Posted by: Helen Philpot | October 30, 2008

If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention

(Seven Posts in Seven Days – Day 3)

Cecilia left this comment on my blog:

I just recently discovered your blog & visit daily. I am so undecided about this election…I read what your saying & I totally agree with you, but then I speak to someone on the right & then I agree with them. I am having such a hard time with this election…
I cant seem to find anything to help make up my mind. Can anyone help?

Oh Cecilia, bless your heart.  We have only been at this for two years, sweetheart.  There were over 40 debates during the primaries and most recently we have had three Presidential debates and one Vice Presidential debate.  Honey, I trust you can read.  Please do because this is important.  And I am not trying to be mean or dismissive.  It really is that important and you need to read about this stuff and believe me there are piles of stuff out there.

But… if you are not going to read anything else, I hope you’ll chew on this:

Let’s start with John McCain.  Picking Sarah Palin was John McCain’s first big decision after winning the nomination.  In an earlier interview McCain said he didn’t know much about the economy but he would probably pick a Vice President who could help him on that.  Palin?  Really?  Palin.  She went to five colleges and finally got an undergraduate degree in journalism.  And if you have watched her interviews with journalists, you have to wonder how much of that degree sank in.  Sarah Palin – definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.

She was mayor of Wasilla – a city population of 7,000.  Then off to the governor’s mansion in a state with a population of 700,000.  Honestly, there are more beavers in Alaska than people. But this is the person who is going to explain the complexities of one of the largest economies on the globe to John McCain.  I’m pretty sure they don’t have enough fingers and toes between them to count that high.  (By the way, I say one of the largest economies because under George W. Bush’s Confederacy of Dunces the European Union flew past us.)

Now let’s talk about taxes.  John McCain is working overtime to scare the hell out of all the Joe the Fill-in-the-Blank’s out there.  He’s trying to fool them into thinking that they actually make enough money to be worried.  That is the biggest joke the Republican party has managed to play on the good people of America.  Most of us don’t even make enough money in a life-time to afford the membership into that club.  The idea of a progressive tax where the wealthy pay more in taxes than the poor is nothing new.  Not even close.  In fact 81% of economist agree with the concept… and here is a real eye opener – until he crapped his pants about losing this election John McCain supported the concept as well.  Trust me, that dog don’t hunt. He will say anything to win at this point.   De-regulation of banks?  He was for it, but now is against it.    He was for privatization of social security and now he is against it.  He was for the estate tax and now he is against it.  He used to have a spine and now he doesn’t. 

If I hear that McCain is a Maverick one more time I just might throw myself to the floor and break a hip.  A maverick is an independent individual who doesn’t go along with a group or party.  If John McCain’s a maverick I am one of those cheerleaders on the sidelines of Harold’s beloved Dallas Cowboys.  Nobody seems to dispute that the Republican party led by George W. Bush got us into this mess but what everybody seems to forget is that Sarah Palin and John McCain are Republicans.  Look, when the Religious Right came knocking at the door of the RNC Membership Round-Up, someone should have turned out the porch lights and told everyone inside to be quiet until they went away… the same thing I do when those nice looking boys on bicycles with bibles come to my door.  But the Republicans opened that door, invited them in and now they have to live with that decision.

Cecilia, when was the last time a politician brought a tear to your eye… moved you deep in your soul?  Honestly when was the last time you really felt that Americans could do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it?  I am an old lady.  Most of my life politicians have moved me.  Most of my life I have felt that Americans can do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it.  It’s been 8 long years.  I had almost forgotten what that felt like.  Thank you Barack Obama.  Thank you. 

If you are undecided – and I am at a complete loss for how you could be – please consider the following:

Which party has been screaming terrorist, socialist, Marxist, murder him and kill him… and which party has been talking about hope and unity.

Which party has been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at you everyday for the past two weeks hoping to scare you into thinking that there is an Un-American part of the country… and which party has been sayng that there is no red America and no blue America but only the United States of America.

Which party thinks war is the answer to everything… and which party has suggested that maybe we need to sit down and talk this out to see if peace is possible.

Which Presidential candidate just gave a speech accusing Barack Obama of delaying the World Series game.  I mean of all things.  In fact, that is a lie.  But my god, that is the McCain talking point for the day?   That’s a small thing I know, but when Harold hears something on TV about sports, that’s a big thing in our house.  So he checked.  It was a lie.  But McCain is counting on you to not check to see if he was telling the truth.  He is counting on Americans to be fat and lazy.  And as silly and ridiculous as that little lie is… what more do you need?  He will lie to you to get your vote. 

So tell me again why you are undecided?

Oh yes I forgot.  The terrorists are going to get us.  

Folks, I’m tired of living in fear.  Life is too short.  How about we try hope and optimism again and see how that works.  It created the greatest nation in history and the world is better for it.

Thanks for stopping by everyone.  If I find out that you didn’t take the time to vote, I will ask Matthew to ban you from this web page blog.  I mean it.  Really.


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  3. Helen-
    it’s been a year since you said this-
    “Folks, I’m tired of living in fear. Life is too short. How about we try hope and optimism again and see how that works. It created the greatest nation in history and the world is better for it.”
    It made a lot of difference to me then- while we were counting down to election day… many of us in semi-hysteria.
    We’re not there yet and hanging onto hope and optimism is hard work. You make it easier though…
    Who would have thought … last fall…that we would be having conversations about whether our President deserved a Nobel peace prize…?
    That enough could happen in a year to give the rest of the world hope we’d get ourselves sorted out ?
    I’m with you- we do want to be seen as an instrument of peace… we have a lot more work to do…
    “Even if he got it for remembering to leave the seat down for Michelle and the girls, Barack Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize is a good thing. Don’t we want the United States to be seen as an instrument of peace in the world?”
    Best wishes for your Harold …
    Thank you to you and Margaret for having us all in.


  4. visit us!




  6. […] Today’s post is amazing. Obama brings tears to my eyes. There you have it. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Gays were to blame all the time!Peter Wehner hits the nail on the head […]



    they lost!! Now we have a new Great and various lesser Satan s to worry about?


  8. I slept thru it, did I miss anything? What happened??


  9. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  10. ohmy god. I’m almost in tears, thats is so funy. I ran until last month….we had over 100k hits in 3 weeks, I felt so bad Palin was so dumb and also got so much hate mail I shut’r down was that possibly the most absurd thing in modern american politics. Sarah Palin. LMAO….I still can’t sayit without laughing….whats even more fun is hearing the defense…nothing quite as revealing as the social conservatives defending the selection of a complete idiot to run friggin free world. Ron Lee NON PROFIT SHOPPING MALL.


  11. This will quickly be buried into obscurity, but here goes.

    They certainly do have an impressive hit count, and I am astounded by the comments section and the apparent “life of it” as we all know, this is not an easy accomplishment. I have recently become a fan, and I check them via an RSS Feed and try my best to keep up with what is going on.

    But as it is a freeway of comments … I often just find myself standing on the on-ramp, wondering if there is going to be a break in the traffic.

    As for them writing it … Who knows?

    Best to just sit back and watch the flow and not worry about it.



  12. […] Margaret and Helen Do you think this blog is really written by two older women? […]


  13. I just found your blog and I love it! I especially liked this post a lot and linked it to a quote I used in my own blog. I hope that is ok. If not please feel free to let me know. You’re inspiring! Thank you for your words and your wisdom.


  14. Cali,

    Obama will be a good leader, not because he is charismatic and well spoken, but because he understands how to look at situations/issues from multiple viewpoints and create sound workable solutions. Palin and McCain do not grasp this concept which is needed today. The see from one point of view which will get us nowhere.




  16. Cali,
    Just out of curiosity, does running a 3/4 of a million dollar campaign, and building the largest ground game of any election in the history of our Country count as experience?

    Does beating Hillary, John Edwards and several other hopefuls count as experience?

    How about the current campaign against a 2nd time hopeful candidate and demonstrating, better judgment, more intelligence, more restraint, an ability to stay focused on issues and avoid stooping to the level of a miserable smear campaign like John and Sarah?

    Does and of that qualify as experience? I think it does, and I think anyone looking at this election objectively would arrive at the same conclusion. Well maybe not Sarah Palin, but she’s not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.


  17. Obama doesnt have much more experience than Palin.
    Just because he is a charismatic, well spoken man, that wont make him a good leader.


  18. This truly is an amazing blog. None has sent you a negative response. Or they are being censored.


  19. I wonder how many people this is going to happen to. My friend registered many years ago, but neglected to vote. This year she has the spirit and planned to vote. Last week (long after the registration deadline) she went to the clerk’s office to find out where her precinct is. She was told if you don’t vote, they purge their registrations and you are no longer registered. I would assume it is every 10 years but it may be less. She cannot vote in this election. So beware folks you do have to vote or you may have to re-register.


  20. You brought tears to my eyes with how you responded and brought all the points to this lady… wonderful, amazing..


  21. […] of elderly ladies but who cares if their identities are authentic when they write great posts like “if you are undecided you’re not paying attention” […]


  22. […] don’t know how anyone could be, not for several months, but maybe this will […]


  23. […] and Helen [read this one] Andrew […]


  24. So eloquently written and such an intelligent and well-thought out opinion. How can there be ANYONE in this country with a functioning brain that does not agree with you? You are truly an American hero, Helen!


  25. Congratulations. You are the “Blog of the Week” in the San Francisco Chronicle – Nov 2nd. That’s how I found you.

    I’m a 65 year old grandmother of 2 preschoolers, a retired biology teacher. I want a world where people can agree to disagree and not be hateful. I want a world of hope.

    We need leaders that aren’t afraid to face our nation’s and our world’s problems with reasoned good sense and good communication. It is not unpatriotic to talk with those who have different view points.

    I decided months ago that I would vote for Senator Obama. If he was running against Senator McCain of 2000, it would have been a tougher choice.

    McCain’s choice of Palin for VP was the final straw that clearly and finally put me in the Obama camp. Subsequent spewing of hatred at the rallies of the Republican faithful absolutely appall me. Obama’s steadiness is much more reassuring than McCain’s invective speeches and erratic behavior. I wouldn’t want to be either one on Nov 5th. The mess left by Bush is the stuff of nightmares.

    Helen, you are amazing! Thank you for your straight talk. You have the wisdom of 82 years of life and good sense and a great humor that goes with it.

    God Bless! May you live a long, healthy life. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. You are the proverbial “light in the wilderness.” Thank you for that.



  26. “If John McCain’s a maverick I am one of those cheerleaders on the sidelines of Harold’s beloved Dallas Cowboys”

    LOVE this! If the boys make a t-shirt of this statement, I’m buying one.


  27. I love you ladies! And the title of this post is RIGHT ON!


  28. Nobody is really undecided. They just enjoy the attention. The party is almost over, though. Here’s the thing, for all of you “undecideds”……..if you’re making less than $200,000 a year, vote for Obama. If you’re making more than that, stay home on election day.



  29. Undecided? Are you serious? HOW?? They are on opposite ends of the spectrum – how can you not feel one way or the other?

    I hadn’t heard that Obama delayed the World Series! We here in Philly wouldn’t have stood for that. Fans were trying to figure out how to beat up the rain!


  30. You ladies are Awesome! Well informed, a great read. It is nice to know that we are doing our research. Thanks for shedding light on the bull crap. Please keep it going! I am energized and excited about the Obama Campaign. I am a volunteer @ the GrassRoots office MLK in Georgia. I am also a PollWorker on Tuesday. Of course I voted advance in person on Tues. 27th.
    We Need Change! Keep it Movin!!!
    Thank YOu and God Bless YOu All!


  31. Alaskan Woman-
    Your facts have been explained or debunked for a long time now. Whupping any truly undecided voter up to go read em now is silly . We have ALL been buried under those nasty non -facts for months now… either in our email in-boxes or from the mouths of neighbors.
    And it is NOT Marxism Mr Obama is accused of threatening to inflict on us. It is socialism… one of the practical applications of Marxism… and as so many from Outside have been pointing out to us this past week, we Alaskans are already familiar with the benefits of those ideas in our PFD and resource revenue checks from the state…! IF it WERE true that Mr Obama was going to roll out some biggo change that direction, perhaps Alaskans could be on the advisory board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  32. Very well said. It is hard to believe that after all the debates and from the very beginning Obama has stated his plans. I often wonder, how anyone can still be undecided especially at this point. You are absolutely correct that they are not paying attention. Also, I believe they are in denial of the facts and they want to believe all the negativity the Palin-McCain camp puts out. I also noticed how McCain has piggybacked and attempted to steal Obama’s “change” theme.

    I’m still trying to also figure out how being a POW makes him qualified to be president. That’s a BIG JOKE to me. He is as qualified as W. not to mention that every venture W. aspired to do turned from sugar to S H _ _!

    The entire administration are the most inept and incompetent leaders ever. I can’t take another 4 years of the same. I will move to Canada. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


  33. You bring me hope.

    Thank you.


  34. I’m not sure exactly why, but what you wrote brought tears to my eyes.

    Beautifully written.

    Thank you.


  35. I am from Manila, Philippines and what you wrote moved me.

    I think it is about time to stop assuming that all things are bad, scary and unamerican, when there are people around the world who just wants to talk it out and make peace possible. All of us outside are not hungry for war….or for greed. we all want to live in hope and unity.

