Posted by: Helen Philpot | December 6, 2008

She’s not heavy. She’s my Palin.

It seems that Palin is my cross to carry… my burden to bear.  Clinging to what’s left of its dying reputation the Republican party has credited her with the Chambliss win down in Georgia. Delivering that win makes Palin the new Republican torchbearer.  I don’t know about you, but I am impressed.  If Palin can get an old white guy re-elected in Georgia, I would imagine walking on water is right around the corner.  But maybe she’s not really carrying the torch as much as she has struck a match and is now playing with fire.

Folks, is anyone else out there laughing?  You just can’t make this kind of stuff up.  Well, I take that back.  If I have learned nothing else these last 8 years, I have learned that the Republican party can make shit up… a lot!  They made up weapons of mass destruction and suddenly the concept of “preventive war” became part of our foreign policy.

Now before I go any farther, I am going to ask each of you to do a little research on preEMPtive war, preVENtive war and the Bush Doctrine.  When you finish you will have accomplished three important things.  First, you will know that preEMPtive wars are a slippery slope.  Second, you will know that preVENtive wars are really an oxymoron that only a moron like George Bush could rationalize.  And third, you will know more about US foreign policy than Sarah Palin did when she was running for Vice President.

So are you done with your research?  Good then let’s continue.

Preventive war has been the foundation of our current foreign policy for eight years, and yet you people are upset because I called Governor Palin a bitch?  Considering she called me Un-American first, I would say that I started a defensive war.  My God but we have certainly lost our way.  The Republican Party who elected  George W. Bush – not once but twice – should be ashamed of itself.  We are now preventing wars by going to war.   Please turn off Fox News for just  a second and devote your entire brain to that concept.  George Bush rushed right past preemptive war and laid claim to PREVENTIVE war, which states, amazingly enough, that even the remote possibility of a situation occurring that might lead to war is reason enough to go to war.  Please tell me that the Republicans who read this blog realize that is the very definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy.   Come on now.  I used the word prophesy.  That should have gotten your attention. 

The 58 million who  most recently voted Republican must agree because when it comes to the Iraq war,  McCain was willing to stay for 100 years and Sarah Palin had no issues with that.  In fact, she is not only fine with starting a war to prevent a war, but she actually thinks that it is “a task from God”.  Good Lord.  Please tell me God isn’t that stupid.  That would kind of be like my eating all the cookies in the cookie jar to prevent myself from cheating on the diet later.  Either way Sarah Palin is an idiot and  I’m the one with a fat ass.

War to prevent war.  Preventing war by going to war.  I…. hmmm… I well….  I guess I am just not smart enough to understand that concept because any way you look at it –  the end result is war.   Maybe that is why Georgie Boy had two in the hand and one in the “bush” before Americans  stood up and Obama stepped in.

Attack me if you wish.  But until Governor Palin can show me that she is capable of walking and chewing gum without justifying war by saying that some Americans are Un-American, I will not stop writing about her.  Until then, I want to say this:

We live in the greatest nation on the planet.    Every four years we have the ability to go through a national self-evaluation and make changes based on past successes and past mistakes.  Sometimes it works like when Bill Clinton replaced the elder George Bush.  Sometimes it takes longer than four years as we have seen more recently – in which case it’s no longer a self-evaluation but more like a national enema.  We’re not perfect but we do our best.  As part of  that self-evaluation I can write this blog and you can comment all you want without fear of retribution.  It’s really quite remarkable if you think about it.   Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election. An idiot can avoid war by going to war.  A bitch can be nominated for Vice President.  An old lady can write a blog.  Rush Limbaugh can lie all day and sell it as the gospel truth.  Ann Coulter’s monkey can write a book and it will make the best sellers list…    And still, we managed to elect Barack Obama as our next President.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am going to sleep well tonight because of that last part.  But mark my words.   I’ve  lived through World War II and every war since.   Defensive.  Preemptive.  Preventive.  They’re all the same.  Children die on both sides and we never get them back.  Ever.  When you start down a road where you prevent wars by starting wars…  well, children die.  I hope that is all I need to say.

Thanks for stopping by.   I mean it.  Really.


  1. Another Wow!!! Visit Tejas Antiques in Navasota. Home of Leon Collins and Molly Bee, artists reonwned for their artwork depicting Negro life. Molly Bee is 20years old. Leon is her father. Paintings sold all over the U.S. Featured artists at shows. Most recently on Bob Phillip’s TV program Texas Country Reporter . Tejas Antiques features six flavors of Handmade Fudge. Handmade Tx furniture from Alamo to early railroad.


  2. What better way to stay in power than to invent the concept of a never-ending war (as in the “war on terror”).

    History shows that the popularity of conservative Governments always increases during times of war. Just look at Israel’s right wing after Gaza.

    But thank the Gods it didn’t work in the US this time!


  3. […] On the oxymoronic concept of “pre-emptive war” […]


  4. I like Sarah Palin and I support her and her family. She will make a good president and we all have to support her.

    II also like Hillary Clinton and her family and I will support them when I can.


  5. katie – your students are LUCKY to have you as a teacher!


  6. “I read somewhere that it was unreasonable to expect her to be able to name any Supreme Court decisions besides Roe v. Wade because how many americans really CAN do that?”

    Yes, I had to do it…I make my 10th grade students memorize this list of rulings… 🙂
    State v Man, Scott v Sandford, Plessey v Ferguson, Brown v Board of Ed, Heart of Atlanta Motel v USA, Swann v Charlotte Mecklenburg,
    Regents of U of CA v Bakke, Leandro v NC, Engel v Vitale, Abington school v Schemp, Tinker v Desmoines, Bethel School District v Frasier, Hazelwood v Kuhlmeir, Texas v Johnson, Furman v GA, Gregg v GA, Gideon v Wainright, Miranda v Arizona, NJ v TLO, Korematso v USA, Roe v Wade, Kelo v New London CT, Marbury v Madison,
    McCulloch v Maryland, Gibbons v Ogden


  7. I think you are possibly the coolest individual in this reality. Now, MirrorUniverse!Sarah Palin is actually a lovely person–she knits and makes homemade gooseberry jam…but I digress.

    Have I mentioned how much I love your blog? You ladies rock.


  8. Helen and Margaret

    Here is my site. Go there and snag a counter for your blog. I added mine last week. One week ago there was one tiny flag in Florida where I live. Today Australia was added. Also, tell the kids that all you want for Christmas is a book. it’s available at “Why Jesus Christ Would Never Ever Vote Republican”


  9. It is terrifying that some people think Sarah Palin can walk on water. She’s brain damaged and a certifiable nut case with truly wackadoo beliefs. We use to lock people away who claimed “God” spoke to them. Now we make them President and give them the keys to our nukular arsenal. 😦


  10. “It is scary if Palin does run in four years and actually gets elected. I have found that the Republican has become more and more religiously bent in their messages and law making. This is even scarier. I usually have no problem with religion and how people incorporate it into their life. However, I heard Palin quoted saying that she is a God send and the republican party thinks God sent her to be President.”

    Just who is spreading the fear here?

    And where did you “hear” Sarah Palin “quoted?”


  11. As always you are a spitfire Miss Helen, and I love your blog… I’ve just caught up on your last few posts and can’t wait to tell some of my friends to take a look.

    Keep up the good work!


  12. Thank you so much for your ability to just say it like it is. We all benefit from your wit and experiences. I haven’t laughed so hard in a while.


  13. It is scary if Palin does run in four years and actually gets elected. I have found that the Republican has become more and more religiously bent in their messages and law making. This is even scarier. I usually have no problem with religion and how people incorporate it into their life. However, I heard Palin quoted saying that she is a God send and the republican party thinks God sent her to be President. Please think about other political leaders in the world that thought they were God appointed. I’ll give you a hint Hitler thought it was God’s will to cleanse the earth and create a super race. Please also take a look at some of the Sovereign’s that England has had (the royal family is also a gift from God). The more the Republicans push this idea that God wants Palin to fix the US, the more nervous I get because of the above reasons. Just a thought. Also please understand I have no problem with any religion I just have a problem with it dictating our laws.


  14. “Either way Sarah Palin is an idiot and I’m the one with a fat ass.”

    Helen, you kill me. You’re brilliant. Shakespeare himself has nothing on you!

    (And, happy birthday to a fellow Sagittarian!)


  15. The best comment I’ve heard about Palin comes from the lady that came into my store before the election. “Palin is like *us*. She’s just a good ole girl who hunts and fishes, goes to church, loves her kids.” I looked at her and said “but I don’t want somebody like *us*. I want somebody smarter, better, somebody who thinks quicker than I do. I don’t want somebody like *us* in charge of the country.”


  16. Bush is History:

    Thank KO!



  17. douglaskev: “palin probably didn’t tip the scales as much for the r’s as much as fear of a filibuster proof senate did”


    Anyway to quantify that remark – I seriously doubt that the Georgia voters really had any concerns about filibustering or not. I suspect, from my short sojourn in Georgia, the vote reflects the Southern Bubba Club’s need to maintain the status quo. . . after all, how you gonna keep the slaves down on the plantation after they’ve seen DC?


  18. release


  19. Greytdog on December 8, 2008 at 8:52 PM “Political Amazon, I sort of agree with your assessment of B Walters. But I have to give her (and Joy Behar) kudos for grilling McCain when no one else was calling him out.”

    Joy and Whoopie gave him a new a-hole, Barbara asked him to let Palin on the show and mentioned that business of when he was offered early realease


    as Whirled Peas posted; war IS a racket

    no wonder they are kicking and screaming at Obama promising to pull the plug


    abuck6; “And Hurricane Katrina and other world disasters are GWB’s fault…correct?”

    no one wrote that, the fact are that GWB sat on his ass doing absolutely nothing while the people of NOLA suffered, FOR DAYS

    if the majority of those people had been rich and lets face it, white, that would have been a completely different story

    I wont even comment on the rest of your senseless rant.


  20. Dear Mrs Philpot,

    I am 37 now, but when I am your age I hope to be a spitfire, kickass ol’ dame just like you.
    And you’re right. Sarah Palin IS a bitch.


  21. while i love your blog, just a quick thought about palin helping deliver georgia:

    i heard a story on npr saying that obama only took 42% of the vote, so it was unlikely that the democratic senator would have been pushed over the top by obama campaigning for him,

    similarly, palin probably didn’t tip the scales as much for the r’s as much as fear of a filibuster proof senate did


  22. Political Amazon –
    What is this voice
    label :
    That IS a good place to start. Now go a little deeper. It won’t hurt you. But you may stop hurting others.

    I’m not talking about feelings either.

    Anyone can google “hate speech” and come up with that link immediately. Your understanding of hate speech is shallow and self-serving.”
    but that of one who hangs in the shadows and shows NO thing of themself ? Maybe that monster under your bed ,when you were 3, who taunted you so- in hopes you’d leap outta bed and it could get you!
    Funny- how switching on the light or opening the curtains makes the sound fade away, eh?


  23. Political Amazon:

    “Don’t get me wrong. I have every confidence that it can be done. The fact that you have a PAC (Alaskans for Truth) now is going to get things rolling, assuming they get enough funding.

    The approach has to be targeted and well planned. It is very seductive to simply react to every BS thing Sarah Palin does.

    Y’all need to get HER reacting to YOU. Once she is on the defensive, you have a toe-hold.”


    Apologies for my earlier whining.This is an entirely new proposition for me- this trying to figure out how to hold the gov accountable thingy.

    I am very excited about AFT. I am trying to finish letters to all the Legislators. I am, however, at a loss how to counteract the scatteredness amongst the folks I meet and am trying to work with. You nailed it with “very seductive to simply react to every BS thing ” Ms Palin does. Maybe naming it will help fight it.

    I don’t care about her poor children… Oh, jeez, that sounds different than I mean it . I don’t care about the clothes and makeup . At this point, I don’t care about her house or any of that.

    I am dissatisified with Ms Palin’s refusal to be held accountable for her promises to Alaska for open, accountable, ethical government. I am disgusted with her behavior when we do try to hold her accountable for her actions and I do NOT trust anything which comes out of her office anymore.

    Back to work! Fired up again! Thank you!
    Note to self: another donation to AFT for my Christmas gift to myself…

    Query: the posse thing… may I request a donkey please? I have fallen off the few horses I’ve had occasion to meet up with. I’d trade my rocket spurs for the promise of a shorter fall from saddle to soil…


  24. Thanks, Helen, and RIGHT ON. So, here’s something else to chew on if you’re thinking about preVENtive and preEMPtive…

    Back when Daddy Bush was our leader, following the reign of the Mr. B actor Reagan who escalated the business of war… back in 1989, I was working for a defense contractor. I was stunned to find, one afternoon scanning the company bulletin board, a memo informing us of the “new terms that will be now used.” Imagine a lengthy list, with two headings “PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS” and “WILL NOW BE KNOWN AS”… You get the gyst. Anyway, the one that instantly hit me (no pun intended):

    “The term previously known as WAR will now be known as PERMANENT PRE-HOSTILITY.”

    Could have knocked me over with a feather, as you would say. My jaw dropped and my blood chilled. And you betcha that the term and that mindset is still in use.

    I’m now a musician, by the way — PEACE THROUGH MUSIC!!!

    Love your blog, Helen. You are wise beyond your years. Thanks for being our junkyard dog.


  25. H & M

    way to go!!

    I cannot believe how you state my own ideas before they are cogent!!

    War to stop war is right up there with a whole bunch of Bushisms (see Letterman). The guy had definite learning problems. My friend who grew up in the oilfields with trhe Bushes said some kids put him in the dryer in the greaser dryers at the laundromat. I’d certainly like some explanation for his illiterate remarks.
    It’s never just the words, but, what they represent. Anyone who can’t use words effectively cannot represent cogent concepts. At least Obama is cogent.


  26. Who left this label maker in here? Anyone know who it belongs to?

    That stickum gunk on the back of the labels is getting glopped all over Helen and Margaret’s tea table…


  27. This abuck6 character said
    “Right or wrong, Bush had to make a decision after 9/11 in order to protect our country and allow us to rebuild. You can speculate all you want about what would have, could have, and should have happened. He took the best interest and performed his duty to protect our country in a time of crisis. A 2nd attack never happened… ”
    Is this another one of these we-HAD-to-invade-Iraq-because-WMDs-or-AlQueda-Or we-just-want-to arguments that got tied to the tragedy of 9/11?
    Or is it just abuckshort’s mis take on Helen’s current topic here at our soiree?


  28. Boxcar Okie said

    “The best way to stop wars is NOT to start them and impeach the lying people who do start them instead of “supporting them.” Bush and his crew should have been taken to task, but instead, were blindly supported in their ideology. ”

    yup, yeppers…yes


  29. Martha, I’ve been to the Normandy cemetary. My dad made sure we went to several of the military cemetaries overseas as part of our childhood. There is nothing more sobering or contains more gravitas than to stand there and see acre after rolling acre of graves. The silence is overwhelming – especially when you realize that each cross, star of david, etc. once was a person with a future – and that loss of future now underfoot.
    & to Proud: Bravo, well said. As to those idiots who show their shallow patriotism by the phrase “keep me safe at any cost” – it’s a shame you don’t think of the cost before you go haring over the next hill to plant your flag. Is your safety really worth the brain trauma injuries being suffered by our vets? Is your safety really worth the loss of limbs? No, freedom isn’t free – and the bill comes due but you always expect someone else to pay. Just how free is that freedom when folks enlist because the economy is tanking and it’s the only way they can possibly earn a subsistence living? Just how free is that freedom when a national guardsperson fulfills their duty but due to the fact the powers that be have no real strategy now has a family stateside facing foreclosure, loss of business, or even homelessness? Just how valuable is that freedom when the vet comes home but there isn’t any money to fund to the brain trauma programs? We still have Vietnam Vets fighting for their right to medical care because of injuries suffered from Agent Orange Exposure; we still have stupid idiots like Cindy McCain who haven’t a clue as to what PTSD is and how it affects not just the vet but the lives of everyone he/she holds dear; we still have people who truly believe “my country right or wrong” – people who don’t understand the full responsibility of being a citizen in a democratic nation – unfortunately we currently have a non-leader in GW Bush who abdicates his responsibility in every and full measure of the word and whose followers, like lemmings, will joyfully tumble over the cliff and decry anyone who refuses to tumble down that slippery slope with them.


