Posted by: Helen Philpot | September 17, 2015

The Republicans are as likely to find Bigfoot as they are to find that fetus Carly referenced

Margaret, all I can say is a clown car pulled up to the Reagan Library and a whole lot of stupid came tumbling out.  And the one female representative on stage spent the evening lying while calling the front runner a liar.  There were just too many asshats to talk about each of them, but here is my best attempt to talk about some of them…

If Donald Trump really thinks Carly Fiorina has a pretty face, then my late husband really thought I had a skinny ass.  Both are bad at lying.  My point really being, who gives a crap? This isn’t one of Trump’s beauty pageants.  These are the people who want to become the next President of the United States.  Never in my life would I have believed that things could be worse than Sarah Palin.

Donald, honey, Mexicans are not all bad any more than Americans are all good.  Kim Davis, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, George Bush… need I say more?  In life we have to take the good with the bad, but I would suggest that if you look for the good in people, you might actually find the good in people.  Sometimes I should take my own advice, but this lot of candidates makes it very hard to see the good in the GOP.

Love him or hate him, Donald is the front-runner because he embodies the beliefs of the current Republican Party.  He’s quick to fight.  He hates people who are not like him. He judges women by the way they look. He thinks a big wallet excuses all faults.  Sound familiar?  If the Republicans don’t want him as a front-runner, then maybe they should take another look at their party’s platform.

And speaking of that party’s platform, how the hell did a woman end up there?  Oh that’s right.  She has a lot of money and she hates women.   Republicans, including Fiorina, opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, the Family Medical Leave Act,  paid sick-leave and pay-check equity.  Carly might have been a woman once but today Caitlyn Jenner has more X  chromosomes.

If Carly is going to use edited videos to make her point, maybe she should actually watch the edited videos which clearly she did not.  There is no footage of a fetus kicking and screaming while Planned Parenthood plots to harvest its brain.  As a woman, why lie about an organization that does more to help women in a day than you will ever do in a lifetime?  It was like watching an episode of Finding Bigfoot.  They never find one but gosh by golly they sure do think it’s real. I think women all over the world heard very clearly what Carly said, and most of them called bullshit.  And good Lord but she always looks madder than a wet hen.  Honey, have you given any thought to what being a Republican woman is doing to your health? Oh that’s right.  You don’t care about the health of women.  You want to defund Planned Parenthood.

If you have to lie about Planned Parenthood to make your point, maybe your making the wrong point. And speaking of making the wrong point…

Jeb Bush said his brother kept us safe. Jeb! Bless his heart.  Jeb’s so useless if he had a third hand he’d need an extra pocket to stick it in.   I’m sorry your mother didn’t love you enough.  Get over it or get some therapy.  Either way, I agree with your mother about one thing.  We don’t need another Bush in the White House.

Marco Rubio.  Chris Christie.  Rand Paul.  The professor and Mary Ann… On this Trump and I agree.  Why were any of them  even up there?

I could go on, but then this story would be as long as that debate.  And that would not be a good thing.  I mean it. Really.


  1. Watching GOP congressmen grill Cecile Richards = sickening.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Barley Farina had an “omen” delivered to her when the curtains come down on her while on stage. That was a no brainer. She is not gonna last. Like Trump and some others, the trail she blazed against the night sky will fade and she will wonder what happened and of course blame someone else. With her record at HP and other places and all those people that she hurt, there ain’t no place but down!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Damn…..apparently workers are getting pissed…..


  4. Good god, Terri… Now there’s apparently some movement to make Trey Gowdy the next Speaker??!! These people have been coddled for far too long, IMO. So busy questioning Hillary about every single email she’s ever sent or received, and nobody has the cojoñes to point out that Carly is LYING, flat out lying, over and over again…

    And now they’re going to appoint some “committee” to “investigate” the BS “PP” videos… And we have to pay for this? Really? And drag the Pres of PP before the House for “questioning”? THEY’RE NOT GOING TO LISTEN, ANYWAY, SO WHAT’S THE POINT…?

