Posted by: Helen Philpot | February 8, 2016

There is a reason big girls don’t cry. We haven’t the time.

helen-mug1  FROM HELEN:

Margaret,  as you would expect, I have been glued to the news ever since the voting started in Iowa and now moves on to New Hampshire…up there near you, honey.  I bet politicians are worse than the leaf peepers in fall.  Being so close to Vermont, I am wondering if you can tell me why the youngsters are so excited about Senator Sanders?  I thought all of us old fogeys were too square these days.

I saw a young woman on MSNBC  talking about how Hillary’s feminism was not her feminism.  Oh honey.   If you only knew.  When my mother was your age, she wasn’t allowed to vote. When I was your age, journalists wouldn’t have even bothered to ask for my opinion. They would have wanted my husband’s instead.  Your opinion actually made news around the world.  That’s just remarkable.  Trust me when I tell you that my  mother’s feminism became mine.  And mine became Hillary’s which most definitely became yours.  Feminism isn’t a vote.  It’s a birthright.

If you will all humor me, I think I would like to talk to those young ladies who aren’t too concerned about seeing a woman in the White House this time around.   Of course, you can always feel free to ignore me.

Eight years ago was invigorating.   We saw a woman and a black man go farther than any before.   Each were viable candidates for the most powerful position in the world.   The old broad in me was selfish enough to want the woman to win, but the liberal in me was open-minded enough to celebrate the black man.   Now let’s be clear before the comments start coming.   I am old and maybe I don’t have a good grasp on political correctness.  If I should be saying African-American or Person of Color or some other descriptor then I stand corrected.  As I have said before, I used to have a good handle on life but lately that door’s been sticking.

My point is, sometimes elections are about big things.  The day we elected Barack Obama, we changed the world for the better, forever.  And no matter how hard the Republicans have tried to minimize that, we all now know it is possible and that possibility will change lives for generations to come. The day we elect a woman to the White House, we change the world for the better, forever.  Unless that woman is Sarah Palin or Carly Fiorini – then we get a do over.

Now just settle yourself down.  I’m not saying we should vote for Hillary just because she is a woman.  I’m just saying that’s a good place to start.   Read a book she’s written.  Look up her biography and study her career without the political pundits like Andrea Mitchell telling you how to think.  You might discover that she’s been fighting a revolution for years.

Hillary Clinton has a long list of accomplishments.  She  went to Yale, became a lawyer and instead of joining a big firm, she went to work for the Children’s Defense  Fund. Eventually she taught law and served as First Lady of Arkansas and then First Lady of the country.  I remember how the press criticized her because she said she wanted to be more politically active as First Lady.  In fact, years before Obamacare, Mrs. Clinton led the effort for universal healthcare.  Oh my goodness but the Republicans raked her over the coals for that.  But she didn’t give up.  She worked with those same Republicans and was at least able to get the State Children’s Health Insurance Program which provided healthcare to millions of children. She also set up the Office on Violence Against Women and was an avid supporter of the Foster Care Independence Bill and championed the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 And that’s just the the short of it.

No doubt some of you young ones only remember her when she served as the U.S. Senator from New York and then as Secretary of State.  And sadly, because she was so good at both, the Republican Party spent years trying to discredit her accomplishments.  Ted Cruz suggested she should be spanked like the way he spanks his 5 year old daughter.

Well hell, give me five minutes alone with Ted and not only will he never hit a child again, but he’ll also know what it feels like to have a size nine SAS loafer up his ass.  He nor any other of those bozos can hold a candle to  Hillary Clinton.

Now that is just my opinion, of course, and I encourage you to have an opinion of your own.  

I get the allure of Sanders.  Revolutions are exciting, but sometimes the casualties are so high that only the young are willing to take on the fight.  I do understand that.  I’ve been there.  We might look like something the dog hides under the porch now, but all us old feminists were young once too.

Before you go, let me tell you a little something about a revolution in this country that started generations ago and is still being fought today.

My great grandmother was born before a married woman could own property, enter into contracts, or earn a salary.  In her life time much of that changed.   She could own property and make a salary before she died, but she would not have been allowed to own her own business.

My grandmother was born before a woman had the right to vote.  She died before gaining that right.

My mother was also born before women had the right to vote but luckily she saw that change in her lifetime.  I bet you didn’t realize that was less than 100 years ago.

I was born when the only legal form of birth control was abstinence.  Women went to jail if caught with devices such as condoms and diaphragms.  Believe it or not, married couples didn’t gain the right to use birth control in all 50 states until 1965.  Unmarried women didn’t gain that right until 1972.     Of course, Palin and Fiorini would like to see it go away, but we finally gained the right to a safe and legal abortion in 1972.  And you might not realize it, but most of those Republican candidates today would like to see all the laws on birth control reversed – not just that last one.

Women of my generation fought hard so that women of your generation could actually grow up believing anything was possible.

Listen, I ‘m so old I might crack in half tomorrow.  It takes a lot of Bengay for me to feel the burn.   I am still fighting for the right for women to control our own bodies and  sadly I have yet to see a woman be elected President.  Are you sure you can wait?  Forgive me in advance if I am offending you, but  I didn’t put on my big girl panties for over 60 years fighting for this day just to have you ignore its importance.  You don’t have to vote for Hillary but you have to at least recognize how significant this all is.

People like Hillary Clinton helped to create a world where young women today can actually believe it will happen soon enough if it doesn’t have to happen this time. Fair enough.  But please remember that my generation grew up in a world where that possibility was far from sure.

If it is a revolution you want, I can sympathize.  I been fighting a revolution too.  I just thought you should know that while a revolution might start in your lifetime, it  doesn’t necessarily end before you die.  I am ready for my revolution… no OUR revolution to come to an end if for no other reason than opening the way for yours to begin.  I expect greatness from the women of your generation even if I won’t be around to experience it.

Personally, I don’t think the Democratic Party running so far to the left is helpful when the Republican Party has gone so far to the right.  I might be wrong but I fear Bernie’s revolution won’t even make it to the White House much less through Congress.  But if you insist on Sanders and he gets the nomination, I will join you in your revolution.  And if Hillary gets the nomination, and I believe she will, I hope you will join me in finishing mine.   You might be surprised, however, that Hillary could very well be the one you were looking for all along.  She’s been fighting for the underdog all of her career.

Regardless of how you feel now, we all can agree on one thing: a Republican in the White House would be the end of both of our revolutions.

Feel free to ignore me. Vote for Bernie or vote for Hillary.  I won’t get my feelings hurt.  I haven’t the time.  A woman of my age got over having her opinion ignored a long time ago.  I hope you never do. I mean it.  Really.

margaret-mug1 FROM MARGARET:

Helen, dear, feeling the burn at our age is never a good thing and that’s all I have to say about that.


  1. I disagree here’s why:


  2. As Food Democracy Now! has previously reported, presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has some deep and troubling ties to Monsanto and the biotech industry. After digging further, we’ve found more alarming Monsanto connections between Hillary Clinton and how she used her position as head of the State Department to promote GMOs around the world and even abused her authority by having State Department officials threaten leaders of other nations for not wanting to approve GMO crops for sale in their country.

    This is an outrage and something we must all consider, since right now a team of Monsanto lobbyists are already raising money for Hillary’s presidential campaign to put her back in the White House. What do you think they really want in return for raising all this money for her to become President?

    Now is the time for Hillary to take a stand or lose the moral mandate to be President. Bernie Sanders has taken a strong stance in supporting mandatory GMO labeling, why won’t Hillary?

    Tell Hillary Clinton it’s time to dump Monsanto and stand with the American people to Support Mandatory GMO labeling – and promise to keep Monsanto lobbyists out of her possible future administration! Every voice counts!

    On top of this, in 2014, Hillary Clinton received a $325,000 “speaking fee” for giving the keynote address to the BIO International Convention in San Diego, California to coach industry lobbyists on how to overcome consumer fears over GMOs.

    Clinton’s advice to the Monsanto biotech crowd in San Diego was so cringe-worthy that it earned her the nickname the “Bride of Frankenfood” among Iowa progressives and rural activists.

    “A large faction of women voiced strong support for Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy until the GMO issue came up, prompting them to switch allegiances to Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a liberal stalwart challenging her for the Democratic nomination.

    “I was surprised, because these women were really pushing for Hillary until they found out about the Monsanto connection, and then they dropped her like a hot potato,” said James Berge, Democratic Party chairman for Worth County, Iowa.”

    Rather than lecture the audience on the need for transparency and improved safety assessments, Clinton coached the audience of biotech devotees to develop “a better vocabulary” to change negative public perception about GMO agriculture:

    “‘Genetically modified’ sounds Frankenstein-ish. ‘Drought-resistant’ sounds like something you’d want,” said Clinton. “Be more careful so you don’t raise that red flag immediately.”

    Really Hillary? Why not be HONEST and ask the biotech industry to support mandatory GMO labeling since polls regularly show that more than 90% of the American public supports GMO labeling?

    How Hillary’s State Department Became the Global-Marketing Arm of Monsanto

    With no pledge to support mandatory GMO labeling from Hillary Clinton, right now all we have to assume for Hillary’s opinion on GMO labeling is her track record as Secretary of State and from the few reports out there, it doesn’t look good.

    For example, on May 14, 2013, the New York Daily News reported that State Department officials under Hillary Clinton were actively using taxpayer money to promote Monsanto’s controversial GMO seeds around the world.

    Even worse, a batch of diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks showed that officials in Clinton’s State Department were actually intervening at Monsanto’s request to undermine legislation that might restrict sales of genetically engineered seeds.

    Under Hillary, the U.S. State Department was so gung-ho to promote GMOs that Mother Jones writer Tom Philpott called it:

    “the de facto global-marketing arm of the ag-biotech industry, complete with figures as high-ranking as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mouthing industry talking points as if they were gospel.”

    According to multiple reports, it looks like the Clinton State Department may have really operated as Monsanto’s Foreign Ambassador Around the Globe.

    Under Hillary Clinton the U.S. State Department promoted GMOs and Monsanto’s GMO Agenda around the globe by:

    Directing embassies to “troubleshoot problematic legislation” that “might hinder biotech crop development”.
    Encouraging “the development and commercialization of ag-biotech products”.
    Producing pamphlets to promote biotech crops.
    Sending pro-GMO DVDs to high school students in Hong Kong.
    Flew foreign officials and media from 17 countries to the United States to promote GMO agriculture.
    It doesn’t stop there and we may never know the depths to which State Department officials under Hillary’s direct command actually sank to promote Monsanto and GMOs in foreign countries.

    According to one released cable from 2009, the embassy in Spain sought “high-level U.S. government intervention” at the “urgent request” of Monsanto to combat biotech crop “opponents”. That’s right, under Hillary’s direction as Secretary of State, officials in the Clinton State Department targeted the actions of foreign activists at the request of Monsanto. And in at least 3 instances, the Clinton State Department fought national GMO labeling laws in Malaysia, Vietnam and Hong Kong.

    If we really want to have a government that represents the will of the people, it’s time that our elected officials divorce themselves from being handmaidens to the ambitions of corporate lobbyists.

    These are the tough questions that the mainstream media should be asking about, but they have either been bought or bullied into silence but for us, that’s just not acceptable.

    We know from following this issue closely, that Hillary’s challenger Bernie Sanders has not been shy about supporting GMO labeling and he actively supports the GMO labeling bill that passed in his state of Vermont, so it’s time that Hillary get on record about where she stands.

    The problem is, the more we look, the more troubling information we find.