  30. Whirled Peas, Thanks for the link. I rented this video a few weeks back, and it was this video that introduced me to Eisenhower’s speech. I hope more people will go to this link, because it is a powerful documentary. Really, thanks!


  31. Thanks Helen for this forum. You have such a way with words, just amazing.

    Now, could anybody answer this question for me? When would we know that we have won the war in Iraq? Thanks.


  32. Proud:

    I could give a rats about your punctuation, spelling or syntax errors. We know what you mean. Thanks for responding to these idiots. You say it so much better than I ever could.

    (Waving to M & H)


  33. Helen, I love you. I mean it. Really.


  34. Oh and label,I am sure I have spelling, punctuation and syntax errors. Have fun finding them.


  35. abuck6 “Thank you President Bush…I as an American with a job and a family am very grateful to you and the proud soldiers that fight for us.”

    This is my interpretation of your post. I have a job so Bush is great and screw the other people who are losing their jobs daily because of your greatness.

    “So proud of the soldiers that fight for us.” Thank god not me or anyone in my family but it is ok if someone else’s family member risk their lives. You know the phrase I have heard the most in the last four years that sends me screaming is…. Keep me safe at any cost. Elizabeth Hasselbeck says this phrase constantly and I want to vomit.

    When I hear this I just know that shallow self serving people are speaking. Do you see Elizabeth Hasselbeck or her husband over their fighting? How about you or your sons and daughters? So at any cost once again means someone else’s life.

    Oh yes George Bush has kept us so safe. Our allies have dispared and have had a hard time supporting us in this administration. More countries than ever hate our guts! Our fine torture program has proven that not only are our soldiers now in grave danger when they are captured and the radical extremists have grown in numbers.

    Yep he has kept us safe. I bet you sleep with a gun too, because you feel so safe.

    I don’t know why I am responding to this moron because they obviously can’t think beyond what sound bite they hear each day.

    Label appropriate name as you seem very adept at labeling people.

    Who let the trolls out? We need to make sure the pie is wrapped up and put away at the end of the day. I think we are feeding them again.


  36. Antoinette,

    Click my name…

    …then enter the site and poke around for more info.

    …Or watch the complete movie here:

    ~ PEACE ~


  37. As you write about the war, I think of Eisenhower’s warning of the Military Industrial Complex. I consider myself a smart woman, and read right much, but until recently I had never heard of the term Military Industrial Complex. [It’s OK, though, because right now I’m not trying to run for vice president!] The more I read Eisenhower’s warning, the more I see the connection between business and profits of war and the U.S. being in Iraq. Really sad. Therefore, please keep me laughing!


  38. LOVE YOUR POSTS. Also loved that POLITICAL AMAZON called Miss Eskimos Pie Bible Spice. I wish I had found your blog sooner, but then I got here as soon aas I could. LOVEIT.


  39. “Personally, I don’t agree with the idea of “hate crimes” because it gives the judge or jury the power to psychically intuit what the accused was thinking at the time the crime was committed.”

    Now that was something I hadn’t expected.

    So you don’t agree with the idea of ‘hate crimes.” Does that mean you don’t agree with the idea of hate speech as well?


  40. Let’s see if I get this right…

    If you agree with Helen that Palin (Sarah not Michael) is an idiot then you are a hating hater and probably sexist as well.

    If you don’t realize that Obama pals around with terrorists, is not an US citizen, is a Communist/Socialist/Marxist, that he is more centrist than extreme left (both accusations made against him) and that you will end up tearing your hair out and rending your clothes since he was elected, that every corrupt Democrat is intimately tied to him and that the Clintons will actually run the White House then you are dumb, and more than likely godless homosexuals looking for an abortion while not heeding the words of Pat Boone’s new column.

    Oh! AND Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Hannity are balanced, fair and astute journalistic observers…just ask Coulter.

    Does that pretty much sum up the troll attacks?


  41. Pi:
    “Oh man- I needed the delusion we could do this soon…
    We are on the eve of celebrating our 50 year anniversary of statehood. I have been reading and re-reading our state constitution. It is a beautiful spare document…”


    Don’t get me wrong. I have every confidence that it can be done. The fact that you have a PAC (Alaskans for Truth) now is going to get things rolling, assuming they get enough funding.

    The approach has to be targeted and well planned. It is very seductive to simply react to every BS thing Sarah Palin does.

    Y’all need to get HER reacting to YOU. Once she is on the defensive, you have a toe-hold.

    I truly think that the only way you can hold her accountable is to either swing the majorit of the voters or the majority of the legislature to your way of thinking.

    They are the ones with the power to hold her accountable…if not by trial then by voting her out of office.

    If you can get the voters on your side, then the legislature will fold and go after Palin. The legislators are, after all, elected by the voters.

    If you can get the legislature on your side, then the voters will fall in line, because the legislators have the power to invesigate-investigate-investigate.

    I think ADN is ready to support this effort, but they don’t seem to want to take the first blow to their own chin, which is understandable. They need to be given cover of reporting the news….otherwise, Sarah Palin can whine “Wah, they’re picking on a girl!”

    Don’t give up…get serious.


  42. If Illinois can do it, can’t Alaska?


  43. […] She’s not heavy. She’s my Palin. It seems that Palin is my cross to carry… my burden to bear.  Clinging to what’s left of its […] […]



    Who was it Abuck6 or label who went off about the evils of unions (Ronnie is dead) but here is proof!

    Disclaimer: Sarcastic posts are not to be misconstrued as troll activity.


  45. “Trolls be gone!”


    But without trollies, there is no reason for a posse! And I like these-here fine rocket-buster boots and spurs.


  46. Label:
    “That IS a good place to start. Now go a little deeper. It won’t hurt you. But you may stop hurting others.

    I’m not talking about feelings either.

    Anyone can google “hate speech” and come up with that link immediately. Your understanding”


    Oh, Blow Me. Look up “Critical thinking, clueless about” and you’ll see a picture of yourself.

    You have not defined why you think legitimate criticism, no matter how it is phrased, is “hate speech.”

    Instead of just attacking the messenger (another logical fallacy, and the sure sign of someon who can make a credible argument), and simply spewing out talking-points parrot-squaks of “hate speech! SQWAK! hate speech! SQWAK!,” actually write something to support your accusations.

    BTW, I worked for the ACLU for a few years, I am well versed in the Bill of Rights (especially the First Amendent), and the ACLU is my first choice of resources. They have proven their arguments in court over and over again.

    Don’t like that? Then, fine, find your own and make your own and find evidence to support your claims, and make a credible argumet.


  47. “FOOD FIGHT!!!”

    you go Amazon!


  48. Ooo-la-LA!

    Check out this picture of Obama and Al Gore:

    This is from their meeting today to talk abou the environment.

    Gore looks GREAT! He’s tanned, rested, and ready to go.


  49. Shit, Helen, nevermind Palin and Alaska – we got good ol’ Rod right here in the great state of Illinois! Just goes to show ya a bad case of the dumbass knows no party lines.


  50. Abuck6, I’m starting to think you have a crush on me.

    Here’s what I wrote at 11:03 AM today, and I am copying and pasting directly:

    “People not on Bush’s list of priorities:
    The sick
    The poor (think Hurricane Katrina)
    The young
    The military
    The educators
    The elderly
    Women in general
    The jobless
    The homeless
    . . . . . . . . . . . the list goes on and on.”

    A) I don’t credit GWB with any power to create natural disasters in that very truncated list.

    B) I don’t use the word REPUBLICAN once in that post. Check for yourself. . . I’ll wait.

    Guilty conscience much?

    Some signals of well-developed critical thinking skills are to CITE sources accurately, respond to the argument present in those sources, and not respond to come off-topic fictionalized argument you have in your head.

    Learn to attack the argument (that’s there) and not the person.

    As I have said before, I will continue to keep you in my thoughts that whatever is plaguing your life and making you so unhappy will soon pass.

    My very, very best to you.

    Peace to all the troll-stompers.

    Δ skyewriter


  51. Quoted from abuck6 on at 1:48 pm

    “He (Bush) took the best interest and performed his duty to protect our country in a time of crisis.”

    He kinda f**ked that up on 9/10. Where was he then? AWOL in Crawford? (Like his National Guard service) It’s easy to to do your “duty” the day after you should.

    But then again he IGNORED the 8/6/01 PDB entitled: Bin Laden determined to strike in US.

    “Oooooo but thank God/Bush we haven’t been attacked again…” You knuckle-draggers crack me up. Such a waste of egg and sperm.

    Speaking of conception, I heard Babs Bush had an abortion…

    …she named it George!



  52. That IS a good place to start. Now go a little deeper. It won’t hurt you. But you may stop hurting others.

    I’m not talking about feelings either.

    Anyone can google “hate speech” and come up with that link immediately. Your understanding of hate speech is shallow and self-serving.


  53. “…I am confident the American public has wised up – even Joe six pack – finally. To handle the complexities of modern governing in the future, we will chose brains over would-be brawn and aging cutsie sexpots.”


    I see no evidence that the American public has wised up. Otherwise, crowds wouldn’t have turned out in Georgia to see BibleSpice spew her beauty-pageant-speak.

    I think it is very naive to think that, just because the majority of Americans think Sarah Palin is an asshat means that we are not endanger from the gullible dupes that voted for Bush Jr twice.

    Sarah Palin will be a threat to our country as long as a large number of Americans are unable to critically evaluate a candidate for their bullshit quotient.

    Look at message boards. Hell, look at THIS message board. There is an appalling lack of critical thinking being used to evaluate issues and politicians, and that is something that it will take a long time to fix….expecially when the likes of Bush Jr and Sarah Palin use their power to gut education programs.


  54. Trolls be gone!


  55. Label:
    “Educate yourself on what hate speech is.”


    Perhaps YOU should educate yourself.

    A good place to start: The ACLU

    “Hate speech” is certainly NOT criticism of another person using colorful language or imagry. Calling someone a bitch isn’t hate speech.

    One thing that many groups believe is hate speech, however, is speech that incite violence against a person or group because of their unique qualities.

    You know, like Alaska’s First Bigot, Sarah Palin, did in her campaign stops when she incited threats of violence from the crowd by her describing Obama as alien or different.

    Personally, I don’t agree with the idea of “hate crimes” because it gives the judge or jury the power to psychically intuit what the accused was thinking at the time the crime was committed.

    Do I really want some Bush-appointee misfit judge deciding what I was thinking when I mooned Bush Jr as he left the WH? No thanks.

    We have sentencing guidelines for crimes. Prosecute the crime and go by the sentencing guidelines. To increase the severity of the sentence based on what a judge or jury *thinks* the accused was thinking about at the time of the crime is way too open to abuse.


  56. Margaret,
    All I can say is, Thank You.
    My day is fulfilled.


  57. Educate yourself on what hate speech is.


  58. Dear Helen,

    Ronald Reagan launched the demonization and indictment of a whole people, the Russians as ‘The Evil Empire’. George W. Bush parroted the same thing with his declaration of ‘The Axis of Evil’, Iraq, Iran and North Korea. (He borrowed that from The Axis of Germany, Italy and Japan of World War II.) Bush has certainly not distinguished himself for originality!

    As presidents, this zealous pair was in a position to manipulate the minds of millions of people with their dark art of propaganda. They managed to almost embed THEIR opinions in the social DNA of many Americans. Few of us had any direct experience with the far away lands or their people in order to even form, let alone validate, a contradictory opinion.

    Both Reagan and Bush were asserting their alpha male presidential positions of being tough guys with testosterone running out their ears. After all, they had the, ahem, biggest nuclear arsenal! Size matters!!! The objective of this type of exercise is to impress OTHER MALES! (Why do you think men like to watch football so much? To compare physical attributes and toughness of course and see who WINS!)

    When Russia and China acquired nuclear capability, well, they came off the shit list and weren’t so bad after all. Maybe we could be friends and do business with them, even if they are commies. Why not let China buy up our National Debt? It’s only on paper.

    This game is not confined to males. Females do it too. Hence the proliferation of silicone breast implants to impress OTHER FEMALES! The old “I’m sexier than thou! And I can attract more alpha males than thou!” I’m getting a little Freudian here so I’ll move on. (I do that often since my academic background and interests are in research in Physiological Psychology some forty years ago.)

    You will note that Bush’s background includes being a cheerleader for the football team but not actively participating himself. His daddy was a genuine war hero and president so he followed in his father’s footsteps with a legacy right through Yale. He played at being a pilot in the Air Force Reserves, in peacetime of course. He did wear the flight suit well though, on several occasions. At one time I understand he OWNED a sports team, but of course was not a player. He also was in an oil business and bankrupted it. That’s quite a track record! Why not repeat it on a national and international scale?

    With Rove whispering in one ear and Cheney in the other, he put out enough propaganda to start two wars, not participating himself, but sitting on the sidelines cheerleading. As I have said many times, ‘Old men send young men off to die.’

    Helen, Sarah Palin is not going away anymore that Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise and Madonna are. She will be turning up in the supermarket tabloids from time to time. However, she is now 44 I think. By 2012 and 2016 she will be starting hot flashes, a thickening of her waistline not due to preganacy, frantically investing in Botox, personal trainers and becoming even bitchier than ever.

    So lay down your cross. You don’t have to carry it any longer. She will be making her usual noise, but for all intents and purposes, she is outta here!

    I am confident the American public has wised up – even Joe six pack – finally. To handle the complexities of modern governing in the future, we will chose brains over would-be brawn and aging cutsie sexpots.




  59. “There, I fixed it for ya. Fasten your seat belts. We’re in for a bumpy ride.”


    Thank goodness Helen’s posse is sure in the saddle!


  60. “…Again…ignorance at it’s finest! I think that Helen is struggling for material and uses her personal hatred of Palin as a page filler…yawn…”


    Again, your attempt to discredit the source because you cannot refute the opinions stated is not only obvious, but it is dishonest.

    To criticize someone for something they did wrong is not automatically “hate.” In fact, unless you are Carnac the Magnificent, you can’t possibly intuit Helen’s emotional state.

    Example: When I say “Bill Clinton put the best interests of his dick ahead of the best interests of his country when he started an affair with Monica Lewinsky while still being invested for Paula Jones” is a criticism of Bill Clinton’s lack of consideration of what is best for our country and his willingness to put us through another 2 years of the GOP’s pathetic sexual obsession.

    That’s not hate. That’s stating my opinion, which is based on Bill Clinton’s actions and my interpretation of them.

    You may not agree with my interpretation, but you cannot refute the statement that he started an affair with Lewinsky while he was still being investigated for Paula Jones.

    You may also not be happy with my colorful language.

    But neither of those objections can be logically construed, IMO, that I hate Bill Clinton.

    Same goes with Palin, and if you think Helen is colorful in her statements about Palin, you don’t even want to read some of the criticisms I’ve written of Sarah Palin.


  61. “I have little tolerance.” -Political Amazon



  62. So you’re telling me that I DO know many people who still support the war?


  63. “…Obama is looking worse and worse by the day! Many of his acquaintances have been pushed under the rug….”


    Dream on. As each day goes by, Obama demonstrates the strong, unifying leader he will be of our country.

    No one has been pushed under the rug, AND THAT INCLUDES PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR McCAIN whose ideology are also represented in some of OBama’s choices.

    See, this is the deal here, Punkin’:

    Bush Jr and his neocon pals nearly destroyed our country. It is going to take a LONG time to pull America out of the shitter Bush Jr and the FOOLS WHO VOTED FOR HIM pushed her into.

    He cannot do that unless he has the support of the vast majority of the people, and across all political ideologies, ethnic backgrounds, etc.

    Thanks to the polarizing politics of McCain/BibleSpice and the Clintons, there are groups of people who are not fired up and ready to follow Obama.

    So Obama is doing what he needs to do: appoint people who WILL inspire these people WILL follow. With time, hopefully, these Americans will become convinced that Obama is a good leader and has the best interests of all Americans at heart, not just those who voted for him.

    Example: The Military is frackingTHRILLED with the appointment of Sinseki. Some of the military may not be willing to follow Obama just yet, but they are willing to follow Sinseki.