    I pray that you guys will make the right vote.


  36. Your facts to “Undecided” are wrong. Just admit that you are an Obot. Obot’s don’t question campaign donation fraud, missing birth certificates, disconcerting radical associations, and so much more. The information is out there, but a person has to want to read it.

    Undecided: there’s a whole group of smart Dem’s called PUMA’s and they get it. They are not voting for the inexperienced Obama, nor for Marxism.


  37. We need more Helens in this world.

    I voted the other day. Obama/Biden ’08!


  38. […] If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention (Seven Posts in Seven Days – Day 3) Cecilia left this comment on my blog: hi I just recently discovered your blog & […] […]


  39. This is one of the best blog entries I’ve read regarding this election.


  40. Amazing how so many folks felt it necessary to set us straight with comments that we will never read. Seems like their time would be better spent on phone banks, or driving people to the polls, or something.

    Right on, ladies!


  41. […] If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention « Margaret and Helen. […]


  42. Are you ladies for real?

    I mean really. I really really hope so because I love you


  43. Brilliant! So glad I found you ladies.


  44. These blogs are fantastic. Everyone is so informative and funny. Finally the best summary of the election I have heard yet. CHEERS!!!


  45. Big Brother thinks you remind him of his own grandmother. He had to narc her out to the Secret Service when she openly advocated the assassination of a certain former governor of Texas (worst wedding toast ever).

    Please, for your own sake keep it shiny side up and between the ditches.


  46. Helen you are a wonderful blogger!
    I became a grandma Sept.14, 2008
    glad to be in your company!


  47. […] Check out this post: “If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention” […]


  48. Just found your site thanks to my younger daughters.Thanks for your insight on what is really important.This comment is for unowned news who still thinks Obama is not a U.S. Citizen:
    Obama was born in Hawaii-which is a U.S. state.His birth certificate has been checked and validated by numerous groups including Fox News(a conservative station).Obama’s birth announcement was in the Hawaii newspaper 11 days after he was born.John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone.Since Obama’s mother was an American and McCain’s parents were too,they are BOTH U.S.Citizens by birth regardless of where they were born .Please check this out for yourself and don’t rely on rumor and innuendo.Obama is bi-racial,though some people still cling to the one drop of black blood theory.Whatever,it’s not important but guess we’re not all quite there yet.


  49. Just in case Cecilia is still reading the comments, my mother raised five children and always knew where she stood on the important issues relative to where political candidates stood on the important issues. I have 3 jobs and still manage to be up on current events, give or take a few days. It’s really not that difficult. I know in the 24 hour news cycle, it might seem like there’s a lot to keep up with on a day to day basis, but it’s 90% B.S. designed to keep the Wolf Blitzers, Bill O’Reilly’s and Keith Olbermann’s of the world in business.

    If you sat for 10 minutes, listed the issues that were most important for you and your family, and then matched up the candidates positions (found in 3 minutes max on their respective websites), you would probably find a very clear choice. If you are still undecided at that point, you will know that you are not being honest with yourself.


  50. […] Still not sure who to vote for?  Have we not convinced you yet?  Then absolutely check out Margaret and Helen’s post: If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention. […]


  51. Hi! I was just directed to your blog today by a friend’s blog. I can only hope to have such a well-written and honest blog someday. 🙂 While I am going to vote for Obama, I have to say that you seem to turn a blind eye to his faults while gleefully pointing out all of McCain’s. Obama isn’t perfect, and he does have some very questionable friends/associates that concern me. I don’t think he’s a terrorist, but I think it shows a great lack of judgment and perhaps masks some ideals that I would not necessarily want in a president.

    But yeah, Palin is totally a bitch. 😉


  52. Helen, I believe this video can explain your point in a different light:


  53. If Obama brings tears to your eyes then your vision is blinded – sorry!


  54. Oh Helen. This entry was absolutely beautiful. You hit the nail on the head (again).


  55. Just discovered your blog and had a great read.


  56. Holy batshit! Is the whole country drinking koolaid????


  57. Wonderfully written.


  58. Hehehe, that is quite a story there, Mr. Lanier. I think that sums up outr pair of “mavericks” pretty well.


  59. MAVERICK in reality:

    My grandy ran away from home at 14, in 1885, to become a Drover on the Chisholm Trail. You are likely to know of Drovers as “cowboys” a term invented many years later in Hollywood.

    His first job was as Drag Rider, the Drover who patrols the dusty rear of the herd to sweep up mavericks, injured animals, slowpokes, and cows giving birth.

    So, I know whereof I speak when I say: A maverick is a calf that has become separated from its mother. If not cared for, it will die.

    Drovers usually paired mavericks with cows which had lost a calf, either in birth or through accident. If a cow could not be found for a maverick, it was left behind for passing Indians who might fancy a bit of beef instead of the usual bison. Unless, of course, Cookie needed veal for the evening stew.

    Mavericks were not well regarded by the Drag Riders, for they were easily spooked, unable to respond to instructions, often charged wildly in unexpected directions, and were generally a pain in the lower part of what the horse most likely regarded as his saddle cover. Generally speaking, Drovers would not have taken kindly to being referred to as mavericks.


  60. Alaska Pi, I completely agree. These are the things that are important, but as we should both (and likely most of us), the important things are the things people always forget about for something “shiny”.


  61. Why is the tax thing getting all the hype the last few days?

    Why are we not looking and asking about the jobs we need to feed and clothe ourselves , to house ourselves, to pay for medical care , to pay our portion of the tax pie ?
    WHERE are the all decent paying jobs we need to make it all work?

    WHAT are we going to do about truly putting ourselves to work?

    Let’s quit calling people lazy or undeserving, quit hoarding our dwindling dollars cuz right now there aren’t enough to go around anyway and figure out HOW to support ourselves with decent jobs!


  62. @CalGal – Seniors are much better off than someone 30 or 40 years younger trying to start. Seniors already get preferential treatment in the tax code. They get to claim an additional standard deduction and only a portion of their Social Security benefits are taxed. Many don’t pay payroll taxes because their income is from investments rather than wages.

    Given all the problems and needs the nation faces, targeting relief to this group isn’t a priority. This is just another subsidy for senior citizens, who already get federal help through Social Security and Medicare and often have economic advantages over other demographic groups.


  63. Cecilia – think about people who would treat you like this: “At my age (only 45), I’ve lost my patience and want to whack every voter who claims to be undecided with my fancy new enameled cast iron skillet.

    Can you say tolerant? Can you say “peace-loving”? Cause those who would have you vote for Mr. Peacemaker think this way.


  64. There are already like 8 zillion responses to this but I just had to say, right on! You are so brilliant and so funny.

    I just added you to my bloglist.


  65. This was a lovely writing about a very confused person that doesn’t know who to vote for. My son (50 yrs old) watched Obama’s speech the night he accepted the nomination for the first time. He said that his eyes teared up. I’ve heard from several different men that they too got teary watching his speech. The McCain people grab pitchforks instead of kleenex. As Thom Hartmann said about people that are “undecided” at this time, they must have an IQ of room temperature.

    Cecilia does not seem to be able to weed the lies from the truth. It’s hard I guess if you can’t read the two people’s policies to see the lies from Grampy’s campaign. There should be no question who is going to be looking out for us.

    Cecillia, when Blinkey and Winkey say Obama’s going to raise your taxes, they conveniently don’t tell you that for people making under $250,000 a year, they will get tax breaks. If you’re a senior citizen and you’re retired and only making under $50,000 a year, then you pay NO INCOME TAXES! That alone, should get every senior vote available (except for the filthy rich seniors).

    You keep trying to help out the lame Helen, and I’m enjoying reading your blog every day.


  66. Helen, I’m going to add to the mass of kudos and thanks. This line
    “If I hear that McCain is a Maverick one more time I just might throw myself to the floor and break a hip.”
    gave me my first belly laugh in weeks. This blog is like a breath of fresh air.

    I hope you’ve been ignoring the preachers, prosletyzers, rude geeks, and jive turkeys who have had the nerve to come here to lecture, preach, and heckle you. It’s now less than five days before the election, depending on how you count it–do they really think they’re going to change anyone’s mind here? (Particularly by the time they get this far down in the message queue.) Also, I think it’s just plain rude for them to speak that way to someone of your age. The way I was brought up, if you didn’t agree with an older person, you paid them the respect of keeping your own yap shut. After all, they have superior time in grade.

    Of course, bets are off when it comes to politics, when it comes to who we think is the better man for the job.

    I enjoy this blog very much, and deeply appreciate your plain talk!


  67. Oh , Cecilia,
    If you are still out there,
    Take that time SOON…
    We have all had a relatively relaxed time, in the last few weeks, here in Helen and Margaret’s parlor to shoot the bull and chat with a variety of folks .
    The change in tone in the last couple of days – the different folks popping in for a word or 100 – they are signs we all have to go back to our day jobs- very soon.

    I have come to appreciate any number of people, whose faces I will never see, but whose hearts beat on these pages… Canadian Woman, Michele, Left Eyed Jack, oddjob, D, Phil (another Alaskan!), so many, many more…
    Thank you Helen and Margaret, in your own quiet way, for having us all in…!


  68. Helen

    I agree with you when you say that Barack Obama is a great speaker. He has moved me a couple times. After listening to him speak I decided to learn about all of the candidates we have had to choose from starting back from this summer. I went on each of their websites and did background history on all of them not jsut Obama and McCain.

    I came to the conclusion that neither Barack Obama or John McCain is the right person for the job. Obama is going to keep digging the hole deeper while McCain keeps the hole at the same depth. I did so much research on them I decided to write about it.


    We Americans really missed out this year. Ron Paul was the right choice. His resume is by far the best out of all candidates. He was going to bring the troops home the next day after being elected. Eliminate the IRS. Close all military bases around the world.

    These are some of his stances. He did research on what would happen if he did just those measures. He found out that he could provide “free healthcare” for every American citizen for the next 5 years. This info is readily available on the web.

    Eventhough he is not going to win the election and stopped his campaign when he was not given the Republican nomination (not because Republicans don’t like him, its just that the average person has heard of McCain’s name before) I am going to write him in. This way I do not have to listen to people who vote for candidates who run on similar platforms every 4 years when nothing dramatic changes. I instead will vote for the person who will shrink the government and put the power back into its citizens.

    Also, I love your header image. Its so cute.


  69. Thanks to Huffpo, just discovered your blog and will happily share your site with everyone in my address book, despite the fact that I’ll be preaching to the choir.

    Regarding the Palin choice. It’s appalling that the GOP has successfully sold “average” as a leadership credential, while successfully selling exceptional as a detriment. According to the GOP smart people are “elitists”.

    We have surely lost our way, and we are certainly a great nation in decline, when we agree to celebrate under-achievers and mock over-achievers. When we confuse the folksy-down-home adages of Forest Gump for brilliance. And this on the heels of GWB—-the greatest underachiever-screw-up in Presidential history.

    GWB pandered to the Christian right for political purposes, but Palin is a true believer. I wouldn’t have thought it possible that any part of this country wanted to go even farther to the right.

    This election is the first time I’ve felt sorry for true conservatives. The GOP has courted the favor of the anti-science crowd, and now they’re paying the piper. Anti-science in the 21st century? No wonder McCain didn’t want to compare religious beliefs. No wonder he was unwilling to go after Rev. Wright.

    Anyway, thanks so much for the smiles. No matter what happens on Nov 4, it’s uplifting to hear such common sense in a demographic that the GOP supposedly owns.


  70. Cecilia-
    If you are still out there…
    The recurring theme in your posts is the question of where to find UNbiased information…
    While asking our news organizations to step up to the plate on this is very important and I, personally, have about had it with the general cherry-picking of “FACTS” by lots of folks, I think the most important question for you is to ask ” WHAT is MY bias?”
    Bias , in and of itself, is human and neutral… it is where our feet are… where we live…
    We view the horizon of our lives, individually and collectively, from the place our feet are.
    Helen’s questions were prods for you to look at your feet… where are they? What is most important to you? Your family? If so, HOW so?
    If you get clear about where YOU stand, the relative distances, to or away from you , of the candidates’ stands will become clear.
    It is hard to do when friends and family are clamoring for your attention. Figure out how to get even a half hour of quiet time, after your babes are sleeping or before they get up, to wiggle your toes and flex your knees… to figure out what matters most to you… let that sink of dishes or load of laundry sit …
    Best Wishes


  71. I don’t want Obama to get voted in. There is such a mess, let the republicans rot it, and Obama can clean it up i 2012.

    The republicans and American don’t deserve a true patriot like Obama. If the issues divide people, that is fine, but people dislike Obama because of figment stories ( terrorism, not born in US ).

    It saddens me, because I love my country a lot. I am saddened that so much is done to keep the country going but within it there is so much hate. I am truly sad for my nation at this time, when I should be happy.

    Thanks for writing this post.


  72. “I have a question. What’s the difference between Bill Ayres and Tim McViegh?”

    Another question: What’s the difference between Rev. Wright and Augusto Pincohet?

