman dancing in her birthday suit on top of that truck? How did she get up there! Inquiring minds want to know!


  86. “Why is it terrible if Republicans do exactly what Democrats do, notice all the crap about not voting for a new justice.”


    : close ranks to coordinate a huge preemptive bork


    To mount an intense campaign against a political appointee; bushwhack: ”We’re going to Bork him,” proclaimed a feminist advocate

    [late 1980s+; fr the experience of Judge Robert Bork, whose 1987 nomination to the Supreme Court was rejected by strong concerted opposition]

    apples and oranges, uaw!



  87. No Darlelecjarret….I don’t leave false comments—-I point out Democrats hypocracy(kicking the tires). Why is it terrible if Republicans do exactly what Democrats do, notice all the crap about not voting for a new justice. Ever hear about someone getting Borked.
    And as for Trump and the KKK, Media matters ,Huffpo, or MSNBC can try to put a spin on iy but spin this


  88. Primary Day here in Michigan….time to go vote for Trump


  89. Like

  90. whoops—-that was me


  91. HAHA—–Love it

    Liked by 1 person

  92. […] Margaret And Helen – – Politics Recent Favourite: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and hates immigrants, gays and people of color then what… […]


  93. Who appointed you hall monitor here, darlenecjarrett?
    I said quite clearly I do not think UAW is a troll- someone who stops by to create a stir just to create a stir. He really believes all that shit ( sorry UAW- that’s the way I see it- shit). I also said go ahead and ignore him – it is your perogative.
    But no- we have to have the snarky good manners-respect everyone except who you don’t like thingy?
    I live where I have to get along with my neighbors- whether I like them or not. We die if we don’t rely on each other at certain levels here- politics be damned. I’m mixed race- i can sniff out bigots pretty damn well, racists even better.
    Haters? HATE that term- is but an inflammatory tag to hang on someone- good ole not-lamented-thank-heavemns-she’s-gone-half-term-guv-Palin used it for anyone who did not agree with her.
    UAW is fine in my book whether I agree with him or not.
    You? Probably not…
    I would suggest you read back some-
    Our hostess Helen said quite clearly that one of her (new, New) rules was :
    “If you are not for me, you are against me. I’ll get over it. Now kindly return the favor.”

    What was I thinking when I called Sarah Palin a bitch?

    Dear Helen and Margaret- Thank you for having all of us in. and I do mean all.
    Echo chambers are dangerous- look at that fool Mr Trump who won’t let anyone who disagrees with him anywhere near…


  94. I don’t defend bigots or haters nor would i ever trust where their “good intentions” might be. What’s this “neighbor” that you refer to him as being? Trust has to be earned. A wonderful blog like this deserves better and RESPECT for all of us. It is wonderful to have differing opinions, but expressed politely by everyone from 9 to 90.


  95. Sorry, it was Orlando.

    More to the story

    ‘If it salutes like a duck…’


    Liked by 1 person

  96. Here you go mageen,

    Heir Drumph in Tampa,
    crowd swearing allegiance.


  97. Alaskapi, trolls by their very nature eschew true daylight. They are largely a distraction. Have you seen the photo of the Trump rally in Florida where all the attendees are doing a third Reich salute? Now that is not a distraction.


  98. While you are free to ignore him, UAW is not a troll.
    He is a neighbor who disagrees, often profanely, with our hostesses.
    He has visited here since 2008.
    I disagree ( vehemently!) with his politics but would trust him in real life -esp in an emergency or natural disaster
    (remember UAW- Bern is my trump card 😉 )
    I would love to argue loud and long over a cup of coffee real live someday , UAW. My guess is your new wife would turn the hose on us, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

  99. UAW is a troll and leaves false comments to stirr up arguments and ruin common sense discourse……..ignore him.


  100. Poor UAW. 7 million people read Margaret and Helen and you are simply a comment seen by a wee few. The argument dear, was not if Trump disavowed the KKK, the argument was whether the KKK is rightfully a part of the Republican base. Keep up, hon.