    People have been screwed over by Bush Jr and his croneyism politics for so long they have forgotten that a good leader doesn’t take over the Whitehouse with a Shermanesque Rape-of-Atlanta, To-The-Victor-Go-The-Spoils.

    I have little tolerance for liberals who expect Obama to do what Bush Jr did…construct a government that reflects only the ideologies and interests of those who elected him.

    I predict that in 3 years Obama’s Cabinet will look different than it does now.

    But before Obama can start on fixing the damage Bush Jr has done to our country, he has to unite as many Americans as possible.


  64. “…Anyway, there really isn’t much to say about this post. I don’t know very many people who still support the war, if they ever did in the first place.”


    HUH? Talk about rewriting history…and the present, too.

    There are plenty of rightwingers–the same dupes who voted for Bush Jr twice and are now backing Sarah Palin–who still support the Iraq debacle.

    This just shows how people get selective memory. Obviously, Richard Nixon had quite a few voters voting for him during his political career, but at this time it is very difficult to find anyone who will admit ever voting for him.

    I predict the same will happen with Bush Jr and the Iraq Debacle.

    Fortunately, we have congressional records to document which politicians voted for the Iraq Debacle, and who voted for Bush’s America-destroying policies.


  65. “Hey, like her or not — and to be clear, I don’t — from a “making news” perspective, Palin IS one of the most fascinating people to come down the pike in 2008….”


    I thought the little girl in India who had four arms and four legs was fascinating, too. It’s not often one sees the physical embodiment of Shiva.

    “Fascinating” doesn’t mean she should be president of the U.S.


  66. You have a tendency to think anyone who disagrees with you is a troll – especially if they are tacky – while tackiness is clearly not the province of the people you call trolls. I’ve noticed that grammar and spelling errors are only cited when the “trolls” (the people who post in disagreement) commit them.

    Anyway, there really isn’t much to say about this post. I don’t know very many people who still support the war, if they ever did in the first place.


  67. This is an outstanding post with so many completely inarguable points… as evidenced by the lack of troll traffic in the comments. Even the trolliest of trolls cannot mount a defense against the words, “Defensive. Preemptive. Preventive. They’re all the same. Children die on both sides and we never get them back. Ever. When you start down a road where you prevent wars by starting wars… well, children die.”

    To the commenter from New Zealand – yes you have a beautiful, idyllic country. However, people wishing to emigrate there have a nearly impossible row to hoe in order to be granted citizenship, actually harder than the US. I have freinds who tried and they didn’t have the millions in their bank account that are required for even being considered.


  68. Again…ignorance at it’s finest! I think that Helen is struggling for material and uses her personal hatred of Palin as a page filler…yawn.

    Right or wrong, Bush had to make a decision after 9/11 in order to protect our country and allow us to rebuild. You can speculate all you want about what would have, could have, and should have happened. He took the best interest and performed his duty to protect our country in a time of crisis. A 2nd attack never happened…Thank you President Bush…I as an American with a job and a family am very grateful to you and the proud soldiers that fight for us.

    According to some idiots on this blog, Bush/Republicans don’t care about anyone except for big business. We hate the young, the military, teachers, old people and women…correct? And we like people to live without jobs and homes…correct? And Hurricane Katrina and other world disasters are GWB’s fault…correct? Ideas like this blow my mind…where do you Liberals get your information?

    Obama is looking worse and worse by the day! Many of his acquaintances have been pushed under the rug. His voting record hasn’t been challenged. This guy is an absolute farce! Rod Blagojevich is in the midst of a HUGE scandal right now, but I’m sure that Obama barely knows this guy as well (Gov. of Illinois), right? The quotes coming from Rod Blagojevich are unbelievable! Any of you union first, Government money grabbing liberals that don’t see…better yet understand what Democrats try to do to you are naive beyond belief! Unions strip freedom! These non-profit organizations that guys like Obama like to support & grow are just a way for them to gain power and put themselves in better positions! They don’t give 2 shits about the people under them, that’s why they limit your choices! Seems like Obamy had a nice little chain gang going on in Illinois. Use the people that support you/buy into your shit to further your career. Going green is BS, but I’m sure that there are a ton of non-profit organizations that are “raising money” out there! Wake up America…at least the ones on the Left that buy into this load of crap! Will the Rod Blagojevich scandal get swept under the rug?

    Starting 01/21/09…all sentences should begin with “It’s Obama’s fault…”


  69. I agree with AG. Love the blog but Sarah Palin should lay low for a while.

    Oh yea, please help my friends and I settle our differences once and for all at:

    I’d really appreciate it.


  70. WWII – FDR preached peace but wanted war. And he did everything he could to get in thru the back door.

    This is what I learned in high school in the 70’s. Well before “Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor” was published.

    It got my teacher booted from her military family and removed from their wills. She taught in direct opposition to their motto: “Yours is not to question why…yadda yadda yadda”.

    You can see what that gets you. GWBco.


  71. “…Sarah is not as bad but as Robert G Mugabe really. Remember when Bush said something like: Governing would be easier as a dictator and I was the dictator though. That makes me think of Sarah Palin for some reason….”


    I watched a Sundance documentary last night, “Poisoned by Polonium: Alexander Litvinenko.” It’s a must-see.

    It seems very obvious that V. Putin was involved in it. He also was responsible for looting and pillaging food distribution to Russia (particularly Leningrad), and was an active participant in the tyranny of the Russian oligarchs over the Russian civilians.

    Here’s a quote from Bush Jr about Putin: [[[“ “I looked the man in the eye. I was able to get a sense of his soul.” ]]]

    This was at the time of the brutal attacks on Chechen, when there was actually a good deal of Russian outrage over Putin’s bombing of villages and civilians.

    Bush Jr, who says he wants to spread Democracy, instead of backing the Russian people, made goo-goo eyes at Putin, who was committing the most heinous acts to further the best interests of the Russian oligarchy.

    I think Bush Jr very much wanted to have America end up like Putin’s Russia. Fortunately he was stopped before he could accomplish it, but there have been enough changes made to our country, and eough of our rights already stripped from us (with the powers of the government dramatically increased) that it won’t take much for the next presidential representative of America’s oligarch to make the Putinization of America a fate accompli.


  72. “you were the President and were almost postive Pearl Harbor was going to happen, would attack the Japanese to stop it? TO PREVENT IT?”

    I’d man up Pearl Harbor defenses, increase surveillance, find the Japanese attack fleet and serve up some kind of notice that their presence wasn’t tolerated. But whatever the plan, I’d get the most bang for the buck and not the least, which attacking, occupying, and rebuilding an entire country based on “blind faith” turned out to be in Iraq.

    Dumb and dumber: Palin claimed she would go to war with Russia …over Georgia.”


    a) Actually, some U.S. intelligence and government peeps knew that Japan was going to strike Hawaii, and (if I remember correctly) quite a bit in advance…over a month. On the morning it happened, there was one sighting from a military facilty at the N end of Oahu, and from a couple of other places along the way.

    b) The question you quoted, Fred The Good, is one that is posed as a gotcha deal in defense of the Bush Doctrine.

    It doesn’t wash, however, because they are two different situations.

    Japan was already involved in WWII, aligned with Germany, and mostly the territory whose forces the Japanese defeated, the Japanese claimed as their own. Japan had the history, the means and the opportunity to do it.

    Iraq had been involved in a few localized hostile actions (and can’t really take the high road about the Kurd genocide since the U.S. supported it). Iraq had neither the history, the means or the opportunity to launch an attack on the U.S

    There was good, solid evidence that Japan was going to attack the U.S. in Hawaii, and in th near future. The evidence consisted of intercepted Japanese communications, written and oral, which made it clear what their plans were.

    There was not credible evidence that Iraq had plans for an imminent attack on the U.S.

    c) I agree that defense preparations are important. Actually, the fleet should have been better protected than it was, and should never have been all bunched together in such a shallow harbor. Because of the advance knowledge and sightings, preparations could have been made to protect Hawaii and Pearl Harbor. They had the time and the resources to do so.

    Even if they didn’t do the preparations in advance,there was a sighting at a military facility in north Oahu. I think there would have been time to launch fighter planes to take out the Japanese incoming planes. I don’t know if there would have been time to get the ships out of the harbor.

    d) IMO, once there is credible evidence, preparations should be made for defense. Once the attacking planes are sighted, then they need to be taken out.


  73. I love this blog, but wouldn’t mind Sarah Palin falling off our radar. It’s so aggravating to even think about anymore.


  74. If you were the President and were almost postive Pearl Harbor was going to happen, would attack the Japanese to stop it? TO PREVENT IT?

    I’d man up Pearl Harbor defenses, increase surveillance, find the Japanese attack fleet and serve up some kind of notice that their presence wasn’t tolerated. But whatever the plan, I’d get the most bang for the buck and not the least, which attacking, occupying, and rebuilding an entire country based on “blind faith” turned out to be in Iraq.

    Dumb and dumber: Palin claimed she would go to war with Russia …over Georgia.


  75. In Memory of John Lennon:

    John Lennon, a man of peace, was gunned down 28 years ago. I hope all can take a minute to pay tribute to him. He was taken before his time.

    Enjoy a little of his music. I am off to work. Wish all a good day. (12 inches of snow in Juneau and still falling.)

    *This is posted above but I feel it is very important at this time of Iraq, Afghanastan, Bush/ Cheney and Palin.


  76. Glad to be a member of *Helens’ posse*.


  77. Helen’s posse? I like the name and I’m honored to be a member. 😉 winky
    😉 winky


  78. When I was a teenager during the Vietnam War I had a poster on the wall in my room: “War is not healthy for children and other living things.”

    I would add what a nun once said about going to war to protect the peace is like, but Helen has already warned us that she will remove us for using the word the NUN used – so I will refrain.

    Keep it up Helen. I look forward to your posts every day.


  79. I seem to recall on NUMEROUS occasions seeing video (yes, actual visible and auditory PROOF) that Bush happily claimed he’d veto ANY bills passed by the congress HE didn’t seem worthy.

    First, he vetoed stem cell research (a democratically sponsored bill that would have created TENS OF THOUSANDS of new jobs, not to mention the LIVES it would save). Um, “Culture of Life” hypocrites EVERYWHERE you need to educate yourselves.

    Second, he vetoed EVERY COTTON-PICKIN Iraq withdrawl plan from Congress in the last several years. Hmmm, again, Culture of Life, anyone?

    2007: Bush vetoes child healthcare bill. CHILDREN! Again, Culture of Life, folks?

    People not on Bush’s list of priorities:
    The sick
    The poor (think Hurricane Katrina)
    The young
    The military
    The educators
    The elderly
    Women in general
    The jobless
    The homeless
    . . . . . . . . . . . the list goes on and on.

    Georgie’s short list:
    Fortune 500 companies

    I’m not doing any more research for you ignoramuses who come here and spout your crap without a whit of fact to back your blustering. Do some reading, find a book, read a newspaper, listen to someone other than Lmberger or Bill-O. Your lack of brains are showing; better zip up!

    Take a good look at our lame duck; he’s the reason we’re all sitting in HIS mess.

    Ok, there, I’m done. *whew*

    Hugs to all my fellow wedgies.


  80. Hey! I just realized something.

    We are Helen’s posse! And what a motley crew we aree.

    But our motleyness is only surpassed by our loyalty.


  81. Zimbabwe: They have a dictator who can do whatever, whenever as the poor people starve. He took a land rich in resources and bankrupted it. He has a police crackdown as well as a military crackdown. He took away farms, factories and companies from those who ran them successfully and gave them to his friends. They went from ‘The breadbasket of Africa’ to cholera, disease, beatings and torture. You get arrested for saying Robert G Mugabe is killing his country. Torture, beatings and rape are normal procedures against opponents. The people are starving but he buys himself a new top of the line bullet proof car and new cars for his thieving family and friends.

    Sarah is not as bad but as Robert G Mugabe really. Remember when Bush said something like: Governing would be easier as a dictator and I was the dictator though. That makes me think of Sarah Palin for some reason.

    They would have great comedians but they would probably be in jail.


  82. This is a request to all of the reading public of this fantastic blog. Is there another country anywhere else on this planet with anything like a Palin? If so, how are they coping?


  83. JuneauJoe,

    THX for the reminder about John Lennon. Perfect example of this blog:

    ‘Give Me Some TRUTH!



  84. We’re not perfect but we do our best. As part of that self-evaluation I can write this blog and you can comment all you want without fear of retribution. It’s really quite remarkable if you think about it.

    * * * *

    remarkable yes – but non the less normal because you and me we still live in a democracy. things woult turn out completelly different if we´d be chinese living in china. would we articulate our thoughts than? would we criticise – people or oppose official thinking knowing that we would suffer personally?

    honestly – i wouldn´t vouch even for myself . .

    still i see things the same way you do – :).


  85. Helen, Margaret and all,

    I hope all take a bit of time and remember the life and music of John Lennon. In this forum of talking about peace through war and the foolishness of such a thought. I feel John Lennon put those thoughts to music.

    I just read this from TA Barnhart about John Lennon. You might have to scroll down to it.


  86. Ah Helen — your last paragraphs brought tears to my eyes and, ultimately, are why I keep coming back here. The ‘sass’ as somebody called it is fun and often perfectly on target. But it is your wisdom, your straightforward honesty about the effects of our foolhardiness that make it very worthwhile for me. Thank you!


  87. Evolve or DIE.



  88. War Is a Racket

    Plain and simple.

    Δ ~ Silence. Listen. Learn. Practice.Teach.


  89. From one of Palin’s pavlovian pals:


  90. Say it isn’t so Joe?

    What are you smoking? A war tax. I got enough taxes I don’t need a stinkin war tax!

    The best way to stop wars is NOT to start them and impeach the lying people who do start them instead of “supporting them.” Bush and his crew should have been taken to task, but instead, were blindly supported in their ideology.

    Impeachment should have taken place. This I feel, would send politicians that are so quick to start wars, but NEVER actually go off to FIGHT a good incentive not to start them in the first place.

    We don’t need any more taxes.



  91. Joe Wilson:

    If you were the President and were almost postive Pearl Harbor was going to happen, would attack the Japanese to stop it? TO PREVENT IT?

    You are comparing apples to oranges. The build-up to war by the Japanese was obvious, yet ignored by US and others in hopes of appeasement.

    The war in Iraq was an outright attack by the US, using false pretenses. Bush and the neocons did not allow the UN to try to resolve the situation first.

    Best way to avoid war:
    Slap a war tax all each and every one of us, before the war starts. Pay for it now, upfront. Everyone sacrifices, not just those fighting, and their families.

    Iraq and Afghanistan are the only wars not paid for with current dollars.


  92. Well now, I don’t know if it was exactly Sarah Palin who caused Chambliss to win in Georgia. I’m in Japan, so I voted via Absentee ballot. When you get one of those, they include with it a SWAB–an emergency, write-in ballot to be used in the event that there’s a run-off and your run-off ballot doesn’t get to you in time. When I heard there would be a run-off between Chambliss and Cleland, I went immediately and filled out my SWAB and posted it the next day. Good thing, too. The official ballot? Reached me *yesterday*, December 8th. My friend in Nagasaki, who is also from Georgia, has YET to receive her official run-off ballot. However, curiously enough, another friend of mine who is serving in Afghanistan (and a registered Republican), got his in plenty of time to fill out and send back. Hmmmm.

    At any rate, folks may tout Palin as the reason why Chambliss won, but honestly, I think it had more to do with some peoples’ fears that a Democratic-controlled White House AND a Democratic-controlled, fillibuster-proof Senate would lead to imbalance and disaster. It certainly wasn’t because Chambliss is an upstanding guy.

    Keep doing what you’re doing, Helen!