    Pinochet was a dictator who murdered and disappeared thouands of his own people in Chile, after a bloody and illegal coup sponsored by the CIA.

    Folks in the McCain campaign worked as lobbyists for his brutal regime. McCain was a supporter of his in the Senate.

    Oh, and by the way, McCain’s foundation contributed big bucks to that Palestinian character we’re hearing so much about. About five times the amount that the Woods Foundation did.

    Rev. Wright has a big mouth and a bad attitude, but has killed no one.

    How anyone can still be undecided is beyond my comprehension.

    GREAT blog, ladies.


  73. I see that you are an Obama supporter. This really does less to help someone compare the two candidates, but it does more to give a reason NOT to vote for one of the two main candidates.


  74. Give ’em hell, Helen. I’m with you, babe. I just wish I could express myself so eloquently.


  75. This is a fantastic and well articulated blog!


  76. I agree Helen, it has been a LONG 8 years. I have also almost forgotten what it is like when a political candidate spoke words so powerful they did bring tears to my eyes. Obama did that on Wednesday night and although he made my mascara run, it was a GREAT feeling.

    Keep posting. I love your blog!


  77. I can’t remember who exactly posted the myspace post by the woman who stiffed the waiter but I’m sure it wasn’t the first time she’s stiffed a waiter. People like that love to come into a restaurant and look for EVERY LITTLE thing wrong just so they can justify being a cheapskate. People like that already look down on the lowly servants who wait on them. People like that are the ones who claimed “they were bored” by Obama’s 30 minute ad. How can someone be BORED by watching 4 different families explaining their daily struggles? I’m embarassed for those that are so twisted and unattached to the human race. It’s just so sad. Oh! and she better hope she never sets foot in that restaurant again…I used to wait tables and karma is a bitch.


  78. You Have A Great Blog Keep Up The Good Work ..Cheers 🙂


  79. Hallelujah! My mom sent your site to me, which I love! John McCain is speaking on the court house steps in the city close to where I live today, and I am terrified that the Ohio Valleyians will eat up every word he says. I hope, pray, that they will look at the state of our small city and boo him out and away. The Republican Party has already crippled this area enough.

    It makes me feel good (I will feel even better if the news reports dismal attendance at his rally) to find words and intelligence like yours. Thank you.


  80. I love you HELEN!!!!
    Thank you thank you thank you!!!


  81. You are actually a bunch of bitches


  82. See, I thought being Christian meant you believed in tolerance, as Christ taught. He healed the sick on the Sabbath, teaching us that rules have their place, but common sense is vital. Anyone who holds themselves up as holier than the rest should remember the parable about casting stones.


  83. Thank you Helen for your spirited Blog!

    It has solidified my vote for McCain.

    I don’t jump on band wagons and definitely not Obama’s. His wagon will fall apart soon after his nomination and everyone that voted for him will wonder why they had.

    Or maybe not, lyou iberals tend to stick together no matter what happens with


    same sex marriage

    and stem cell research.

    It’s Gods will though, not mine!

    Take care…



  84. I’m cracking up over here! Love the blog, keep telling em how it is. Nothing funnier than a senior using profanity in political satire than maybe, well nothing. Colorado is a battleground and I’m on my way to the polls right now!


  85. Helen, Obama has got it going on girl. I am watching him speak right now in Iowa on CNN. This is so telling. He said, and I’m quoting loosely because I can’t remember it verbatim, “John McCain doesn’t want spend his campaign talking about what is important to the American people (the economy), so he has spent the last few weeks calling me every name in the book. Every name. Everything but a child of God.”


  86. One more time, people: Vitriol is no substitute for reason and critical thinking. And anybody on either side who spouts the same four or five talking points over and over again is a fool.

    The level of discourse in each election declines further and further.


  87. Dear No Name: I am a Christian; I am voting for Obama. I do believe that God gave me free will. I do believe the constitution GUARANTEES my freedom of religion, my freedom of speech. It guarantees yours too. So you vote your way, I’ll vote mine. But please don’t tell me I’m not Christian, I’m not worthy, because I’m not voting the same way as you. You are a walking example of the divisiveness and hatred and negativity that has become the base of the Republican party.


  88. This was an amazing read; I really feel that all undecided voters need to read this. It’s frankly a little irritating to still have fence sitters; with this abundance of information, and such obvious conclusions to be drawn.


  89. Helen, you are an inspiration! My good friend Barbi (who I’ve known for over 20 years and counting) and I are planning on being you and Margaret 30 years down the line, long after we’ve outlived our husbands.


  90. That is the most sensible response to an undecided voter I’ve seen — well done. At my age (only 45), I’ve lost my patience and want to whack every voter who claims to be undecided with my fancy new enameled cast iron skillet.


  91. You are awesome (and that’s coming from an Alaskan who does NOT support the McCain/Palin ticket!). If you have not gotten onto the Mudflats forum, you should. I am going to post a link to you over there… Thanks for a great post.


  92. This is a beautiful post! Thank you!

    Obama/Biden ’08!


  93. Thank you for you blog, its inspirational! And your response to this question, hits all the points dead on. Keep up the great work 🙂


  94. I feel like you could have spoken with a voice of kindness to this woman, but you chose to be angry and condescending.

    The fact is that these are two terrible options for president, and the congress is skyrocketing to a whopping 10% or so approval rating.

    Just because people are undecided doesn’t always mean they can’t make up their mind. This is akin to the lima beans on my plate that I always saved until the end. I think I’ll avoid the whole thing until the last minute, go vote, and then hurry home and shower.

    Thousands of us keep showing up at these rallies, cheering on our politicians to keep on doing what they’re doing. But they all bend the facts, and they all walk around with their fingers in the wind hoping to figure out what to say to keep their jobs. I so wish that we could somehow stop feeling this nauseating gushing bliss about these opportunistic candidates, and just mobilize to make whomever it is in office do the right thing. If their fingers are in the wind, maybe it’s time for us to change the wind.

    [Credit to Jim Wallis for the wind metaphor. Read “The Great Awakening,” good stuff.]


  95. Very concise and you spelled it out very clearly!
    Thanks… I did the early vote also 🙂
    Keep rocking …


  96. very well put!


  97. You are so smart and I just love reading your blog.


  98. I wanted to say, would you let the mother who is a child herself die. I don’t think so!!!!


  99. Obama is not for abortion. He is Pro-choice. It is funny how people use this talking point. What if a child age 10 or 11 is raped by their father an become pregnant. If their giving birth becomes dangerous to their health. Would you let that Mother (Child) so that the baby can live. I don’t think so.
    Abortion is not clear cut my dear.
    I can live with myself. Do not worry about me. Worry about your own soul.


  100. No Name. No surprise.


  101. If your professing to be a Christian and your voting for Obama your voiting AGAINST God. Obama is FOR abortion and FOR all things that are against God’s will.

    I’m amazed how Obama has truly duped all of you. Apparently you can’t seem to distinguish the lies from the truth anymore.

    I hope you can live with the consequences of your actions and stupidity.


  102. Another wonderful post. Funny, but also 100% true. By the way, I voted early and it feels very very good.


  103. Ladies, this is spectacular.
    As an 18 year old college student living in NYC, I often hear that my vote doesnt matter, and that voicing my opinion is a waste of time. Blogs like this make me realize that even if my voice is reaching just a few people, I can make a difference.
    This made me feel better about voting.
    Which I already did.
    I filed my absentee ballot for the good ol’ state o’ maine almost 2 weeks ago.
    Thank you for your inspiration, ladies.


  104. Hopefully the people who think this country will become communist or socialist if Obama wins will leave the country. That would be nice.


  105. John D.
    We ARE looking at the facts. The fact is that our country does not need another 4 years of Republican rule.
    Bravo!!! McCain was in the military. My father was in the military also, but he is not voting for McCain. Being in the military does not make you a good president. I do not agree with his policies therefore I am not voting for him.
    Another thing, McCain is all over the place with what he says. He said that Obama was a good and decent man, but talks about him like he is not a good and decent man.
    I would respect him more if he would stick with calling Obama a liar (but funny how he lies all the time). To me if you are going to call someone a liar they are not a decent person. He should stick with one train of thought.
    McCain is the scary one, not Obama.


  106. oy. enjoy the obama koolaid while it lasts…

    the aftereffects will kick in shortly.

    nevermind that barack obama isn’t a citizen of the US, i want to vote for an empty rhetorical phrase which moves me, but presents no real substance!

    why waste my vote on someone who would deal with our broken monetary policy, remove american troops from their stations all over the world, and return liberty and freedom to the american citizens? stupid Ron Paul.

    welcome to fascism everyone! mark your calendars: this election day, america votes in hitler 2.0, but its ok cuz he’s black, right?


  107. I’ve wanted to write THIS VERY POST for so long. I’ve wanted to send it to every paper in the country. I’ve wanted to and wanted to, and you guys did it for me. Thank you. I hope that everyone in the country reads this.


  108. Nothing I love better than a blog that is full of lies and hate… wait a minute, you talked about issues and fact? This must not be a Republican Blog. Sorry I just so used to defending against all of the lies on the other Blogs

    Good job on telling it like it is and thank you for voting for a positive change to my children’s future. I might add that once again the Republican party and John McCain is being endorsed by Al Quaeda, hard to recruit against a voice for World Peace.


  109. I don’t understand how you can “poor Cecilia” this woman and want to talk about the issue — and then NEVER talk about anything but negative McCain choices.

    You aren’t talking ISSUES. The Obama campaign has been short on ISSUES and long on HOPE and CHANGE – two very nebulous concepts – for two years.

    How about records?

    How about which campaign pays women equally for equal pay?

    How about which campaign has campaign rhetoric which consistently belies voting records?

    How about which candidate has admitted to Marxist and socialist and nationalist mentors and role models – and who believe the government is better able to take care of me than I am?

    How about looking at the specifics of the health care plans and tax plans? Not what the campaigns say about the others – but what the plans actually say.

    Then we can stop talking confusion.

    I hope too. I hope Obama has his campaign rhetoric handed to him on a silver platter. But that’s because I have studied the issues.


  110. I’ve never understood “party loyalty”. I’ve never understood why a candidate’s party affiliation should be more important than their character. Of course, I’ve also never understood why people cast votes based on only one issue. Seems pretty narrow-minded to me, regardless of what the issue is or what stand a person takes. And the President has little say over those issues anyway.


  111. We should never make decisions based on emotion because our emotions are prone to fluctuation and change. Depending on who is the most eloquent or persuasive, we will change our opinions. You are only hearing one message. Be wise and check into all the facts. Of course, truth is hard to find these days because there is so much slant and so withholding of facts. I would recommend checking out these links: =1,, ven_referralObject=3164926&maven_referralPlay listId=&sRevUrl=


  112. I can understand why your questioner is confused. I am, too. Those of us who don’t align with a particular party have to find our own way, and it’s hard! For the very fact that there is so much to read, so many talking heads, so much emotion involved, and in every opinion the SPIN just makes it almost useless to me. How do I know who is telling the truth? There isn’t one unbiased source of information in the entire country. I want to make an informed decision, but honestly, I feel less informed and more distrustful than I ever have.

    So, yeah. I understand the confusion.


  113. […] and here are a couple of groovy blogs to check out. Click here for Margaret and […]


  114. “Sarah Palin – definitly not the sharpest tool in the shed.”
    Biden got all degrees possible and still talking idiotic nonsense after nonsense . Guy is undeniably stupid but who cares? It is ideological war and he is on he right side of ideological spectrum so he is entitled to do what he want with immunity.
    By the way correct spelling of the word “definitly” is definitely seems like you are no the sharpest tool in the shed


  115. Frankly, I’m sick of everyone who just assumes that McCain is going to be just like Bush…simply because he’s a Republican.

    And before you decide to cite off any other reasons you may have, I don’t care. I’m simply responding to what you wrote: “Nobody seems to dispute that the Republican party led by George W. Bush got us into this mess but what everybody seems to forget is that Sarah Palin and John McCain are Republicans.”

    You think a lot of Republicans are still happy with Bush? Think again. But that doesn’t mean that they’re going to just blindly give up on their party and follow someone who, frankly, seems to have more skeletons in his closet than Dahmer had in his fridge.


  116. Seriously. I will never understand people who are undecided. We’re not even talking apples and oranges here we’re talking…I don’t know…apples and nookyooler warheads. This is not a difficult decision.


  117. Not to worry, Helen! I’ll be voting next Tuesday! I’ll be at our local polling place all day anyways… I’ll be poll-watching for the Obama campaign!
    I’d have voted already, but there is no early voting in my state…

    Have a wonderful day!


  118. “The terrorists are going to get us.”

    I find it fascinating that people have forgotten…it’s not that they’re “going to get us”. They “got us” on 9/11.

    Yes we should be optimistic, but not naive or blind. National security is still important no matter who is in the white house.