    The “point” is apparently that there IS no “point,” but we’re just going to keep wanking all over this so we look important, and maybe we can convince you that we are…

    I’m afraid I’ve lost my sense of humor over all this crap…


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Gato,
    We are definitely on the same page regarding Carly Florina. We have the media parsing every word Hilary Clinton utters, yet CF is permitted to outright lie and they give her a pass. She continues to claim to have seen something that doesn’t exist, and she even has the chutzpah to insist everyone is wrong and she is right. Kind of delusional.
    Regarding John Boehner, he called Ted Cruz a “jackass” which is probably the only timeI ever agreed with him, but I think he just got sick of trying to deal with the rightwing crazies in Congress. I admit that if I had to deal with the likes of Louie Goehmert and Steve King, I would probably quit too.
    We need the media to get tough on all the candidates (not only Hiliary Clinton), fact check their assertions, and not allow lies and misrepresentations to stand.
    By the way, I hope you are well and have managed to deal with all the estate issues you were faced with.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Hey, Terri – Wrote a long reply earlier, which somehow got eaten by Safari, so here’s a recap:

    Why doesn’t anyone call out Ms. Fiorina on the falsity of her statements? Why do some people continue to insist that PP uses taxpayer funds to perform abortions in order to sell baby parts for profit, when every single fact about that possibility indicates otherwise? (And, of course, that was no “fetus,” and it was never at PP, period…)

    Boehner’s resignation, and his recent statements about the TeaPeeps being “false prophets” backed by outside interests, have made me actually respect him, a bit – something I NEVER thought would happen. He must have had quite a chat with Papa Francesco…

    And, as for the TeaPeeps whining that they’re being “marginalized,” why TF SHOULDN’T they be “marginalized”? THEY ARE THE MARGIN! Fifty out of two-hundred congresspersons sounds like a “margin” to me. Apparently “democracy” and “majority rule” mean nothing to them. But they’ve been convinced, deliberately, that “entitlement” is their due. And they don’t seem to realize that they’re just pawns in Big Money’s game… Pathetic. And dangerous.

    Got to remember that the Speaker of the House is third in line for the Presidency – something I’m quite sure those outside backers have had in the forefront of their thinking for as long as they’ve been telling the TeaPeeps how “important” they are, and how they are capable of doing, as Boehner put it, “the impossible”…


    Liked by 1 person

  7. Watched Carly Florin on MTP today. She is unbelievable. She won’t admit she’s wrong about the videos. She is constantly on the offensive, and just ignores the facts. I think they call that lying. She’s a very nasty, unpleasant person.
    As for Boehner’s resignation: I think we can be pretty sure that whoever replaces him will be more recalcitrant and obstructive than Boehner. Sigh… The crazies have taken over the GOP. God help us.
    And UAW, nice try trying to blame Obama for a possible govt. shutdown, but we all know the truth. It’s the GOP. Maybe someone on the right wing websites you are so fond of will buy that crap, but nobody here will.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. So, UAW, in your vaunted opinion, a “ball-less RINO” is a member of government who actually thinks that “government” has a purpose, and should be made to function to serve the people…?

    To me, that’s about the same as the idiocy of paying a plumber who comes to your house ostensibly to fix your broken toilet, and, upon arriving, says, “Toilets suck! You shouldn’t even have a toilet. Down with toilets!”

    Why on earth do these Tea Partiers, or whatever the hell they are, choose to run so energetically for government office if they think government itself is totally useless…?


    Liked by 2 people

  9. Thank you thank you thank you for a great Sunday morning laugh! The slight little hangover I awoke with is gone! Please keep on doing what you all do!


  10. and the Pope says what about abortion?????
    Glad the Republicans are weeding out the ball-less Rinos…
    If Obama wants to shut down the government because he didn’t get any money for Planned Parenthood let him—-all those exams are covered under Obama(don’t)care anyway
    and Gowdy doesn’t want to be Speaker—–maybe Attorney General……look out Hillary


  11. Just as long as it is not Darrell Issa or a dozen other kooks I could mention. It looks as if it will be a seamless turnover of the baton to Kevin McCarthy of the Financial Services Committee. If you can, look this committee up and see all that comes under its umbrella. Amazing!!! As for Trey Gowdy, he personally ushered Issa out of a closed door meeting Gowdy was chairing. Issa showed up uninvited and unannounced. Gowdy kind of thought this might happen so he was sitting right by the door when Issa brazenly walked in. Issa was just as brazenly walked out and boy the video shows he sure did not like getting his tail caught in that crack! Issa actually broke the rules that the rest of us have to obey when in a Congressional building – no open carry of soda cans – but hey! rules don’t apply to Issa. He was so pissed when Gowdy walked him out that he crushed the can and threw it in a trash basket. You could actually smell his socks burning! As for Gowdy himself, he’s another one obsessed with only one issue and is staking his career on it. And what was the Pope said the day before? Beware of obsessions?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Boehner’s resignation, today, spells the end of the Republican Party. It’s “party time”, as in Tea Party, from now on. I never liked the man, but this is what happens when you sell your soul to your handlers like the Kochs. You step out of line for one second and you are done. It doesn’t matter how brutal you are about other issues, one waver and you are done.

