Posted by: Helen Philpot | September 3, 2015

If you’re Baptist, don’t work in a liquor store.  If you’re an idiot, don’t run for County Clerk in Kentucky.

Margaret, here is the thing about religion: Faith is a wonderful thing until it becomes certainty; at which point it becomes fanaticism.  If there was only one true religion, fanaticism wouldn’t be all that bad.  But there’s the rub, honey. Not only are there many different religions; there are many different versions of each religion. These days  religious beliefs are like a backside.  Everyone’s got one and often times they stink.

If you’re a Baptist, you probably shouldn’t work at a liquor store or a dance hall.  If you’re a Catholic, you probably shouldn’t work at Planned Parenthood or any organization that thinks women should have a voice.  And if you’re an idiot, you probably shouldn’t get yourself  elected as a County Clerk in Kentucky.

My late husband was Catholic.  I am a Methodist.  I cooked and he did the dishes.  Thank God we didn’t live in Kentucky because he would have starved and I would have had dishpan hands.

If we can’t all get along in the name of Jesus then can we get along? I don’t know, but imagine asking that question in the Middle East much less the middle of Eastern Kentucky.  Of one thing I am certain:  I’d rather live my life believing there is a God and finding out there isn’t, than believing there is no God only to find out there is.  The problem is that some want to make a dialogue out of what is essentially a monologue. And some so badly want to have a conversation with God that often they decide to make up his part of that conversation as well.

My religious beliefs don’t have to affect your religious beliefs.  In fact, you can even have no beliefs and we can still be friends and agree to live  and let live.  That, my friend, is what having faith really means. And I really do mean that.  Really. 


  1. […] Helen Philpot (of Margaret and Helen) has a better grasp of religion that most of our presidential candidates: […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. loved this one…love all the others too but this made so much sense!


  3. Amen Helen! You had me cracking up as usual. Fun read, I really enjoyed it. If you don’t like the law, you don’t have to work at enforcing the law. That’s all that whole brouhaha boils down to. Don’t get into that business if you don’t have the stomach for it. Period.

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  4. Gato, Good to hear your opinion on this! I’ve missed hearing from you via email since my computer crashed a few months ago and I didn’t have your address written down.
    I did have a de jevu moment when we had a small earthquake here in Missouri yesterday that maybe since we put Kim Davis in jail for her “Christian” beliefs that the End Times are upon us! LOL In her dreams, right?


  5. James, it is impossible to serve two masters to any degree at the same time. Both masters will in some way be short changed. Now this is something you know from your own experience. This is what blew most folks away in this situation. It was so obvious what was going on. Historically, when folks find themselves in such a pinch, they have to choose which master and then go with whatever ensues from that choice. In this case, someone was hanging on, unable to let go and as they say in Al Anon “let God”. As much as Ms. Davis was claiming to be serving God, as long as she hung on to the source of mammon, it was a hollow claim.

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  6. Oh, James, honestly… No one is forcing any “christains” to “sin.” If Ms. Davis feels her beliefs forbid her to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, she could have asked to be relieved from those SPECIFIC duties, and done all kinds of other clerkly duties. Of course, her “beliefs” may also lead her to feel that gay individuals should not be issued building permits, allowed to pay their motor vehicle taxes, be granted zoning variances, and lord knows what else. And how, pray tell, does her insisting that her staff members honor her personal beliefs, as well – whether they are gay, straight, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, or whatever? In that case, who is “forcing” whom to disobey possibly not only their personal beliefs, but to break the law they have sworn to uphold?

    Ms. Davis strikes me as a self-important bigot (reminding me very much of one of our very own posters here, I might add) and is only too happy to serve as a handy “martyr” for the Far Right Theocrats. And they just couldn’t wait to use her. If one wants to live in a society governed by religious beliefs, there are plenty of options. So far, at least, the United States is not one of them, and I’d like to keep it that way.


    Liked by 2 people

  7. I am a Buddhist! I am proud that faith is something natural not forced to believe in having full of common sense and wisdom. I certainly respect Helen Philpot and excite to read her comments! She is a great lady!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mmm! Helen is active this week! LK


  9. Just proudly label me a fanatic about Christ.


  10. This is all well a good except we are forccing no one to be christains but Yall wanna force christains to be sinners. Its illegal according to Kentucky law for one for her to give the liscense but most important God said no. We will not bend or bow. How is it right when theyccould’ve went down the road and got that liscensr. Itsnot about the liscense its about christains! We will stand for Gods word!