    Liked by 2 people

  101. From John Oliver of Last Week Tonight:

    “At this point, Donald Trump is America’s back mole. It may have seemed harmless a year ago, but now that it’s gotten frighteningly bigger, it is no longer wise to ignore it.”

    It seems that ‘The Donald’ writes letters in Gold Sharpie…

    “Which is so quintessentially Donald Trump. Something that gives the passing appearance of wealth, but is actually just a cheap tool !!!”



    Liked by 1 person

  102. Way to go Helen. Keep’em comin’.
    Good to have you back regularly.
    We can really use your voice.

    Peace ~ Δ

    Liked by 3 people

  103. QUACK QUACK !!!


  104. QUACK !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  105. Yeah, you’re right UAW. Who needs facts? They might interfere with your opinions. And we know you get those verbatim from Fox, Breitbart, the Blaze and Newsmax. I watched with my own eyes Donald Trump say he didn’t know anything about David Duke. And you believe him? Do you believe in the Easter Bunny too? You and Trump are both crude misogynists, so you deserve each other. Have fun losing the election.

    Liked by 2 people



  107. So I’m supposed to go to Politifact…..WHY don’t I just go to FRIGGIN Huffo or media Matters or MSNBC…..
    Trump disavows the KKK…..He said it…..why can’t you HEAR that…..TO much Koolaid??????
    Trump want’s to put America back to work….and the best thing to fight welfare is a JOB, not someone that just wants to reach in my pocket and steal from me!!!!!!
    The big question now is WHO has the bigger PACKAGE——Donald or Hillary


  108. joanpm, I so understand you. I live in a red state and I find it tough at times, to tolerate the boorish attitudes. I am surrounded by self-centered people, who don’t tolerate any opinion other than theirs. In fact, when they suspect you lean toward the other side of the fence, they make it a point to be even louder in their disdain for democratic ideas and causes. Their bullying attitudes, especially in the workplace bothers me, a lot. That is why they have taken a liking to Trump, they are just like him in so many ways.

    You have hung in there a long time and I am inspired that you were able to do so, without coming to blows with the bullies. Maybe your colleague with the son on Obamacare will think things through and consider voting for a democrat, who, once elected will improve on the ACA or Obamacare. I was happy my oldest was kept on my insurance. He has just obtained his own, on very reasonable terms and I am thankful.

    Liked by 3 people

  109. ________________________________


  110. Boy oh Boy, where to start? I live in Texas. Most everybody I know is Republican so radically much that I’m kind of afraid to admit I am an old liberal Democrat. Mostly I stay in the closet. No bumper on my car for Ms. Clinton, I do not want my car keyed. No signs in front of my house, don’t want it burned down. In Texas it is really bad now. I laughed out loud last night. I think if the Repugs keep on voting for Trump, all of the talking heads on Fox… well, their heads might explode. I work with a man who is one of the world’s most offensive bullies. So conservative that we almost cannot have a civil conversation. We had many yelling fights over Obama care when it was being created. Supposed to be the end of the world in his opinion. Now I can kind of gig him some. When his kid got out of college and could not find a job, guess who coached the kid to call and investigate and purchase his own Obama health insurance policy. Underwritten of course cause the kid was just working at a wine joint for a pittance. $37/mo. Yep! Still. Mr. Conservative’s kid has Obama care. Bet he has not admitted that over at the country club with his pals every day for lunch. You know, the club that does not allow women to play on the course with men. That one. So, going forward a couple of years, his birthday was Tuesday. I asked if he had applied for his social security ENTITLEMENT. Though he is still working, of course he did. And, has been on Medicare for a couple of years too. He entered my office last week saying Damn, girl, who are you going to vote for? I replied that by the look on his face, I was not going to say. He finally blurted out that he just may not be able to vote. Trump, Cruz, Rubio- all of em nutsy. Especially Trump. His party has let him down he said. I thought his head might explode! You made your bed, Dude, gotta sleep in it now.