    Regretfully, this is not the end of the story about Hillary’s close relationship with promoting Monsanto’s agenda around the world.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. UAW- Congratulations to you and Mrs/Ms UAW!!!
    Sending best wishes to both of you
    Ya know , you and I just cancel each other out at the ballot box, eh?
    My trump card is the Bern , my friend
    Can you beat that? 😉


  4. uaw – Congratulations! Wishing you a happy life together.


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  5. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Helen. I would love to see a woman in the office finally myself.


  6. whoaaa, kate…what I said is that Hillary is not an ogre and surely beats any republican running; I am so pro Bernie it oozes out of me…I am also a pragmatist and much as I would rather not, I will vote for Hillary rather than take a chance (republicans) on losing roe v wade and any other progress made since then. the scotus is teetering now…one more bad appointment and we all drown. we also have to overturn citizens and unless a democrat sits in the white house, there is no chance of that. as for old, white, liberal women…I am a progressive, very wise and you have no idea what color I am…nor should it matter.

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  7. Hi Alaska
    Looks like the sh!t$torm hasn’t stopped. “LET’S VOTE FOR A WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT”
    Would you vote for Condi Rice …..I would…..I’m not racist!!!!!! To bad she didn’t run.
    Still wondering when the Dem’s turned against the American worker? OH. Right…… Bush’s fault
    And why take money from the VA to import and house Syrian terrorists here!
    Just what we need—–more people that have their hand out(or in your pocket)
    What ever happened to the work ethic in the United States? People crying because they expect the government to supply them with a job(paying 6 figures) or a lifestyle of the same sort.
    But a vote for Bernie???????Someone who sponged of his parents(and the government) and finally got a job in his 40’s….NOPE

    On another note Alaskapi….Six years+ ago(after 35 years) I lost that great woman in my life. a few years ago I met another one(she’s still working 40+ hrs a week); and we got married last week.

    GO DONALD/2016


  8. OK. Its way past time to say out loud that the R’s are the most politically tone deaf bunch in history in this country. They have to be in order to treat the first African American President as if he is 3/5’s of anyone in the entire population. Previous presidents nominated SCOTUS candidates in their last year in office. by the last count, 24. Of that number 21 made it to the bench. One of the 24 was their own St. Reagan. I’ve been through every list that has popped up since Scalia died and none of them are the liberal Witchsmeller Pursuivants the R’s claim them to be. My taxes go to pay the justices on that court. Hence as a tax payer I want that body to be in full force and vigor. For one thing, it is one-third of the government or have the R’s forgotten that it is legislative-judicial-presidential? How the bleep did they ever get out of kindergarten!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Well, I guess if you are leaving their blog never to return because of a disagreement with one post, you just weren’t much of a fan to begin with, then, were you?


  10. I thought by the time you reached your eighties you would have gotten some wisdom. Anyone who thinks Hillary is a good catch has never fished. I guess I won’t be coming back to this blog of angry, old, liberal white women.


  11. You can make any point you want- I disagree with you I still think you are a concern troll.
    However, I am glad you called BS on the fake “Steven”.
    We had a rather more sophiscated run of that a few years ago which just stunk as far as I’m concerned.
    The primary target then was an obnoxious conservative and I found myself in the bizarre situation of standing up for him/her as a human being.Odious ideas nothwithstanding, no one should be treated like that. So called progressives who laughed at that ? Pfft!

    Our young people tell me they don’t see the E-word the way I was raised to. I am probably too old to let go of the anger “no dogs, no natives” engendered in me. Still does when I run across those who think it.

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  12. No. Let’s be clear. I am actually aware that the E word is akin to the N word and if you read the rules, Ms. Helen forbids the N word and the F word.

    I do not use an email address when I comment so anyone can slap Steven on a comment and it would look like mine.

    I have not made any comments since around noon on Feb 10. Because I made the case to the moderator that the N word had been used, the fake comments were removed. I now am using an email to make sure my avatar is protected.

    I stand by my original argument that Alaskapi unwillingness to compromise is as dangerous as the tea party person who will not but I never resorted to name calling. Not my style…


  13. yes’m…can you imagine? frankly I don’t know how any of those obstructionists can say the things they do when the piss away billions on trying to overturn ACA, investigate Benghazi, Hillary’s emails. do you love the latest? her emails have been re classified since they were sent on to the powers that be…now stuff that wasn’t classified, is. will they do that with the emails of colin powell and condi rice?

    Liked by 2 people

  14. heyu Alaskapi…;-)

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  15. I believe you would benefit from 1- a dictionary which can explain to you what a democratic republic is and 2- some political history lessons which clearly explain what socialism is, what communism is, what democratic socialism means. I think you are laboring under some serious misconceptions.

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  16. A Scalia has passed away. The Republicans will not allow Obama to fill the seat, of course. Even more important that a Dem gets elected POTUS. There will be others to replace as well. We need to stand united behind Sanders or Clinton. This is no time throw a tantrum if your favorite loses the primary.


    Liked by 4 people

  17. Chrispy, the question still remains: why are you still here when you feel so abused by the moderator and you seem to dislike most of the posters. And by the way, Nazis are fascists, and the Soviets were communists. They are polar opposites, NOT same thing. Please, please, please, get a dictionary, use Wikipedia, do whatever you can to make sure you have your facts straight before you post one of your long, verbose posts. You’ll save us all a lot of time.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Ms Albright had a lovely piece at the NYT today:

    ‘…I am concerned by the tone of the debate about the many problems that specifically affect women. We cannot be complacent, and we cannot forget the hard work it took us to get to where we are. I would argue that because of what is at stake, this is exactly the time to have a conversation about how to preserve what women have gained, including the right to make our own choices, and how to move forward together. I would welcome an informed dialogue that crosses generations. We have much to learn from one another.”

    It echoes Ms Helen’s strong sense that we ladies must preserve what has been gained , much of which is under attack by dinglefritz ( my word, not Ms Albright’s) politicos and the like.

    Ms Albright explains her remarks which have caused such a stir in recent days. Mostly makes good sense and I by and large agree.
    Ms Penny- Quyanaasinaq , thank you very much.
    I think Steven thought using the slur against my heritage , the equivalent of the n- word for Alaska Native peoples , would send me off . A few years ago it probably would have. Hanging round the porch here has toughened a fairly tough hide even more . Have to say though the putting arguments in my mouth which I did not make torched my shorts more than any of the other foolish stuff.

    Chrispy, chrispy, chrispy-
    Hon, I don’t think you even know what a democratic socialist like Mr Sanders even is. Sigh.
    Let alone a republic which does its public business within the representative democracy model .

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Pssst. Chrispy. Over here. It’ll just be our little secret


  20. Uhhh Chrispy… You might want to go back to high school and retake your US government class. We’ve always been a Republic.

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  21. Democrats were never as totally socialistic, as they are today. There is no difference from the Soviet Nationalist Socialist Party, or The National Socialist Party of the Nazi’s. They are and were socialists, loosing their respective countries sovereignty, in the end. We are going there, more than ever. I have been a Democrat until this past year. Not sure what I am, anymore. I know I am a patriot,.believing in the Constitution, only, and the welfare of our citizens and the future of this so called democratic republic
    ( those two words together are not possible to exist. The meanings of the two words are the complete opposite of one another…
    Our government IS becoming totally socialistic, which means it will not be either a democracy, but will be a republic…..which means a government run by a few , for the good of the most,,,,,,,,but the most of who will that include?
    The majoority of the powerful and the rich, which are intricately interwoven into both political parties, which we unknowingly end up aligning ourselves with?
    A friend, Polina, came from Crimea , some 35 years ago, says anyone in the Soviet Socialist Republic found with even a page of the Bible, believing in God..( they were Jewish) would be put in jail, or could be killed, depending on the will of the authorities, at any given time. They were in total hiding, from the totalitarian government. That is what socialism became, after it was embraced under the guise of lifting and providing the most necessary provisions for its poor. That is what trying to help our brother becomes quickly, when administered by the elite….of ANY form of govt.
    We must NOT give up any rights that were fought for by our founders. They gave their blood and lives , so that we may these rights…Polina speaks of how much she loves America. She says if we ever lived through the hell her people lived through….and some are still under much duress, if nit the same perils she experienced as a young person. He father died there, never leaving that form of government.
    With all that is going on here in the United States, of late, in comparison to Crimea where she lived, she says OUR government is acting and dictating It’s separate will on our people, very much like what was happening at the time she fled the Soviet govt. She is a Christ follower, now, but sees a clear vision of how the socialism is taking over our way of life, even down to persecuting those who really choose to believe in God. People should be able to use their conscientious objector rights, according to their spiritual conscience, and not be punished or threatened by punishment for exercising their basic rights, as individuals.
    Polina sees our country moving towards punishing people for exercising their freedom of religion, and choice of NOT doing anything they object to by religious beliefs. Our government is catering to every other religion, but not the Christ followers…that is wrong. All religions should be treated equally fairly, and not have any individual’s rights set aside, no matter what religion, it may be. NO restriction on Satanism, but, a restriction on the Christ in Christmas…that has been celebrated throughout the world for 2000 years?
    When any one’s rights are set aside to choose..we all loose. ( that does not mean the citizens should pay for abortions for others, even though we all have a right to choose. )
    Yes, Steven, many of these folks do not really seem to stand for anything, here at this site, especially, Matthew, the author and moderator. You will find media promoted information repeated over and the acceptance of this rhetoric by the brains of the brainwashed. Critical thinking and the results thereof, will not be found here. Read thoroughly, and you cannot help but see see this for yourself.


  22. Penny – I think we get another old angry white guy on this blog who wants to show his superiority and to tell women what to think! He is put in his place by an strong, intelligent alaskapi and responds like a little child. eh?

    No matter who, Clinton or Sanders, is in the WH the Republicans will do every thing in their power to prevent progress, even in those issues that concern them.

    We need to get money out of elections, shorten the campaign time, and stop letting politicians from using their office to make money or furthering their careers.

    Sanders may not be perfect but he is one of the few who went to Washington to make a difference for “we the people”.


    Liked by 2 people

  23. if you meant to anger/annoy/irritate/infuriate with your nasty crack about alaskapi…you succeeded. how dastardly you are, how totally biased, insensitive and wrong. man am I glad I don’t know you personally

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  24. Steven,
    It seems that you…and many others…are now equating progressivism as an extreme position. Bernie’s candidacy/campaign is described…mostly by Rethuglicans and by the media…as radical.
    For me, what is extreme or radical is government support of corporate greed without demanding that these extreme profits also be used to improve the lives of the society that enables them to profit so greatly. Instead, corrupt politicians refuse to legislate laws that would balance/regulate this flow of money to the few. Instead, the excesses of Wall St. and the banks are supported by the taxpayers…see 2008. That is extremism.
    Bernie’s campaign to address this imbalance is, in truth, moderate.

    And yes, I will support Hillary if Bernie is unsuccessful in becoming the candidate of the Democratic Party.

    Liked by 3 people

  25. I want to quote your entire post, and direct it to every young woman who thinks feminism is ‘unfeminine’ or ‘too aggressive’ or ‘unbecoming’ or ‘passe.’

    Thank you!


  26. It’s clear many of you didn’t bother to read Helen and Margaret’s post. I was hoping to see a lot of hell yes or I’m voting for the Dem in the end. Instead I see a lot of I’m not voting for her just because she is a woman. Well who told you to do that?