  119. I hope everyone knows the real facts about the canidates running for president.
    I was at the Sarasota John Mccain rally and it was sold out as my wife and I just made it in.
    We also attended the SaraH Palin rally at the Tampa convention center and it was fantastic and a lot of young people were there.
    My wife Dr. Sonia Lizardo Dillon who earned a Ph.D. in Public Administration and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh in 1995. Master in Business Administration – Harvard Business School – 1976, agrees with John Mccain that Obamas message about spreading the wealth which will raise taxes along with Obamas other plans is not a good idea. Obama wants to give health care to everyone, well look at Canada they come here to get health care, the best doctors etc because there is not enough to go around. John Mccain is givivng a tax credit not a give away to bankrupt the U.S. and do you know who will get the worst of Obamas health plan, the elderly and people on social security etc. Please be informed about the facts and listen to some one that is educated and has experience, knowledge and most important Vision.
    There is not to much that we know about Obama therefore you don’t know what will happen to the United States Internationaly and economicaly.
    Obamas associations have a lot of dark clouds.
    The National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) chose Dr. Sonia Dillon Ph.D dissertation among the five best in the U.S.A. for a National Award in 1996. Because of Dr. Dillon’s exchange of the dissertation with the late U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, it is believed that the U.S. initiative to examine the MERCOSUR was undertaken by the Clinton Administration. Additionally the Inter-American Bank referenced the dissertation at the formation of WHFTA.

    1.Dr. Dillon’s Dissertation was an impact assessment of Latin American trading blocs (Central America Trading bloc (CACC), the Andean Pact (ANPACT) and Mercado del Sur (South Market – MERCOSUR). The mathematical models of Dr. Dillon’s dissertation predicted that if economic policies between USA and Latin America would not change, European and Asian countries (mainly Japan, Korea and China) would be dominating the markets of capital equipments and technologies of Latin America in years to come. A copy of this Dissertation was sent to the U.S. Commerce Department in 1996. Later on, (according to Professor Jerome McKinney, University of Pittsburgh) the Clinton Administration used Dr. Dillon’s Ph.D dissertation for an evaluation of MERCOSUR performance in 1997.

    2.Dr. Dillon developed the first mathematical model for an index of competitiveness by sectors (ICS). The ICS measures the level of economic advantage of one economic sector in regard to others. This economic advantage allows specific sectors to be more competitive domestically, in trading blocs and bilateral agreements. The ICS can be positive or negative. When the ICS is positive is greater than zero (0) and minus than one (1). On the other hand, when the ICS is negative is always equal or greater than one (1). The ICS index is highly important and recommended for a country seeking participation in trading blocs and bilateral agreements, and to evaluate the economic strength of its economic sectors before signing such agreements. It is also important in defining domestic economic policies. The ICS has a copyright from 2005 and it is registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

    Listen to a expert that already has predicted 10 years before something became true. Dr. Sonia has Vision and Vision does not mean that someone only with a education has a Vision, this is a gift from god along with the education.
    I almost forgot to mention something very important, when Sonia was doing her Ph.D dissertation other students told her that it was not a good Idea to use the word GOD in her dissertation, well she wasn’t afraid to use the word GOD.
    I believe there are about 1500 pages that she wrote in her book and you can see for yourself at the University of Pittsburgh.

    See below some facts about Sarah Palin:

    Subject: Don’t let looks deceive you …
    Very interesting…

    > Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 10:54 AM
    > Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just make sure that
    > you’re making an “educated” choice on Nov 4th.
    > > Bet you didn’t know this …
    > >
    > > Question: What is America’s first line of missile
    > interceptor defense
    > > that protects the entire United States?
    > >
    > > Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska
    > National Guard.
    > >
    > > > Question: What is the ONLY National Guard unit on
    > permanent active duty?
    > >
    > > Answer: 49th Missile Defense Battalion of Alaska
    > National Guard >
    > >
    > > >>Question: Who is the Commander in Chief of the
    > 49th Missile Defense
    > > Battalion of Alaska National Guard?
    > >
    > > Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska
    > >
    > > >>>Question: What governor is routinely
    > briefed on highly classified
    > > military issues, homeland security, and counter
    > terrorism?
    > >
    > > Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska >
    > >
    > > >>>>Question: What U.S. governor has a
    > higher classified security rating
    > > than either candidate of the Democrat Party? >
    > >
    > > Answer: Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska.
    > > This is a
    > woman used to keeping secrets. She can be entrusted with our
    > >national security, because she already is!
    > > Now you DO know!

    Vote for John Mccain, so what that he can’t use the computer that well as Obama and People said, of course he and his campain didn’t tell everyone that his war injury and because of that he can not move all parts of his body so well.
    I know about war injury as my father had metal and other issues after he server as a Marine, I was a volunteer and received honorable.
    Look at the facts and just don’t listen to words and who looks the best.
    I think that John Mccain has the backbone,brains and honesty to run the United States.
    Respectfully and GOD Bless.
    John D


  120. excellent. simply excellent.


  121. Helen, Margaret,

    you are so old that you know when dancing was forbidden. If decent American citizens are undecided yet – and I am sure there are a lot, just look at the polls – then they just ought to question: Who has the greater experience? Then they know the answer: It’s me!

    That Obama has no experience in foreign policy. I do. I meet important internationals every day like president Putin of Germany. Or King Charles from Dublin of Great Brittan. The American people know that. That’s why they will vote for me.

    And btw., don’t buy that crap that American voters would just pretend to say Yes to Obama and vote No because they would look like racists. When they vote against him on Tuesday it’s because they are convinced I am the right guy for the right job. Some may think he is a terrorist friend. But honestly – I don’t know if he is a Muslim, I just know he is a family man.
    Btw., did you know that Muslims have big families?

    Anyway, be nice and vote for me on Tuesday. If you want to vote for Obama, do it on Wednesday.


  122. This is my first time checking out this blog and I’m in love. Any broad who can threaten to break a hip over the mavericky John McCain and call Sarah Palin a bitch (cuz she is) is alright in my book!

    Well done, broads! I mean, Ladies!


  123. I have just read all of your commentary and sent a link to your blog to everyone I thought might read it, sympathetic or not.

    You are my new hero.

    I don’t think I could’ve said anything you have better or pointed out any of the inconsistancies I’ve seen and heard, better. I am pleased to have passed on your blog as it was passed on to me. And I’m a rabid anti-blog person, but I’m willing to change.

    Thanks so much for your insight, you remind me of my grandmother. Keep up the incredible work!


  124. Kudos to you for blogging. I admire you for being willing to venture into the world of blogging and share your wisdom.

    With that said, I am disapointed with your vitriol. If my grandparents were still alive I could hardly imagine that they would ever approve of your use of vulgar vernacular even if they did agree with your positions on the candidates. I am a conservative Republican and I do my best to be respectful in my disagreements with my liberal colleagues.

    My great-aunt (18 years young) is a lifelong Democrat (and a pretty liberal one at that). She has made an agonizing decision to support McCain because she feels that McCain is the more qualified candidate, not just with his credentials (and Obama’s lack thereof) but also with his character. I applaud her courage even though I still disagree with her on just about every policy position possible.

    I wonder if your blog is as popular as it is because of your age and vigor or because you say the things that other liberals want to hear (read).



  125. Campaign promises often wilt after the election. Tax-cut promises are a frequent casualty.

    By backtracking on tax-cut pledges even before the election, Barack Obama threatens to break Bill Clinton’s speed record. It wasn’t until a week before his first inauguration that Clinton openly reneged on his promise to cut taxes for the middle class.

    There’s another similarity. Candidate Clinton and Candidate Obama both promised to raise taxes, too, but only on “the wealthy.” And both proceeded to widen the definition of “wealthy” to encompass more and more taxpayers.

    During his campaign, Clinton said, “The only people who will pay more income taxes are the wealthiest 2 percent, those living in households making over $200,000 a year.” After the election, he proceeded to raise taxes across-the-board.

    Less than a month into his presidency, the Washington Post headlined, “Clinton Asks Middle Class to Pay Higher Taxes; President Issues `Call to Arms’ To Restore Economic Vitality.” After Clinton’s Jan. 14, 1993, news conference, the Post wrote that Clinton “complained that it was only the press, not voters, who considered that issue [tax cuts] important.”

    (Column continues below)

    At first, Clinton maintained that only those earning over $100,000 would pay more under his revised tax plan. But The Heritage Foundation noted it would hit far more broadly, raising taxes for individuals making $25,000 and couples making $32,000. The Los Angeles Times headline echoed that finding: “Clinton Threshold on Tax Bite Dips to $30,000 Incomes.”

    Fast forward to now. Even before the election, Obama is downsizing his tax promises. First he advertised that nobody would pay higher taxes unless they earned over $250,000 a year. Now his TV ads say the threshold is $200,000. And in campaign remarks in Pennsylvania, running mate Joe Biden lowered it again, to $150,000.

    It all parallels the gradual tax plan changes Bill Clinton started making shortly before his election. Then, after his election, the gradual changes turned into dramatic transformation.

    As the New York Times noted in February 1993, “… beginning about a month before Election Day, Mr. Clinton took care to say he was not making a read-my-lips pledge on middle-class taxes. He was making the more narrow pledge that he would not raise taxes to pay for his new spending programs. But the overall thrust of what he promised ran in the opposite direction.”

    On Feb. 15, 1993, just weeks after he was inaugurated, Clinton completed the course change in a national TV address, telling the nation, “I’ve worked harder than I’ve ever worked in my life to meet that goal. But I can’t.”

    His excuse was two-fold. First, he “hadn’t realized” just how bad the deficit was. Second, he believed the people wanted the new spending he had proposed during his campaign.

    Clinton sought to defuse the political damage by promising to hit “the wealthy” harder. His Feb. 6, 1993, radio address told the nation he would “get rid of windfalls for the wealthy before I ask any of the rest of the American people to make a contribution,” and that, “We’re going to ask the most from those who have got the most and gave the least during the past dozen years.”

    Clinton blamed Washington politicians – prior presidents in particular – for supposedly concealing just how bad the federal deficit was, thereby justifying his reneging on his campaign promises.

    In 2008, our deficit is far worse and Obama’s spending pledges are far greater than Clinton’s. Only someone who has been locked in a cave is unaware that this year’s deficit spending is approaching a trillion dollars.

    This is no proof that Obama will renege, Clinton-style. But his recent adjustments in describing whose taxes will go up certainly are not reassuring.

    Obama also is using a looser definition of wealth than Clinton did. The $200,000 threshold that Clinton applied in 1992 equates to $311,000 today, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Obama’s most-recent $200,000 threshold is the same as a $128,255 income would have been in 1992.

    The week before Bill Clinton was inaugurated, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., observed, “This week has been rather the clatter of campaign promises being tossed out the window.”

    Those who fear that this year’s campaign promises will also be thrown out the window should keep their eyes wide open and be ready to dodge whatever might fall on their heads.


  126. A friend of mine just directed me to your blog for the first time. You rock, Helen!

    Go O!

    “George W. Bush’s Confederacy of Dunces” – lol!


  127. Experience matters, so does the candidates judgment and character, his accomplishments (or lack thereof), who his friends are…Obama is neither qualified nor has he been straight with the media about his past. America needs a person with a record, not simply a record playing “change” over and over again.


  128. How the elections were stolen in 2000

    Helen for a cabinet post!

    Vote Obama


  129. heh, nice :))


  130. If you’re voting for either one of those clowns-you aren’t paying attention…


  131. Great post.


  132. I voted today – wheeeee! Thank you Helen – this cracked me up completely because you say in ten words what it would take me twenty or thirty to say. Right to the point – and funny as hell.

    Here are my big questions right now for undecideds :

    Which party has shown HUMOR and GRACE UNDER PRESSURE?

    Which party has CHILDREN all over the place at the gatherings? Happy children! Look closely at the pictures of the rallies and gatherings, and you will see LOTS of happy people in one party.

    Which party ROLLED THEIR EYES in a presidential debate in front of EVERYONE?

    Which party has a VP who is genuine, smart, experienced and not a religious zealot?

    Which party believes in and understands SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY?

    Get out there and VOTE! And please leave behind stupid or fearful when you step into that booth.


  133. Of course you support Obama. Continue to care little about the relegation of the United States to a European second- or third-tier economic and political power on the global stage. Care little about the economic burdens that will be placed on your grandchildren 10-20 years down the road by bloated entitlement programs and the new American Welfare State. Care little that the most fundamental aspect of the American Dream, that with hard work and perseverance one can achieve anything they set their mind to (not something universally true, granted, but also not the point), that people have the freedom to pursue happiness and prosperity, will be undermined or destroyed by these entitlements.

    I would have hoped that you ladies would have seen through the rhetoric of “change’ and “hope”. I would have thought that another well-spoken Democratic President who you undoubtedly remember, one Jimmy Carter, whose ineptitude ranks him as one of the worst commander-in-chiefs of all time, would have warned you to not miss every opportunity to scrutinize this upstart from Illinois. Change is not something that can come from the Republican or Democratic Parties. The parties are, indeed, based on maintaining the status quo in Washington. Sure, they trade spaces between themselves, but one or both will always hold power even as they trumpet change and make promises that even the most gullible know they cannot keep.