    I wish that the actual Republicans in this country would turn on the Tea Party and not vote for any of their candidates, but Republicans are so brainwashed that they would vote for their own beheading.

    It is tragic that the most horrible people in Congress and in this country wield so much power . The Koch Brothers, the creators of the Tea Party, have been working behind the scenes for decades to make their Nazi father’s dream come true: to destroy America and remake it into something evil. They are now one step closer.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. And your point is? People that are pro choice support planned parenthood as well as pro choice candidates?


  14. Damn….did you hear the cheering from the Republicans when John Boehner announced his retirement.
    Trey Gowdy for next Speaker.


  15. so now I’m probably going to be labeled Islamaphobic


  16. not bad for a non-profit getting federal money


  17. Delurker, thanks for remembering that facts are the most important thing. Gato, you are hit upon something that has been bothering me for years. The tendency of pundits to act like drama critics. It seems all they want to talk about are the most superficial aspects of a candidate–the focus is on HOW they say something rather than the substance of WHAT they say. The best thing the MSM could do would be to immediately fact check all statements during all debates and public appearances by the candidates. Much of what they say is patently false, yet nobody corrects them. Carly Fiorina should constantly be called out for saying she saw something that simply does not exist. It’s a real disservice to the public to let lies, misrepresentations and falsehoods stand. I don’t care how “authentic” Donald Trump seems, what he says is reprehensible.


  18. Helen needs to just go home and never leave the Shire.


  19. tRump’s obliviousness is just one more proof of his insanity. He’s right down there with Benito Mussolini who didn’t believe anything was wrong until the crowd showed up to hang him upside down in public.


  20. Hi, Lurker – And Terri & Mageen and Porch Sitters All…

    The REAL issue here – right up there with lying, unauthorized use of photos, and so many other reprehensible things – is WHY HASN’T THIS TRUTH BEEN EXPOSED VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE IN THE MSM?

    I heard about this all over the web (at least in many of the “progressive” blogs and sites I follow) less than 24 hours after that shameless video was released – including the post from Walter’s grieving mother. The moment Fiorina concluded her rant during the debate, I insisted that my husband pause the program, and told him that the “fully formed fetus” had nothing to do with PP whatsoever, and that the whole thing was manufactured and a lie. He looked at me and said, “I haven’t heard anything about that.”

    Now, although my husband and I are poles apart politically, he is in no way “uninformed.” He reads two newspapers a day, and watches “news” daily – everything from CNN to BBC America to the PBS news hour. Not one word, anywhere… And I believe him. That’s what bugs the hell out of me.

    Is the “job” of the media now ONLY to rate politicians on their presentation “style”? (“She spoke crisply and definitively.” “He seemed awkward and uncomfortable.” “His comment about bringing his own water fell flat…”) Next they’ll be giving points based on who wore the most attractive outfit, and whose stylist did the best job with hair and makeup… (Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have gone there…) Is our obsession with “entertainment” so consuming that we really don’t give a s**t about facts, and truth? Evidently that’s what the “news media,” and their sponsors, have concluded.

    That’s why I really worry about Odd Hair Boy, and can’t quite comfortably conclude that he’ll just go away – much as I fervently pray that will happen. Watched him on Colbert last night. His absolute obliviousness to the content of anything he hears is oddly compelling… And he’s kind of “charming,” if you pay no attention whatsoever to the words coming out of his mouth. He just sits there all confident and seemingly unassailable, even when he’s talking, yet again, about that “beautiful wall,” with the “beautiful door,” that he’s going to get Mexico to build for us… And when the audience hooted in what I thought was derision, his response was to point out to Colbert how even “your crowd” liked the idea. The disconnect is stunning. It doesn’t matter what may be actually happening; Odd Hair Boy’s conclusion is that everything is always in his favor – ALWAYS.

    And that, I suspect, is why so many people who feel (correctly) that not much of anything is going THEIR way, are drawn to him.

    Scary stuff… This is just one of the results of disenfranchising and impoverishing so much of the populace. The GOP thought they could “control” the Tea Party demon they nurtured and encouraged, and this is the fruition of their labors… Unfortunately, we are ALL the victims of their heedlessness.