  93. Whoops, meant to say “Europe” not “European” up above. I need my morning coffee!


  94. Dear Helen,
    Once again, you hit it right out of the park! Thank you so much for being you!
    I am fortunate to be able to live part-time in the US and part-time in European, due to my work. What you say about so-called “preventive” and “pre-emptive” war is so true and the pursuit of such oxymorons by the US during the past eight years, which even considering our past faults as a nation (Native American genocide, slavery, internment of Japanese-American citizens, etc.) was for so long widely respected as a nation created by and standing for law, has hurt our image, goodwill and interests abroad to an extent that is not even quantifiable. I saw it firsthand.
    Merely electing Barack Obama, the first US President with black African roots, who has experienced firsthand and secondhand (through his mother’s wide travels) a variety of cultures and who has apparently absorbed and believes in the basic precepts of humanity, wherever those human beings may be situated, has given our national credibility a much-needed shot in the arm. Of course, to maintain that credibility will require much more action and many difficult decisions, none of which can be delayed for long.
    Will Obama disappoint us? Yes, he is only human and I find myself having mixed reactions to some of his appointments. But he is at bottom an intelligent, thoughtful, caring and decent man who really believes that “public” service means serving the people of these United States and NOT merely lining his own pockets and those of his friends. Like you, I will sleep better knowing that he and Joe Biden and those with whom they will be working, i.e., competent ADULTS who believe in US and our Constitution, are at the helm in the very stormy seas that lie ahead.
    One thing though: I love and am proud of my country. But we could learn a lot from other nations in the world, especially those (and there are several) who currently have much higher living standards and better quality of life than our own. The thing is that they have learned from our example, often improving on some things that we do well. They have also learned what NOT to do from watching our own mistakes carefully. And, much as I hate to burst the bubble, we are NOT the only country where citizens can speak their minds and not be punished for it. That is indeed something that many around the world have learned from us and the countries that served as examples for our own Founders, i.e., the experiences of England upon which much our common law system is based and for the ideals of liberty and equality from 18th-century France. Yes, France: the country that so many Republicans love to hate, but also choose to live in when they can, viz. Richard Perle.
    The point that I am making is that we can still learn much from other countries … and we must indeed continue to learn and to evolve … if we wish to regain a place in history as a truly “great” nation. Learning is a two-way street. That is another reason that I like and trust Obama. He does not appear to have a closed mind about this whereas people like Bush and Palin can’t even see beyond the tips of their own noses.
    I wish you lots of continued health and prosperity. Long may you share your writings with the world. I am only sorry that we were deprived of your wisdom for so long.


  95. “It’s really quite remarkable if you think about it. Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election.”

    Kathrine Harris & Friends:

    ‘Grand Theft America’



  96. Connie, you said:

    “I fail to understand how there cannot be nearly 100% agreement that the president and vice-president shouldn’t BE average, they should be extraordinary”

    I couldn’t agree more – if you have an average person doing a job, you’ll get average results. if you want the best results, you have to have the best people.


  97. Quoted from Joe Wilson at 11:34 pm:

    “If you were the President and were almost postive (sic) Pearl Harbor was going to happen, would attack the Japanese to stop it?”

    If it were Dick and Bush…they’d still attack Iraq. Or New Zealand.
    *Watch it disappear….FAST!



  98. I will take 3 of the BUSH DEPRESSION 2008
    bumper stickers

    CraigJ: What amazes me is that you have BUSH/ CHENEY/ RUMMEY/ and friends in charge yet – Bush and the boys are not to blame for anything! Bush even said so his own self this her past weekend!

    Let us count the wars: IRAQ 800 BILLION – on a credit card! Afghanastan -700 Billion – on a credit card! Tax Breaks for the wealthiest! That was a chunk of dollars. Send jobs overseas means more people out of work – people buy less?

    Bush was Mr. Spend, spend, spend! It was also cute that Cheney formulated the energy policy with ENRON – remember them! We are importing more oil now than ever before.

    We have more people without health care than ever before – thanks to GW.

    Bailout: Million dollar golden parachutes for the chosen few but we fire the people who manufacture the goods! Auto Bailout – We need higher fuel standards – no question! Go green cars! IT WOULD ALSO HELP A LOT IF HEALTH CARE WAS PROVIDED BY THE STATE which is the case with overseas car manufacturer. The auto manufacturers are at a disadvantage also because BUSH AND HIS FRIENDS INSISTED THAT WE build SUVs instead of more fuel efficient cars.

    You are full of crap CraigJ! Just like GW and that idiot Cheney!


  99. Joe Wilson, obviously not related to the CIA operative who was outed by her own government simply for political payback, when you rant, please reference your material correctly. Bob the Builder is a children’s iconic figure – Tito the Builder is the McCain/Palin stooge along with JTP.


  100. jibreelriley, we don’t want you to conform necessarily to our political mindset (to do so would require the use of critical thinking skills that seem to be misplaced in your post/ranting) but we do insist however that you write your posts in a grammatically correct manner & that, if you don’t have spell check, to please consult a dictionary and/or The Elements of Grammar. Thank you.


  101. whew! good thing dem’s know so much about sarah palin!! other wise they would have had to learn their own candidates position! good thing they didn’t though. because if they actually had to focus on what he stood for they would find out hope is just a word. I mean seriously, “yes we can!” im surprised bob the builder didn’t file a law suit. good thing the election didn’t go on any longer or he would have had people reciting the abc’s and 123’s with him. which joe biden would have been able to do really well, cause reciting other peoples words is kind of his thing. as long as when he does it he passes it off as his own. oops did i say that? and if you say “republicans are all the same! mean spirited!” please read your blog again. Get off sarah palin’s back. look at biden hes been in washington for who knows how long and he is still dumb as a rock! I am behind my country and my president, because he is my president, but people need to realize what happened. America was hoodwinked by a smooth-talker. I don’t even like palin. I won’t defend her. I think she is dumb too! I didnt like mccain either! but I would take them over obama and biden any day. America just elected Mark Twain’s The King and the Duke. I will try to support my president with all i am. it doesnt mean i have to like him!


    If you were the President and were almost postive Pearl Harbor was going to happen, would attack the Japanese to stop it? TO PREVENT IT?


  102. Hey Juneau Joe,

    How is it that when congressman Manzullo, Pres Bush and others called Fannie Mae on being mismanaged, your boys Countrywide Dodd, Barney Frank, Reins and others said they were solvent and that the loans were riskless and that a 2% reserve was even too conservative? They went on to attack the regulators at OPHEA and call those who questioned them racists. They went on to make another TRILLION dollars in loans.

    Then you go on to claim its a Bush/Republican mess and put the guys who made the mess in charge of the bailout. THAT SEEMS STUPID!! YOU GUYS HAVE A LOT OF HUTZPAH!

    And now its the auto industry. The guaranteed payment to UAW workers even if they are not working makes it pretty hard to make the profits necessary for a company to survive. Execs are just as greedy in devouring the goose that lays its golden eggs.

    We have a lot more of this economic enema before we can truly prosper. Both sides of the aisle.


  103. jibreelrliey,

    Are you drinking again?


  104. Quote from jibreelriley,

    “…get over yourself because
    we’ve got some hard times
    ahead thanks to…”


    There, I fixed it for ya. Fasten your seat belts. We’re in for a bumpy ride.



  105. You inspire me!


  106. jibreelrliey,

    How many BILLIONS (Trillions really) in bailout dollars have been thrown to the banks and insurance companies because of the INEPTNESS OF THE BUSH/ CHENEY/ DELAY/ GROUP?

    President Obama has a big job getting us out of the mess which GW BUSH and his Republicans friends have gotten us in to.

    Is a 800 Billion dollar bailout socialistic? Just Wondering how you define socialism.


  107. 🙂


  108. why dose America only re evaluate itself every four years or is it the fact your politicians are Gods, Kings, Lords and Dukes in your eyes?
    War is hell however President Obama is our punishment? Gov Sarah Palin is back in Alaska so she is the least of your worries. I hope you have a great healthcare plan because single payer an’t going to be so great when you are in line w/ Illegals.
    You know whats the sad thing of all is you guys want me to “conform” to Obama while you still rag in Bush and Palin.
    Screw that!
    I’m not pissing on the Constitution on the fast path to socialism with sacrificing our sovereignty to faceless bureaucrats and foreign entities
    at the end, get over yourself becuase we got some hard times ahead
    thanks to YOU!


  109. Look at it this way:

    Think of how ignorant a person has to be in order to honestly believe Palin is smart?

    The mass stoooopidity of these Repugs boggles the mind.

    Evolve or Die ~ ☮Δ


  110. I still mention Sarah Palin from time to time, but I just want to say, Helen:

    Bless you for taking the bullet for so many of the rest of us. I don’t want to talk about her, but I’m glad you’re around to thoroughly deconstruct her shenanigans.

    Truly, because of all the crosses I could bear, I don’t want Palin to be one of them.

    Happy Holidays to you and yours!


  111. Political Amazon, I sort of agree with your assessment of B Walters. But I have to give her (and Joy Behar) kudos for grilling McCain when no one else was calling him out.


  112. Political Amazon:

    ” That the minority of Alaskans who have had it with being used as Sarah Palin’s footstool are plenty angry and are organized and will mount an effort to do this, but:

    It won’t work because the power and control Sarah Palin has over the legislature and the majority of numb-nuts Alaskans that don’t mind that she is unethical and feels she is above the law is far greater (so far) than the miniority of Alaskans who are going to try to hold her accountable.”
    Oh man- I needed the delusion we could do this soon…
    We are on the eve of celebrating our 50 year anniversary of statehood. I have been reading and re-reading our state constitution. It is a beautiful spare document.
    Some folks thought and still do that we wound up with a more sensible governing doc as it gave so many powers to the executive office that are spread out more thoroughly in other states. The gov appoints more officials than other states for starters. It was thought this would help smooth governing by dissipating possible partisan wrangling were there to be more elected state executive officers… like AG, etc.
    The last 2 governors’ behavior has made a case that we have vested TOO much in the executive branch, THIS gov in particular. Murkowski was an OPEN slime.
    If the Legislature will not act , properly and legally, to serve as a check and balance to the gov we are stuck until this term is over. I think. It is very depressing.

    Not nearly as depressing as so-called preventive war…I need to remind myself of that.


  113. talea wrote in re to Palin: “She clearly energized the GOP, which I don’t think is a good thing but many of my Republican pals beg to differ.”

    Energized in the way that Lowry stated in his column – about the tingle down his leg, believing she winked at him through the TV? OMIGOD. It’s GOP Porn


  114. What do you mean, by that Charlie? Like Bush’s world view? Ha ha dumb snow bunny!


  115. Listeners of Limbaugh and watchers of Fox News *anchors* are looking for one thing: someone who agrees with them. It’s easier. Tune in and get reassurance that the way you think (or the way they’ve taught you to think) is right. [Aside: I don’t know what high school curriculums are like now, but I didn’t have a *critical thinking* course until college. Do you suppose that could explain the Obama voter demographic?]

    This also works in those neighborhood settings (mine included) that some of the previous responders have mentioned — where everyone thinks alike. I recently went to a dinner party where the hostess asked me not to mention anything about politics (she knows I am a Dem) because her husband would *go off*.

    I can boycott any advertiser who buys time on Limbaugh’s show (which I do), but I know this does nothing in swaying the local radio affiliate from airing him.

    I can keep my mouth shut in group-think environments, but I know this does nothing to stimulate dialog towards a reasonable *center*. But I’ll admit, I get tired of being shouted down.

    Helen, if nothing else, you seem to carry the flag for speaking one’s mind. When my spirit lags, I just need to re-read one of your posts.

    Happy to be a Δ


  116. “Did you see the Barbara Walter’s top 10 for 2008? I was too tired to stay up and watch it. I could NOT beleive Palin was in the lineup?? Who paid for that???”


    Just my opinion here, but whatever relevancy Barbara Walters ever had has been long gone for about 2 decades.


  117. Hey, like her or not — and to be clear, I don’t — from a “making news” perspective, Palin IS one of the most fascinating people to come down the pike in 2008. She clearly energized the GOP, which I don’t think is a good thing but many of my Republican pals beg to differ.

    My wish is that the public’s fascination with her is old news by this time next year.

    But in the meantime, there is NO way Walters could ignore Palin’s impact. She single-handedly put the GOP back in the game in 2008. Luckily, Obama’s impact was more profound.

    (And do remember, Obama also came the hell out of nowhere in 2007/08.)


  118. “…I’m sorry to say I don’t think America is the best country in the world, it may seem like it if you live there but compared to a country like my own it doesn’t really stack up….”


    Every country has its strengths and weaknesses. The world is in balance when these strengths and weaknesses balance out.

    N.Z.’s immigration policy works well for NZ, but for the U.S. it would be very bad. Much of our agriculture depends on it, and if all of those illegal aliens were given even minimal wage and benefits, not many could afford a salad here.

    One thing you might want to consider: how well do you think NZ would be doing now if it had 8 years of an administration like Bush Jr?

    There are rich, power-mad assholes in every country, and I bet there are a few in NZ biding their time until they can have a shot at running the country.

    Americans are resiliant. We’ve been through bad times before and we pulled out of it, going on to prosper. We can do the same this time.


  119. SCOTUS rejects case questioning Obama’s eligibility.

    Ha! Take that you wacked out wingnuts!!!


  120. To Becca and Cindi and everyone else out there with loved ones in the military: Thank you for your courage and may God keep you and your loved ones safe.

    Helen: You are a blessing to all who read your blog.

    Janel: Well said, ditto, ditto, ditto.

    All the rest of you: Aren’t we all lucky to be able to keep such fine company here at Helen’s place? I feel truly blessed. Thank you all for your witty insight.


  121. Did you see the Barbara Walter’s top 10 for 2008? I was too tired to stay up and watch it. I could NOT beleive Palin was in the lineup?? Who paid for that???


  122. Thank you. “Make war for peace” has to be the dumbest slogan ever, and it astonishes me that people buy into it.

    My brother-in-law goes back for his third tour in a couple of weeks. I keep repressing the anger because I’m afraid I’ll hurt someone if I let go.

    You’re the voice of reason that keeps my inner demons quiet. Thank you.


  123. Hi, Helen:

    I love your blog and cannot believe how much in common we have when it comes to issues of importance.

    Sarah Palin is a person who does not know what she does not know. That is why she has this blind confidence in herself, scary, isn’t it?

    Please keep up with your good (and important) work. I would be reading your blog faithfully.

    BTW, I love your cookie jar analogy. It is right on!

    YPC in CA


  124. “I love your idea about foreign relations’ meetings taking place on historic war sites. Perhaps the physical presence of the deaths caused by war would make negotiations a bit more humane, and more urgent….”


    It depends on who attends the meeting. If it’s Rumsfeld and his merry band of draft-dodgers, they may all end up sporting little (pathetic) woodies and all fired up to start another war.


  125. Janel:
    “My God! the man didn’t even get in the White house yet. Give him a chance. In the meantime, stay on your own blog and stop prostituting here for readers.”



    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks its tacky to troll to attract readers to your own blog when you are posting on another person’s (very successful) blog.


  126. “BOTTOM LINE: If there’s nothing to hide, why not release the governor’s Troopergate deposition?”


    I think it’s gone WAY beyond that issue at this point.

    I think almost everybody understands that:

    1) She would release the records if they did not incriminate her.

    2) That she’s not releasing them because they do incriminate her.

    3) That she knows we know she knows.

    4) We know she knows we know.
    (Sound like Spy v. Spy yet?)

    5) That, even though she should release them she isn’t going to because she doesn’t have to, and that is because she has the majority of the legislature afraid of her power and bitchy vindictiveness.

    6) That the majority of Alaskans still support her and don’t mind that she is guilty and is using her power to intimidate others from holding her accountable.

    7) That the minority of Alaskans who have had it with being used as Sarah Palin’s footstool are plenty angry and are organized and will mount an effort to do this, but:

    8) It won’t work because the power and control Sarah Palin has over the legislature and the majority of numb-nuts Alaskans that don’t mind that she is unethical and feels she is above the law is far greater (so far) than the miniority of Alaskans who are going to try to hold her accountable.

    SUGGESTION: The minority, anti-Palin Alaskans should either shift the balance in their favor in the legislature or in the voting populaton. If one of those is willing to hold her accountale, then the other will fold. It has to do with the relationship between the two, each being belolding to the other, and loathing the fact that they are.


  127. I cannot figure out why Saxby gave her credit for his win. There was no way he was going to lose here. It’s depressing to be from Georgia……


  128. Unvarnished Truth (with the eyeball) gives me the creeps. Helen, you make me laugh.

    I’ll take laughter any day. I know there are other blogsites out there that would get me very upset because of their slant which is different from mine, so I don’t go there.