    Change is rewriting how we do politics and how we choose our leaders from a fundamental standpoint. In this age of electronic media we do not need political parties to tell us what candidates stand for, who they are, or why we should (or shouldn’t) vote for them. Why do we continue to allow a select few at the extremes of American political thought to set the ground rules for the discussions on how to run our nation? Most Americans are not, as you say (and as Obama said in 2004 at the DNC) “red” or “blue.” Most are purple. Actually, most are nothing. We aren’t colors. We are human beings. We have opinions that don’t follow one cookie-cutter set of ideas. We aren’t (or at least, shouldn’t be) one-issue voters. Because a candidate is pro-guns, or pro-choice, or pro-marijuana, or pro-tax cuts, or whatever is not by itself enough reason not to vote for them. This is the essential THING plaguing our democratic process.

    As humans our natural instinct is to express things in dualities: good/evil, hot/cold, us/them, left/right. Of course we know there is an indifferent, a luke-warm, an us-and-them, and a center, but we ignore it because it’s not sexy. It doesn’t make for good television and doesn’t hold our attention like the drama of an epic clash between opposed ideas. And thus we have division, productive-less bickering, and decay. While Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC make a quick buck off our fixation on the election narrative, America dies just a little more.

    I apologize for the wall of text. I don’t consider myself someone who knows everything about politics — hell, I major in civil engineering, not political science — but someone who cares enough to start doing something. I wish you the best, and hope you do not resign yourself the the lesser of two evils this Tuesday. There are always more than two options. It just takes the courage to stand up and not allow your choice to be made for you. Listen to the opponent’s arguments, and try to see where he may be right in picking out your favorite candidate’s flaws.


  134. See the comments made by Zhou tay on API reports with the title Obama citizenship a mystery: Indonesia allows foreign children adopted and does not allow dual citizenship, before you’re elected Obama. Look closely at his school registration by AP report that reveal that he is Indonesian under name of Barry Soetoro. That cerfiticate for me is real deal for as former Indonesian I dealt with that during my childhood. The reason is UU No.62 Tahun 1958 that been applied during his days in Indonesia. Remember this no retroactive principle in Indonesia. So if there’s new law now in 2006 it will not revoke that law before that been applied to Obama during his time in Indonesia.


  135. One thing all people need to keep in mind:

    McCain has to pick people to advise him and help him. These people are called his Cabinet.

    Now, the entire campaign is a perfect reflection of the people management/picking skills of these candidates.

    John McCain’s campaign staff = D-
    Barack Obama’s campaign staff = B+

    John McCain’s people have been the worst, mismanaging his campaign at ever step, just jostling to be on TV, not helping him or Palin get their facts straight, and mostly botching every press release. That Pfotenheffer chick is the worst person anyone could hire to represent them! And picking Palin merely to appeal to voters? Come on, John – where is your sensibility?

    It’s apparent that he’s there to just push the old GOP agenda, and will put terrible people in the future Administration. Can’t trust him to make a good decision or to fall back on a decent adviser to save his own butt.

    So I’m voting Obama. I can trust his decision making capabilities, at least. He knows who fall back to, and how to improve the image of the country in the light of all our recent diplomatic screw-ups.


  136. (whoops…I didn’t mean for the whole comment to come out in bold. Sorry. I’m not shouting…really.)


  137. Hey, Doc’ at 7:36 pm…

    You’re calling Obama a tTRYANT?? And lumping him in with Hitler, Stalin and Amin?

    Boy…I’m sorry, but you are just f**king ridiculous and wrong, wrong, wrong…


  138. I am sure you old sag bags don’t even exist, and I am sure this post will never make it, after reading your comments, I see only the ones that believe in, and kiss the ass of, the two fictitious, liberal, blue hairs, ever see the light of day. Margaret and Helen are probably some 29 yr. old “kid” sitting in his mother’s basement smoking pot and blogging.

    This blog has its facts a little skewed. I’ll tell you who’s been yelling things the last 2 years, the democrats. They have called the President everything in the book.

    The have ridiculed John McCain, a war hero, who not only spent long years in a prison camp, but has dedicated his life to this country. They have ridiculed and slandered the man about his age. This is as low as it gets.

    The other man, has NO experience, is a racist, has racist and terrorist friends, will and HAS said everything under the sun to get elected. He lied about how he would finance his campaign, he’s blown nearly a billion dollars to buy this election while claiming to know how the middle class feels. Ridiculed McCain for not knowing how many houses he has while saying himself to have campaigned in 57 states.

    He has refused to talk about his association with ACORN, who have falsely registers hundreds of thousands of bogus voters, and when he admitted he would redistribute the wealth, he claimed we all misunderstood. I understand just fine.

    As for my party thinking that war is the answer to everything, we see what happens when you have a bunch of liberals in the White House. We get attacked. Bill Clinton never responded to the terrorist attacks in his administration and when theygo unchecked, that’s when the enemy hits you. You must stand up for yourself.

    If you don’t think the terrorists are going to get us, go on with your life not caring. I’m sure Obama, if elected, will neutralize them with moonbeams, unicorns, and something green from Mother Earth.

    Vote socialist, go ahead, you’ll be stuck with the only people in American politics that have a lower approval rating than your hated enemy President Bush… the US Congress, Pelosi, Reed, and all the rest. WHile I’m at it, the Clintons can kiss my ass too!

    So you undecideds, vote for someone that has experience, John McCain, not the Lyin’ King Obama.


  139. I just stumbled across your blog (via feministing) and think I might be in love! I hope my political insights are as spot- on when I’m in my 80s..!


  140. abuck6 needs to get with the program. These associations mean nothing and it has only driven this country apart at times like these. Ayers did his thing when Obama was 8 years old. Acorn is required to turn everything in as far as voter registration forms and the illegitimate forms were flagged. Obama stuck to his guns when his pastor went off the deep end. Mccain uses scare tactics in his smears, Obama compares Mccain to Bush and draws a clear difference between his policies and Mccain’s.
    What is your definition of liberal record by the way? Explain to me why this supposed “liberal” record is such a bad thing. Explain to me why things were better with Conservatives like Bush in control of everything the first 6 years of Bush’s presidency. Obama does work with republicans to pass bills (if I remember rightly he worked with a republican senator from Indiana to draft something *** correct me if I am wrong there on the state)…. The difference is Obama uses his own smarts and common sense to determine what is the right course of action. It just so happened to be mainly with his party….. Wait!!!! didnt Mccain vote with Bush 90% OF THE TIME!!!!
    The Bush tax cuts were primarily for the top earners in the country. Obama wants to repeal these tax cuts. Obama has sent a consistent message throughout his campaign. Mccain has been erratic and all over the board with his messages.
    I think that a presidential leader needs to have a steady hand and be aware of what is all going on and act when neccessary, not merely convienient. I watched a youtube video earlier today that showed where Bush and Mccain were when Hurricane Katrina hit….. They were celebrating Mccains birthday. Then this summer when the flood hit Cedar Rapids Iowa Mccain stopped in town for a campaign rally and wouldnt leave the airport until pressured by the locals even though Governor Chet Culver requested that neither candidate interfere with flood relief efforts with their measly campaign messages. Obama respected the Governors decision and request and postponed his rally in Cedar Rapids for a good month or so. (Obama went to Illinois instead at this particular time)

    I really try to understand how people could really buy all the crap that the Mccain campaign is selling but I haven’t seen anything appealing about it as of yet…. Tax cuts whoo hooo (note the sarcasm there now) A scary lady as vice president who doesnt even understand womens rights (talking about the rape kits). Choice for schools…. um choice is all fine and wonderful if one can afford them. Obama wants to increase Pell Grants to offset tuition. Biden may not be the most elloquent speaker in the world but at least he is consistent with his message and candid about when he is right and when he is wrong. Palin can’t even admit that she doesn’t know anything about foreign policy other than the bare minimum that the Mccain campaign has taught her in a crash course.

    The rhetoric of the Mccain campaign makes me sick. All I hear is maverick this terrorist that and of course your Joe the blah blah blah. I hear ideas and hope from Obama. I could get over the bad rhetoric with the Mccain campaign if he had ideas that would really help real people. I got over it with Biden and his horrible rhetoric because he supports many of the same things that Obama does and also has his own ideas on top of it. Don’t even get me started about Palin and her lack of intelligence.

    Helen- I wish I could meet you or talk to you on the phone. You seem to have a world of knowledge that would help a grad student like me see different aspects of the world in a different light from your lifetime of experiences. The world could use a Helen Philpot living in each neighborhood to shed some light on the way the world works. Keep it coming! Don’t break a hip though. A cliche line like maverick is not worth sacrificing ones bones, ligaments, health or sanity over. If anyone is undecided there are many websites that compare and contrast the candidates positions on issues and they shouldn’t be swayed by all the crap that people say in cliche lines. Any informed voter should be able to make a logical decision by comparing and contrasting the views on issues without having to listen to Ayers this or Acorn that…. If they (wrongly) still come out and say that Mccain is their man after showing that they are more informed then I can respect that.
    I sent in my absentee ballot last week and I have definitely voted for Obama. I even hung an Obama/Biden sticker in the window of my car.

    I found this blog a few days ago and even though I was decided a long time before reading this blog its refreshing to see someone with common sense that can see things for face value instead of for the fakeness that has constituted and clouded people’s visions the past 3 (Bush/Gore, Bush Kerry and now Mccain Pailn) elections and probably longer. Keep up the good work! Helen you are an inspiration and when I get to be your age I hope that I can be as smart and as sassy as you are.


  141. […] by Phoenix Woman on October 31, 2008 I just had to add Margaret and Helen to the […]


  142. Helen, you are an inspiration. My father and I talked about setting him up with an “Angry White Guy” blog a few months ago but never got around to it. He is so emotionally invested in Obama’s election that I fear for his sanity should something go wrong on November 4th. He and my mother are both professors and raised me to (gasp) think people should be treated fairly and be considered equally by their government. I’m actually in graduate school at UT-Austin and it is people like you and my parents, that have lived through so much more than I have, that give me hope that we really can make the world a better place. And I agree with you about Barack’s ability to bring a tear to your eye. He is a phenomenal figure.

    You should check out It’s not at all informational (and it’s not my blog), but it’s heartwarming and lovely.

    Best and please keep it up after the election.

    And yes, I voted!


  143. beautifully written! thank you.


  144. Thanks for your words of wisdom. I too am at a loss to understand how you could be undecided after 8 years and an economy swirling down the drain.
    A new day is coming.


  145. I really am enjoying your blog and have passed the link along to all my friends. This is a wonderful post for any undecided voter to read. I promise to vote so please don’t ban me. I think this is my favorite new blog and I read a lot of them. Keep up the good blogging and thank you so much for the inspiring words.


  146. And I’m from Oregon where we started sending in our ballots on the 18th. Yes, I voted that day, for Obama.

    Too bad the rest of the country doesn’t vote by mail like we do. No polling places, no lines, no inclement weather, NO excuses. And you have a lot of time to think about what and whom you’re voting for. Better than being rushed in a voting booth with scads of people waiting behind you. Or dealing with voting machines that don’t work or change your vote (West Virginia!).

    Just vote by mail within the 3 week window. Send it through the mail, or get it to the voting drop off points (all over town) before 8 p.m. on voting day and sit back and enjoy the election returns.

    Helen’s the best!

    You go, Girl!


  147. I’ve only voted in a few presidential elections, but tonight while filling out my ballot I realized that for the first time I was voting for someone instead of against someone. Thanks for putting into words what so many of us feel but can’t express as well as you.


  148. We are all entitled to our opinions. I only wish more of them were INFORMED opinions. Check out both sides of the argument. Have an understanding of what they say and what their records say, not what they say about each other.

    Character assassination is childish. Stick to the issues.

    Finger pointing is childish. “He’s touching me!” Grow up!

    Nanner, Nanner is not an issue.

    Guilt by association? Don’t go there. We’ve all done things we aren’t proud of with people we barely knew. What did you do, not whom did you do it with?

    THEN, vote for Obama!


  149. Damn right.
    THIS is an absolutely spectacular article, ma’am. It is genuinely moving and I have no idea how so many people are so willing to give into and feed the machine of fear and suspicion that the republican party has built on terrorism and social/economic/political strife. I have no idea how they think that declaring war on every nation that disagrees with us makes us any better than those nations.
    Utterly stupefying.
    Keep up the good work, I love it and have been telling as many people as I can about your blog!


  150. Read about the real McCain and Palin here:


  151. I’m glad Obama never stooped down to the level of McCain and Sarah Palin! But boy, wouldn’t it be great to hear him just once say stuff like:


    And for God’s sake, McCain is just too old. Did you see that 72 year old retiree who was forced to work again at Walmart because her wife needs the medical insurance so bad? That’s the same age as McCain! And did you listen to his interview last weekend claiming that he was endorsed by 5 former secretary of state but when asked to name them, he can’t remember that names? Gheezzz, with all the issues confronting the nation, McCain might start wearing diapers before the end of next year!


  152. […] 82-year-old Helen Philpot is posting 1 post a day for the final 7 days before the election. If you are undecided, please read her blog posted today. If you are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention. […]


  153. My 94 year old grandmother died this August, and my cousin sent me a link to this blog. Your writing reminds me of her. She was a staunch “good Democrat” and proud Oklahoman. The post about “Palin being a bitch” reminded all of us of her. We miss her. I’ll be visiting your blog often. Thanks.