    Liked by 3 people

  21. OB/GYNs agree “fully formed fetus” in that video not from an abortion:

    I guess when you can’t find the truth you wan’t to find…

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Terri, once upon a time (doesn’t that sound like a fairy tale?) the Repubs were the epitome of prim and proper. Nowadays they are the Vulgarian Party. There has been a complete dismissal of ordinary civility and even citizenship; these two things go hand in hand. I do believe this all really started up in a way some years ago when Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats appeared. They seem to be the spiritual generators of the Tea Party. Cannot feel any sympathy for the honchos of the Repubs who are finally shocked!! and blatantly alarmed at what has happened to the party of Lincoln. They saw it coming. They did nothing to stop it. And now its eating them alive . . . and they go good with ketchup. Tsk! Tsk!


  23. Coblu,
    I actually think this is the GOP showing their true colors. By claiming to be rebeling against “political correctness” they feel emboldened to use the language that truly expresses both their contempt and hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them. From Ben Carson’s Islamaphobia to Trump’s misogny and racism, they are letting it all hang out for the world to see. It’s all been seething under the surface for years, now we see them unmasked. It’s a little bit frightening, but at least we know who and what we are dealing with.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. How really tragic it is that THIS MESS is THE Republican Party. There was a time when the Republicans had empathy, class and were willing and able to “play nice with others”. No more, not for a very long time. When did hate for anyone who was not a WASP, a 1%-er, nor a male become the criteria upon which the Republicans choose their leaders ? This makes a respectable world leader ? “Ya you betcha.” T-rump is the Tea Party’s dream candidate. He has the Koch Brothers salivating all over themselves while the rest of the world looks on in horror.

    Read the book HUBRIS if you have any inclination to believe what Jeb Bush is peddling: that his brother kept us safe. Had his brother given one ounce of concern to the FBI warnings about who, what, when, where and how, the tragedy of 9/11 would never have occurred.

    Dealing with foreign policy is a major job of The President. T-rump is akin to Kim Jung -un, bullying, screaming, threatening. Is that really what we want from a world leader? His hate brings to mind a lot of other horrific world leaders. What a terrible thing that the most ignorant and worst of the worst in this country are the people put on pedestals by The Tea Party.

    T-rump is the new Palin.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Just how bad is Carly?


  26. Carly Fiorina Is Lying,
    And Everyone Knows It.
    Even Fox News.</b</i



  27. Sure you’ve heard, Scott Walker is suspending his presidential campaign so he can spend more time with the Koch brothers focusing on Wisconsin 2020.

    Good Luck.


    Liked by 1 person

  28. Good one Helen. You really need to keep writing. This is such a target rich environment. And with Jon Stewart, I’m jonesin’

    Peace ~ Δ


  29. You are too funny and right on. Keep it up. The perfect balance of politics and humor. Loving it.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. […] the rest here. I’d suggest that Margaret and Helen should moderate a GOP debate, but I hate seeing grown […]


  31. You’re on my blogroll at Babsblog and I look daily to see if you have written some other wise comments. You always deliver just the right amount of angst and humor. Even though I’ve been writing for 9 years, I don’t come close to zeroing in like ya’ll do! I agree, you DO remind me of Molly………


  32. The republicans surely love Bigfoot.


  33. Hi Alaskapi,
    So right! If the Republicans had ever had the success Obama has had, we would never hear the end of it. Instead they have chosen to talk down and denigrate our country any chance they get. If anybody is “making America great again”, it’s Pres. Obama and his policies.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Stuff it Judy! your willful and foolish lack of understanding and acceptance of what has happened to our economy in recent years is tiresome, stoopid, and adds to our problems. Mr Obama has done just fine given the frickin messes he inherited. This latest crop Of GOP hoo-hoo birds would gleefully make it all worse and if nothing else increase income inequality cuz- ya-know-them-damn-poor-people-deserve-it , ennit? PFFFTTTT!
    That’s ‘fore ya even get to their dinglefritz notions of women and all. ..