  27. food for thought


  28. to alas and Julie Thank you!!!! a gazillion. You are in my head…both of you…and in my heart. I couldn’t agree more with you both. As a woman, 85 years old, voting since 21 (that was the voting age then), paying attention to the world, especially to my world, I am constantly amazed that there are still people who simply do not nor,apparently, can ‘get it’. While some of you play this game, think its funny, i’m telling you now, you will pay the price of not educating yourselves and not thinking beyond your nose. I still say we should give all the republican men a vagina of their own to play with so they stay out of ours. Really? Vasectomies are fine, men are good, its the women who make the trouble (um, who do the men ‘play’ with?) and its not every human fighting the cause? ooops…doing what I said I wouldn’t do any more…getting all worked up over a handful of morons.

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  29. Amen, Stellans, Steve’s dog won’t hunt!

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  30. stellans-
    I think Steven might be a concern troll. Pushing as I did, I got almost nothing which really speaks to personal views and way too much in the way of trying to push my buttons.
    A partial list of fallacies Steven’s MO includes
    argument to moderation, appeal to the stone, begging the question, argument from incredulity and ad hominem
    Getting too old for this crap but just had to push a bit and see…

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  31. Wow, Steven. Frankly, alaskapi and Penny both displayed far more patience with you here than they would have received on a similar conservative blog site.

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen postings such as yours on what is a liberal, Democratic blog. And frankly, the only personal attacks seem to be on your side. In fact, I could swear you are nothing but a conservative troll … but surely that can’t be, can it? Why, you keep telling us that it’s the Bernie advocates who are mean and vituperative, but funny, reading back over the comments, yours seem worse and frankly, from the far right.

    Maybe you will vote for Hillary, and maybe you won’t. I find myself betting on the “won’t” side. I will no longer ‘feed the troll.’

    Liked by 2 people

  32. I will probably see another chance at a female president. Maybe. But i honestly feel this is our last chance to steer away from fascism. Clinton will continue tiptoeing us toward it, as Obama has done. The GOP wants to run full tilt boogie into it, and throw in a side of theocracy for bad measure. But Clinton is the status quo candidate. She will keep the levers of power out of the hands of those who wish to destroy the country. But she will make no headway. Since she is open to privatizing Social Security, we may even lose ground.

    I will vote for her if I must. But this cranky old byke wants to make things better for my kids, and if that means I fight so they don’t have to fight the same battles my great-grandmother won, I’m Red Sonja all over that mess.

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  33. Congratulations on hitting the 7 mil mark Ms Helen and Ms Margaret!
    Thank you for this place you’ve made and having us all in.

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  34. Thanks Ms Penny- Ennit mostly means that – is Native slang and can be spread to include a bit more 😉

    Steven- Look you decide whatever you want. I could spend a week pointing to logical fallacies in your last 3-4 comments but I no longer have the patience for that. You may or may not have intended to game me but what you did is in effect game me.
    1-you never made clear in all your “I’ll tell you where I stand and you tell me where you stand. I thought I was pretty transparent including saying that I was channeling Trump’s stance.” stuff what was where you stand and why that might include channeling Mr Trump. Who knows where you stand. Who knows why you think I should respond to ultra conservative horsepunky reasonably.
    Oh that’s right- I’m an extremist, ennit.
    Yeppers- actually I am. Native peoples want the same civil and political rights as the rest of Americans- but ya know, we want it in the form of native sovereignty and self determination and a nation-to=nation relationship with the fed as per federal response to the Constitutional requirements for dealing with native peoples. Under 1993 legislation we have creasted something close to universal health coverage here in Alaska- something which is damn fine considering the challenges in distances, dollars , and the unique problems with healthcare here. And heckandno- you will not even entertain the idea of universal healthcare for the country? Goodo. I’m the extremist- yup, I know.
    And poor old Mr Sanders is to blame because I Pfft!ed you?
    He just attracts nasties eh? jeez and crackers and holy moley.

    2 – you had an agenda and you decided it was filled . Goodo. Wrong as regards what I said but , again, not worth flailing around over.
    3-You have some very clear biases. Goodo. You also have some very clear notions- wrong but clear- about what constitutes the right/ correct/workable ways to bridge divides . I bridge divides in real life every single day that you could only guess at- unless maybe you are mixed race, old lady in non-traditional work with socialist ideas, ennit?
    Sucking up BS and skimming by it to be polite is not my style especially as regards word and head games like the conservative folks have played for years- making entitlement into a bad word, poor people responsible for not being able to find decent jobs with decent pay, playing personal-responsibility games while sucking up corporate “welfare” on multiple fronts. Tell me to be polite about what WR grace did to Libby, Montana. I worked with a bright hard working young man who grew up there who has watched cancer take out far too many he grew up with … he will be part of a control /observed group for the rest of his life… kinds like what might happen to the kids of Flint, eh?


    Liked by 2 people

  35. Wow! Over 7 million hits! You ladies rock!!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. […] A brilliant, brilliant, brilliant post by a Hillary supporter. For fairness’ sake, I’d love to link to something as strong by a Bernie supporter but all I’m finding is as weak and mumbly as the stuff I linked above. The bern people feel is not translating into strong writing. But I’ll keep looking! […]


  37. Actually Julie she said vote for Bernie or vote for Hillary. The entire post is simply making the case that Hillary has a good track record. This essay in no way states that you should vote for Hillary because she is a woman. The closest it comes to that is stating that Hillary being a woman “it’s a good place to start”. As a woman, I would agree.

    Please read it again.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Good post but I respectfully disagree. This sounds an awfully like we should vote for Hillary because it’s time for a woman to be president. As a 67 year old woman, I have lived through the defeat of the ERA, established my very own credit rating , suffered discrimination in the workplace, & made the choice to help lift the status of women by raising a new generation of male feminists. Feminism is not, I repeat NOT, an issue that belongs only to women. Equal rights for women and equal rights for all has always been the main plank of the liberal platform.That is one of the reasons my vote will go to Bernie. The primary reason is that I am first & foremost a liberal and will cast my vote for the best liberal in this election. This essay by a “woman of a certain age” states my feelings exactly & is worth consideration by any woman of any age who cares about the future of feminism in America.
    Every one of the countless GOP candidates are doom for equal rights in our country. Although my heart is with Bernie I will cast my vote for the Democrat nomination in the general election to keep my country from regressing to a theocratic dark ages.

    Liked by 3 people

  39. Happy over 7 million hits Margaret & Helen!!!!!
    You two are a national treasure!!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  40. PENNY,

    Again, I did not mean to mislead. I said let’s play a game or do an exercise. I’ll tell you where I stand and you tell me where you stand. I thought I was pretty transparent including saying that I was channeling Trump’s stance.

    I put forth current conservative stance. Alaska attacked and said its not even worth talking about.

    That is reality. When one party goes hard one way, the other party goes hard the other and compromise goes out the window. Alaska is a Bernie supporter and in my humble opinion confirmed what I said would happen – grid lock.

    Bernie will have to compromise and that is harder to do if the journey is longer to begin with. Hillary is already more moderate and has history of compromise. She didn’t get universal healthcare but she worked with Republicans to get children’s insurance for millions. That was huge.. There are other examples but please show me an example of that scale where Bernie compromised and got it done.

    Look. If Alaska felt like I gamed this, I apologize. Not my intent.


    If I am not mistaken, I believe M’s. Helen was making that argument.

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  41. I wasn’t going to get into this but I need to now. 1-stating one’s goals is not saying this is it folks, this or nothing. stating the goal says, here is what I want, tell me what you want and we’ll come to some sort of compromise. that is if the ‘stater’ really cares about achieving goals.
    in my view, sanders (and Clinton) can compromise. from my experience, the republicans of the last 10 years do not compromise. when one threatens to shut down the govt if one does not get one’s way…leaves no room for compromise.
    what you, Steven, say you believe in seems to leave no room for compromise. did I misread that?
    ennit=contemporary, somewhat humorous ‘isn’t it’…a little levity, a little breaking down of formality so as to make real conversation more possible. did I get it right, alas?

    Liked by 2 people

  42. Great essay, but I wish people would look at third party candidates like Gary Johnson (Libertarian). Having a viable third (or 4th) option than simply what we’ve had for too long is what would be the biggest game changer. It would wake up the establishment to the true will of the people far faster than the standard choice of the lesser of 2 evils.


  43. Helen that was a brilliant essay. I laughed and cried. Thank you. I agree. Vote for Bernie if you must, but recognize at least that Hillary Clinton has a long list of remarkable accomplishments and all women benefit from her work.

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  44. Alaskapi Wow. You went from bad to worse. I hid nothing from you. I said let’s play a game or call it an excercise. You are the one who turned it into a personal attack.

    I really wasn’t trying to set you up. I assumed you would have a conversation around your current political views.

    You really have proven my point. Bernie is running a campaign that attracts extremes and there will be no room for compromise in Washington because the Repubs are doing the same thing. You yourself aren’t interested in a conversation much less middle ground.

    Again, let me repeat. I do not question your views. I merely suggested that an extreme (either right or left) will only further divide the country.

    Am I the only one who was hoping we would get to a place where we could all work together for a common cause and set the rigid differences aside so we could get some good work done?

    I don’t want a president who is pro-life. They don’t want a president who will raise taxes. Surely we can find something that sets those two firmly held stances aside and deals with other issues instead.

    By the way, what does ennit mean? Not trying to be disrespectful, just curious. I have not seen that before.


  45. Uawtradesman said :
    “Still wondering when the Dem’s quit being the party of the American worker?’
    Well- when we decided to become a party which buys the centrist horsepunky that a whole buncha dollars won’t corrupt social needs and issues…

    Income inequality, falling wages, tax breaks for the “makers” … yurg, the list is endless…

    Liked by 2 people

  46. So I was correct Steven-
    The exercise really was a game. One in which you proposed to set all the rules and parameters. A test really, eh? One where you get to judge what is at stake too, ennit?
    Now I know why it all “felt” unreal and not like a conversation.

    Give me an argument with my buddy UAW anyday. He and get along just great and we argue every time we talk here . Really argue- like major feckin Pffft! on that buddy buster stuff. We are from totally opposite ends of the political spectrum for real .

    Do whatever you want, think whatever you want but please knock off the games.
    I’m voting for Mr Sanders at our caucuses (and I’ll vote for Ms Clinton in the national if I have to-)but once again- it does not matter one whit who I vote for as an Alaskan.
    We have no electoral college votes anyone wants. We almost never even see the candidates within our borders and Mr Obama is only 1 of 2 presidents who have even bothered to really come here to see the state. Don’t see Ms Clinton doing that… nope, I don’t
    hippie commie liberal old lady feminist weirdo Pi

    Liked by 1 person

  47. Wow Alaska. That didn’t take long at all. This little exercise ends before if even gets started. I simply put a position out there. One to the very far right. One held by Trump and a great number of Republican elected officials. And what did you do. Did you layout your position? No. You attacked and ridiculed not only mine but me. Clearly there will be no compromise between us. And yet, you somehow think that Senator Sanders will be able to find that compromise in Washington.

    When the Democrats go hard to the left, the Republican will go even harder t the right. We will have a government so polarized that what just happened with President Obama will look like a walk in the park.

    Rather than looking for common ground and and mutually respectful conversations the frontrunnesr in both parties have drawn lines in the sand. They demonize Mexicans. We demonize Wall Street. They demonize welfare queens. We demonize the wealthy.

    In your own words Alaskapi “Are you serious? If you are serious, there is nothing to talk about. What a load of hooey in light of so many, many mistakes made in the last 10-20 years by congress and the like.”

    If you read my comments to you, I think you might find I actually was rather courteous. The worst thing I said to you was “I salute your liberalism. Unfortunately it takes this country too far off course albeit with the best intentions.” and I admitted that I actually like Bernie Sanders. I also commented that I enjoyed your posts here.

    The worst think I suggested was that we ALL needed to meet in the middle. To find common ground. To look for compromise.