  11. My mommy said “Live and let live”, “Mind your own business” So, there you go.


  12. Helen, you hit the nail on the head once again. No one is absolutely right or absolutely wrong when it comes to what they believe, but they don’t have to shove it in anyone’s face. There are Christians, so called anyway, who are giving Christianity a bad name. If you are going to do something in the name of Jesus then at least have a clue what he preached and believed. And understand that the Bible is an historic account of the times in which these writers lived. Writers? Yes, please don’t give me the “written by God” stuff. The Bible is history, plain and simple. Interpretation can be made any way someone chooses to interpret.

    And remember the law is the law, until it is changed, and anyone can get married and it is not for you to decide how to interpret it. If you are an idiot don’t run for public office. Boy, that would empty out the Tea Party clown car really quickly.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. You are always a ray of sunshine, love to read your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Love this column, but a FB friend and I are trying to figure out this paragraph: “My late husband was Catholic. I am a Methodist. I cooked and he did the dishes. Thank God we didn’t live in Kentucky because he would have starved and I would have had dishpan hands.” What does the fact that you cooked and he did the dishes have to do with him being Catholic, your being Methodist, or living in Kentucky? Woman = cook is part of the traditional gender stereotype, and men doing the dishes wasn’t all that unusual when I was growing up. OTOH, I grew up in Massachusetts, not Kentucky, so maybe that explains it.


  15. […]… […]


  16. I am Baptist, and I’m wondering why you feel that I shouldn’t work in a liquor store or a dance hall. I would like to think that my former dance students would disagree with you. You’re probably right about the liquor store issue; my taste in wine is pretty unsophisticated, and I have been known to recommend a wine that is quite inexpensive, something the liquor store owner would probably not appreciate.


  17. .
    And God said: “That’s not MY cross !!!



  18. As a native Kentuckian, glad our still Prevalent idiocy could give Texas idiocy a break in the news. Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  19. Love you two!!! Keep it up! It’s like a breath of fresh air!——————————————–


  20. Absolutely. I have no religion, and I have never wanted to push that view on anyone. Why should anyone WITH a religion push their view on me?


  21. Helen, You are awesome!


  22. What is wrong with people?! Thanks for your spot-on take! So refreshing to hear a voice of reason.


  23. Reblogged this on Central Oregon Coast NOW.


  24. Namaste, God bless, you are awesome!


  25. I have said it before and I will say it again…I want to be you when I grow up.


  26. Thanks and the Pope has just said the same thing. He has received validation. You need none. Right on.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. You’re posts continue to bring me joy! Keep ’em comin’!

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  28. Can I post this on Facebook?


  29. Amen!!!!


  30. Way to go Helen, another home run!
    Keep ’em comin’. I mean it. Really.

    Ever read Wonkette?

    Pontius Pilate just put Kim Davis Is In Jail,
    Wingnuts ******* Their Pull-Ups In RAGE!

    *rough language

    Peace ~ Δ


  31. Except #4 is actually a repeat of one of the earlier #’s. I believe #2 maybe?


  32. What a NARCISSIST! perhaps she’ll even get more narcissistic supply in jail.


  33. Helen – you are a rock star! You always get it right with your common sense “cut to the chase” remarks. Do you want to run for President? YOu’d have MY vote!!

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Wow! and I mean W.O.W.! And how long have you been reading my mind?

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    “My religious beliefs don’t have to affect your religious beliefs. In fact, you can even have no beliefs and we can still be friends and agree to live and let live. That, my friend, is what having faith really means.” … summary!!


  36. Let me get this straight – she was married to #1 but also having sex with #2 AND #3 evidently during the same time period.

    The twins born in the marriage with #2 are actually the product of #3 not #2’s.
    Yet #2 adopts the twins and I assume is financially responsible for them.

    Then at some point she divorces #2 so she can marry #3.
    #3 finally gets his children.

    #2 has to make child support payments to #3.

    Then at some point she ditches #3 to marry #4.

    Is that it??

    What hell is wrong with the men in Kentucky?

    (I wonder if the judge wishes to be #5, eh?)



  37. Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  38. Sing it Helen! You are one of the wisest women I know. Keep writing, we love it.
    The Lady in question has been held in contempt. Of course I’m pretty sure that is what she had planned. She wants to be a Martyr so she can collect $$ from her followers. Now we will see what the next chapter holds, hopefully she will lose her job. My hope is she realizes what a hypocrite she has been and apologizes…… What?, I can dream!