    The U.S. recession that began in December 2007 ended in June 2009, according to the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)[267] and the financial crisis appears to have ended about the same time. In April 2009 TIME magazine declared “More Quickly Than It Began, The Banking Crisis Is Over.”[268] The United States Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission dates the crisis to 2008.[269][270] President Barack Obama declared on January 27, 2010, “the markets are now stabilized, and we’ve recovered most of the money we spent on the banks.”[271]

    The New York Times identifies March 2009 as the “nadir of the crisis” and notes that “Most stock markets around the world are at least 75 percent higher than they were then. Financial stocks, which led the markets down, have also led them up.” Nevertheless, the lack of fundamental changes in banking and financial markets, worries many market participants, including the International Monetary Fund.[272]

    The distribution of household incomes in the United States has become more unequal during the post-2008 economic recovery, a first for the US but in line with the trend over the last ten economic recoveries since 1949.[273][274] Income inequality in the United States has grown from 2005 to 2012 in more than 2 out of 3 metropolitan areas.[275] Median household wealth fell 35% in the US, from $106,591 to $68,839 between 2005 and 2011.[276]”

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Helen- dang straight, as usual !! 🙂


  36. Terri in NY, a Republican once told me that Democrats adjust to reality much faster and more successfully than Republicans who simply just won’t take their damn thumb out of their mouth!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. From: Margaret and Helen To: Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:50 PM Subject: [New post] The Republicans are as likely to find Bigfoot as they are to find that fetus Carly referenced #yiv9295150821 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv9295150821 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv9295150821 a.yiv9295150821primaryactionlink:link, #yiv9295150821 a.yiv9295150821primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv9295150821 a.yiv9295150821primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv9295150821 a.yiv9295150821primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv9295150821 | Helen Philpot posted: “Margaret, all I can say is a clown car pulled up to the Reagan Library and a whole lot of stupid came tumbling out.  And the one female representative on stage spent the evening lying while calling the front runner a liar.  There were just too many asshat” | |


  38. Hey Judy, Are you saying you want to go back to ten percent unemployment, a financial meltdown, two wars, a failing auto industry and government officials who lied our country into war? Sheesh, you need a reality check.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. You failed to mention Scott Walker.


  40. Well COULD NOT be any worse than listening to Obummer or Billary!! Look what this country has come to THANKS to them and their ilk.


  41. Amen. Nailed it again!


  42. […] […]


  43. Helen, you remind me so much of another great southern writer, good ole Molly Ivins, may she rest in peace…Keep it up. Love you and your buddy dearly. Suz in Atlanta

    Liked by 3 people

  44. A great Saturday night live skit! but it was real— wow


  45. Thank you !! Another excellent letter!


  46. […]; […]


  47. I rented a FIOSVerizon Disney movie, a remake of “Cinderella” that was not a cartoon. The female lead was the gal who played Lady Rose on Downton Abbey. This is actually a good film about a decent human being who is abused by evil people but in the end, the joke is on the evils. This was far better than watching that damn thing called a debate. Bleeping bleep, that debate was the cartoon!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. BEST summary of the clown car debate!


  49. Like

  50. Reblogged this on While you were sleeping and commented:
    If you have to lie about Planned Parenthood to make your point, maybe your making the wrong point. And speaking of making the wrong point…

    Liked by 1 person

  51. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.


  52. I think Margaret is a Muslim


  53. The best thing to come out of that debate was this blog. Thank God I found you. I’m now going to read everything you ever wrote.

    Liked by 1 person

  54. My friend Helen, I would much rather read your letter than listen to all those boring talking heads (political analysts) because you make more sense. Plus it’s so much more fun. It’s too bad that those GOP candidates are stuck with their heads up their armpits… Take care and keep them coming. Your friend, Carole


  55. Nailed it!

    Liked by 1 person

  56. I mean really! You are so right on and for real. These people are embarrassing and dangerous. Thank you for sharing, really!

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Reblogged this on Adventures and Musings of an Arch Druidess.


  58. Brava Margaret, Helen and Gato!


  59. You need to be on Facebook so I can share.

    @udrey n@


    Liked by 1 person

  60. Love this writing. Laughed OUT LOUD

    Liked by 1 person

  61. >


  62. Doc – What you say may be true, somewhere, but it has no relevance whatsoever to this situation. And this BS has to stop once and for all, right this minute.

    This “living fetus” was NEVER at any Planned Parenthood facility, ever, and that “woman in the striped sweater” NEVER held it in her hands. The image was, in fact, posted on youtube by his grieving mother, who wished to mourn the loss of her stillborn son. The image was lifted, and used, without her permission, by the “Center for Medical Progress” – the anti-abortion group who edited and distributed these videos. They are liars and thieves.

    The veracity of these videos was debunked weeks ago. I could hardly believe I was hearing every single one of the GOP candidates last night talk as if they were accurate – and nobody said, “Hey, wait a minute!”