    Any yet, you don’t even want to have the conversation much less go through a little exercise to see how far apart we were and how close together we could get.

    Reality. It seems to be missing from both parties.

    In truth, Alaskapi, I am neither a Trump supporter nor a Republican. I was simply trying to make the point that there is no common ground when both parties play to their bases. Bernie pulled independents. Trump pulled independents. Yet neither is even close to moderate.

    I did look at your graph. Regardless of where Bernie falls on that map and where Trump falls on that map.

    Fact from your graph – Bernie is farthest left
    Fact from your graph – Trump is not farthest right but he is farthest away from Bernie.

    Interestingly enough, your graph makes my point. The one in the middle of the two extremes is Hillary Clinton.

    By the way, considering your graph was a world graph and not a US graph, the “middle” is not necessarily the middle for US politics.

    Having read so many of your posts, I really thought this would be an interesting exercise as you made the case to move me from right to left and me to move you from left to right to see how close we might get. Disappointingly, you didn’t even give me a chance to move. “Pfft” as you said certainly doesn’t a conversation starter make.

    I for one am looking for someone who can work the middle. If he/she can also be a little left-leaning in the process then even better. As I said before, the extremism of Bernie Sander’s campaign gets us nowhere. Neither he, nor you apparently, has any desire to reach across the isle.

    Demons to the left. Demons to the right.

    Very, very proud to be a Democrat supporting Hillary Clinton. A woman who is not perfect but certainly has a long career of doing much better than Bernie gives her credit for.


  48. Steven –
    I don’t see much value in the exercise/game- especially since you will not respond to my questions about whether you went to look at the Political Compass or the multiple polls which show the bulk of American people identifying as other than moderate.

    Steven said

    Denfense – increased military spending, closed borders and pre-emptive wars on terrorism
    ____________________________________________________________Pffft! Closed borders? Where do you live? The long border Alaska shares with Canada is porous and needs to be – for multiple reasons.
    Increased military spending ? Pfft! what for? To take care of our vets? Clean up the messes the military has made all over this state? Pay soldiers a decent wage? Or the same old , same old buy-new-cool-hoolibobs?
    Pre-emptive strikes ? Absolutely not.
    For those who pee their pants worrying about terrorist strikes here investing in adult diapers is likely to yield more bang for their buck than any so-called pre-emptive strike might.
    Ah- so now “welfare” is “social programs”- that’s kinda cute. and not really the same stuff, ennit?
    Steven said-
    Social Programs – privatized social security. Replace Medicare and Medicaid with healthcare saving plans and an unregulated insurance market to drive the prices down.
    Are you serious? If you are serious, there is nothing to talk about. What a load of hooey in light of so many, many mistakes made in the last 10-20 years by congress and the like.

    If you actually have a non- Bush/ neoliberal/ truly moderate take on this stuff , what is it?
    Steven says
    Ok. Now your turn. Where do you stand on those two issue? Feel free to channel Bernie if you want because I was certainly channeling Trump with my answers.
    and please- I have no need to channel Mr Sanders here.
    I’m Alaskan- we are socialists in ways folks Outside don’t understand ( and our conservative carpetbagger population pretends don’t exist 😉 ) but it is not worth trying to explain the difference in our state and local government from anyone else’ unless it is a real conversation and politeness on your part aside- I’m not getting the feel of a conversation happening here.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Amen John Mac Carpenter, amen.


  50. Sorry Alaska. That was me again. Not auto logging I guess


  51. Alaska,

    Game wrong word. Call it an exercise.


    Denfense – increased military spending, closed borders and pre-emptive wars on terrorism

    Social Programs – privatized social security. Replace Medicare and Medicaid with healthcare saving plans and an unregulated insurance market to drive the prices down.

    Ok. Now your turn. Where do you stand on those two issue? Feel free to channel Bernie if you want because I was certainly channeling Trump with my answers.


  52. I am not fear mongerinh. And I am tired of Bernie supporters with the name calling.

    The other side believes just as vehemently in their cause as we do in ours. So what we get is a group of people unwilling to compromise.

    Bernie going hard left is just as bad as Tea Party going hard right.

    I thought we all wanted peace and cooperation. Suddenly we are all out for blood and revenge.

    We are about to hit a wall that will include things like government shut downs, debt default, no judiciary appointments… Hell no appointments period. Filibustering will be the norm and there will be no middle ground and therefore no 11th hour compromise.

    See how I managed to make my case without calling you or Bernie Sanders a name?


  53. If wanting to work for the good of all in this country (instead of just the wealthy few) is extremism, then I guess I’m extremist.

    You cannot seriously mean to compare Senator Sanders and the Teapartisans! He has always been willing to work across the aisle, and they have NEVER even considered it. To them, the word compromise means doing everything their way, and they are PROUD of it. Shame on you. Don’t we get enough fear-mongering from the other side?


  54. Good Lord people. Did you learn nothing frome the Tea Party movement??? Send people to Washington with an extreme agenda is what got us in this situation. Extremism is extremism.


  55. Three cheers for you, Helen! I’m just about in your age bracket, and I feel just about exactly as you do about this election. Hillary is not only the most competent person running, she is the person who SHOULD be President!

    On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: ” FROM HELEN: Margaret, as you would expect, I > have been glued to the news ever since the voting started in Iowa and now > moves on to New Hampshire…up there near you, honey. I bet politicians > are worse than the leaf peepers in fall. &nb” >


  56. You said: Do some research on the name you dumb asshole.”
    By: cryptoclearance on February 9, 2016
    at 12:27 PM

    And there’s the reply from someone who has no way to support his position and must revert to name-calling. Yeah, you’re not one of us…troll.

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  57. I wish Barbara Jordan had stayed well a lot longer……..she would have been the first black and the first black to be president and for sure someone we’d all have been proud of………..

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  58. As a 50 year old woman I can relate to a lot of what you are saying, but Hillary is NOT the right woman to be in the White House. We are far better off with Bernie Sanders who champions the rights of all including women.

    Hillary’s resume isn’t nearly as impressive as you think. Regarding the Children’s Defense Fund

    The problem with Clinton’s claims, however, is that she betrayed children as First Lady. Under the guise of welfare reform, the Clinton administration worked with Republicans to gut social services, ignoring their own senior officials’ warnings that, by doing so, they would be plunging over a million children into poverty.

    Bill Clinton ran in 1992 on the campaign promise to “end welfare as we know it.” In 1996, he — with the wholehearted support of Hillary — succeeded, passing the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA). PRWORA was based on legislation first proposed by Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The act was opposed by the left-wing of the Democratic Party, but the Clinton administration joined hands with Republicans and conservative Democrats to push it through.

    As part of PRWORA, the Clinton administration axed the Aid to Families with Dependent Children federal assistance program, which had been created 61 years before by the Social Security Act, in the New Deal. They replaced it with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which was drastically weaker and — as the name stresses — temporary.

    Hillary, as First Lady, advocated strongly for the restructuring of welfare. Her former co-workers at CDF, on the other hand, were infuriated. CDF founder and President Marian Wright Edelman declared that President Clinton’s “signature on this pernicious bill makes a mockery of his pledge not to hurt children.”

    It’s a pity Elizabeth Warren didn’t run, that is a woman who would make an awesome President and we can wait for her. We don’t have to settle for HRC


    Liked by 2 people

  59. Do some research on the name you dumb asshole.


  60. THANK YOU, Helen. As usual, you stated my thoughts so clearly. In addition, I think I’ll stop reading or paying any attention to Facebook, as I’ve recently been getting really discouraged by doing so as there’s a lot of negativity, nastiness and outright lies being flung around about Hillary Clinton. It’s written as if it’s being posted by zealous “fans” of Bernie, but I could be wrong? In fact, I hope I am. Maybe those posts are being written by clever GOP trolls? Is there such a creature? I, also, will only vote for the Democratic nominee and I sure hope to see Hillary in the Oval Office in 2017.


  61. steven: I see both trump and sanders as the ones who are articulating the disgust of things as they and have been for far too long. not that I agree with almost anything trump says…I am a Bernie person…but the time has come NOW for the people to be represented by those they hired…namely elected officials and congress. I do not see them as ‘far out’; I see possibilities for awakening the electorate to get off their you-know-whats and DO something…vote, keep informed, fight for your rights.

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  62. cheering and applauding alaskapi…you’n me hon…you’n me

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  63. I am a Bernie supporter…all the way…from what I could learn about Hillary’s speeches they were mostly about feminine issues, there was no secret message, no plot to overthrow what’s left of people representation…she is far too bright to leave a dirty trail. she is not a monster, people! she is intelligent and one objection to her is her connection to the ‘ole boys’. that’s it.


  64. ummm, lemme see…what has Bernie accomplished…well, let’s look at the last 6 months when he came from nowhere to be one of two major possiblities for president of the united states. could it be that his message resonates with the people? could it be that he might lead us to a less corrupt place where we are not all disappearing into the slave class?

    Liked by 2 people

  65. Lol do a little research. It helps. And no not from Faux


  66. me thinks there be a troll amongst us
    is that cryptic enough?


  67. stellans…interesting, isn’t it…people who say they like what Bernie has to say but won’t vote for him ’cause he can’t win? well, of course not…if you don’t vote for someone they won’t win. how silly. now…on the other hand…

    Liked by 2 people

  68. hey culligan man! why? why do we scare you? poor baby, c’mere i’ll pat your little head. nah. just teasing. tell me why we scare you please?

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  69. LOL…Bernie supporters mean? nah. no more than Hillary’s. you want mean? take a look at the republicans. so much blather about nothing ’cause that would take up the time they need to snipe at one another.

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  70. the only way we regress to women becoming chattel again is if we wind up with one of the republicans now running to run. neither Bernie nor Hillary would go there

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  71. how will Bernie pay for college education? tax wall street speculations. how will he pay for continued social security etc? he will change the tax rates. for most of us there will be no change…other than an average $5thou additional tax which is far less than any private health premiums which we shall no longer have because we go to single payer, like most of the world…which costs less per person than we are now spending. we will not run to war at every opportunity but instead will develop job training for all the work that will become available as we go into natural energy…that alone will save us money. he says…if you can’t afford to take care of your vets, you can’t afford war; if a bank is to big to fail, it’s to big, period. is Bernie the panacea? no. will all his programs go swimmingly at first shot? fly thru congress? no and no. but it is a start. he does not want to tear down what we have. he wants to expand upon it…improve the prison system and what leads people into it…he wants to secure retirement and the ability to feed one’s self once retired. there is no mention, nor do I think any idea, of tearing down the ACA or anything else. there is clear intent on improving it for the benefit of the vast majority of the populace of this country. history shows us: when a people are denied a political revolution there will be an armed one. he will address climate change vigorously. I mean, how can anyone reject Bernie sanders? by the way, his only income is his senator’s salary.

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  72. I have not, and will never, bash Hillary. If the only way sell me your product is to bash the other, you don’t have much to sell. i’ll try to sell you on voting for Bernie but not by bashing his opponent. To me, that’s a waste of time and energy.

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  73. Mine was the knee at which my offspring learned feminism (2 sons, 1 daughter) and at which my grands learned (1 girl, 3 boys) to speak out on what they believed. I was a feminist before there was a term for it. But then I think a true feminist is for freeing both genders of pre-ordained roles in life. That’s what I believe. I will, if she is the candidate, vote for Hillary but not with joy. She is intelligent, capable and one of the ‘good ole boys’. she is connected to the big money which has corrupted our political system. Finally there is an honest politician who takes no corporation/bank/wall street money who insists that $15 is the goal for minimum and that if we can’t afford to take care of our vets we shouldn’t go to war; that anyone who is capable should be able to get an education; that social security, medicare and Medicaid cannot be cut, cannot be privatized; that the prison system needs a major overhaul; that the infrastructure must be improved. Taxes? yes. the average increase in annual tax would be $5,000. however there would be NO PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS TO PAY. Go ahead. figure it out. do you not come out ahead on that one?