    I do visit Helen and Margaret’s blogsite on a regular basis because it is like a blast of fresh air and irreverent, funny, and uplifting.

    I am a Christian God fearing and loving person, but I don’t like how the religious element has crept and permeated into America via it’s political machine and divided the nation into the God fearing righteous and those they perceive to be wrong, wronger, and misled. I chose intelligence and wisdom for a leader over religious beliefs and bull headed righteousness.

    Thank God we will soon have a smart THINKING President with a very qualified (with SOME of Bush’s best retained) cabinet team to lead us into an evolving technological, green, respected America. He isn’t even in office yet, and he’s being blamed for the ills of our nation. Give him a chance instead of only looking for reasons to condemn.

    Had we who voted against G.W. Bush in 2000 and 2004 done the same (given him a chance to prove himself), we would have still come to the same conclusion that 72% have vs. the 28% that still approve of him. Given the benefit of the doubt, he still failed. Spouting Jesus as his best friend and doing God’s will makes him a viable target for a lightning bolt from the heavens. Sarah Palin really was a female George W. Bush, same intelligence, same God talk, and would probably have embraced his same power base of influence and control.

    My Republican voting friend did so because she didn’t trust Obama – too slick, too cool, said only the right things. She said we Obama people were too “fairy taleish”. I told her that’s what you call hope and belief after 8 years of dread, embarrassment, and a stupid war. At least she has the ability to now let me know that she likes what he is doing now, and hopes he continues.

    Thank you Helen and Margaret. Keep telling it like it is and continue to make me laugh. I may still be “fairy taleish” but it sure beats being disgusted.

    Change, you betcha. Democracy, forever.


  129. I really like the preventive diet, myself. What a concept. I’m going for the cookies right now.

    As for Gov Palin, she is walking proof that it is not possible to underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate. 58 million people voted for her? Oh, the shame.

    Watch out, Palin voters, some of those married homosex-you-alls will force you to have an abortion, make you eat stem cells and then take away your gun. Seriously, Sarah Palin? Really? As President of the United States? You can say this with a straight face? President Palin? God help us.


  130. Janel – good comment! Not sure which is worse – trolls or bloghookers. . . about the same. . .


  131. Helen – isn’t your birthday coming up in the next few days? Let me start the flood of best wishes from your fans. (If my memory of the date is wrong and your b-day has already passed, belated congratulations!).


  132. unvarnishedtruth

    My God! the man didn’t even get in the White house yet. Give him a chance. In the meantime, stay on your own blog and stop prostituting here for readers.


  133. > We live in the greatest nation on the planet.

    My dear, with due respect, you need to travel more.

    > Every four years we have the ability to go through a national self-evaluation and make changes based on past successes and past mistakes.

    Or elect different idiots with the same agenda, like we just have.

    > We’re not perfect but we do our best. As part of that self-evaluation I can write this blog and you can comment all you want without fear of retribution.

    Not true. People have been spied on, fired from their jobs, wiretapped and arrested since 9/11 all as part of the “war” on “terror” for merely disagreeing with the administration and protesting under what the Constitution says are legal conditions. If you think Americans who have actively protested this government have not experienced retribution, all you have to do is do some Google searches to see how wrong you are.

    > It’s really quite remarkable if you think about it. Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election. An idiot can avoid war by going to war. A bitch can be nominated for Vice President. An old lady can write a blog. Rush Limbaugh can lie all day and sell it as the gospel truth. Ann Coulter’s monkey can write a book and it will make the best sellers list…

    One can do all these things in other countries too. Europe is actually far freer today than America is. I’d rather be living in, of all places, Germany, with its greater freedoms, than the United States, but I can’t get citizenship.

    > And still, we managed to elect Barack Obama as our next President.

    And he’s already doing the bidding of his corporate masters, changing his tune on repealing the Bush tax cuts for the rich, backsliding on ending the Iraq war he made such a big issue of opposing, and keeping much of the Bush old guard in his cabinet. Change, yeah, sure. Democracy, right.


  134. Not that I disagree with your analysis of Palin, but since she’s relatively harmless (for now) why not look at what Obama’s doing, after he promised to be so different while he was campaigning for your vote?? See my blog for more on this wolf in sheep’s clothing.


  135. Helen,

    You remind me of my grandmother! Your blog makes my day! I wish you and Margaret a Happy Holiday!

    Keep posting, and a lot of us will keep reading!



  136. OMG, I really needed this post today as the subject of my radio station this morning was Obama’s interview yesterday talking about smoking (on Meet the Press I believe). You would not believe how many callers were calling in saying that smoking was a sign of WEAKNESS! Yes, weakness.

    The whole discussion was about why he seemed to be so hesitant answering this question. Of course, it was determined that it was because 1) he doesn’t want to alienate anyone so he is afraid to answer the question so Lord Have Mercy, how is he going to talk to world leaders 2) he has only read from scripted material so he can’t answer questions from the press 3) he’s a filthy liberal. Sounds like what we all say about Sister Sarah except for the liberal part:) How funny they see this in Obama & not in their own lovely lady.

    Are people really stupid enough to vote for Palin? Based on the nitwits I see & talk to on a daily basis – You betcha!


  137. Hello madams !
    I reed yours blog with big interest. I appreciate yours
    logic and yours political position on preventive wars.


  138. “…I read somewhere that it was unreasonable to expect her to be able to name any Supreme Court decisions besides Roe v. Wade because how many americans really CAN do that? Probably not too many, and I personally only know two besides that, but that is no reason to just give her a free pass on it because she was running for Vice President. Stupid, horrid woman..”


    The fallacy of their argument is, of course, that the vast majority of Americans have not run for VP of the United States, and have no reality-based ambitions to run for president of the United States.

    Their logic is the same as saying “Well, the pilot crashed the jetliner full of people because he had been drinking a lot of alcohol and made a mistake, and how many Americans have made a mistake after they had too much drink?”

    This weekend over dinner with a Republican couple we know (the couple who voted for Obama, BTW), we were discussing Paulson’s abyssmal failure in dealing with the crisis, including not being able to track the money.

    The husband said, “Well, the buy Obama selected as part of his economy team was the one who put it together. All Paulson did was sign it.”

    We have to be very careful talking about politics because the husband and I can get overheated and then my husband and his wife about die of embarassment, and the husband and I both hear about it later from our husbands.

    I told the husband that I would not accept that excuse. He has an important cabinet position. Yes, othert people will help him design programs, but HE is the one that ultimately must ensure that the program is workable. HE needs to review it beore he signs off on it. If he can’t do that, then he should not sign the program because he is sanctifying it by the power of his cabinet position.

    Politicians need to be held accountable. We can no longer accept he equivalent of “my baby brother did my homework so I shouldn’t be held accountable for it because I didn’t do it.”

    I wouldn’t accept that excuse from my child, and I sure as hell won’t accept it from someone who wants to enjoy all of the perqs of having a cabinet position, but doesn’t want to take the responsibility.


  139. This is an amazing blog I love it! You tell it like it is.

    I am neither a republican nor a democrat. I vote for the person that I think will do well for our country… well…umm… I really couldn’t tell you when I last voted because so far I have not come across any good and honest candidate to run our country. However, I do vote in my community…which I know for sure that MY vote counts.

    It’s a big job but the president really doesn’t do anything for our country…congress does it all. Sure the presidents can veto a bill but you know congress always get their way one way or another.

    The president reads documents to the nation that was written by someone else…they are told what to say.

    As for Palin…yes she’s a bitch…there I said it with you. She’s definitely not the right person I would want to be VP. McCain is old and 4 years is a long time and god forbid if she becomes president because McCain fell ill or something worst.

    Obama, he’s a very charming man and very impressive. He sure does know how to speak…extremely too well, but he’s not fully black, he’s half white and half black, how does that count for history? He’s very convincing too!

    Am I against Obama, I don’t consider myself with him either. He’s young and not experienced enough to have such a big job. Will he do ok, time will tell. He’s no different than any other president we had whether they are a republican or democrat.

    I’m willing to bet that Obama will sing a different tune once he has been given all the president secrets after he takes office. I’m sure he knows some of it now and we’ll have to see how it plays out.

    Every election it seems some have forgotten the same speech is made election after election (you should know you’ve seen and heard them all) with the exception of new problems that arises during their term.

    How long have we heard about SS or healthcare and every one of them said they will fix it. Have any of them fixed them???? Not that I can see. My elders are still suffering from high medical cost and some are still working due to lack of SS money.

    The president has the power right, he knows all about the problems…the why in the hell he just fix it. Especially, SS and healthcare!

    Margaret and Helen you do make my lunch hour a blast only because you tell it like it is. I am a person that is the middle looking for fairness to do what’s right for our country, the UNITED STATES of AMERICA! I keep telling my husband that we will one day become the poorest country while the other world becomes us and why?? These oxymorons we have in our governments. They are all liars and cheaters…this just my humble opinion.

    Thanks for listening



  140. You silly! I already know more! Afterall, I can see Washington from my house!


  141. Sorry…there, not their.


  142. I love you Helen and Margaret!
    Sarah Palin is the anti-Christ. I can’t believe their are people who think she will be President one day. Scary and sad at the same time.


  143. I love checking in here every couple of days and finding kindred spirits – they are in short supply in my hometown. For those looking for even more back-up, may I recommend anything written by Eric Alterman? Smart as hell, and funny to boot.

    Off to bake a lemon pound cake – Helen, I’ll save you a slice.


  144. Martha: I love your idea about foreign relations’ meetings taking place on historic war sites. Perhaps the physical presence of the deaths caused by war would make negotiations a bit more humane, and more urgent.

    I know I am against nukes, have never visited Nagasaki or Hiroshima, but the documentary _White Light, Black Rain_ cemented my belief that nuclear weapons are never a solution, never should have been, never should be again. Maybe Japan could offer a visit to diplomats from Pakistan and India in order to avoid such a devastating outcome to the current state of their relations? Anyone know how to get in touch with Hillary Clinton? It could be her first coup as SOS.

    Jim in NC: spot on. “Culture of Life” indeed.

    I am so grateful to all the milspouses (Becca and Cindi to name a few) who visit and post here. The debt our country owes you and your families can’t ever be repaid. I just want them all to come home safe and whole: soon! And for them to receive proper medical and financial support on that return.

    Sending virtual hugs and light to all.


  145. ” know it’s “ancient history” but I take umbrage with your contention that “Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election.” It wasn’t “Florida” (as I’m in Florida and have voted Democratic since 2000) that screwed it up, it was JEB! and Katherine Harris and JEB!’s cousin what’s his name at Faux News and those brown shirts who stopped the recount in Miami. In short, it was REPUBLICANS who screwed up Florida and consequently the country. We Floridians tried, we really did, back in 2000. Thankfully, we did come through this year and I no longer have to lament that I’m living in a red state. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Love your blog!”


    The 2000 presidential election was not the first–not by a LONG ways–election that was decided by vote fraud, not how the people voted.

    See my previous post about why politicians make promises and then promptly break them when they are in office. In summary, it’s because, even if they do break their promises, voters will vote them right back into office.

    The only part of the checks-and-balances deal we have is to retroactively vote them out of office if they don’t represent our best interests.

    I can see voting fraud happening once or twice in Florida…but it’s been way more than that.

    I think the Florida voters have the ability to make their elected politcians do what they are supposed to do, and that means deal with the danged voting fraud.


  146. You’d think that since she reads “all” of the worlds’ newspapers, she would have had time to find out what the “Bush Doctrine” was before she went for her interview with Charlie Gibson. He wasn’t trying to trick her when he asked what she thought about the Bush Doctrine, so he must have been surprised when she responded with a blank stare. She sounded like a 4th-grader trying to fake her way through a book report when she hadn’t read the book.


  147. I know it’s “ancient history” but I take umbrage with your contention that “Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election.” It wasn’t “Florida” (as I’m in Florida and have voted Democratic since 2000) that screwed it up, it was JEB! and Katherine Harris and JEB!’s cousin what’s his name at Faux News and those brown shirts who stopped the recount in Miami. In short, it was REPUBLICANS who screwed up Florida and consequently the country. We Floridians tried, we really did, back in 2000. Thankfully, we did come through this year and I no longer have to lament that I’m living in a red state. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Love your blog!


  148. “…We live in the greatest nation on the planet. Every four years we have the ability to go through a national self-evaluation and make changes based on past successes and past mistakes. Sometimes it works like when Bill Clinton replaced the elder George Bush. Sometimes it takes longer than four years as we have seen more recently – in which case it’s no longer a self-evaluation but more like a national enema. We’re not perfect but we do our best. As part of that self-evaluation I can write this blog and you can comment all you want without fear of retribution….”


    This part of Helen’s post gave me chicken-skin.

    1) Yes, we really do live in the greatest country on this planet. Up until Florida 2000, we were, for the most part—excluding Florida’s inability to run elections without voter fraud of one sort or another, and an occasional issue elsewhere in the country–Americans can believe that their vote will end up being for the person they intended it to be.

    That’s why the 2000 Florida debacle was so devestating. We were shown–quite brutally, actually–that, with the wrong people in power our elections can be as legitimat as Zimbabwe’s.

    2) The ability to vote people out of office is the most important ability we have as voters. It is the only “quality control” we have over our elected politicians; the only way we can let the know we don’t accept their actions on our behalf in Congress, the WH, or in State government positions. Even then, it’s not so good because it’s only retroactive and, as we saw with Bush Jr, even if he had been voted out in 2004, he would have still been alble to have done a great deal of damage to our country.

    This is why voting for a candidate just because they have the appropriate letter in front of their name (D or R), even though they have worked against the best interests of their constituents and our country during their term of office, is a sure way to ensure that we won’t even have retroactive powers to control how our district or state’s politicians vote.

    This is why, up until Obama went to Congress and lit a fire under their asses, Democrats had watched in increasing frustration that, after Dems in 2006 had promised “Give us a majority and we will stand up to the Republicans and make change,” they continued to do their bend-and-spread-’em two-step for Bush Jr, his neocon handlers, and the GOPers in Congress.

    Their new excuse was “Oh, we need a super-duper uber majority.” Sorry, that was not the condition of the quid pro quo bargain they offered us in 2006.

    But can we blame them, really? For too many decades Democrats have been doormats for their elected politicians. They can come around every 2 to 6 years and promise us the world and, even if they had broken every one of the promises they had ever made before, we will sheeple on up to the polls and vote for whater piece of septic tank effluent happens to have a D in front of its name.

    So our elected Democrat politicians have no reason whatsoever to fulfill their election promises because they know, no matter what, we will vote them back into office.

    The Democratic Party uses the fear of the terrible things the GOP will do if they get the majority or win a certain position. This is just like the fear campaign the Bush administration lodged against Americans.

    During the first 6 years of the Bush administration, when the GOPers had the congressional majority, much of what they were able to do that harmed us was with the aid of the Democratic politicians we voted into office.

    Yet, with the exception of Joe “The Asshat” Lieberman, Democrats continued to vote these Bush-blowing Democrats back into office.

    And, since the Dems have had a majority, they have not used it effectively to overturn the BS they helped vote into office in the previous 6 years.

    3) Helen, you will never know how much it means to have a blog where we can comment without retribution. This is unusual on the internet. I thank you for your commitment to freedom of speech.


  149. Brilliant!

    War kills/maims/terrorizes/traumatizes children. You would THINK that the people who want to force their self-deluded sense of moral superiority upon us under the guise of protecting babies and “the culture of life”, would look for any way possible to avoid war. Instead, they revere a man in Cheney (and his minions in Bush/Palin et al) who believe we are a waring people. Wave the flag, scream war, and expect everyone to fall in line and follow orders.

    No more. Hell no.

    Preach on. Wonderful stuff.