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Breaking news – she’s been held in contempt:


  40. Beautifully put. Pass the bacon! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  41. It is nice to live in a country where all religions are protected by an adopted Constitution of the land and all are free to proselytize to there heart’s satisfaction and even pass their beliefs on to future generations. It is also nice to live under the same protection that prevents encroachment of dominating religious beliefs into where they are not invited. Let us hope & pray that it always stays that way.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. I love your take on this idiocy. I’m Methodist as well and I’ve done a lot of Bible studies at my church and in other settings including auditing two classes at a local seminary. I want to live my faith in a way that doesn’t judge or condemn but reflects God’s grace and all the ways Jesus explained how we are to live.
    One of my favorite verses is Micah 6:8. I have it on a bumper sticker on my car.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Why is it that bible thumpers can remember bible verses that suit their causes but not others? What about the one that goes something like this,
    “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.” Many bible scholars cite this verse as meaning followers are obliged to follow the law of the land as well as God’s laws.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Beautifully said and words that I wish we all lived by!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Great post!!! AMEN!!


  46. Great post!!!


  47. The problem I have with this idiot is that it is her job to issue marriage licenses. She shouldn’t have a choice no more than my doctor should ignore my wishes if they don’t coincide with his beliefs. If I sign a DNR, he must abide by that even if he doesn’t agree with it. This woman needs to be remove from her job immediately as she isn’t doing that which the tax payers are paying her to do. I can imagine there are some that are behind her 100% on this issue, but if she refused to file a death certificate or issue copies so that they could claim their insurance benefits those same people would be up in arms.

    Liked by 2 people

  48. I love the message you ladies put out! I wish more people could think this way.

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  49. Absoiutely true. Is God paying her salary? If so, she should be paid by her church, not the citizens of Kentucky who are of different faiths I assume. Why do we need the courts in all of this and to spend all that taxpayer money. I would bill her church for all of the court expenses and put the buck where it should be – not on God, but on the church itself.

    Liked by 2 people

  50. All I can say about this post is AMEN TO YOU!!

    Liked by 1 person

  51. In most states to be an official you have to take an oath of office. Why is no one pointing this out to the dear lady?

    Liked by 1 person

  52. Elected or whatever…she is not doing her job! I sure hope she’s held in contempt. The comment by btg5885 below is especially enlightening.
    Helen still rocks and does so every time! “Live long and prosper…”

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Succinctly said (yet again). I’m also very amused by how this Clerk’s multi-marriaged, children-out-wedlock past doesn’t seem to register on her hypocrisy-meter.

    Liked by 2 people

  54. Much as I love the post, I think you’ve got the headline wrong. It’s only if you are an idiot that you can run for County Clerk in KY with a hope of being elected, it seems.

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  55. Well said, Helen! What gets me is that she’s also instructing those who work under her not to issue licenses either. She should be fired!

    Liked by 1 person

  56. You forgot to mention the Bible. Last count I think there were at least 2,000 versions of ‘the Bible,” and all of them are different in some way. Yet, “Bible Thumpers” enjoy, end feel compelled, to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it. Religion is like the used car business, where there is an old saying – there is an ass for every seat, and a seat for every ass.

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  57. Good post. We cannot have public officials treating people unequally as it is unjust and a slippery slope. Before the Voting a Rights and Civil Rights Acts, it was not uncommon that southern election officials would require Blacks to recite the Constitution preamble verbatim to get a voting card. Also, if they tried, their name was placed in the paper and they may have been fired or maltreated. Some ministers used the good book to sanctify such treatment. That was wrong, just as it is wrong to deny same sex marriages which is now the law. But, what if sincerely held beliefs told an official that interracial marriage was wrong, or interfaith marriage was wrong, or divorce and remarriage was wrong and even adulterous (these is in the bible). Now, close your eyes and think what if Ms. Davis was a Hindu, Muslim, Jew, and held these same beliefs and would not issue a license, would the fervor be the same?

    Liked by 3 people

  58. Thanks kid. Am in Oklahoma and it is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sent from my iPad



  59. As usual you hit the nail on the head with the correct size hammer. I don’t tell my neighbors how to keep house but most of them are bad at it in my opinion. As mother said ….well I am sure she had something to say! Don’t cram your beliefs down my throat and we will all get along fine. We are a mixed bag in this family and none of them keep us from being a Family.

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Amen to that! I wish more people believe the way we do! Believe in God (or don’t), believe in the teachings of your religion (or don’t), but stop shoving your beliefs down my throat; and above all else, don’t be a hypocrite….a sin is a sin is a sin, there is no ranking…at least in my belief system.


  61. Thanks for expressing my opinion!


  62. Amen!


  63. AMEN, sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Amen!


  65. Brava! Brava!