  154. Helen, I have had the delicious pleasure of reading your blogs since discovering them last night (thanks to Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish). Your observations are astute, truthful, outrageously funny (again, TRUTHFUL). I love your potty mouth and I love your bravado.

    You really crystalized the argument today, simply and effectively. I can’t wait to send your blog to those people I know who claim to be “undecided”, or like my neighbor across the street who refuses to vote for Obama, and I’m embarrassed to tell you why (hint: I live in Southern York County, Pennslyvania…or as we like to refer to it — Pennslytucky).

    THANK YOU for your insight, your wisdom, and for being open to learning new tricks like blogging. And thank you for making me fall off my chair, REALLY, to BELLY laugh. Good thing you found your purpose and are sharing it with the rest of us. YOU GO, GIRL!


  155. Great post Helen, but one thing you didn’t mention is that when Sarah Pain became mayor of Wasilla, the town had a more or less balanced budget. By the time she was elected as govenor she left the town with over TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS in debt. For a town of 7000 people?

    On top of that, she couldn’t even do the job she was elected to do, and had to hire a town administrator for $50000 a year to run Wasilla for her.

    John McCain voted with George Bush over 90% of the time. Why anyone would want to re-elect the Republican Party is beyond me.

    Margaret and Helen, the real ‘Straight Talk Express’!


  156. Oh you MUST scroll up & Read Vivienne Mackie’s post too…. about 12:15 time mark.


  157. As you all know, Arizona, the home state of John McCain has just turned from bloody red to pale pink. Tomorrow, we are having a divorce march all over Arizona… we are divorcing McCain.

    I left a comment here two weeks ago asking why the Obama camp never showed a single campaign ad here. All we see are McCain’s ads claiming that Obama is dangerously inexperienced. But there is a huge tendency that this state will turn blue and I think McCain’s camp sensed that hence the extra TV ads and the robo calls out here.

    Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we try to drill sanity to the many bigots out here. God bless us all and may God keep Obama and Biden from harm.


  158. Anyone that is reading this & hasn’t read Joseph’s notes above…. SCROLL UP!


  159. Great list. For the first time in my life, I think I really understand why so many German’s were willing to blindly follow Hitler, despite his radical ideologies. You could probably match your arguments up almost one for one – hope and unity, national pride, bring us out of difficult economic times, and don’t foget the charisma. I guess it’s difficult to really understand mob mentality until you’re right in the middle of it.

    I would make one amendment to your list, though. I would change everywhere you said “which party” to “which man” because that’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? One man. You wouldn’t, for example, want to associate him with all of those people who have been crying “terrorist” and “war” lately, like Joe Biden, Colin Powell, and Joe Lieberman.


  160. Hello everyone – longtime reader, first-time poster.

    Cecilia, personal attacks on you are always uncool and insulting. I genuinely don’t understand undecided voters’ stance, but I’m not going to harsh on them. I’m going to hope like hell that they get out and vote.

    However busy we are, we cannot afford to remain ignorant. This election is crucial for the future of our nation. I’m a working mom and my husband has two jobs. We still spend lots of time watching the news, reading blogs and newspapers, and EDUCATING ourselves. That is part of our responsibility as citizens. We have received so much as Americans, and it is our duty to give back, to be informed, to determine our positions and be able to argue them cogently. It is our duty as citizens to question all politicians’ assertions and take nothing for granted because a guy running for office says it’s true.

    Ignorance and hate and political illiteracy are things we Americans should fight. Actively. And I’m not saying that Cecilia or any of you are hateful. I’m saying that we can’t substitute emotion for critical thought.


  161. I would have voted for Hillary but Obama stabbed her in the back.

    You are entitled to your vote, but I think Hillary would wonder what you were about.


  162. I love your logic and your humor. I don’t think the major points of your argument are lost because of the later, only sharpely defined.

    By the way, I voted weeks ago on an absentee ballot just in case there is ensuing drama like before, they will have something to count down here in Florida.


  163. Hi Helen – so thrilled I found this blog, it’s keeping me laughing while I’m SO tense and worried about Tuesday.

    JJ – Don’t know if you’ll see this, but as someone who also wants to marry whomever I someday fall in love with, I understand. I am lucky enough to live in a state that lets anyone marry anyone else. I had to pull over to the side of the road when I heard our Court’s decision, I was crying too hard to drive, and I thought my heart would explode I was so happy. The thought that that happiness could be stolen from so many people in CA is crushing.
    I support Obama, but I have to admit that it hurts every time I hear his position on marriage. I don’t understand how someone so open to the ideas and choices of others could equivocate on a clear civil rights issue. I will continue to disagree loudly and vocally with his position on the matter. But I will still vote for him. Why?
    Because I want this country to move towards the future, towards working together even in the midst of disagreements. I want us to move towards more listening, and thoughtfulness, and understanding. I believe strongly that Obama will help us move in that direction, and in that direction lies our right to equal marriage. Not just that, but our right to be valued on the same level as couples and parents and everything else that we are.
    Will Obama get us all the way to that goal? Maybe not, but he’ll move us closer to it, and he won’t push us back into a dark, hidden past. I would urge you to consider that no leader is ever perfect, so we need to choose the one that knows he isn’t perfect and is willing to listen and reconsider when he is wrong.
    Hang in there – I’m living in a little corner of the future and it is beautiful here.


  164. Thank you!!! You did put in words what is in my heart. I love your blog. I really do hope Obama wins this. I’ll definitely be back here to party with you after the election!!!!


  165. To Jack

    “Character and integrity in a president”?

    You Betcha!!

    That’s exactly why I voted for Barak Obama


  166. love you guys


  167. Hey, Folks & Dear Helen! There are NO undecideds…just closet racists, bigots, and attention getters! You Rock. Ladies…I voted early & Obama was MY MAIN MAN! Really…


  168. a note to Cecilia:
    I also have two small children (on my own, as my husband is out of state until next April to keep the paychecks coming in) and am starting a family business and am extremely busy, yet I’ve managed to pay attention to the news and after the past 2 elections have felt that it’s something of a priority as I’d rather fight to have ALL of our voices heard rather than just blindly let a party take over the country again as in the past two elections. It’s important enough to me, personally, to MAKE the time to search out information on the candidates and their choices for VP, to MAKE the time to read and watch the debates as I’ve been able and to be active once my choice was made. I went back and forth for a LONG time between Hillary and Barack, but in the end, Barack has proved himself. His calm, his willingness to work WITH people and try to bring this country back resonates with me far more than McCain’s “angry old man” that’s coming out at every turn. I’d rather have someone who is intelligent enough to speak without putting people down at every turn than someone who has to get back to “we the people” when it comes to how many houses he owns! BUT that’s just me. I have made the choice to spend the past 20 months or so learning about the candidates so I can vote – not just for me, but for these two little ones whom I chase after. I’ve also made it as educational for them as possible – they watch the news with me and know who McCain and Palin and Obama and Biden are. They know this is a historic time and a still more historic election. They’re as excited about Tuesday as I am – but then, I don’t believe in shielding my kids from things that will effect them if it’s *this* important – and the choice of who will lead this country and hopefully heal this country’s wounds IS a vital choice to make – worth making time for.

    As for Anonymous, shocker that you’d not have the courage to use your name.


  169. I’d really like to thank you for you post here. It was one of the most honest and heartfelt endorsements to the kind of change America needs.

    Your arguments are golden.

    Obama evokes the kind of emotions that could bring back the idealism that we’ve last seen over 40 years ago.

    Helen, doo a YouTube search for ‘Overcome The Chains’. The blog post that you’ve written speaks to me. It reminds me of that video.

    I really respect your perspective.

    Obama/Biden ’08
    Rock The Vote


  170. I would have voted for Hillary but Obama stabbed her in the back.


  171. Helen, you rock! You’re who I’m turning into in another 10 years or so…
    Got a post from my brother about McCain and his divorce from his first wife. seems she was in an awful car crash while he was in Viet Nam and lost 4″ in height and gained a large limp. So he started catting around and eventually met Cindy and divorced his wife.
    What a snake!
    Be well and keep rockin’


  172. Cecilia

    If you’re still reading this and still confused here’s a visual aid for you.


  173. Ladies, y’all are amazing! Helen, I live in Texas too, and I’m sort of tired of the red state thing. You both make things a little more bearable. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to put a link to your page on my blog. Thanks for your great stories!


  174. Dear Helen,
    I am an European that recently landed in Ohio and will probably stick around for a long while (matters of the heart and of the soul demand it!).
    My significant other (whom I proudly drove to early vote!) showed me your blog and I just love it.
    You know, Obama restored my hope in American politicians, but what really restored my hope in the United States of America was the people’s response to Obama’s message. People like my darling fiancée and like you and like so many others that at last not only put hope first and discard hate but shout it out loud in so many forms.
    I owe my freedom as European to the USA. I grew up convinced of it’s fundamental role as a beacon of freedom and democracy and from Oreos to Jazz, from Walt Disney to Frank Sinatra, from Howard Hughes to JFK, America is an important part of my cultural heritage – I grew up during the so called Atlantic link, in which Europe and the USA were close partners, allies and friends.
    Then, at some point, it started to fade… The shine from across the Ocean dimmed and I felt like I did not recognize America anymore, like an old friend that suddenly changes so much you can hardly recognize him even though his face looks the same. At the turn of the Century, I reached the peak of my disbelief. How could George W. Bush get away with so much and how was it possible that Americans were so unaware of what his actions were doing to America’s image around the globe? For many around him are responsible for the policies that brought the USA to where it stands today, but for better or for worse, George W. Bush will ultimately go into the History books as the face of these policies.
    I love America for it’s culture, it’s people and the fundamental values that presided it’s birth and were carried on proudly by generation after generation of amazing individuals that stood together in spite of their differences under the same principles: those of freedom and democracy and equal opportunity.
    If I was told to pick the one principle that to me best defines this great nation I would choose this: The Pursuit Of Happiness. That is what America has meant, means and always will mean to me.
    I am glad I am here right now, for even though History is written every day and we all have a part to play in it, not often is one given the chance of witnessing a truly defining moment, when you can actually feel History in the making like a fresh breeze through your hair… I can feel it and it’s amazing.
    Thank you for your words; I find them intelligent, accurate and also amusing! No doubt I will keep on reading them as you go on and I do hope – as it seems – that Change will happen in America. When it does it will be in no small measure because of people like yourself.
    Take care, Helen.
    Yours truly,


  175. I see clips of McCain & Palin putting the “share the wealth” idea down, but I would bet that about 95% of the people in those audiences they are talking to would benefit under Obama’s plan. Don’t they realize that they, too, would pay less tax under Obama. Yet, they cheer after every line, no that should be after every LIE. I’ve been reading alot on the Huffington Post website. It is hard to believe a candidate would stoop as low as McCain is.


  176. (“looking”, not “looked”. I never was good at proofreading!)


  177. So how do I decide?

    Have you tried going to the candidate’s webpages and looked for their policy stances? In Obama’s case I know it’s easy to do because I just did it briefly myself. I would be very surprised to learn McCain’s website was difficult to find.


  178. I agree with the undecided thing. I ranted about it briefly in one of my postings on my site yesterday.


  179. They don’t seem to have any party platform that doesn’t include trying to scare the crap out of voters, or name calling the Democrats.

    nextgen08, this is what happens when a political paradigm has reached the end of its run. Nothing more betrays how over the hill the present GOP is than its endless fetishistic slobbering over Ronald Reagan. Likewise nothing more betrays how in thrall to the erstwhile Dixiecrats they are than the choice of Sarah Palin as running mate and the intense enthusiasm she generates in their Dixie base. As I read at yesterday or the day before, she essentially preaches the same message of hate-filled resentment that George Wallace preached before he was paralyzed by a would-be assassin. She just packages it more pleasantly.


  180. And fruit flies were instrumental in targeting a protein that occurs in …..drum roll…..autistic children.

    (Minor correction: that’s an altogether different species from olive fruit fly (“Bactrocera oleae”). The one they use in genetic research is “Drosophila melanogaster”, which isn’t a significant agricultural pest at all, although it can be a nuisance if you work at a winery.)


  181. […] 2 weeks after the secret service confirmed that “kill him” allegation UNFOUNDED Secret Service says “Kill him” allegation unfounded (October 17) […]


  182. Although your writing is engaging, your logic is poor. Since when does attending several colleges and botching a few interviews (remember Obama’s “57 states” reference? There are more like it) make a person, “definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed”?

    This line of reasoning was also hard to follow: There are more beavers in Alaska than people, therefore it is absurd to think Sarah Palin could, “explain the complexities of one of the largest economies on the globe”… I imagine you find Abraham Lincoln’s competency surprising? He did, after all, grow up in a log cabin.

    Obama may make have inspired millions, but does the ability to inspire and evoke excitement make a candidate more qualified to run one of the most powerful nations in the world? I can think of a number of political leaders whose ability to inspire and sway the masses certainly didn’t qualify them for political leadership (take Hitler and Stalin for example).

    The flippant hyperbole in regards to the “war-hungry” right wing (Republicans think war is “the answer to everything”?), and the regularly fallacious reasoning in this blog make it difficult to take the other points seriously.


  183. I have heard this before – “The candidates are so different, how can you be undecided?!”

    And I agree that the candidates are like day and night, however, I’m a person who doesn’t like 24 hours of light or darkness.