    Only three states in this country even allow fetal tissue to be donated for stem cell research – and they pay only for the costs of delivery. NOBODY is “harvesting baby parts” to sell to the highest bidder. This is total BS. TOTAL!

    I could easily make the case that the “character of this country” is damaged more by the obvious willingness of candidates for the highest office in the land to lie shamelessly, and accept untold amounts of unidentified funds to further their campaigns, than it is by anything else. I’m disgusted.


    Liked by 7 people

  63. Loved reading your take on the debates. There wasn’t a person on that stage who cares rat’s ass about women’s health and welfare.

    Liked by 2 people

  64. Helen, you are so incredibly awesome! You manage to find the humor in what’s depressing as all get out. I so appreciate your blog posts and hope you continue to find the time and energy to write them in the long, slow, tortuous road to November 2016. I mean it, really!


  65. You might find the non-partisan Fact Check review of interest. While Fiorina scored points on Trump’s immature focus on looks, in addition to her Planned Parenthood embellishment, she greatly embellished her success at Hewlett-Packard, a job she was let go from. She cited a doubling of revenue, but that was due to an ill-advised merger and while revenue went up, income did not follow suit and went down. She also was big outsourcer of jobs. These are two reasons she lost the Senate race in California. Two other comments, it was good to see Ben Carson note that he would consider a minimum wage increase and index it. Plus, Kasich had the best line after some childish bickering, saying if he was watching at home, he would turn off the TV.

    Liked by 2 people

  66. Carly Fiorina’s description of an aborted fetus is, unfortunately, accurate. Pregnancy termination between 12 and 20 weeks of gestation using non-destructive techniques will all too often result in the delivery of a living fetus with moving extremities.


  67. I love you two women!!! You are one of the very few who write with honesty…

    Liked by 1 person

  68. I thought much of it was so like junior high. There needs to be fact checking done on these debates in “real” time. There was a bunch of horse apples being thrown on that stage a well.


    Liked by 2 people

  69. Karen and Denny I know you would like the highlights of the debate last night so I am sending one to you! Enjoy

    Sent from my iPad Margaret B. Hedlund



  70. Love love love you!!


  71. With Jon Stewart gone, I thought I wouldn’t be able to make it through this election. Thank you for filling the void. Humor’s truth speaks volumes.

    Liked by 1 person

  72. Helen, I love you. Please maintain your perspective and keep on sharing! Yours is like a breath of fresh air in a mushroom farm.

    Liked by 1 person

  73. Last night’s debate was like a great SNL skit– except that it was real– amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Helen, you are a gem and a blessing. Keep up the good work. Also, too: funny as hell, even about these very unfunny situations.


  75. If there’s an upside to this clown show, it’s that we’re getting more frequent posts from Helen lately. Love you, Helen – you always have it exactly right, and you know how to say it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  76. Couldn’t stand to listen, so I kept it on mute with closed captions and just followed politicsusausa’s blog commenting on each answer. Much less stress and a lot more fun. Not nearly as fun as this blog’s posts though Another winner to get my morning started with a laugh and a nod to M & H Blog.


  77. First of all, why didn’t the media pounce on Jeb’s comment that his brother kept us safe? First of all, outsiders came into our country prior to 9/11, trained to fly, then hit us on 9/11. George Bush and friends were advised there was a strong possibility we would be hit and they scoffed and preferred to ignore it! Also, lying to us and going into Iraq has caused this mess world-wide. A large portion of ISIS is made up of Saddam’s Republican Guard – a well trained elite force who we fired and some we killed.

    Last but not least, did anyone notice before speaking Carly’s eyes kept closing, then when she did speak her behavior speech seemed manic? Something was definitely off besides her policies.

    Liked by 1 person

  78. My favorite old lady sounding off on debates.

    Sent from my iPhone



  79. I just couldn’t watch it. I tried (flipped over to CNN several times), but I either had to stop watching, drink excessively, or up my blood pressure medication. Instead, I watched re-runs of Findng Bigfoot.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. […] Source: The Republicans as likely to find Bigfoot as they are to find fetus Carly Fiorina referenced […]


  81. I have a crush on you!!!


  82. Who we attract to public office and who we elect out of that bunch tells me that the American people are not ready for self-government. When the Greeks invented democracy, they assumed an educated electorate. Unfortunately, being informed on the issues and the candidates would require that people log off of Facebook and look up from their cell phones. That is NOT going to happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Well said, as always 🙂 It was like watching a train wreck, and the stupid just kept on flowing.

    Liked by 2 people

  84. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