  150. Helen I must commend you on your intellectual eloquence and on your outspoken honesty on the real issues with our country. I would like to say this and maybe some people will disagree, there should be a law that would allow any president with children over 18 that starts a war that their children should be in the draft. You know I really wonder how Bush sleeps knowing how many innocent young men who are sent under the cloud ”fight for our country” and have died essentially for nothing! What gets me is the fact that their are many more lives to go. They say charity begins at home and we have our own mess to clean up (Bush) . As Americans we have become laxed in demonstrating our grouses about what our government tries to shove down our throats.I really and truly believe that Bush should have been impeached. I know many of us didnt believe for one second about the weapons of mass destruction but because we were fresh from what happened on 9/11 we didnt really stop to say ”hey thats not where the terror that broke our hearts lives”, instead we remined silent and allowed Bush to lead us down a road of financial destruction and also to be more disliked in the world… I could go on and on but Helen keep doing the good work
    I will leave ”As Putin comes into our airspace” for another day!


  151. Your words ring so true. Wars kill our children, grandchildren, parents, friends, all of them. I have always been against war for any reason but there were some in our history that were necessary I suppose. Bush’s War was not………it was for oil, which we didn’t get, it was to show up his daddy who stopped before he went into Iraq and then it became philosophical…….we have to stay because we are Republicans and that is what we do. What crap !!! We gave Sadaam and his lunitics the tools for war and then we went after him on that pretext. When they could not find WMDs they made up lies to go into Iraq because we wanted their oil. We all knew that bin Laden was in Afghanistan. The Bush family have ties to the bin Ladens so Bushie turned his head the other way. The day after 911 Bush was begging his people to find something, anything that would tie Iraq to the bombings………..he wanted war with Iraq. He still doesn’t give one rats ass about bin Laden. They know where he is and they do not care.
    And thousands of Americans are dead or maimed because of this horrid administration. Let us never forget that Geroge Bush, the idiot, took us into an illegal war for oil and profits.

    How similar Bushie and Palin are……..idiots who will do anyone’s bidding for any reason no matter the consequences.

    As for Palin being credited with the Chambliss win……….these are the same people who went to her rallies and spewed racist, anti-semetic, vile and violent rhetoric. They listen to Rush, watch FOX news, wear sheets on their heads and are from a hate culture so ingrained in the Republican world that they don’t know any better. Rednecks LOVE Mrs Palin because she carries a gun , loves her vengeful “lord” and hates gays. The Republicans are fear mongers and that works where people are either ill-informed, under-informed or just too stupid to get it……….look at Louisana; they voted Republican despite what happened in New Orleans—–oh that’s right, it happened to black people so that’s ok and we can still vote Republican because it didn’t happen to “us”………people drowned while George Bush gave John McCain a birthday cake, miles and miles away from the Hurricane ravaged area.
    Chambliss is a vile, awful man but his ilk will keep being elected in places where hate , fear and stupidity run deep. Georgia should be ashamed.

    Sadly, the Chambliss win is a victory, of sorts, for the hateful side of the Republican party. There are decent Republicans, but they can’t seem to take a stand against their party. Talk about sheep !!!! Chambliss will be the one to cause havoc during every vote. He will vote against every policy that Barack Obama wants because he can……..he is the new hatchet man. And, you will never see that on the news. The conservative media who own ALL the TV and radio outlets in this country will never allow reporting on the Republicans blocking an important bill. They will continue to blame a Democratic congress but will never say that although the Dems have more seats, they do not have the power to stop a filabuster . The Republicans in this current congress have voted down or blocked by filabuster more bills than any Republicans in the history of the United States………all you hear is how ineffective this Democratic congress has been. Until there is parody in the media, equal time for both sides of the spectrum, the ill informed, under-informed and just plain stupid people will only hear Rush, FOX news blowhards and a main stream media so terrified about losing their jobs, that all they will report on are movie stars and cute animals.


  152. PS Has anyone here been to Normandy to the American Cemetery there? Talk about sobering. I think all pre-war talks and diplomatic maneuvering should have to take place there. Acres and acres of dead, most in their teens and twenties. They fought against a real threat, to the US and the world. Not a made up excuse to fight.

    I think Bush & Co wanted a war because you can’t be considered a great president unless you are a war president.

    And of course, because there’s oil there. North Korea is a much greater threat and the people there are starving. Why aren’t we at war with them? They have no oil.


  153. To me, the most sobering thought about war, especially this one, is the lost potential of all those who fight it. We’ve lost their productivity at their jobs, they aren’t able to participate fully in the upbringing of their children. And that’s the ones who come home more or less whole.

    What about the potential of all those dead? American AND Iraqi. And those wounded, American and Iraqi. There’s so much they could have accomplished. No doubt that the wounded can still accomplish a lot (see Max Clelland) but their sacrifices have been so great.

    At the beginning of “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” DH Lawrence talks of Lord Chatterley coming home from WWI ‘more or less in pieces.’ I think that was a metaphor for that generation of European men. So many slaughtered in the ‘war to end all wars.’

    I hope it doesn’t become a metaphor for our service men and women, too.


  154. Becca…thank you for you and your husband’s service to our country. No amount of political footballing can change the bravery of our troops.

    My partner served close to 15 years, 15 months of which was in Iraq. I, too, walked the floors and poured over news reports. I panicked when the doorbell rang.

    The difference is that I had to hide from the military support. My partner had to hide while in uniform. She walked the same roads, carried the same weapons, dealt with the same IEDs and RPGs. But she was never allowed to be herself.

    It quadruples the pressure of being in a war zone. And we deal with the aftermath daily: ptsd, agorophobia, panic attacks—and a lazy, downright angering VA that can’t, after over 4 years, make a decision on her disabilities. Here’s hoping new VA director Shinseki and make a difference at the VA for your husband, my partner, and thousands like us.

    Helen, you continue to rock my socks off. The “enema” comment made me spew my morning coffee.

    I saw a t-shirt that read: “waging war for peace is like f&%$#king for virginity.

    Keep it up, Helen. (Oh, hey, since you lived through so much, why don’t you give us a lesson on bailing out these huge companies and not the average US citizen.)


  155. Despite the age difference I think we were separated at birth!

    Frankly, I think palin is a matchstick. Not a candle which can burn down into a puddle of wax, not a torch which can burn down into a charred stub, but an old fashioned matchstick like The Little Matchstick Girl in the fairy tale used to sell before she froze to death. Her matchsticks were longer than the ones we are familiar with but they also had a much more putrid sulpher smell. They flared so brightly when first struck, but went out rather quickly.

    Yes, oh yes! She will make Obama’s re-election all that much easier — as if he will need her help! I think we are actually going to see our great country pull the socks up, grab the shoestrings, wash the grime off the face and brush itself off in four years.

    And if it takes a lot of work to politically de-palinate the scenery, we will be there to help!


  156. How about Brown vs. the Board of Education?
    Ended the Separate but equal error of our country.

    I have subscribed online to the Anchorage Daily News

    There, when appropriate, I will demand that the legislators of that state hold Sarah Palin accountable for her actions and words.

    I do not usually advocate for meddling in other states affairs.
    But SP is a special case, since she is the republicans best and brightest and very likely to run in some capacity in 4 years.
    If elected she will impact my life profoundly, since the ONLY thing we agree on is increased funding for Special Ed.
    So, I am preemptively preventing a problem from becoming a larger one of Biblical proportions.
    I hope we all watch SP and encourage the Alaskan legislators to do the right thing and hold her accountable.
    I also recommend that they send her and her staff, heck everybody to a course on ethics.


  157. Helen-
    Thank you for having us all in again.

    From chalk’s WIKI link upthread:

    ” National Security Strategy of the United States
    The main elements of the Bush Doctrine were delineated in a National Security Council document, the National Security Strategy of the United States, published on September 20, 2002.[5] This document is often cited as the definitive statement of the doctrine.[6][7][8] It was updated in 2006[9]and is stated as follows:[10]

    “ The security environment confronting the United States today is radically different from what we have faced before. Yet the first duty of the United States Government remains what it always has been: to protect the American people and American interests. It is an enduring American principle that this duty obligates the government to anticipate and counter threats, using all elements of national power, before the threats can do grave damage. The greater the threat, the greater is the risk of inaction – and the more compelling the case for taking anticipatory action to defend ourselves, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy’s attack. There are few greater threats than a terrorist attack with WMD.

    To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively in exercising our inherent right of self-defense. The United States will not resort to force in all cases to preempt emerging threats. Our preference is that nonmilitary actions succeed. And no country should ever use preemption as a pretext for aggression.
    ” ‘
    Let us not forget that the last 2 sentences took on a twisted perverted life of their own in the last few years as well.
    The escalating “dialogue” about North Korea and Iran …
    The stance that bringing democracy to someone else was reason enough to invade them…

    We have a duty to acknowledge all the potential America lost with every flag draped coffin we brought home- whether we were allowed to pay our respects or not.
    We have a duty to welcome home and care for those who have returned – proper medical care, REAL assistance to them and their families in getting education, jobs, and generally settled back in.

    We have a duty to allow Iraq,et al to count their war dead- out loud and in public.

    The gov has indeed lit a match and is playing with fire- here at home in Alaska and across this country.
    Ms Palin’s cheerleader tour for Mr Chambliss was a more subtle but just as stinko run at the “Pro-American”America as her open nasty, damaging behavior in the federal election.
    Here at home she is setting up Cheney Headquarters north by thumbing her nose at the Legislature’s investigation of her unethical behavior and pretending the judicial branch of Alaska does not exist.
    For someone who supposedly didn’t want her kids to grow up in a country with no checks and balances (60 Senator majority) and just-must-speak-up-for-Mr-Chambliss , she’s sure wowing me here at home with the empress routine…NOT.


  158. Oh, by the way. Did you know that Sarah Palin has a 2009 calendar out?
    By: Political Amazon
    Yes, indeedy, with 50 pictures of her and her family!

    The pictures might make really good lining paper for the bottom of your bird’s cage.”

    That’s ALMOST enough reason to buy a bird.


  159. Excellent as always. By the way, I’ve decided that if you’re being called a bitch because you know SP is an idiot, then the word now means you’re not going to tolerate fools. And that’s a good thing. 🙂


  160. Ah Greydog: Breaks my heart but you are right.
    It is a modern day Children’s Crusade.

    I do not know how Bush, Cheney & crew can sleep at night. I did not believe in this war in Iraq in the first place, and even I have trouble sleeping.

    They sleep the sleep of the damned.


  161. Quote from Allanah at 6:18 am

    “…and in fact I want to live in America some day but I’m scared at the same time that if I do I will be joining a land that starts war after war to try and prevent war, Helen, I agree, there is no logic in that…”

    Welcome UP(?) to our corner of the globe. Nice to hear your side of things. And at such a young age. Keep it up!

    Very astute observation, but take it a step further. What would be the logic behind continual war? Click my name and then watch this video. They explain A LOT!

    Add The Bush Depression™ with the continued funnelling of our Treasury to the wealthiest corporations (financial [white collar] not manufacturing [blue collar])……and it all makes perfect sense. Shrub is actually a overwhelming success (not a failure at all) at f**king us and enriching them for generations to come. Mission Accomplished.



  162. Good Morning all!

    Becca your post was wonderful! You shared your story about Iraq and service beautifully.

    This is exactly what my Daughter has gone through for 3 1/2 years while her husband was over there. He missed all of that time with their sons and would live daily for an email or even better a phone call.

    I sent many care packages with candy included so my son in law could hand out to the children in Iraq as he would relay to us how awful he felt for them being caught in the middle of this mess. I know there are and were many soldiers who did what they could for the people of Iraq while they served.

    Bless you and your family!


  163. “We live in the greatest nation on the planet. Every four years we have the ability to go through a national self-evaluation and make changes based on past successes and past mistakes. Sometimes it works like when Bill Clinton replaced the elder George Bush. Sometimes it takes longer than four years as we have seen more recently – in which case it’s no longer a self-evaluation but more like a national enema. We’re not perfect but we do our best. As part of that self-evaluation I can write this blog and you can comment all you want without fear of retribution. It’s really quite remarkable if you think about it. Florida can screw up an entire nation’s election. An idiot can avoid war by going to war. A bitch can be nominated for Vice President. An old lady can write a blog. Rush Limbaugh can lie all day and sell it as the gospel truth. Ann Coulter’s monkey can write a book and it will make the best sellers list… And still, we managed to elect Barack Obama as our next President.”

    The above part you said is the beauty of being in a Democracy and I agree with the last comment by Mr.Curtis.


  164. Dear President Elect Barack Obama,

    Please pick Margret and Helen for posts in your cabinet.
    I don’t think you will be let down by their candor or their wisdom.


  165. To Skyewriter: There was a quote attributed to George Carlin that describes why conservatives are against birth control and foaming at the mouth for war. I can’t quote, but the gist of it is that they want the babies to live to grow up to be dead soldiers.


  166. Let’s lobby USA Today to hire Helen Philpot as an opinion journalist! Bravo!


  167. From Wilfred Owen, soldier poet World War I:
    Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori (final stanza)

    If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
    Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
    And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
    His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
    If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
    Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
    Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
    Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
    My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
    To children ardent14 for some desperate glory,
    The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
    Pro patria mori.

    8 October 1917 – March, 1918
    Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori – it is sweet and right to die for your country.

    We will continue to tell the old lie but now have entangled it in a brier patch of Preemptive and preventative war. . .as Helen says, war is war and children die. This is why the Bush Company neocons have refused to allow pictures of the caskets returning home. This is why so-called news journalists embedded with the military – not for their safety, but to protect the propaganda machine. What turned the country against the Vietnam War? The images of MyLai. Not even the abuses of Abu Ghraib could turn this country against the war. . . but if pictures of dead Iraqi children leaked out. . .
    We send children to kill other children. This is not a war but the American version of the Children’s Crusade. Slaughter of the innocent for the economic and spiritual betterment of the wealthy.


  168. Helen is picking up from where Molly Ivins left off, someone commented here earlier. I think so too.

    After reading the late Molly Ivins’ book, Shrub, I needed some soap and a washcloth to clean myself off from the dirt that she dished about George W. Bush, oh my goodness! What a bag of dirt that POTUS was for 8 years!

    Helen, your writing makes me laugh and think – I enjoy your blog so much. Your wisdom, sincerity, and muckraking humour appeal to all generations (except to the “illiterati palinbots”, of course) and I, for one, think it’s about time you began to write a book.


  169. Hey, Helen, there’s nothing wrong with nominating a bitch to be Vice President or even President; strong women are usually considered bitchy by weaker folks.

    What’s shameful is that we nominated an ignorant woman as Vice President; and let me say this women has not waited this long to vote for an incompetent nincompoop woman for any office.


  170. I’m 19 and I live in New Zealand. I’m studying politics and one of my lecturers is American and our class followed the election closely.
    Let me tell you, I have not met one person in this country to date that thinks anything Sarah Palin says makes sense, in fact I haven’t even heard much about McCain.
    I’m sorry to say I don’t think America is the best country in the world, it may seem like it if you live there but compared to a country like my own it doesn’t really stack up.
    Sure America has a bigger army, air force and navy, but New Zealand has no enemies.
    New Zealand is the least corrupt nation in the world.
    We have elections every 3 years and a democratic parliamentary system & enjoy the same freedom of rights Americans do.
    Oh and by the way in this country Health Care is a right not a responsibility, it’s also free, I can’t fathom a country that believes free Health Care will lead you down the path of socialism, that is blatant scare tactics on the part of your government. McCarthyism has a lot to answer for I think.

    I don’t want people to think I’m hating on your country because I’m not, I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a country with more pride in itself, and in fact I want to live in America some day but I’m scared at the same time that if I do I will be joining a land that starts war after war to try and prevent war, Helen, I agree, there is no logic in that, in fact there is no logic in any war, and thats coming from someone 64 years younger than you!



  171. BTW: Living in Alabama doesn’t help matters
    either. Doncha know….Also……..


  172. Helen, I have never been politically active until this election. I firmly believe that GOD did us all a favor by allowing SP to be brought into the spotlight. Between your blog and Mudflats, (the link will not be entered without your permission), so much valuable information has been absorbed by my tiny brain, I feel considerably well informed. Thank you so much for cutting through the bullshit and telling it like it is.
    Deuce 😈


  173. a poster hung on the wall, back in my “hippie days”….

    It said: War is not healthy for children and other living things.

    That old hippie poster, with the psychedelic colors….still true today!

    love and peace to all!


  174. the best most hilarious blog Ive read in ages..well done on saying it just as it is!!