    Liked by 2 people

  74. I agree Penny. I’ll hold me nose and vote for her if she wins the nomination
    BUT as the outcome of our caucuses here affect nothing nationally- nor does who we vote for either with only 1 electoral college vote – I will vote for Mr Sanders.

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  75. I could not agree with you more. however…much as it galls me to have to vote, again, for the lesser of the evils, if it is Hillary I must vote for her for the same reason I have gone democrat before, holding my nose. the supreme court. that court is in danger now…imagine! a corporation is a person! but those who oppose all reason (republicans) to a man are dedicated anti choice and will destroy roe v wade and any other progress that’s been made. we simply cannot afford that. so I ask all of you who do not like Hillary…if she is the candidate…to support her. I know, I know…even I am suprising myself but we cannot risk another political justice. please think about this.

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  76. Steven-

    I have various issues with your remarks
    but not much time to respond this morning.

    you Said:

    “Most Americans are moderates. That is a commonly accepted concept. The fact that you are far left doesn’t change that. If the Republican party world end its war on women, gays and immigrants – they would win in a landslide. If Dems could promise lower taxes and strong defense they would win in a landslide.

    That is why we are so divided. Neither party currently offers to govern in the middle.

    I salute your liberalism. Unfortunately it takes this country too far off course albeit with the best intentions. ”
    While it may be commonly accepted that most Americans are moderates , when push comes to shove, they do not self identify that way.
    Check around-

    And regardless of how folks self identify, social scientists and political scientists have tracked the general shift to the right in this country since the 80s which kinda shifts the whole dealie rightward – neoliberal economics as affected by the so-called Chicago Austrian schools have changed our personal and political dynamics mightily.
    ( Find Paul Treanor on Neoliberalism if you want your hair blown back on that score )

    To cast the Dems as the left and the Reps as the right is a time honored way of distinguishing the 2 parties in our life times. They both occupied different slots under Jackson and Lincoln.
    Both are pretty far right now if you look at a non- American scale
    You did not say whether you went to read about the Political Compass.project . Did you read there?

    Have you looked at things like :

    to see how left one can really be or a society may be? or right?

    I compromise every day of my life to live in a society which has become increasingly selfish and financialized in my lifetime. If our young folks are rising up and calling foul? I’m with them and have been for 30 years or more.
    We made the fricking world they want to change.

    Respectfully, I rarely play games. My mother said I was born old.

    Welfare? Define your terms.
    Defense spending? Define your terms.

    I’ll think about it

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  77. God bless you! You made this 56 year old feminist cry. I’m crying for my mom, sister, grandmothers and aunts that faught for this but didn’t live long enough to see it happen.

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  78. Sorry Alaska. That anon was me.


  79. I am voting for Hillary. You need more than just screaming “revolution” to actually enact change. You need policy, planning, and the ability to be diplomatic. And no, Bernie does not have any of those. What he has is a bunch of old accomplishments, a penchant for not listening, and a habit of yelling. He has no inside voice. Hillary has shown she can grow and learn from her mistakes, is flexible enough to evolve on issues, and is well known and respected in other countries.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. Sorry Alaska but I respectfully disagree. Bernie Sanders not far left? Free healthcare. Free college. Government controlled banking. Socialism. It doesn’t get any farther left than that.

    Trump – unfetted capitalism, closed borders, no abortion, no gay marriage, water boarding and war at all cost… Conservatism at its base.

    Most Americans are moderates. That is a commonly accepted concept. The fact that you are far left doesn’t change that. If the Republican party world end its war on women, gays and immigrants – they would win in a landslide. If Dems could promise lower taxes and strong defense they would win in a landslide.

    That is why we are so divided. Neither party currently offers to govern in the middle.

    I salute your liberalism. Unfortunately it takes this country too far off course albeit with the best intentions. We live in a complex world where religion causes internal and international hatred. Sad. But reality.

    In life if I was far right and met you for coffee, the way we get to mutual respect is compromise. You and I meet somewhere in the middle or else we walk away with no ability to work together.

    I do enjoy all of your posts here so please know I mean no disrespect.

    Want to play a game? Tell me the following:

    1. View on government spending on defense
    1. View on government spending on social programs – specifically welfare programs

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  81. […] There is a reason big girls don’t cry. We haven’t the time. […]


  82. Steven –
    I would suggest you look at this.
    Political Compass is based on a broader view of politics than we generally afford ourselves in this country where the movable goal posts thingy has made for interesting notions of what is moderate, etc.
    Mr Sanders is not the far left- he’s barely into the “zone” whilst Mr Trump is not any more extreme than his partners in the GOP.

    Though he has a bigger, more foolish mouth, eh?

    As one who really is far, far left ( almost off the grid in the left libertarian quadrant) I have to say I disagree with you about where most Americans fall politically. I think too many Americans have lost perspective in a general sort of way and spend a lot of time arguing about a very narrow band of thought and policy with no clue that is what they are doing.

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Bernie, on the other hand…comes clean.

    Sanders Admits Receiving
    Free Checking from Big Banks

    The news of Sanders’s ties to the banking industry comes just days after damaging reports that he leveraged his relationship with the American Automobile Association to obtain a discount on renting a Nissan Sentra.

    Δ ;~)

    Liked by 3 people

  84. Sorry Helen, but I see trouble ahead…
    …it’s screamin’ up fast from behind.
    Bought, paid for, and wrapped in a bow.

    The Clinton System


    Liked by 2 people

  85. Excellent work again Helen.
    Good to see you too Margaret.

    I’m gonna have a couple
    links for ya to check out.

    Bernie is in The Betty White Zone!



  86. I should add that the only thing that makes the Dems better is they have managed to leave their religious beliefs in their church and out of the Capitol. The founding fathers were spot on with that separation.

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  87. Bernie is to the Democratic Party what Trump is the Republicans. I actually like them both so please don’t accuse me of putting down Bernie. But they each preach to the extremes. Surely we all realize by now that the solution is somewhere in the middle and we get there through compromise. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal is truly where most Americans reside. Balance the budget but stay out of our private lives is really, really where the majority fall.

    The only two choices that are realistic are Clinton on the left or Kasich on the right. But sadly the bases of both parties have swallowed their respective koolaides and either don’t care or truly don’t have a grasp on reality.

    Liked by 1 person

  88. The revolution’s first casualty?


  89. Ms Helen-
    Respectfully, I disagree on a number of fronts but will vote for ms Clinton if she wins the nomination.
    I do not agree with her centrist politics- I’m an old socialist myself.

    I am also one of those who has carried the work of feminism forward just as my mother and grandmothers did.

    I studied science when girls were “encourgaed” to study typing. ( Read discouraged to do anything but…) which I turned into a job running small water systems for many years. I was Joanne the Plumber , dump truck driver Diane, and garbage truck operator Gertie.
    I’m not very big so I had blocks on the pedals in the bigger trucks and lugged 3ft pipe wrenches around to do the same work the guys could with 2 footers.
    I was shop steward for my union and I made the same dollars as the guys did at a time when many of them told me welfare was for single moms like me- the jobs were for the men, ya know?
    Well, screw that- my kid deserved the same shot as theirs and he got it because I could earn what they could. Even if I could not have a credit card in my own name or even a damn gas card in the old days.
    We’re not near done with that equal pay dealie and so many other things..

    While I think some of our younger cohort don’t get it in some ways, they are not living in the same world any of us did either.

    I will caucus for Mr Sanders here in Alaska . While what we decide here doesn’t mean doodly squat away from here it means a lot to me. I agree with
    Mr Sanders on multiple fronts and am pleased to see he would continue some of Mr Obama’s policies regarding Native issues.

    Ms Clinton has no history of understanding Native issues as best as I can figure and in a state where 1 in 5 residents are Native or mixed race , it matters enormously.

    I do feel the Bern.
    We’ll see how it all shakes out.
    Sure as hell not going to miss voting and increase the chance the dingleberries on the GOP side win.

    Liked by 3 people

  90. Amen Helen and Margaret! Been waiting for a while for your take on this primary season on the democratic side. You conveyed my feelings exactly. I am so thrilled you finally weighed in. Thanks a good deal for your clarity.

    Liked by 1 person

  91. Well, you’ve not lost until you’ve given up – and as long as my mouth continues to open and close, I’ll have my say. I like the Bern, very much, and I say that without reservation because I’ve never met another man who was a honest!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  92. As a gay man I have always felt don’t ask don’t tell was a huge step forward even if it didn’t get us all the way there. Small battles eventually win wars.

    Liked by 2 people

  93. I call it disingenuous because when asked if she would release them, she prevaricated, and then insisted later in an interview that when everyone who ever gave a speech to a private audience anywhere released their transcripts, she would too.

    I shouldn’t have to worry if my party’s candidate is having her own “41% moment.” We’re supposed to be the party above that sort of thing.


  94. A distinction must be made between a job title and accomplishment.


  95. How do you know if you have not read them?


  96. He is a SENATOR


  97. Watch much Faux noise? Do ya?


  98. Warren has no experience and is way too far left.


  99. On Feb 8, 2016 7:14 AM, “Margaret and Helen” wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: ” FROM HELEN: Margaret, as you would expect, I > have been glued to the news ever since the voting started in Iowa and now > moves on to New Hampshire…up there near you, honey. I bet politicians > are worse than the leaf peepers in fall. &nb” >


  100. Thank you, Terri! Being courteous is always the best option. No need for the vitriolic comments.

    Liked by 1 person

  101. I agree; I also wish when those of us who do express our intentions to vote for someone other than Mrs. Clinton, we are not denigrated and told we are more or less throwing away our vote. That is when I, for one, get defensive and attempt to spell out exactly why I prefer Bernie.

    Liked by 1 person

  102. You know what would be nice? If we could make the case for the candidate we like without insulting and denigrating the others. Hillary Clinton has been under attack from the right wing and the media for more than 30 years. I like Bernie too, but it doesn’t mean I have to hate Hillary, or make statements about her that are not based in truth. You can’t have two standards for how you judge candidates. Hillary has been accused of a lot of things, many of them false. Fairness is important.

    Liked by 2 people

  103. I for one will gladly pay $500 more a year in taxes if it means I don’t have to pay $5000 yearly in health insurance premiums.

    And if you don’t think the Republicans aren’t chomping at their collective bits to hang Goldman Sachs and the oh-so-subtle whiff of corruption around Hillary’s neck (with everything else) you are living in your own sort of dream world, I guess.

    By the way, a statement isn’t a “smear” if it’s the truth. And there’s a lot of us out there who don’t remember the Clinton era quite as fondly as you seem to – we remember DOMA, NAFTA, Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell. Triangulation really didn’t benefit many more than the Clintons, did it? Also, I wish I knew the secret of going from ‘dead broke’ when they left the White House to a net worth of almost $200 million in less than 8 years.


  104. One of the best blogs you have ever done! Bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  105. I’m 64 and still cringe over my legal description of “spinster” when I bought my first condo. You covered so many points and made me laugh and get steamed at the same time–I am so so happy my cousin forwarded me your blog. Will look forward to many more awesome posts! So glad to have you as a sister…now to forward this to everyone I know. You are an inspiration.

    Liked by 2 people

  106. Women for Bernie scare the sh*t out of me.


  107. Damn you Sanders supporters are mean.

    Helen never said to vote for Hillary. And she said she would vote for Sanders if it came to that.