    You know, I’ve been the only woman in big old bidness meetings many times in my life. I’ve been so irrelevant to their conversation and decisions, they address their questions or comments only to each other, like I am not even there. Overlook me when they look around the room even. I’m old now but still work. One of them told me one time that I make too much money to be a Democrat!! Geez. I have finally reached the executive level after 50 years of work. I will not allow them to ignore me. I will not allow them to speak down to me. Lots of times though, there is such a competition among them, I just want to tell them all…”Go ahead and unzip boys, flop em out on the table, we can all see who has the biggest dick and get this over with!”. Ha! But that is a subject I never expected to see discussed on national TV in a Primary election. Then there he was. Rubio talking to a crowd of people asking them if they ever noticed how little Trump’s hands are. Then he said, I swear…” You know what they say, small hands, small ___” It is like a school yard brawl. Talking about each other’s dicks. I wish their heads would explode. Either of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  111. Trump is saying what all the other Republicans are saying today. He just leaves out the wink and the nod. He’s saying outright what the others dog-whistle. And they hate him for tearing off their masks.

    If I didn’t despise him so much, I think I would love him for tearing off their masks.

    Meanwhile, I’m STILL not sure this bit of theater wasn’t orchestrated, just before Trump threw his baseball cap in the ring, when he met with Bill and Hillary. Did he offer to throw the race to her? If so — he’s doing a bang-up job. AND if so — in exchange for what?

    Liked by 2 people

  112. Scott Walker 2020 or 2024


  113. For starters, I live in the wrong state (Texas). I also have not been a Republican for years, despite what my voter registration card says. In the old days, there WERE good Republicans. My granddad and mom both were involved in Republican party politics in Philadelphia, helped a lot of people, and worked at the polls. I do not remember ever hearing any of the hatred you hear being spewed now. I was forced yesterday to choose among the least worst. Not what this country used to stand for. I agree that the Republicans have to clean their own house. But how does that happen in a place where people like Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, and Dan Patrick are calling the shots?

    Liked by 1 person

  114. Yep. The Republicans wanted this, worked hard for it, and are trying to disavow it now that it’s here. Be careful what you wish for.

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  115. Had to hit the hay early last night as I foolishly wore myself out doing yard work in beautiful weather. Clicked on the TV this AM to get the final count and came up with a video of Van Jones and some R guy arguing about tRump and racism. The R guy lost. Van Jones totally rocked. Since this is a video of what happened last night it will probably go viral. Frankly I count that experience as a birthday present as I turn another year older today!

    Liked by 2 people

  116. Jeeze Helen;

    I’ve been away for most of the past couple years and you’re still knocking it out of the park. been away so long I’ve even forgotten how I used to log in. Since today is my birthday, thanks for the present.


    Liked by 1 person

  117. Angel, thanks for the clarification. Had an attack of old age “well, it was something like that” memory


  118. […] Helen Philpot Margaret, once again I find myself stating the obvious – of course the KKK is a part of the […]


  119. On Mar 1, 2016 7:32 AM, “Margaret and Helen” wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret, once again I find myself stating the > obvious – of course the KKK is a part of the Republican base. Are > Republicans really trying to suddenly be outraged by that? When you hate > immigrants, hate gays, question the patriotism of the fir” >


  120. Helen, you are such a blast of fresh air. And right on point. But follow the money and we know why the GOP won’t renounce them. Now call them the DOP—Dying Old Party—as they will eventually be or maybe the FOP—Fascist Old Party. Trump is pandering to the basest people, uncovering the underbelly of humanity, We all own it to some degree. Anyway, thank you for your delightful posts and a new turn of phrase concerning the sunshine. LMAO.