  175. Damn straight.


  176. A long overdue “national enema”! You hit the nail on the head again!

    Palin’s approval rating in Alaska dropped from 80%+ to 60%+ during the campaign. Now that oil prices are dropping like the lead balloon that was the McPalin campaing, her approval rating may continue to decline. You see, she pushed through changes to AK state laws from oil companies paying a flat amount to the state, to their paying a percentage of their AK oil profits. That meant big checks for Gov. Palin to cut to each AK citizen when oil prices were high, but now there’s no more money flowing into the state coffers. If low oil prices continue, look for a broke AK and Palin’s head on a pike. I can dream, can’t I?


  177. amen


  178. Have you seen that bush is planning on starting a “think tank” for the Bush Doctrine neo-cons? That guy with a think tank. Talk about an oxymoron.


  179. My 97 year old mother said it best.
    “Oh, Sarah Palin is that awful woman from Alaska, with all those children”.


  180. Anchorage Daily News did an Editorial against Gov. Sarah Palin re: The Troopergate Investigation:

    Our view: Palin’s deposition
    Governor refuses to release it, despite pledge of transparency
    Published: December 6th, 2008 10:25 PM

    Much as Gov. Sarah Palin might wish otherwise, she has not given Alaskans a complete, transparent accounting of her actions in Troopergate. The “exoneration” issued by the Personnel Board investigator was rushed out the door the day before the national election. It simply took vice-presidential candidate Palin’s word on key disputed aspects of the case and used a tortured interpretation of the state ethics law to find she committed no violations.
    To put it bluntly, either Gov. Palin or fired public safety commissioner Walt Monegan is lying about key facts. Investigator Tim Petumenos shrugged off the contradictory accounts. Then, to dismiss altogether the question of who was telling the truth, he invoked a creatively contorted interpretation of the state ethics law.

    That legalistic hairsplitting and investigatory indifference has left important questions hanging. Ideally, Alaskans would get a chance to see Monegan and Palin state their case, in person, watch their body language and judge who is more credible.

    That may never happen, though. Gov. Palin is still highly popular among Alaskans. The Legislature may not have the stomach for trying to resolve the contradictory accounts, even though she told Alaskans from the start that she was prepared for them to hold her accountable.

    One way she can make good on that offer is to release the deposition she gave investigator Petumenos. During the vice-presidential campaign, her attorney said she wanted to release it — but now that the race is over, she doesn’t plan to do so.

    Responding to a Daily News request for it, spokeswoman Sharon Leighow said in an e-mai:

    “The matter was investigated and voted on by the only entity in state law empowered to rule on ethics complaints against members of the Executive Branch. This matter is closed. We see no public purpose in artificially prolonging this controversy.”

    That is not the “open and transparent” conduct Gov. Palin promised Alaska voters. If she stands by her conduct in the Troopergate matter, she should have no problem letting Alaskans see exactly what she told the investigator who “exonerated” her.

    BOTTOM LINE: If there’s nothing to hide, why not release the governor’s Troopergate deposition?


  181. You heard the lady. Start researching folks:

    Love ya ladies. Perfection as always.


  182. Palin would be happy to start a war for just about any crazy reason, like the cabinet meeting has been going on for two hours and she’s getting restless and she’s irritated by the cabinet members in the room, and she needs to take a walk before she freaks out, and the general to her right might be gay, so this must be God leaving the door open for her to order a bombing run. THIS is what 46% of the country voted for.


  183. Helen and Margaret,
    Your blog and the responses from these wonderful people are a testament to you wonderful ladies.

    I am sitting here reading these responses and following the links and learning so much from people that I consider brilliant.

    We have a President Obama who has a difficult job and we need to help fend off the haters and trolls in our country. Psychedelicat: If you need any reinforcements with Rush, let us know. We are all in this together. We need to make the next 4 years many times better than the past 8.

    Every person on here is simply amazing!
    Thanks again Helen and Margaret for creating this wonderful place. (Matthew – Thanks for keeping it running!)


  184. The average American may not know much more about the Supreme Court than Sarah Palin does but the difference is that most “average Americans” aren’t vain enough to believe that we’re qualified to be running for vice-president.

    I fail to understand how there cannot be nearly 100% agreement that the president and vice-president shouldn’t BE average, they should be extraordinary. We shouldn’t accept anything less and I suspect that people who think Palin is so wonderful are suffering from some sort of inferiority complex that makes them resent highly intelligent people.


  185. So true about a war to prevent a war…
    Many years ago, when the world was young, a policeman named Fearless Fosdick endeavored to stamp out a plague of people dying from eating poisoned beans by running around killing everyone he saw eating beans, thereby preventing people from dying from eating the poisoned beans.
    “Dead men will eat no poisoned beans, he shouted”……..

    What once seemed ridiculous, now seems average….


  186. My first comment – but have been reading since ‘way before the election. It goes without saying that I’m awed by Helen’s spark & intelligence, her way of getting right to the meat of the matter and yet being laugh-out-loud funny so often.

    But I also enjoy the comments – they’re touching and proud and thoughtful and wonderful. Kudos to you all for gathering around “our Helen” on her front porch and participating in some feisty, intelligent discourse! I feel like I have found a home here. Finally…. I’m still walking on clouds that Obama won. We finally have a Smart Grown-Up who is In Charge! He’s been more presidential in a month than W has been in eight years. We’re in good hands. Now, if everybody will just let – indeed, HELP – the man do his job!


  187. The silver lining in all this is that every time I see our President Elect in an interview or just speaking, I am struck by the fact that we will actually have a brilliant and free thinking man in the White House.

    He actually stood up today and defended the right of the workers in Chicago who are picketing for being fired with severance pay and proper union representation. Now this is what it means to have a government that is here to represent ALL Americans.

    Let’s just hope that all of those “58 Million” that you so often speak of, will finally be wrestled out of their stupor when they are confronted with real governing instead of fear mongering.

    Once again Helen, God Bless you for speaking out and taking a stand.


  188. I just wrote Rush Limbaugh a letter. Maybe he’ll answer, maybe he won’t. In any event, he’s my next really big research project.


  189. One additional thing I would like to add. Preventative War is hogwash, and 90% of wars can be avoided … but not by GOING to war!

    I was one of those rare WACs who volunteered for Viet Nam. I spent time in rehabilitation in a VA hospital with young men blown up by that war. More young men and women are surviving the Iraq war with pieces of their bodies left behind in the desert. This is no way to raise an entire generation. It will and should be in our collective national psyche for decades — we seem to need these reminders every generation or so. I wish we would grow out of this.


  190. Kyle Aldrich – for you:

    Marbury v. Madison (power of Supreme Court); Plessy v. Fergusson (separate but equal); Brown v. Board of Education (desegregation); Gideon v. Wainwright (right to an attorney); Terry v. Ohio (search of person); Miranda v. Arizona (infamous Miranda rights); N.Y. Times v. Sullivan (freedom of the press); oh, and there are so many more I could list.

    And those are just off the top of my head. Does that qualify me for VP?

    Seriously, Helen, I am so glad Matthew was able to recover this post. It is one of your best ever!


  191. Thank you, Helen, for touching on such an important topic.
    I spent last year, from May of 2007 to this year, May of 2008, being a ‘single’ parent to my one year old daughter while my husband was sent to Iraq. He missed not only her first words, her first steps, her first birthday, but so many other of her ‘firsts’, as well as our one year anniversary. It was, without a doubt, one of the most stressful, depressing years of my life. My husband is an amazing man, and as independent as I may be, it was still like I was missing my left arm without him.
    I spent every single day with the fear of a knock on the door. If I didn’t get a short message (thank god for the internet!) or even a 10 second phone call, I’d spend the entire night walking the floor and pouring over the news. It was definitely not a way of living I’d ever recommend. And I’m just one of thousands of wives, mothers, children, husbands, and families that go through that every single day.
    My husband, being Reserves, has a civilian life as well- and going from sitting behind a desk being a computer guy, to the middle of the desert fixing broken down vehicles on IED row while getting shot at.. I’m still amazed at how well he’s transitioned (compared to all the horrible things I’ve heard about other’s transitions.)
    Maybe I’m idealistic, but I truly believe that having been through this, we have the mettle now to make it through just about anything this world can throw at us, so that much I’m thankful for…

    All of that being said- you’d think, being a ‘milspouse’ as we’re called, I’d be pro-war.. but it was one of the hardest things.. being SO against this war (from the begining) and having someone I love over there fighting it. I felt so torn inside between being proud of him for being so selfless, being pissed off at him for being so stupid (he signed up right out of highschool, before he ever met me or considered a family), and hating this war so much I could spit anytime I said “Iraq”… It was hard, supporting him and yet really not totally believing in what he was fighting for. I’m sorry if that sounds horrible, but that’s just how it felt.
    I truly feel like the government went in for all the wrong reasons. I see so many kids (and seriously- they are KIDS) going over and dying, and for what? Ultimately, for WHAT?? I want so badly to believe that their sacrafices aren’t in vain, but when the people sending them are doing it for all the wrong reasons… I just.. I don’t get it, and I never will. The thing I love about my husband was that his attitude wasn’t about why we were over there, just that we were- and that he had signed up to do what he needed to.. so he went over with the thought process of “I might not agree with why we’re here, but what can I do to help these people as much as I can?” Toys, food, lots of hugs and games with the kids and trying like hell to ‘win their hearts’, I believe my husband did a lot of good over there. It’s the soldiers fighting this thing who are winning it- and it’s not the fight that’s winning, it’s that majority of them look at the kids struggling and see their own, or they look at the mother’s crying and picture their own. You hear so much of the negative about the guys over there, but that’s a few guys out of how many hundred thousand who are doing amazing things?

    Thankfully, I hope to never have another year like that- he’s in the process of getting out and as long as they don’t call him back up while he’s in IRR, he’ll never have to go back over to “Hell”…

    Thank you Helen, for being so honest and real.. for telling it like it is and for giving me something to look forward to every time you update. 🙂 *Huge huge hug* Thank you!


  192. Helen, your first few sentences about preVENtive war are the sharpest, most succinct criticism I’ve ever heard of that policy. I hope you don’t mind if I quote you, with proper attribution of course.

    Whichever of those Fox News blowhards claims to have a “No Spin Zone” could learn a thing or two from you, ma’am.


  193. If you get tired of Sarah Palin could you please knock Ann Coulter around a little bit more? Now that is one stupid bitch. I got physically ill a couple of years ago watching her blather away through a Today Show interview trying to justify her moronic claim that certain 9/11 widows were enjoying their “windfall”.



    Every four years we have the ability to go through a national self-evaluation and make changes based on past successes and past mistakes. Sometimes it works like when Bill Clinton replaced the elder George Bush. Sometimes it takes longer than four years as we have seen more recently – in which case it’s no longer a self-evaluation but more like a national enema.

    i heart you.


  195. The problem with Palin and her cronies — including those that troll through this blog periodically is NOT their ignorance. (Although they are ignorant…but you can fix ignorant — they just don’t WANT to fix their own because researching and educating oneself is hard work. It’s much easier to stake a belief in opinions with no research or learnin’ to back up one’s beliefs…much easier to listen to talking heads and take their opinions as gospel truth.)

    The problem is they’re mean-spirited…and you CAN’T fix mean.

    Why are their die-hard, line-in-the-sand, you-believe-this-or-you’re-not-one-of-us beliefs so divisive, cruel, and hurtful? (i.e., pro-life regardless of circumstances or situations such as rape and incest, constitutional bans on marriage for same-sex couples, pray-the-gay-away-‘cuz- homosexuals-are-going-straight-to-hell, and preventive war) Because they are mean-spirited, hard-hearted, I’m-better-than-you-because-I’m-religious-and-righteous, discompassionate, and apathetic…and you cna’t change that.

    They sit on their high horses in judgement of anyone and everyone who does not give every appearance of being as righteous as themselves and they legislate based on biblical beliefs rather than constitutional ethics. They are the religion-is-all-about-rules-and-you-better-follow-ALL-our-rules people rather than the spirituality-is-about-relationships-and-we-want-ALL-your-relationships-to-be-healthy people.

    You can fix ignorance. You can’t fix mean. Thus, Palin will always be Palin. Trolls will always be trolls. Limbaugh and Coulter, et al will always spew hatred. And Republicans will always rule based on what makes them richer more religious and to-hell-with-whatever-improves-society-for-us-all.

    Let’s hope Obama’s compassion, empathy, leadership, and wisdom helps this nation recover enough to begin moving forward…and helps those closeted liberals who are afraid to stand up to their right-wing-evangelical-Republican-families come out of the closet, take a stand, and tell the religious and political right to sit down and shut the hell up…their self-serving days of driving our country into the ground are over!


  196. Oh, by the way. Did you know that Sarah Palin has a 2009 calendar out?

    Yes, indeedy, with 50 pictures of her and her family!

    The pictures might make really good lining paper for the bottom of your bird’s cage.


  197. Carleigh:
    “…Where I live hardly anyone voted for President -elect Obama. All my neighbors were so ugly. When Obama won I had no friends to be happy with except my Husband and my best friend and her husband who lives farther away. But…I was really happy…”


    I live in a conservative area. Not only did I come home after midnight on Nov. 4 from a 3-week trip to find 58–count them, 58–“Yes on Prop 8” signs on my property and surrounding the church–which is a polling place-across the street from me, but I knew I would have to suffer the sour-grapes whining from the assholes at the gym who insist that all three TV news channels be on FoxNews 24/7.

    You can imagine how joyful I was when I was dead tired, had to get up to start driving people to the polls at 7:00, to then have to spend over 45 minutes pulling up those trashy signs.

    Interestingly, the two people we were able to celebrate Obama’s victory with are life-long Republicans, from the midwest, but not stupid (both have doctorates in math) and certainly not gullible. For the first time in their life they voted Democrat, and were pleased as punch to have Obama to vote for.

    I still wear my Obama t-shirts every day to the gym because I figure he needs the support more now than before the election, actually.

    The thing I can’t stand, before the election or after, is Republicans who say “Well, both parties didn’t have much to vote for this time.”

    I tell them flat out. “Oh, no. I was very, very happy to vote for Obama. I can’t think of a better politician to be president of the United States. But I will agree that the guy the GOP provided to its voters wasn’t much to vote for. Probably why he lost, in fact.”

    The road the GOP is going down is going to marginalize the party. They just don’t seem to be able to understand that the majority of Americans do not want extremists anymore.





  199. Great Blog as ALWAYS!!

    Now PLEASE discuss the asses that are still questioning Obama’s birth record and that sad ass Clarence THomas! PLease Mrs. Helen, PLEASE!! haha….


  200. Helen, you’ve cut through all the bull with admirable wit and logic.

    Now if you can deconstruct the following problem for us, I will be *really* impressed. It will take some research, but you’ve shown us you’re smart, so I have faith in you.

    Here we go:

    Why does this country sends an average of $6.8 million every day to Israel, when Americans are losing their homes and jobs, living on the streets, dying for lack of health care, and on and on?

    The source of this dollar figure is here:


  201. I agree, we do live in the greatest nation in the world. It would be great if folks continued to educate themselves on rapidly evolving issues with the changes in the White House and in Washington. We woke up in a different America on November 5th. It’s Post-Bust 43 America, it’s America at long last in the 21st century.

    What keeps me awake at night is the notion that the same folks that circumvented our laws to “legalize” preventive WAR are trying to ban PREGNANCY prevention (birth control; I am not even going there with abortion knowing some of the deluded, uneducated whackos that have started frequenting this list. And if you are one of those whackos reading this comment, there is a universe of difference between birth control and abortion).

    Hmm, avoiding killing people by killing people (i.e., war) is fine, but avoiding pregnancy through mechanical/pharmaceutical intervention is not?

    We need to change our country’s policies on prophylactic wars and also end the war on prophylactics.

    Thanks for the post, Helen.


  202. To get an understanding of the credit/financial crunch/collapse…

    On PBS ~ Credit and Credibility

    Excellent. Easy to grasp for such a subject.


  203. Now you too can become a neocon! It’s easy. Here’s all it takes:

    1. You must repudiate every “liberal” principle you’ve ever claimed to believe in, (but you have to claim that you believed in em all).