    If you are the kind of people who support Bernie I am not sure I can vote for him.

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  108. As a 63 year old woman, I too would like to have a woman in the White House. However, I firmly believe that Congress has already lined up a number of “investigations” into Hillary if she were to become the President. They would waste time and money and spend the next 4 years debasing her and allowing nothing to be accomplished. They have been chasing her for 20 years and that will not change. I watched her fight for healthcare when Bill was first elected and Congress ate her alive. I think she has learned a lot since then, I know. However, I believe she is more of the same old politics and brings nothing new to the plate to make me believe there will be substantial change. Bernie Sanders however, if nominated would be elected and would send a very clear message to Congress that change is required and they won’t be re-elected without it. Now, if Elizabeth Warren were running, that is a woman I could support. As you said, I won’t make the mistake of voting for a woman because she is a woman, and I surely won’t vote for any of those ass-hats the Republicans are putting out there.

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  109. Thank you, Helen, for sharing your viewpoint. I am also a senior citizen (but just barely; not as venerable as yourself!) and was fortunate to have a mother who told me I could do anything I set my mind to. I believed her, and due to the hard work of all the feminists who came before me, never found it a barrier to be a woman. (Maybe I was just too pig-headed to recognize a barrier when it presented itself?) I do hope you broaden your reading a bit, and take time to peruse Bernie Sanders’ “An Outsider in the White House”. Then maybe you will not feel so disappointed when the best person for the job – (Not necessarily the woman!) wins this nomination. 😉

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  110. Memory lane: I was fired because I was pregnant. It was legal. I was told on a job interview that they didn’t want a woman for this job. It was legal. Birth control was not covered by insurance until insurance covered Viagra without blinking. Let’s not go back there

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  111. Stelln,

    Fair enough. Thanks for clarifying.

    Can we also ask Bernie to be honest about how he pays for his programs? Raising taxes is the answer the Republicans will claim and soon Bernie will know what it is like to be smeared. So if it’s not raising taxes, what is it? Cutting defense spending? The Republicans will eat that up.

    If we are going to put the microscope on Hillary, then we should be able to put it on Bernie.

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  112. Oh come on. Helen didn’t say a single bad thing about Sanders. And yet here are all the Bernie supporters bashing Hillary and repeating Republican lies. Yep. Smear campaign. Glad your revolution is off to such a positive start.

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  113. Interesting. I picked up feminism at my mother’s knee so to speak despite the fact that she was a die hard conservative fighting (often out of fear) for the very people and organizations that kept her down (she had a degree from Pembroke, the women’s college of Brown where she also attended). Her schizoid views are interesting only slightly and only in retrospect. However, when I think of women disadvantaged, I remember small things from conversations. A friend of my wife (seven sisters grad) had a good paying job and was supporting her husband’s pursuit of a PhD but could get an AmEx card only with her father’s signature. An expert witness told me that despite her credentials when applying for a mortgage, she was asked whether she was taking birth control pills. A dear friend said that all the men were sent complimentary AmEx cards their senior years but her app was denied despite the fact that she was the only one in the class who had a job when she applied. Two women who never carried those cards of course. Two aunts solidly employed but single somehow managed to buy a house together (late ’50s). I have no idea how they managed to get a mortgage (gunpoint?) tho both had good connections if not spectacular incomes. That house was their proudest accomplishment in no small part because no one else they knew could accomplish it. I thought Clinton’s explanation of Madeleine Albright’s comment was pretty good but could have gone further into her history (what I saw didn’t). The one point Helen makes about the young being able to chance revolution seems valid. On the other hand, when Planned Parenthood explained and charted the distinctions between Clinton and Sanders, they were vast notwithstanding Sanders’ praiseworthy actions. I’m becoming scared of the years of scarring of Clinton and its continuation at of all places kos. I also dread the barrage of ghastly material we’ll see if she gets the nomination. Further, Sanders hasn’t had literally hundreds of millions (billions?) of dollars spent smearing him over decades. You have to wonder how he’d do if he had. In addition, I believe that in time we’ll see that if elected, Clinton is a lot more liberal than she might seem (in addition to having competence over a vast range of issues). It’s kinda the flip side of my comment that black conservatism is different from white conservatism which is why it tends to look “liberal.” Truly we live in interesting times.

    Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 15:09:55 +0000 To:

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  114. Sorry, Margaret & Helen:

    –“We came, we saw, he died.” (re: Qaddafi)_
    –“There are business opportunities in Iraq” (In 2011, 10 years after she voted for an invasion of a sovereign nation based on false pretenses–and hundreds of thousands died FOR NO REASON)
    –Something, something … “shake the people in Iowa…” (to their senses, I guess…), then proceeds to leave the caucuses without meeting with her supporters.
    –Her campaign is now, as we speak, flooding NH with pamphlets denigrating her opponent with untruths.
    –“We’re FLAT BROKE…” (how insightful, how tone-deaf when so many people lost so much after 2008.)
    –her campaign is funded by banks and hedge funds, Bernie’s funded by UNIONS and individual donors. Look it up.

    I could go on and on, but I will not. The truth is there if you look. I do not find her an honorable woman or an honest candidate. She is, fully, a member of .01% of the population. Wealth is fine, but not off the backs of the working class (can you say NAFTA? TPP? Keystone Pipeline, etc.?) Bill/Hillary now worth $153 million from combined speaking fees after leaving WH “flat broke…”

    Bernie’s record for women’s rights are second to none.

    I will not vote for Hillary Clinton, no matter the situation. Polls show Bernie beating ALL Republicans, Hillary losing to more than a few. If she wins the nod, Hillary, and ONLY Hillary, will be responsible for losing the general. She is a Third Way Democrat, living in the 1990s.

    A pro-war candidate does not a feminist make. Who do you think suffers MOST from US imperialism? Yep, women and children.

    Hillary Clinton: Bought & paid for, has been caught lying time and again (and no, it’s not about the emails), and opportunist extraordinaire. These are not exaggerations. They can be viewed for yourself. All you have to do is DIG for the truth.


  115. I am sort of suprised I thoght she would be for Bernie. But I understand. what a pity Hillaryisn’t just a wee bit more liberal and we could all vote with open hearts

    On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Margaret and Helen wrote:

    > Helen Philpot posted: ” FROM HELEN: Margaret, as you would expect, I > have been glued to the news ever since the voting started in Iowa and now > moves on to New Hampshire…up there near you, honey. I bet politicians > are worse than the leaf peepers in fall. &nb” >

    Liked by 1 person

  116. I’m not even close to conspiracy-think. I’d just like to know what she says to the big $ that she doesn’t seem to want the rest of us to hear. I’ve defended her against every bit of Republican chicanery from her first attempt to introduce universal healthcare through the stupid email kerfaffle. That does not mean an automatic vote. Can you people really not allow any reasonable discourse about this without getting your knickers all in a twist?

    Liked by 1 person

  117. Stellans,

    Great. One more conspiracy. Do you think it will work out any better than the others? Do you think she would be stupid enough to tell a group of people that they purchased her vote?


  118. Margaret, I think we are close in age. I am 85+. I have been a feminist since before there was a name for it. Yes, I’d love to see a woman in the white house, one who is superbly able. Yes, Hillary is intelligent, strong and has raised our banner. She is also connected to big money. That’s where I stop…Bernie is the first breath of a political revolution which is desperately needed. History shows that people who are denied a peaceful, political revolution WILL have an armed one.

    Liked by 1 person

  119. I’ll start a damn Revolution. It’s called LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS.

    Youth movement is not informed enough to know what they are doing.

    SENIORS unite. We need to save our children from themselves!!!!!!!

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  120. I’d like to read the transcripts of the speeches given behind closed doors. She’s a little disingenuous when it comes to those, I believe.


  121. The Dems passing Obamacare gave us a Republican Controlled Congress.

    The Dems nominating Bernie gives us a Republican in the White House. Please Dems. Don’t let that happen.

    He will run one single payer healthcare = nice idea = Republican in the White House

    Government control of banks = not a good idea = Republican in the White House

    Free College Tuition = Higher Taxes = a hit to middle incomes = Republican in the White House

    The only thing that really matters is more liberal Supreme Court Justices and we get that with Bernie or Hillary.

    Hillary is simply more electable not to mention more qualified. I commend her for being honest with all of us about reality of what can get done and what cannot. She agrees with Bernie’s ideas but realizes what can be accomplished and what cannot.

    If we nominate Bernie we get Trump or Cruz or Rubio. Good Lord.

    Liked by 2 people

  122. Oh Helen, there aren’t enough words to describe how much I love you!


  123. Bruce,

    Because Walmart is based in Arkansas and it a huge employer there. She worked to get them to address environmental issues. Did it ever occur to anyone that her voice on these boards or in these boardrooms could actually have done some good?

    Someone on here said she spoke to a bunch of fat-cat men about hiring more women.

    I saw her speak in front of a group of Planned Parenthood supporters. She DIDN’T talk about how to get them more money for abortion. She talked about women’s rights issues from around the globe.

    Please. Use your heads. If you have dinner with a neighbor who is a Republican, does that make you a Republican… or does it position you to broaden their horizons????

    My god she is extremely qualified. How many Republican led investigations that ended up finding no wrong doing do we have to have before you stop believing the crap they spew????

    Liked by 4 people

  124. Helen (& a great comment from Margaret at the end) – I just love these two ol’ broads.


  125. Not wishing to disagree with your basic premise, I am at a loss of how and why representing the ‘Childrens’ Network’ changed to lawyering for Monsanto and the Walmart Corporations’ owners – both of which have HUGE negative impacts on the health and economic wellbeing of children.

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  126. […] from Margaret & Helen – Margaret & Helen have been BFF’s for over 60 years and occasionally they write […]


  127. Yay! Margaret isn’t dead!!


    This should be copied and sent to others…

    Wake up. The Republican nominee will slaughter Bernie. His entire platform is based on raising taxes – the third rail in politics. We all like what he is selling but we can’t afford it. Are you really willing to take a 20% increase in your taxes??? Bernie is a good man doing good work as a Senator but he is not electable on a national ticket. No independent/liberal/libertarian has ever been.

    A vote for Bernie is a vote for a Republican in the White House and then God help women and people of color and anyone making less than $250k a year.

    Liked by 1 person

  129. People! Please read what she actually wrote. She did not tell anyone to vote for Hillary because she is a woman!!!!!

    “Now just settle yourself down. I’m not saying we should vote for Hillary just because she is a woman. I’m just saying that’s a good place to start. Read a book she’s written. Look up her biography and study her career without the political pundits like Andrea Mitchell telling you how to think. You might discover that she’s been fighting a revolution for years.”

    Liked by 2 people

  130. Damn it Gail. Wake up. The Republican nominee will slaughter Bernie. His entire platform is based on raising taxes – the third rail in politics. We all like what he is selling but we can’t afford it. Are you really willing to take a 20% increase in your taxes??? Bernie is a good man doing good work as a Senator but he is not electable on a national ticket. No independent/liberal/libertarian has ever been.

    Our host Helen was too kind. She never told anyone to vote for Hillary, sh simply punted out that Hillary is worthy of her and maybe your respect.

    Well I will not be so kind. A vote for Bernie is a vote for a Republican in White House and then God help women and people of color and anyone making less than $250k a year.

    Liked by 2 people

  131. Oh you are GOOD. Nice synthesis. Heard a Danish woman saying that until women are treated equally she would continue to be a ‘feminist’!! You GO GIRL.