    Liked by 2 people

  121. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  122. […] you follow just one blog, you might want to consider “Margaret and Helen,” subtitled “Best Friends for 60 Years and Counting.” Helen Philpot learned to blog so that […]


  123. Thanks Helen! It is so disheartening, to have the discourse degenerate to such a low point. Let the Republican candidates hold a wet t-shirt contest for us to judge who has the biggest pecs or worse, let us see them in tights and chose who among shows best! I am so disgusted by the rhetoric, I mostly turn off my TV when the elections are being discussed. Of course the uncouth bores are dominating the news and Hillary and Bernie’s message is being drown out by all the infantile behavior. Just shameful, all the mud slinging that serves no purpose at all other than to entertain a certain segment of our population not really interested in hearing about things that really matter to mankind and the direction this country should be steered into. Really?

    Liked by 2 people

  124. Well, it rhymes with “duck”. Also, today I found I wanted to create a Trump Bumper-sticker that says : “Is Jesus Trump just OKKK with you?”

    Liked by 2 people

  125. Once again—right on target!!!


  126. Just voted for Hillary here in Texas. I only saw two or three Klan hoods in line. I am sure they voted republican, but I am not sure if they were voting for Cruz or Trump.

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  127. UAW: Where to begin? As usual, you are wrong. The Democratic party did not create the KKK. Go to Politifact and check it out. Robert Bryd was a member of the KKK in the 1940s! And he repented and apologized a thousand times. And the Democratic party is not the same as it was prior to the civil rights movement. And Lyndon Johnson said a lot of offensive things, but he passed the voting rights act. And what the hell is your point anyway? It’s okay for Donald Trump to be a racist xenophobe because other people were in the past?

    Liked by 1 person

  128. UAW – you seem to be avoiding reality. The Democratic Party changed 50 years ago. The KKK types were pushed out. The Repubs were very happy to take them in order to assure a strong southern wing of the party which they had been lacking. If this were 1950, you would have a point but our intellectual host, Helen, just schooled you.


  129. My polling place here in Northern VA was going gangbusters this AM well past the morning rush hour. People I hadn’t seen in ages popped up and we are all doing lunch some time. The check in table was physically divided between D’s and R’s. The rush on the D side was so overwhelming that the physical divider had to come down and the R’s helped to check in the D’s. I know its only a small example of practical nonpartisanship but oh if only Congress cold get its demented act together like these hard working poll workers, D’s and R’s, did.

    Liked by 4 people

  130. Heather is right. Trump will say anything to appeal to whoever he has to to win votes. It’s all a mathematical calculation for him so he can keep his taxes lower and regulations nil. He really hated having to disavow David Duke. He wants those voters too.

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  131. I emailed you a cartoon!! My kids were raised Democrat & 2 out of 3 are now Republicans–where did we go wrong?

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  132. Right on Margaret and Helen. They brought this on themselves and at 71 I am enjoying their scrambling! Best entertainment I’ve had in a long time. Love watching the Republicons sink into their homemade quicksand.

    Liked by 2 people

  133. I don’t let the political preferences of my friends define them for me. They are a bigger picture and we can agree to disagree. Having said that when I hear, “He’s just saying what a lot of people have always wanted to say”, I take a step back, look at them differently and ask, “So that’s what you’ve always wanted to say…you feel that way and agree?” When they avoid my question and look away I go home wondering who they really are. We can disagree on policy, the size of government and the budget. We can find common ground in other areas, but when it comes to hate, racism and villifying the “other”, degrading the poor and on and on…just no. Disappointed and sick to my stomach.

    Liked by 9 people

  134. @Jim Pass – the Republican strategist is CHRIS Begala. Paul Begala is a former adviser to President Clinton and is a Democrat.


  135. Cognitive Dissonance. big time. UUGEE!!


  136. interesting


  137. .


  138. AMEN, SISTER! Can I have an AMEN from the choir? And yet, Paul Begala, a Republican strategist last night on Chris Matthews show denied any knowledge of Republicans who are racist, or believe President Obama is not an American. When Chris Matthews started quoting recent polls that showed just these things to be true, Begala started attacking the polls as in error or badly done, or the particular pollster was “known to be biased.”

    Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

    Liked by 2 people

  139. Helen…I must say that your brain-dead college speech writers really came up with a load of shit this time.
    Talk about stupid(or bigoted)…………..Both
    You seem to forget that the Dems created the KKK. Ever hear of the late Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd who served as a top-level Klan leader and recruiter.
    How about LBJ, “I’ll have those ni**ers voting Democrat for two-hundred years.”


  140. I work with a number of people who are bemoaning the candidates left in the Republican field right now, and yet, they are going to vote Republican no matter who is left standing–it’s just beyond them to consider voting Democrat even if the Republican choice is personally repugnant to them.

    Liked by 3 people

  141. I love you, Helen. Keep it comin’.

    Liked by 1 person

  142. “cook like Paula Deane.” I have eaten in her restaurant. Bad!


  143. I keep hoping that, at the very end, Trump will announce that he did all this just to show just how idiotic and sheeplike so many Americans have become. He will then lambast them all and say that he is voting Democratic. It could happen, couldn’t it?? Please, if there is a God or Goddess, let it be so…

    Liked by 4 people

  144. Paula Deen THINKS??

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  145. Even though I was born and raised in Texas (after 28 years in Seattle) I am now living in Southern AZ. Quite a jolt to have had not very bright Jan Brewer and still have Joe Arpaio (and John McCain) in office here. Jan just endorsed Trump by the way. These folks are scary! All about power and control…oh and did I mention they are not very bright individuals?

    Liked by 3 people

  146. The whiplash-inducing Trump speak:

    He tells it like it is.

    No one else is allowed to tell it like it is.


  147. Ladies, you’ve done it again! Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

  148. Saw a show on the History Channel about the Republican Party and they actually got their start in Indiana as the Klu Klux Klan but changed to the Republican Party. It seems they have kept the same philosophy despite the name change. Oh, you forgot the worst Republican: Mitch McConnell. Considering their record regarding President Obama, that entire Congress should be impeached and the voters should start all over again only this time No Damn Lawyers!

    Liked by 4 people

  149. Helen for Vice President!

    Liked by 1 person

  150. Not to mention how much better Trump would look in a head covering hood.

    ===================== Björn Olsson Executive Director The Music Hall Tarrytown, NY



    Liked by 1 person

  151. Oliver Dismantles Trump’s Candidacy and His ‘Tiny, Cocktail Sausage Fingers’
    by J.D. Durkin | 8:05 am, February 29th, 2016
    Google this piece and watch. it is long, but blistering and the end is “to die for”

    Liked by 5 people

  152. I really thought only a tiny faction of society was supportive of Trump, but I keep hearing more and more people say they love his “honesty” and want to see him as president. Apparently, to many people, sharing whatever thought pops into your head, no matter how vile or UNTRUE it is, should be considered a positive character attribute.

    Liked by 5 people

  153. Unfortunately, if Trump wins, the rest of us also have to sleep in the bed they’ve made.

    Liked by 4 people

  154. These old ladies are a hoot…..writing to each other.  Just like your own mother! Tee Hee Enjoy!  Love, Mom

    Liked by 1 person

  155. I have always been amazed that average working class voters could ever believe voting Republican was beneficial. But they seem to buy the Republican lie that all the problems in this country are the direct results of Blacks, Immigrants, Muslims, Homosexuals, Pro-Choice advocates and any other groups that has the brains to think for themselves. It is the same way Hitler demonized the Jews and other non-Aryans. Sounds like Fascism to me. They made their own bed and now they have to sleep in it.

    Liked by 6 people

  156. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.

    Liked by 1 person

  157. Well said. This elder White guy on the Left Coast is chuckling at the what will be a stampede of GOPers publically regretting ever supporting any of their cast of clowns.

    Liked by 2 people

  158. Go Girl!

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  159. The GOP and Donald Trump and all their supporters are disgracing this country. I have never seen anything like this and it is disheartening, embarrassing, and alarming.

    Liked by 7 people

  160. Trump will change his talking points to win over democrats once he wins the republican nomination. He has no integrity on his policies, he just knows what people want to hear. This is what worries me the most.

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