    McCain has supported immigration reform, while Obama has opposed making immigration easier.

    However, McCain has chosen an anti-women’s rights running mate while….well, Obama hasn’t said much of anything…..

    So how do I decide? Which is more important? Do I support immigration reform and vote McCain, or oppose it by throwing it in for Obama?

    Or, do I vote for Obama in the interest of women’s rights?

    And that’s just two issues out of how many.

    Voting for either candidate would mean giving up half my ideals, and I cannot be alone in this. Those of us who are still undecided may be undecided due to our inability to figure out which half of our ideals we want to give up.

    If someone said to you, “would you like to chew on some nails for a while, or some shards of glass?” you may be undecided as well.


  184. Grandma Helen,

    Thanks for another great post. You know, in my first presidential election I voted for Bob Dole against Bill Clinton, and almost immediately regretted it. It seems to me that the defining characteristic of the modern Republican party is attacking the Democrats. They don’t seem to have any party platform that doesn’t include trying to scare the crap out of voters, or name calling the Democrats.

    For example, the Republicans main party platform, for years, has been small government, right? But in practice, the 3 largest government expansions over the last 40 years have been Republican expansions. Nixon, Reagan, and Bush Jr. all expanded government. It’s seems they are only interested in small government when it about issues that they like, Gun rights and taxes, for example. But when it comes to other issues they want bigger government, immigration reform, abortion, creationism in schools, Gay marriage, euthanasia for the critically ill.

    They seem to want lower taxes, until you realize that this is an election promise that they roll out ever 4 years. You can only lower taxes so much, until our infrastructure crumbles and we start laying off cops and firefighters. Last time I checked they weren’t offering any real tax breaks to the middle class, only the big companies. why is that you may ask? Well, Republicans believe in “trickle down economics”, which states that if you give tax breaks and handouts to the richest in the U.S. they will buy goods and hire people, and the money will trickle down into the economy. The problem is, that it doesn’t work, and we are seeing the gap between the rich and the poor increase. Companies keep those dollars to pay their CEO increasingly more and more, while wages in the working class have stagnated. Where is the trickle?

    Enough of the rant. Thank you Grandma Helen. You are doing a great service and we all appreciate you.

    Jerame Clough
    -Next Gen Politics


  185. I love this blog. It is seriously the best thing I have read in a long time.

    I was just wondering if Helen needs an adopted granddaughter? If so, I’m applying.


  186. First off well said Helen! God I love you and I’ve forwarded you all over the world. I want Helen on MSNBC….

    It takes a lot to insult me, to get me riled up when it is not people I know….but damn it – I AM!
    Now here is my ‘new’ line to give to those holier than thou Repub/Evans: So what if Obama is a terrorist and a Muslim? What would that hurt? Maybe then the real Muslims and terrorists in the world would back off and leave our country alone – — besides I’m from the god-damn, unamerican, unpatriotic, FAKE America so they wouldn’t be coming after me would they – oh and I’d get to miss that whole ‘rapture – Antichrist’ thing. Darn, so highly disappointed about that one Dobson. Maybe Keith Olberman will have it on…..Helen I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the big scientific fruit fly blunder. The earmark she referenced is targeted for the multi-million dollar olive crop in California they are attempting to save. And fruit flies were instrumental in targeting a protein that occurs in …..drum roll…..autistic children.
    Another incredible insult to the people in this country – Sarah Palin. What a mockery of one of the things that makes America great – the ability to hold elections.
    Cheers all!! Go O! Go O! Go O!


  187. I love it. Thank you. Please…vote! Dont believe the Republican BS that the election is in the bag for either candidate. Obama can loose if we believe the Republicans and DO NOT GO OUT TO VOTE FOR OUR CANDIDATE! ~~Dee


  188. That was awesome. Thanks. Tonight my husband and I are going to sit down and fill out our ballots. We’d already made up our mind, but hopefully you’ve helped make up a few more.


  189. You’re the best thing since Breakfast in America!


  190. (Um, no, I meant the number of comments in the threads will be huge.)


  191. (Sooner or later someone’s going to post links to this blog at Atrios & DailKos, and then the number of posts will be huge.)


  192. Thanks! You are wonderful, and I mean it, really!


  193. Who Am I ?

    I’m intelligent.
    I’m gifted.
    I’m charismatic.
    I’m an eloquent speaker.
    I’m skillful and driven.
    I’m fair.
    I’m benevolent.
    I’m a politician.
    I’m seeking the highest office in the land.
    I come from humble beginnings.
    I represent the working class.
    I speak for the average citizen.
    I care about you.
    I know your pain.
    I know times are hard.
    I know you are fed-up with the current state of affairs.
    I know you’ve lost your sense of national pride.
    I know you feel cheated.
    I know you feel hopeless.
    I know you feel miserable.
    I know you feel unrepresented.
    I know you want change.
    I promise to work for you everyday.
    I promise to improve your life.
    I offer you inspiration.
    I offer you hope.
    I offer you change.

    Millions love me.
    Thousands attend my rallies.
    They love my speeches.
    Women sometimes faint when they hear me speak.
    I move them to tears.
    I appeal to the masses.
    I inspire them.
    I motivate them.
    I elevate them from their despair.
    I am greatly admired.
    I am eagerly followed.
    Some call me the “Messiah”.
    Some call me the “Savior”.
    I believe I am called by God Himself.
    All want me to be their leader.

    Who am I you ask?

    I Am Elisabeth Hasselbeck..

    Let us not be fooled again by the “Cult of Personality”.
    “Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it”

    The methods of mass persuasion she is using are NOT new. The exact same tactics have been used by virtually every other tyrant in history when they were attempting to seize political power.
    These tactics are not simply a well thought out plan, they are instead literally dictated by the psychological makeup of men like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Idi Amin, and Barack Hussein Obama.
    Of all the tyrants in history, Obama is perhaps the MOST dangerous of all by virtue of his use of the extensive and technologically advanced mass media which was not available in the past.


  194. dear helen,

    thanks… and thanks to your grandson for plugging you in.

    your comments are spot on the money and hysterically funny to boot. i have shared your site (after finding it thru andrew sullivan) with almost all of my friends and family. especially those who seem to be on the wrong side of the issues. you manage to separate the wheat from the chaff. keep it up. i look forward to reading your blog for a long time.

    unfortunately, delaware doesn’t have early voting but i will be out pounding the pavement in pa to make sure everyone has a chance to vote.


  195. Helen, you amaze me!! Every time I read your posts since finding them some time last week, I keep thinking surely she can’t come better with the next one….and BOOM….you hit it out of the park….AGAIN!!…
    Now both my Grannies died years ago, so I wont be a traitor to call you mine 🙂

    Also, please don’t ban me…I’m not an American and I can’t vote (bummer)….but if I could the choice is soooooooo obvious….



  196. […] If You Are Undecided, You’re Not Paying Attention (Seven Posts and Seven Days – Day 3) Cecilia left this comment on my blog: hi I just recently discovered your blog & […] […]


  197. Helen, I voted on Saturday during the early voting period here in Florida. And I voted for the future, for hope, for myself, my family, and for generations to come – I voted for Senators Obama and Biden. I’m still hearing folks say they are undecided – I think what they are saying is that they want to be on the winning team, and they aren’t sure that this election will be any different from the ones before – who knows which votes and how many will be stolen via Diebold, via voter suppression, via whatever bogeymen stalk the polls. Here’s my answer – if you don’t vote, then YOU stole the election. If you’re undecided, YOU refused to be involved in the most important exercise of democracy. And Helen I agree with you – I too am tired of living in fear. I’m tired of being terrorized – by politicians and so-called god-fearing people who dwell in the darkest spots of their souls and want us to join them there. My answer: Go back to your darkened corners – sit there and continue dining on your own regurgitations, but do not demand that we partake with you. it is over. Enough. From this day on, we move forward, with you or without you. But we will move forward.


  198. found you from a post in feministing today – love this blog! it’s so refreshing to hear from older non-republican texans! your posts are so funny and smart.

    thank you.

    (dallas, tx)


  199. […]   […]


  200. I’ve never seen this many comments before. Kind of intimidating.

    But thank you for putting it out there. I’m a columnist and just after Ms. Palin was nominated, I wrote a column called “Forget Sarah Palin–Edgy Mama for V.P.” I still think I’m a better choice for America!


  201. Sorry, Helen, I did not vote early. The county I live in is so overwhelmingly Red (and me a registered Dem) I felt it wiser to go on election day when there are poll watchers ensuring no *funny* business.

    True story:
    The last time I voted at our local polling place, the “process” included a step where the election employee initialed your ballot (presumably to ensure only legitimate votes get counted). My particular election official somehow forgot to initial mine. As I waited in line to feed my completed ballot into the box, I noticed other people’s ballots had initials on them (prominent, dark black initials in the upper corner). At the front of the line, I questioned what the initials meant, and why my ballot did not have them (this while my ballot was literally being pulled from my grip). The employee said that ALL ballots had to be initialed and quickly added hers to mine. Had I not been a little nosy, curious, and, let’s face it, dubious of that polling place, my vote may not have been counted.

    I guarantee you that I will be there on Tuesday morning, bright and early, to cast my vote for Obama/Biden and proudly wear the “I Voted” sticker all day.



    I think you should have a place in President Obama’s cabinet. Honest to God.


  203. Wow – you said it, and any Undecideds should no longer question for whom to vote after reading your post! Your post today made me wish all the more that Michigan had “early voting” like some of the other states near us… I’d like to get my vote in NOW (if not earlier!!) but not possible here. So, I’m impatiently awaiting Tuesday and will plan to be in line when the polls open at 7AM.

    Love your feisty and intellectually stimulating blog!


  204. This blog is great. It is refreshing to see you speak your mind and do it in such a funny way! I had to mention you on my blog:


  205. Sweetie…..
    I’ve been dreading turning 50. Now, I’m redfaced!
    You have convinced me that OVER 50 is where it’s at!!!!! Thanks to my AMG blogging buddy for introducing me to your great blog! I want to have a drink with you, I want to hang with you and damn….I AM going to vote with you!
    Listen, not that I want to wish any ill will on your beloved hubby. But, if he goes before you then I’ve got a “raring to go” 87 year old Democrat Dad that needs another soul mate (he’s outlived 3 of them….). We’d love to invite you to Christmas Dinner…it’s at my house this year! We hope to be celebrating an Obama-is-prez Christmas! I can promise good food, lots of Democrats and a spry Irish 87 year old and his cute, politico Alzheimer 86 year old brother (sorry, he’s taken!) brother. And, lots of booze…..
    Rock on sweetie!
    Judi (in Pittsburgh)


  206. Helen, I would tell Cecilia to vote her own best self interests. If she makes less than $250,000, Obama will cut her taxes. That is in her best interests.

    Margaret and Helen is becoming one of my favorite blogs. You two are a riot.


  207. I completely love the blog, the humor is fantastic and the photo up top is just great. I had posted some similar stuff and funny McCain/Obama photos on my site, you might want to check it out.

    Keep chugging though, Ill be a daily reader!

    Dick Nixon


  208. Helen, I hope you are writing a book, cause I’ll sure as hell buy it. You have given me material today to share with someone I work with who (unbelievably) says she is undecided. I envy Margaret and with you were my best friend.


  209. Helen,

    I know a lot of people read your blog…far more than mine! Well done. I got an email today from Planned Parenthood and they had this great list about John McCain and Sarah Palin regarding women’s issues… I’m attaching the list below, but I’d love it if you took time to make it a post. There’s some pretty important stuff in here!! I’m tired of women like Sarah Palin giving other women the finger!!

    1. John McCain opposes equal pay legislation, saying it wouldn’t do “anything to help the rights of women.”

    2. John McCain opposes requiring health care plans to cover prescription birth control.

    3. John McCain and Sarah Palin oppose comprehensive, medically accurate sex education.

    4. John McCain opposes commonsense funding to prevent unintended teen pregnancies.

    5. John McCain and Sarah Palin want to tax health care benefits for the first time since the 1950s.

    6. John McCain opposes restoring family planning services for low-income women.

    7. Sarah Palin opposes abortion, even in the case of rape and incest.

    8. John McCain voted against the Violence Against Women Act, which ensures rape survivors are not charged for the emergency exams used to prosecute their attackers. While Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla rape survivors were forced to py for their exams, which cost up to $1,200.00.

    9. When asked whether contraceptives help stop the spread of HIV, John McCain said he was “stumped”.

    10. In his 25 years in Washington, DC, John McCain has voted against women’s reproductive rights and privacy 125 times!!!


  210. Helen, I’m just wondering what it feels like to be a rock star? And, will you list your touring schedule on your blog? Cheers, Debbie


  211. This is my favorite new website! Keep on preaching, sisters!!!


  212. Helen, If you don’t have any grandkids – I’m up for adoption!!! I need an 82 year old, fat grandma that knows shit about the world – seems no one else does!!! You rock Helen!!!
    Love ya


  213. Will you be my mom?


  214. There are days where I want to bury my head in the sand and hope for the best, but today you have energized me! Thank you for your wisdom, and for sharing it, and I just think I’m in love 🙂


  215. By the way, forgot to mention, in my emotional state of ladies are totally wonderful and such a pleasure to read! And fun…love you!