  132. I really resent the idea that if you are a feminist you must vote for Clinton. I am in my 80s and have been a feminist since the 60s. If Bernie hadn’t supported feminist causes through out his career, I might then vote for Clinton. But I still would not like her ties to Wall Street and big businesses like Monsanto. She is, and despite her rhetoric during the primary season, will always be a moderate Democrat. I proudly call myself a progressive.

    Liked by 1 person

  133. Excellent post. My sentiments exactly.


  134. It would be awesome to have a woman president on the 100th anniversary of our right to vote in the US.

    Thank you for writing this.

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  135. As long as none of the republican clowns get the white house I will be happy.

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  136. Bernie has a great message but in 25 years he’s only sponsored 3 bills in Congress. What has he accomplished?

    Liked by 2 people

  137. Awesome blog entry today!

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  138. Margaret and Helen, I so want to be friends with you. If I were a good enough wordsmith what you wrote is what I would have written. Loved the essay! Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

  139. It is called free speech. And if Sect’y Clinton gets the nomination, will you not vote?? Or vote for the Republican ? If so , shame on you.

    Liked by 1 person

  140. No I meant if NOT vote for Clinton. Autocorrect. Ugh.


  141. Then you will usher a Republican in. How ignorant.

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  142. She is a Berniebot. That is all they do. It’s too bad because he is a good man. They are just rude and ignorant.

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  143. greatest post yet!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  144. Wow! I usually agree with you but not this time. I’m 61 years old and yes, I remember when female doctors, lawyers and politicians were few and far between. However I will not vote for someone because of their gender. I have been following Senator Sanders for years and he speaks for me. I will be voting for him in the primary. (Not that it matters here in CT.) However I WILL vote for the Democrat in the general election whether it’s Hillary or Bernie and I urge others to do the same. Love ya both anyway!

    Liked by 2 people

  145. Love it! I mean it!


  146. Hilary is a war criminal, as long as I live I will never get over her laughing about the public torture, sodomizing with a hunting knife and murder of a man who brought Libya out of the dark ages and stood up to the US imperial/colonial attacks on the oil wealth of his nation. And that is just the start. She voted us into war, is unrepentent, supported her idiot husband when he was caught philandering and lying about it, but the worst, the very worst is her support of the criminal state of Zionist Israel’s nuclear capacity, settler theft of Palestinian land, trees, water, dignity and life, their perpetual murder of a people who were there before they came ( remind you of the wild west zdoes it?), no Israel is just the 51st state but the most unfree one, the most hateful one and the one where the biggest chunk of our tax dollars goes and it mostly goes for weapons. She is a monster and she is a war monger and a liar and apparently a drug dealer if you believe in the Arkansas story of the drug airport while Bill was gov.

    Last but not least, elections are stolen fraudulent circuses. The empire continues and it does not matter if the stool pigeon in the White House in black, white, gay, female or transgender. She would just as soon kill Assange without a trial as anything cuz he embarrassed her over Bengazi. No, I am not with you darlin’, democracy, especially the Indian killing, Palestinian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Afgani, Pakastani, African, murdering, government overthrowing USA style democracy is not really anything but a sham. Sorry to burst your bubble, I grew up drinking the Koolaid too, it is depressing. So Hiliary is president, she won’t be able to stop the abortion clinic closures either. The USA is failing and about time too, there is nothing exceptional about a country that has had hundreds of undeclared wars since 1946 all the while preaching how they are bringing democracy. Just tell me, where were those Syrian refugees before the USA set out to free them, certainly hungry and homeless in the winter streets of Europe or with their drowning babies on the coast of Greece. Damit Helen, wake up, I mean it, really. love, Gail Margaret



  147. I share your support of HRC but because she is overwhelmingly the most qualified candidate, hands down. If I was a CEO looking at resumes, the others don’t hold a candle. Voting for her because she’s a woman is still gender discrimination. Bernie has a great message but in 25 years he’s only sponsored 3 bills in Congress. What has he accomplished? HRC has done so much more for income inequality in a much shorter time.

    Also, regarding her speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. She received 6 figures for speaking to the partners at my husband’s company. You know what she spoke about? The value and importance of hiring/promoting women and minorities. She chastised a bunch of rich white men in suits and was paid 6 figures for that. Love it.

    The GOP is terrified of her and always has been. They have nobody. Their Senatorial candidates have never even been a part of passing a budget. In fact, they’ve been instrumental in thwarting it and costing us more money in the process. They’d rather destroy our government than improve it. If you don’t cherish our government, you really have no place in it.

    Liked by 3 people

  148. Thanks, Helen. You said it better than I could, and I’ve been trying.


  149. Thank you for giving me something tangible to give my teenage daughter. I’ve had a rough time trying to find the words. You found them and shared them. Gracias.


  150. Did you go to any of them and read what’s being said? And a far closer to home anecdote, my brother-in-law –a staunch died-in-the-wool conservative since he first voted in 1972 for Nixon (as did I, to my shame now), can’t stand where his party has gone. He is a Bernie supporter, to the point of volunteering for his campaign here. And there are a lot of conservatives like him.

    I think you’re wrong about the National Republicans want; I think they do want Hillary so they can drip-drip-drip at her until November: Benghazi, Bill, emails, Wall Street, etc., etc., etc.

    Look, I’ve been a feminist my whole life, and I resented like hell that my high school had 3 career paths for us: Future Teachers, Future Homemakers, or secretarial school. Even though many of us qualified, we were actively discouraged from taking the college prep courses the boys (including my husband-to-be) were practically calf-roped into. As the old saying goes, “Women belong in the House…also the Senate, and the Courts.” Well, a woman will be president, and if Hillary wins the nomination, I’ll vote for her. But she isn’t my first choice for our first woman president – I’d rather see Elizabeth Warren take that honor, honestly.


  151. I’ve been a Republican since the first time I could vote- for Barry Goldwater. However, I alwyas vote for the candidate I believe can do the best job. (I did not vote for Senator McCain and whatshername.)

    It is VERY DISAPPOINTING to see such a gaggle of poor quality GOP POTUS wannabes. I say DUMP TRUMP – he’s an idiot, a rich idiot. Money does not make a person brighter or more caring; AND, money does not qualify someone to be “commander in chief” of the U.S. military forces.

    On the other hand, Senator Sanders cannot speak without moving his hands, and he constantly ponts his finger as he tries to make comments. Apparently, he does not know that people do not like to be pointed at, and lectured. His chances of getting elected POTUS are the exact same as Senator Sanders becoming the next Grand Vizier of BoogaBoogastan.


  152. I am an old broad too. And I would love to see a woman I’m the Whte House. But Hillary is not my candidate.
    Yes, she is a feminist, and I love that. But I don’t like or trust her connections to big money. For me, that overrides it all. Bernie share my values and is my candidate.
    An of course, should Hillary get the nomination, I will support her and she’ll run rings around any of her competition,

    Liked by 1 person

  153. Stellans,
    Yes, there are republicans for sanders groups now because the republicans KNOW they could beat sanders.
    They don’t want to run against Hillary.

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  154. To me, both the central arguments of this entry are horribly wrong.

    1. You have no right to demand that young women present you with a female president in order to complete your revolutionary journey. Nor have you any right to dictate to them what feminism is. They may, for example, think that single-payer healthcare is a feminist issue that’s more important than the sex of the President.

    If I was an American woman, especially if I was on a low income, I’d be one of them.

    They may also think that a single-payer system would be simpler to frame and enforce than the ACA.

    And they’d be right.

    2. ‘Electability’ and ‘moderation’ are looking very dated right now. Kind of pre-2008ish, in fact. All around the world electorates are throwing out leaders who shaped their policies around moderation – or, more accurately, around what corporate media portrayed as moderation.

    Revolutionary is the new reasonable.

    A cautious Wall Street-friendly politician like Clinton – far from being an asset – could well be decisive in losing the Democrats the Presidency.

    Liked by 1 person

  155. We know who Helen is rooting for!

    From: Margaret and Helen To: Sent: Monday, February 8, 2016 9:10 AM Subject: [New post] There is a reason big girls don’t cry. We haven’t the time. #yiv1910859932 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv1910859932 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv1910859932 a.yiv1910859932primaryactionlink:link, #yiv1910859932 a.yiv1910859932primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv1910859932 a.yiv1910859932primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv1910859932 a.yiv1910859932primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv1910859932 | Helen Philpot posted: ”  FROM HELEN:Margaret,  as you would expect, I have been glued to the news ever since the voting started in Iowa and now moves on to New Hampshire…up there near you, honey.  I bet politicians are worse than the leaf peepers in fall. &nb” | |


  156. You don’t say where you get your information that all the Republicans could beat Bernie in the general, but I believe you are wrong, very wrong. Did you know there’s even multiple “Republicans for Bernie” facebook pages, and more broken down by state (as in, “Illini Republicans for Bernie)?

    And while Hillary has banked a lot of campaign dollars, Bernie outraised her last month by large margin. And in more than one national poll, Bernie ranked higher than all of the Republicans, even Trump. Hillary did not.

    I don’t take polls very seriously, to be honest, and I do think Hillary could beat any of the Republicans because they haven’t figured out a way to gerrymander the national elections (yet), but I will still vote for Bernie in the primary because I think he truly will stand for all of us, not just the wealthy of us.


  157. Still wondering when the Dem’s quit being the party of the American worker?


    Anybody but the Butcher of Benghazi


  158. Thank you, Helen! As I commented to an anti-Hillary post on Facebook yesterday, I have my Bernie magnet, but I am ready to change it any day for my Hillary A-Woman’s-Place-Is-In-The-WhiteHouse magnet. I love both candidates’ views and strength of character, knowledge and determination to make this country better for ALL. The nomination competition has been healthy for the Democrat party. It prepares either for the tough sledding of a general election campaign. Ultimately, I will support Hillary. But my state, Illinois, holds little sway in the primary process. Meanwhile, I display my Feel The Bern magnet with resolve here in a Republican stronghold county. I’m as proud of both candidates as much as I’m disgusted by the Republican array of clowns. Is anyone besides me contributing a few dollars to both campaigns?


  159. People,
    Sanders is all talk. In today’s congress, there can NEVER be the changes he is promising. Unfortunately, that is the reality of it. Yes, we like what he is saying but that kind of change will not happen. Why risk losing the White House to the republicans?? Clinton is electable. Clinton will beat the republicans. Sanders will not. It is frightening to say but any of the republican candidates would beat Bernie Sanders.

    Please, vote for Hillary Clinton and let’s not only keep the White House but keep moving forward!!

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  160. I will not support a candidate because she is a woman or a minority or because she/he is a member of a group that I support. My vote goes first to the candidate with the best ideas and secondly to the candidate that has shown consistent support for their position. That effectively leaves out all the Republicans and brings it down to Bernie and Hillary. I will vote for whichever one is nominated and work hard to get them into the White House. Bernie is the candidate that I support. His ideas and his record of consistently speaks for itself. His support of single payer health care is a prime example. His willingness to not accept the support of a Superpac is another. He energies a part of the electorate that the Democratic party has not been able to get to the polls for a long time. It is time for a revolution, one that makes it clear that America is about all of us, and not just the top 1%. He has my vote in the primary and if Hillary wins, then she will have my support because the alternatives on the Right cannot be allowed to continue their efforts to destroy the America we all love.

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  161. High School: 1965. Career day choices for we girls were wife, nurse, teacher, secretary – PERIOD. College: 1966. I studied journalism until I was told by my Prof. that as a woman I would only be allowed to type the mens reprorts! I changed my curriculum. I sure hope before I die I get to see a woman break the ultimate glass ceiling of the White House. I have devoted my life to speaking to this very thing. What have all these younger women been learning from their mothers? Too all of them — study up on some history! The time is now! This time may not come around again for a very very long while. Seize the moment!