    2. You must embrace every “conservative” principle as “Gods own truth”, even if you’re an atheist.

    3. You must refer to Cheney’s 1994 comment: “It’s a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq” as an MSM lie.

    4. You must refer to HWB’s no-Iraqi invasion explanation: “would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression that we hoped to establish” as another MSM lie.

    5. You must refer to the troops as heroes, but worship the chickenhawk leadership as gods, especially after they screw over any troops for daring to stay home because of “some injury”.

    6. When asked about Sarah Palin, give a shout out: “She’s hot!”, then wink crazily.

    7. Only vote for alcoholics you’d like to have a beer with.

    8. Always caricaturize “The Left” as insane, morally bankrupt, metrosexuals, treasonous… (Read Ann Coulter for the rest of the very long list).

    9. When asked about policy effectiveness in the war on terror, you must scream “Traitor!”, then point and hiss like Donald Sutherland does in “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers”.

    10. You need one mavericky belief, to prove to the world that you really can think for yourself (“Bush is too liberal” is a handy one).


  204. Helen as usual you are right on..I can only hope that after eight years of President Obama, the future Republican contenders have abandoned the fear tactic to get people to go along with them… it has hurt us as a country far more than any financial mess…So what do you think about Detroit? Shall we reward gross incompetence to save Christmas for a million people or bite the bullet and let them reap what they have sown?


  205. Thanks Helen, sweet dreams!


  206. Dear Helen,

    Welcome back!!!!! I’m sure glad you are here again. You made the case against Bush’s war policy and said it better than anyone could. I couldn’t possible add to it except to say, STAY VIGILANT!!! This blog and others like it are Democracy at its very best where EVERYONE can stay informed and participate. I will STAY VIGILAND TOO!!!

    Now that Obama has appointed Janet Napolitano (is that how to spell her name?) as Secretary of Homeland Security, I wish somebody would put a bug in her ear about this issue.

    Whether we like it or not, ‘Big Brother’ is here! And has probably been here a lot longer than most of us realize. There is no doubt that there is a huge databank with all kinds of information on each of us, probably including where your father was and what he was doing nine months before you were born. There is an interesting article in the September 2008 Special Issue of Scientific American about “Will Technology Kill Privacy?”

    The article is downright spooky. It talks about a tiny little ‘RFID chip’ than can be embedded in, say, your driver’s license. The concept is similar to that of the barcodes on items of merchandise in the supermarket. ANYBODY with a technology gadget, a ‘Reader Device’, can access that information from just about anywhere, even if it is in your wallet!

    OK. As long as all this information about us is already in a databank, maybe it could be used to BENEFIT us for a change rather than HARASS us. I’m referring to the hassles of going through Airport Security. The rules and regulations of getting on a plane get longer and longer. My moisturizer had the potential of being a deadly weapon. (Well, it does keep the wrinkles at bay.)

    I’m not in favor of profiling. But really, my husband and I are both pushing 80. Not exactly what you think of as dangerous types. My husband has two stents in his heart and a titanium hip replacement. When he goes through the scanner – shoeless of course – Security lights up like Christmas! Friends ask why doesn’t he have a note from his doctors? Won’t help. He gets taken out of line to the special inspection area in front of God and everybody, is frisked from head to toe with a wand at length, including the soles of his bare feet. We have never had to submit to body orifice searches – yet.

    In London, the official was so thorough over and over again with the wand, that my husband asked him if he wanted him to drop his pants and show him his scar. The guy was not amused. The Security people have no sense of humor. Just going by the rules. I have a theory that many of them really enjoy their jobs with so much authority, intimidating the hell out of us! You do what they say or you don’t get on the plane. If you smart mouth, you could get arrested.

    I think it was in either Paris or Philadelphia, I can’t remember which (senior moment?), my husband was ushered into a glass phone-booth-like structure, puffs of air were shot at him and analyzed immediately to find out if he had been handling explosives.

    We have two friends who have names similar to two men on the ‘Watch List’. Our friends have to go through all kinds of mickey mouse to PROVE they are who they are before they can even get a ticket.

    For sure, the airlines check with the Credit Card companies before they issue your ticket to make sure you can pay for it. Why couldn’t they tap into that database and clear your identity risk when you make a reservation and get your e ticket? Then you could skip right through Security. Without moisturizer, hand lotion, toothpaste and mouthwash, of course.




  207. You are a goddess. I’ve said that before and I’ll say it again. Listen, maybe you can explain something to me. How we can borrow zillions of dollars from China and not have consequences? How I can make $1000 a week and spend a million? Maybe you can enlighten us, your very loyal and devoted readers, about economics and debt and such. Did anyone but me notice that Sarah Palin said in one of the debates that Americans should stop spending? Isn’t that the opposite of what is good for the economy? Maybe you can clear all this up for us who may never be as smart (or sassy) as you, my new mentor and hero. Love and hugs.


  208. It is amazing what they can come up with. Check this out…Obama’s not really a citizen and therefore can not be president…hmmm…funny…well it should be, but it’s really kinda not. Interestingly enough, Clarence Thomas has been distributing this through the court to see if they should pick up the suit. Also amusing is the fact that one of the bearers of this news is a former Swift Boat Vet. And we all know how truthful they are!

    Complete Crazy Unleashed…


  209. Amen, sister. War is war.


  210. Citizens who live in a democracy have more duties than those who live under totalitarian rule. It is our duty to stay informed of current events as well as knowing our history intimately. Beyond that, it is also our duty to process that information and cast an intelligent vote for leadership. To fall prey to those who attack our patriotism because we do not believe what they preach is to be derelict of our duties.

    If you want to see what happens to a country when a majority of its citizens either don’t vote, or blindly follow those peddling candy in the form of tax cuts, look around you. For EVERY dollar owed by the federal government, 45 cents of it was borrowed under a George W. Bush budget. Bush presided over the first 2 trillion dollar budget AND the first 3 trillion dollar budget. He has us bogged down in two wars, one that has lasted over 7 years and is nowhere near victory. And another that was totally unnecessary to begin with that has lasted almost 6 years so far.

    Our military is depleted, our financial system is in ruins because of lack of enforcement of government regulations. Our economy is in rapid decline while unemployment skyrockets. Our infrastructure is decaying and more people than ever have no health insurance, while those who do pay more and more for it and health care. Where is the great economy the tax cuts were going to spawn?

    Failing to do your duty as an American citizen has consequences. Some of the consequences are even fatal. If the shoe fits, put it on.


  211. I know we need to be vigilant about Palin, but it just hurts…down right painful! Thanks for that last paragraph…very right on as usual!


  212. The only thing I remember about Palin is “a bridge to nowhere” and this is how I feel about her rambling, incoherent thoughts.


  213. Great answer Cat’s Meow !! I’m using it 🙂


  214. I think it’s touching how concerned poorer Republicans are about the rich ! They want more tax breaks for them, and none at all for corporations ! I think most just don’t get we fought the Revolutionary war not to avoid taxes, but to avoid taxes without representation. I can’t stomach anyone who doesn’t want to pay taxes in the US, but I outright puke at all the poor/working class still concerned the rich are hurting.


  215. Excellent read!!
    Peace out.


  216. I was at a party this afternoon and someone mentioned Sarah Palin and I said, “Who’s that?”


  217. You tell it like it is. War kills children. You’d think war should be avoided, wouldn’t you?


  218. I live close to Annapolis, where the Naval Academy is. I see the middies (that’s what they are called) around town now and then, and they are so young. Younger than my own children! They look like babies! My heart breaks for their parents, who know they’ll be in harm’s way soon enough.

    These are the people fighting this war. The Iraqi war won’t be over until there’s a universal (male and female) draft.


  219. Helen, thanks for picking up where Molly Ivins left off.

    This is off topic, but not really, because the Secretary of Interior appointment coming up is very important to us all–and likely also of interest to bitches and white guys in Georgia.

    So thought I would note that Grihalva has received a letter of strong support from scientists for Interior.

    I would like to add my own hoof prints of approval here for Grihalva as Secretary of Interior. He sounds like one tough hombre that understands the West and its public lands issues.


  220. Helen,

    I am in love lady!!!! You are the best!!!! This forum was needed when GW stole the election the first time.

    I made little or no noise then because I thought there was no way the fool could get elected.

    Thank You!!!

    Somebody needs to get she and Margaret to the Inauguration though – seriously.
    They should sit at the head table too.


  221. How about the Supreme Court decision that told Exxon not to worry to much about that oil spill in Alaska. You think she would have that one top of mind!

    As always, Helen, you are my idol. Cleary you, not Sarah, are the Chosen One to lead us out of Ignoranceville and War Town.


  222. Helen, I hear ya. I just wrote about this last week ( as I was just heart sick over those who have returned from Iraq, injured, either physically or mentally, who will never be the same. This, all in the name of preventitive war?
    My heart goes out to all of those who are in the service or who are related to those who are. An idiot has gotten you into this. You should be as rip-roaring mad as I am.
    God bless though ( and I’m not a religious woman!)


  223. Helen…you are such a beautiful blend of eloquence and sass. Love it. One thing I’m watching for as well: Bristol Palin’s due date is Dec 18…just about 2 short weeks from now. I don’t believe she is actually pregnant. I am convinced that was a ruse to cover up that Trig is hers. And we haven’t seen any recent photos of her. So I’m very curious to see if she actually delivers or if she has mysteriously miscarried. Keep up the good work. You inspire me to continue writing.


  224. Here’s another Supreme Court decision that everyone ought to know: the one that GAVE Bush his first term in office!

    Of course, I believe the question was to name another one she disagreed with besides Roe v Wade, and no doubt she thought that the Bush one was perfectly fine. Also! You betcha!!


  225. You know what really gets me? Well a lot, but I’ll boil it down to one person in particular for the moment. Rush Limbaugh was not drafted in Vietnam. He never served in the military. He has no flippin’ (substitution for a different “f” word) idea what it’s even like to serve his country in some sort of capacity. It seriously, seriously irritates me when jackasses like him, preach about how going into Iraq was the right thing to do and that being there is so great, when he hasn’t a flippin’ clue as to what it’s like to do something like be selfless enough to do something for his country in the first flippin’ place!!!!!
    Instead, Mr. Limbaugh sits back popping pills (allegedly), and gets paid millions for having his hate speech broadcasted throughout the country. What’s more disturbing is that people actually listen to him and believe the crap. Seriously pisses me off. So, to see Palin “doing well” for the Republican party, not too surprising. Unfortunate, but not too surprising.


  226. Suzi- I don’t think Helen is losing her health by “playing with these internet trolls.” Its way too easy to prove everything they say as either wrong, corrupt, stupid, deceitful, and against human decency as a whole in one way or another. Its easy to see them curled up in the corner crying like little babies over the election! Helen just likes to stick it to them. HAHA HA HA!

    (for the record I wasn’t disagreeing with you completely…. actualy I agree with you mostly)

    It would be one thing if they could say something inteligent about it…. but everytime Sarah Palin comes up in conversation that notion gets shot out the door faster than Palin’s bullet penetrating a moose’s outer skin. (I feel sorry for the moose)

    Helen- as always its been a good read. I can’t wait to find and argue some internet trolls myself that show up on here…. I need some entertainment on this cold December night when everyone is in hibernation.


  227. Oh boy I am cranky today and can’t spell either! Should be hear Sarah not here.

    OMG I hope all of this reading about her is not rubbing off on me! Ewwwww!


  228. “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am going to sleep well tonight because of that last part. But mark my words. I’ve lived through World War II and every war since. Defensive. Preemptive. Preventive. They’re all the same. Children die on both sides and we never get them back. Ever. When you start down a road where you prevent wars by starting wars… well, children die. I hope that is all I need to say.”

    That is the bottom line!

    I would also like to add another oxymoron Righteous War.

    Yes Sarah Palin and John McCain kept harping on we will be in Iraq for as long as it takes even if that is the next 50 to 100 years. Hmmm guess Pres. Bush and God missed that Campaign message!

    Pleeeeease, she helped Saxby Shameless get re-elected? Reallllly? We are talking the bible belt here. Anyone who doubted he would be re-elected was impaired. Georgia does what Georgia does in most elections vote against there own best interest. No suprise. She may have brought the viagra voters to the speeches they gave but they weren’t there to see Saxby!

    They just wanted to here Sarah shout Drill me baby Drill me and then receive that wink she throws around like a $2.00 hooker on payday.


  229. I read somewhere that it was unreasonable to expect her to be able to name any Supreme Court decisions besides Roe v. Wade because how many americans really CAN do that? Probably not too many, and I personally only know two besides that, but that is no reason to just give her a free pass on it because she was running for Vice President. Stupid, horrid woman..


  230. I really hope that I can think and express myself like you in three decades (I’m still in my mid 50’s). Thank you both from all of us!


  231. Dear Helen,

    I don’t know if anyone has fully explained to you the vicious cycle that comes when rational people try to interact with internet trolls, but for the sake of your blood pressure, please don’t play with the trolls. They feed on self-induced drama and they love it when they can wind people up, saying whatever it takes to get a reaction. They are not unlike spiteful children, really. By all means, keep speaking your mind, but don’t pay too much attention to the trolls–they are only here to stir the pot and pick a fight.

    About your latest topic, I had to giggle when I heard that some Republicans feel they have been too soft for the past 8 years and *that’s* why they lost the election in November, trumpeting a call for stricter (implicitly connotated social) conservatism to save the Republican party and bring them back into power.

    I believe there is a high correlation of people who believe the above and people who look to rallying behind Palin for the future of the Republican party.

    If the Republican party wants to wind itself up in a tissy of social conservatism and warmongering to the point where it alienates more and more Americans who just want to move in a direction that results in their lives, their world, and their future is getting better, so be it.

    America is tired of the currency of fear and ready to dare to hope for better.


  232. I find it very hard as you do…to believe….how can anyone not see the shallow person Palin is.
    True…she does have some accomplishments….in Alaska.

    The majority of the Republicans actually believe she has been a gift from God. It’s scary . In Alaska they don’t have much sunshine. How else can you explain her popularity among the Republicans. Was it just loyalty. Somebody selected her so we (republicans) support her and McCain to the end and beyond. Can’t they think for themselves.

    Where I live hardly anyone voted for President -elect Obama. All my neighbors were so ugly. When Obama won I had no friends to be happy with except my Husband and my best friend and her husband who lives farther away. But…I was really happy.

    My one neighbor just recently made a remark that Pres.- elect Obama actually made sense. I nearly fell flat on my butt. She had actually listened to one of his speeches and was impressed. Things were pretty quiet around here for a long time.

    When the issue of the President comes up I always jump right in and say…I voted for Barrack Obama and I’m proud of my choice

    Thanks for letting me vent….It’s been a beautiful day here in deep east TX



  233. Right on the money as usual. When I saw that the Republicans had decided Palin was their best bet in four years, my first thought was that it would make Obama’s job getting reelected really easy.

    And then the frisson of fear struck me. What if she got elected?

    Sometimes I am grateful for being old and not likely to see that. But my children and grandchildren…

    This stupid woman, who can’t name any Supreme Court decisions, who doesn’t know what newspapers she reads, who thinks it’s okay to shimmy during a vice presidential debate – surely there are enough smart Americans that she would never win? I know, Bush won. Sort of. But if his approval rating is so low, then surely some of the people who voted for him have wised up?

    I’m going to put it out of my mind and go get another slice of that angel food cake I baked yesterday, maybe with strawberries and whipped cream on top. Thank you, Helen, for having the words to always say exactly what I think.


  234. So… we *shouldn’t* destroy the village in order to save it?


  235. You go, girl! I think you are just about the smartest blog I read – of course I totally agree with you. I see a lot of morons that I work with who vote Republican and make only about $30,000 a year and bitch because the economy is hurting their bottom line and I tell them to just read your blog for a month. They won’t , but if they did, it would benefit them to no end. the best definition I ever read of Democrats and Republicans is that a Republican can’t sit down to eat dinner if everyone else is eating dinner and a Democrat can’t sit down to dinner unless everyone else is eating dinner. Sarah Palin reinforces that definition to the tee! Absolutely love you both – and I really mean that!


  236. I love the way you cut through all the BS and get to the heart of the matter.