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  162. My grandmother told me she wasn’t sure she wanted the vote; if there was anything a man could do by himself he ought to do it. Later, she became interested in politics and worked in elections until she was in her 80’s. Hillary may not “deserve” the presidency–does anybody? But she has earned her shot at it, which is something the other candidates can’t claim. I’ve already voted absentee in my state primary for her, and was thrilled to do it.

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  163. Helen, I enjoy your spirited opinions so much. However, I am a Bernie supporter. I am not young; I’m 70. But I think young, I guess. His revolution is hitting all the right notes with me. Sure, he may never get it all through Congress, but at least it’s a start in the right direction. It’s important to change Congress “blue”. More important than whether Hillary wins or Bernie wins. I want to see more attention paid to that. The Reublicans there now who want to strip women of their rights need to be removed from having that power. So, whether Hillary or Bernie become the candidate, I’ll vote for either one. Either is better than the clown car of Republicans. I only voted for a Republican president once and that turned out really bad, but looks like nothing compared to what the Republicans have become.

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  164. Great post! Then there was in the late Fifties early Sixties the discussion about whether to retain one’s own name when marrying and of course our old friend ….equal pay for equal work. I also remember how my husband and I celebrated when I could have my own credit rating based on my use of a credit card in both our names.

    I actually chose real estate home sales as a career in large part because there was clarity in how one was paid. Nothing to do with gender. Whoever sells the home gets $X dollars. I could have been a dog or a camel… If I sold the home I would get $X. It was a great career based on skill and heart.

    Ann Landau, age 78


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  165. I will vote for Bernie in the primary, but I will vote for the Democratic nominee, because the alternative is just unimaginable for me.

    That said, = to answer you who say there is no evidence of big Wall Street donors influencing Hillary, may I point you to then-Professor Elizabeth Warren in 2004:

    And until Hillary releases the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs et al, those big money donors from whom she takes “what they offered,” I can’t support her in the primary, and it’ll probably take holding my nose in the general.


  166. Helen, you said it perfectly. I too wanted Hillary last time, but believe Obama has done a great job. If Hillary fails to win again it will set back women’s rights and morale big time. Bernie has good ideas but no idea on how they could be implemented. I do not think a revolution is possible or even desired in a nation split so evenly on the role of government. And don’t get me started on the subject of Sarah Palin.

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  167. Helen, this was one of your best essays and given how good you always are, that’s really saying something. More than anyone else, Hillary has earned the right to be POTUS. No one else in the field can say that although Bernie can come close. I’ve been torn between Bernie and Hillary but recently have been moving more toward her, largely because I’ve been a feminist for over 30 years and it’s damn time! No apologies for that because I wouldn’t vote for just any woman. Hillary has spent her career working for women and children, healthcare and other issues I care about. If elected, she will be wonderful. I’m in the middle of my revolution and seeing a woman as POTUS will inject a much-needed shot of energy for me.

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  168. I love her she’s amazing !!!

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  169. I was fired from my job in 1970 because I was pregnant, it was not the companies “image” to have a married woman pregnant in a law office. Go figure.

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  170. I completely agree. I like Bernie a lot but when I go to the Maine Democratic Caucus is March, I’ll be supporting Hillary. She’s been fighting for women and children for years.

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  171. Women you must VOTE to protect our rights. Margaret, you are one of our power talkers, please keep us motivated. Have a sunshine day everyone!

    Liked by 2 people

  172. The best≥≥..

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  173. I agree with Hillary. Bernie is running a smear campaign. He is accusing Hillary of selling out to Wall Street and yet can provide no evidence of that. If you have followed Bernie’s political career you will quickly see that is what he does. He has never run a revolution. It’s just a sound bite to him.

    Attack Hillary on the issues, and you don’t get very far. So you have to make shit up like the Repubs have been doing for years.

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  174. Excellent – and your timing is perfect. I just had my epiphany about Hillary this weekend after reading Time magazine’s cover story about her. I thought I had my mind made up about voting for Bernie, but your letter and Time’s article have changed it. I’m 66 years old, turning 67 in March, so I’m old enough to be aware of just how far women have come – and how far we have yet to go. Getting Hillary into the White House and getting more women running for Congress is so important, stick with it.

    Liked by 6 people

  175. I think Hillary Clinton would make a good president. I have been paying attention to her. I just think Bernie Sanders would make a better one, and I plan to vote for him in the primary. If she wins the primaries, I will happily vote for her in the general election.

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  176. Audrey, a pro Hillary essay isn’t a negative Bernie. Did you even read it. Your closed minded comment makes me think you didn’t.

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  177. What A blatent pro-Hillary piece! I am a white 73 year old woman and will vote for Bernie Sanders. One does not have to be young to believe in new starts or a revolution. I say shame on you for pushing Hillary on us.


  178. I personally think Trump verbalizes the discontent of the ultra conservative people in this country and Bernie verbalises the disgruntled ultra liberals. The problem is that they both represent the fringes of a wide spectrum of opinions, and we need consensus to solve the problems we face. Neither would ever be able to reach that compromise or consensus. Do we want to remain in deadlock or start to heal the problems we face? I’m with you. Hillary has my vote.

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  179. Well, Helen, I respectfully disagree with you about Hillary/Bernie. I believe we need Bernie just to turn the way the country thinks around. I even sent him a few bucks from my social security check. But I will ultimately vote for whoever wins the Democratic nomination.

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  180. I know a women who couldn’t buy a McDonald’s franchise unless a man signed with her. She went on to be the most successful franchisee in the whole damn company.

    It’s time to finally break that glass ceiling all the damn way!!!

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    If you wonder what you get with a President Bernie read the above. He is speaking to extremes and I caution him – watch what you wish for.

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  182. LOVE THIS! As a sixty something who has been fighting the good fight for women’s rights for more than 40 years, your post almost made me cry (good tears, not the kind that blind me when I read of Trump or Cruz support). It was a wonderful reminder of all that has been won over three short generations and how tenuous some of those victories might be if the vote goes wrong. I find it sad that pundits have skewed Hillary’s experience and accomplishments into something so ugly that we hear their garbage parroted from even those who participated in many of our hard won battles with her. She has been fighting for women, children and healthcare all of her working life. Because she’s been visible, she’s had mud slung at her longer then most voters have been alive. She is by far the most qualified candidate we’ve had for president in my lifetime. I will cast a deeply satisfying and historic vote for Hillary this year.

    Liked by 3 people

  183. Possibly your best post ever!

    Liked by 2 people

  184. Well said – thank you!


  185. Me, too…just forwarded to Kelly,’bout time she paid attention to this

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  186. I want to be as smart and as eloquent as you are, Helen, if I live long enough to be! Write on, my dear. So much common sense, so little bullshit, and so much good advice given away to anyone intelligent enough to listen! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  187. You speak from my heart. Have a hug from another old woman who also remembers how hard Hillary has worked for women, children, all of us, when few women were allowed to speak out in public unless we talked about cooking, potty training, or how to build our man up and make him feel taller by letting him stand on our heads. Love both Hillary & Bernie and will vote Democrat, no matter who wins the Primary. Too important to do so.

    Liked by 2 people

  188. Thank you for this wonderful post. I’m so ready for Hillary !

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  189. Right on, sisters…I guess that means I’m in your generation,too.


  190. Well said, dear Helen.In 1969 my salary could not be used to determine if my husband I could afford the home we hoped to purchase. I was outraged then and still am. The young women I work with have absolutely no idea what we Dinosaurs have seen and done. They are complacent and content. It makes me angry and sad. My daughter carries the banner and I am proud…she has two daughters and is so fearful of their future, as am I. I like Bernie, I really do, but so wish to see an intelligent, educated, strong woman as our President. As always, thank you for your posts.

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  191. Bernie supporters are so mean. I will vote for Hillary.

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  192. Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Mr. Sanders again charged that money corrupts the political system. But when pressed, he wouldn’t cite any examples of Mrs. Clinton’s taking a position as the result of payments.

    Cause it ain’t true

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  193. Oh Helen, long have I struggled to explain to younger women how much they owe to feminists of the past. Especially the ones who don’t consider themselves feminist because they achieved success “on their own” – conveniently ignoring the shoulders on which they stand.

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  194. Your comments are ALWAYS right on the money but this last commentary was exquisite in its history and common sense. Helen, you’re point of view always hits home with this 60’s feminist and my 29 and 34 year old daughters. You are definitely NOT too old! Right on, Sister!

    Liked by 2 people

  195. You made me cry happy tears. Thank you for your eloquence.


  196. Maryann. Do your research hon. She is no more tied to Wall Street than Bernie.

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  197. Kathy – you are the reason I have no hope for women. We are our worst enemies. Hillary is not a Republican in disguise. Helen had nothing bad to say about Bernie. It took you a few seconds to bash Hillary. Who is a Republican in disguise? I suspect you.

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  198. She is so qualified. If not Hillary, then what woman? The time is now. Damn political correctness. Vote for the woman because she is the most qualified. Bernie’s pandering is no different than Trumps. Regardless of which extreme you go to, a lot of people get left behind. If we demand Republicans be more moderate should we not expect that for ourselves as well? A party that hates all rich people is no better than a party that hates all poor people.

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  199. Helen, I am 70 yrs old and have been a liberal since 1968 when I walked door to door to campaign for Eugene McCarthy. While I will vote for Hillary if she is the Dem. nominee, I am sending money to Bernie (as I did for Obama) and will vote for him in the primary. I understand your feelings and will love you and your blog no matter who wins the nomination. I just want economic justice for all Americans as well as a chance for single-payer healthcare.

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  200. Hillary is NOT the one to lead this country! She’s a Republican in disguise. I’m voting for Bernie Sanders.


  201. A superb essay.


  202. You hit all the notes and made a wonderful case. I hope you make a few young people think long and hard about their vote. Wonderful post!!!!!!!!


  203. As much as I’d like to see a woman in the white house, I don’t trust Hillary’s ties to Wall St. They own her, and I’ve had about enough of Corporate America owning our representatives. I’m 61 and feelin’ the bern. It feels pretty, pretty, pretty GOOD! 🙂

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  204. Hip hip horaay! Is that how you spell that?

    We have one candidate who is clearly more qualified than any of the others. The fact that she is a woman makes it even more remarkable because women still have to work twice as hard to get half the respect. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Hillary.

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  205. I may not be as old as you, Helen, but I’m old compared with the “young” people. I get what you’re saying, but I just don’t think Hillary will fix (or even try to) what needs fixing right now. If it were Elizabeth Warren instead, I’d be behind her in a snap. But with a choice between Hillary and Bernie in the primaries, I’m going with Bernie. His would be a revolution of a different sort, good for everyone, not just women. If my choice doesn’t get the nomination, I’ll vote for whoever wins the nomination. I’m not an idiot. I’m just a feminist who’s been fighting the fight since the early ’70s and is really tired. I see so many things that need fixing, and not just for women.

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  206. Perhaps we should wash Ted Cruz’s mouth out with soap — and his daughters’, too. Or has he forgotten how he turned his toddlers into shills for his anti-Hillary message?


  207. Helen, I have an extra pair of size 11 1/2 boots and you’re welcome to use both of them instead of your size 9 shoe up Ted Cruz’ ass.

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  208. You have outdone yourself. What a wonderful post. Please post more often, they are a delight to read.

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  209. I take either Bernie or Hillary. We also need a working Congress to go with them!!


  210. Spot on. Vote for who you want but give Hillary the respect she deserves. I saw that young woman on MSNBC and my jaw dropped.

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  211. Nicely done. I couldn’t say it better, so I’ll share. Keep them coming!

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