  216. “why are parents asked to teach their children the value of sharing with others when our government tells us such a thing is socialism and bad?

    How about the importance of developing one’s intellect or visiting the Statue of Liberty when one hears the President sneer at intellectuals and NYC ! Too ccccccosmpolittttttttan.


  217. You summed it all up very well, Helen! Go to the light, people! Vote Obama


  218. Fantastic blog!


  219. Helen, you are awesome. Your wit and wisdom make my day. I have sent this to everyone I thought might be smart enough to understand your humor.

    There is no decision for us…my vote is in. I love the sound of President Obama. I hope he is the leader I think he can be. I hope…nice word hope.


  220. Thank you so much for doing this, if people realized how important this election was there would be no question which candidate would win. I hope that I will remain as informed and educated as you are!


  221. Oh my heart…I love this blog. I heard on NPR a woman who called in to ask, “why are parents asked to teach their children the value of sharing with others when our government tells us such a thing is socialism and bad? what kind of mixed up message is that for our kids?” and my heart fell…she is so incredibly right. I’d LOVE to see Margaret & Helen get a book deal…this is the most warm, and wonderful space. Nurturing. It’s like cookies and milk with a kick.


  222. You are an amazing lady! I stumbled across this blog via The Stranger. Will you please please please be my adopted Nanny?!


  223. Thank you Helen, you say just what I’m thinking and saying it better than I could.


  224. JJ,
    Just a thought before you vote….
    Sarah Palin belongs to a church that has a program to pray away the gay.

    You may not get the support you want from Obama /Biden, but I am almost certain you will get unwanted advise/laws from McCain/Palin.

    If they are lying now about Obama, what will they say about the gay and lesbian community?????


  225. Helen,
    Yes, we voted and yes, for Obama. I have watched the counter on the number of hits to your blog. I waited for 500,000 and now I’m looking forward to 1,000,000. Thank you for sharing this blog. I too, will keep on reading.


  226. Helen, you are becoming the Barack Obama of bloggers 🙂 What day in December is your birthday so we can flood your inbox with loving best wishes?


  227. Mmmmmm, very well written.

    But, religious Christians didn’t bring down the republican party. Selfish, greedy, megalomaniac white men brought down the republican party. If they actually followed Christian teachings like “Do unto others as you would have them done unto you”, then this country would be infinitely in better shape!


  228. Oh, those darn terrorists! I’m sick of the fear-mongering. The republicans need a new song and dance. I’m sad that people are still falling for it.


  229. Cecilia, sorry if I hurt your feelings, and I am really glad you have come back.Also, I think that Canadian Woman has written something wise and fair and I hope that it will help you decide in the midst of all the campaign “stuff”


  230. What am I doing in your country you ask, well, that’s a long story. But I do love it and I have good friends here and I am voting vicariously through them. I so wish I could vote but I’m just a permanent resident.

    But I do have my Obama and Bush’s last day in office bumper stickers! I am hosting a night of hope at my place on Tuesday and I am ready to shed tears of joy (please no tears of sorrow…”undecideds”, do the right thing!)

    I am sharing all the emotions my US friends are going through and I do wish this country the best. (And it ain’t the old one and the antler’s collector from the North. I just assume she collects those).


  231. I agree with Shell. I am terrified of what can happen if McCain is elected and then dies.
    Maureen must be one of those woman at the McCain/Palin rallies that shout out obscenities and beat up Obama supporters that go to those rallies just for eyes and ears. I pray to GOD that Sen Obama wins the election and that’s the last I see of Gov Palin. And if I do happen to see her again, I hope Sen Clinton jumps that B****!


  232. I found you through You are amazing!!! I am totally in love with your blog. And to join many others who already said this: I want to be like you.

    Keep blogging, please!


  233. Dear Helen,
    Can I be you when I grow up?


  234. OMG…I completely love you guys and I want o be just like you when I grow up. You guys ROCK!


  235. I am married to an officer in the Marine Corps and I have struggled to defend my decision to vote for Sen. Obama to my husband and other conservatives. All of the reasons you stated in your blog have contributed to my decision but you neglected to mention a big issue, our military. Contrary to popular belief, a vote for Sen. Obama does not mean a vote for anti-military. Never would I purposely vote for someone/something that might hinder my husband’s and all our troops’ ability to do their job. Sen. Obama knows how important our troops and veterans are and he knows that they have too often, not received the support they need to do their job by the current administration. Many people believe Sen. Obama will take away from our defense budget and try to weaken the military. He actually states that he has plans to build, strengthen, and take care of our military. You can find information about his plans on his website: Sen. Obama also has a better record than Sen. McCain, a veteran, for making sure our veterans receive the support and care they need and deserve. So for those who may have loved ones serving our country (or know someone who does), or for those who feel America’s military is an important election issue (or know someone who feels this way), do your homework. Find out why so many military families are supporting Sen. Obama in this election at; a grass roots organization called Blue-Star Families for Obama that was started by an Army wife and Marine Corps wife. Read about Sen. Obama’s plans for the defense of this great country. Compare the facts about each candidate and his voting record regarding our military and veterans. You will find that Sen. Obama is a Commander-in-chief we can believe in.


  236. Cecilia,
    I do agree with you about there being biased views on both sides. There is also know way to make everyone happy.
    I hope your choice makes you happy and that you are not making your choice because it will make someone else happy.
    I say to everyone, don’t vote because someone pressured you into it, vote because you have the right and the freedom to vote, don’t let anyone take away your freedom.


  237. Thank you. You inspire me on many levels. Man, you just make it so cool to be old. I can’t wait.


  238. Holy crap. You ladies rock.

    I’ll keep on reading.


  239. I love you. Thank you. 🙂


  240. i’m not an american, but when i saw obama’s 30 minute commercial, i couldn’t help but be moved.

    where politics tends to be about division and demonizing, he tries to appeal to what is best in all of us, he is not afraid to remind us of our responsibilities, and he has talked of looking for common ground where two sides disagree, even on complex moral issues.

    furthermore, when it comes to dealing with your country’s problems, he offers several reasonable and well thought out proposals to deal with each issue in this commercial, with even more detail on his website.

    he has run an impressively competent and disciplined campaign. his volunteer ground game is both enthused, as well as well trained and organized.

    he has also managed to largely remain gracious and composed, even under withering attacks which have been found to have no basis.

    it would be very disappointing if your country were to choose the republican candidate this coming week.

    if the republican wins, then it is as if the electorate is willing to reward that party, even after the aftermath of katrina, the lies regarding weapons of mass destruction, torture, guantanamo, lost jobs, lost pensions, and the financial crisis, among others.

    but i have faith and i am optimistic that this time around, the american people will be willing to choose hope over fear, and a steady hand over impulsive decision making.


  241. Camera Obscura sent me, and I’m so glad she did!

    Thank you for this great post! I voted last Friday and am working my butt off for Senator Obama and you’ve just given me strength for more of it!


  242. hello canadian woman,
    thanks. I am not hurt or upset by helens post. I was just shocked to read some comments towards me from her readers. How nasty.
    if they dont mean to sound nasty then they should choose their words more carefully. They dont know me or whats going on in my life.

    The problem I have is finding an UNBiased opinion on these 2. But whatever I feel I have made up my mind and will have to live with that.
    Either way you get screwed somehow! neither one is gonna be perfect or do everything they say. Thats the way it goes.
    I have to stop now, because I am sure I probably pissed someone else off now. So I will end it with this comment. Thanks


  243. As I read your blog, Sarah Palin is on the TV blathering about the war in Iraq…she just said, “What are they thinking?”

    My response would be what are the other they thinking?

    As far as I know the terrorists came from Afganistan not Iraq. Osama bin Laden attacked us on 911 and he is from Afganisitan not Iraq. As a retired teacher I used to ask my students who attacked us on 911? Can you guess what they said? Iraq. Yep Iraq. I said children why do you think that? They said, “…cause we are at war with them.”

    Yes, yes I corrected them…but dear lord….what propaganda that was put filtered all the way down to our children in school.

    I may start a blog myself…as I do tend to go on and get overwhelmed with all my thoughts while reading your blog my dear 🙂

    Keep on with the straight talk, as far as I’m concerned this is the only “straight talk express” I’ve seen lately. 🙂


  244. Cecilia,
    I can’t speak for everyone but I don’t think you are an attention grabber. I agree that some of the posts were quite unkind towards you. I read your posts yesterday and I only found you to be confused and maybe a little bit scared.
    Undecideds are not evil people, just uninformed. I myself am an undecided in my own country. Not because two sides both have convincing arguments, rather because we have too many different choices. Personally I would never choose the conservatives because I balk at pressure and my inlaws are always trying to pressure me into voting their way.
    I myself thought that Helen’s post was a little harsh against you, however, I don’t think she meant to be mean to you, she was just using you as an example to get her point across that everyone should vote. Your vote, the undecided vote is important to this election.
    Don’t take it to heart and don’t let it become an excuse to stop visiting Helen’s blog.


  245. You hit the ball out of the park. Again. Really, I mean it! Also too!


  246. […] just might be different. Voter turnout is startlingly high, and while it’s hard to fathom how anyone could remain “undecided” at this point (perhaps “uninformed” would be a better term), if they’re looking […]


  247. Great job, Helen!


  248. God bless you, Helen. Got here from Andrew Sullivan’s place somehow. Reminds me of my great-Aunt Lucille, who was similarly non-nonsense. I aspire to be you when I grow up from a mere tadpole of 42 years old :-).


  249. Hello,
    I am here, WOW ! Did I strike a cord here.

    First off, let me just say that I am so totally embarrassed & sorry to have commented.
    I appreciate the post today Helen, but again I am so embarrassed & I feel humiliated by your readers.

    I do beleive there are some of us out there still undecided. The reason I wrote in is because I have been watching cable news shows, and find it very hard to find an UNBIASED opinion or even accurate info on these 2 candidates.

    ALSO I am in NO WAY a schizophrenic , scatterbrained or been under a rock, nor am I hear for the ATTENTION.”I think if Cecilia is still undecided at this point it is because she is an attention piggy. Who is, no doubt, in hog heaven ”
    In HOG HEAVEN??? That is so far from the truth! I do not like or love this kind of attention at all.
    I am a busy MOM with a life. I dont have that many hours in the day to research , look things up etc… As far as obamas infomercial or whatever you want to call it, I taped it , but the network that I set it up for didnt run it. so now I have to find it online. Sorry but I had 2 small children to put to bed with my husband. I only watched the first 5 minutes or so.

    Again , I am sorry to have gotten people so riled up. that was not my intention.

    Thank you


  250. You rock… as the kids would say.

    And I’m definitely going to vote on Tuesday… for Barack Obama. The first presidential candidate since Jack Kennedy who has made HOPE and UNITY priorities.

    Aren’t they Christian values, Maureen? Or was that another Bible I was reading?

    Brightest blessings on you, Helen…


  251. Hello from a brand-new reader who dropped by out of curiosity, thanks to a tip from Uppercase Woman.

    Well said, ladies. I can’t wait to read more of what you have to say!


  252. I am so scared- I have several friends who think McCain Palin is the right choice- Scared of what might happen if he is elected. Scared of the Numbers it is not as far as I want.

    What if McCain Wins and then Dies? Oh my goodness- PLEASE OBAMA!! You have to win-

    I know it is Halloween Tomorrow but this is really scary!


  253. Need some staight talk check out my wifes blog. You gals rock


  254. My niece sent me your link and I am so glad to read something about Palin that is NOT positive. So many (and I include myself) are keeping their mouths shut and not talking back when getting all this hate email from “the other side” about Obama.

    I have copied and sent a few comments that you wrote to my mother. She is 88 and has a hard time “finding” links I send her. But she is so very, VERY against Palin that she will enjoy reading what you wrote.

    I pray that the best choice is made in just a few days.

    Thank you for saying what I believe.


  255. Well gee Maurine… I guess if he IS the anti-christ, you have nothing to worry about do you? You should be right happy that you will be in Heaven all the more sooner! You people who spout this nonsense about the anti-christ don’t have a clue what you are talking about. There are lots of people who have changed the world. I would hardly label them the anti-christ either! Maybe you should stay home and read your Bible and pray for your family on Tuesday.


  256. Helen and Cecilia;

    One comment that Cecilia made the other day stuck in my mind. She was concerned about an Aunt (or was it a good friend) who was going for McCain.

    If that’s the case there is a great deal of peer pressure. We don’t live in a vacuum. It can seem as though we’re being asked to choose our friends and family based upon politics.

    Years ago there was a sense in most of this country that you could have differences of opinion and respect one another. The marketers of the GOP changed that in the 80’s. “Us vs. Them” became linked to fearful visions of the country. Now it’s become personal. Now it’s begun to divide families and friends.

    Helen – you’re great because you are not afraid to speak your mind and you still love people who disagree. Your forgiveness does not show weakness. That’s what we all need to remember.

    Cecilia – this will pass. Remember your conscience and know that we are coming out of a dark night in this country. Slowly we will awaken and seek our better angels.

    Which angels does each candidate seem to focus on?

    Side with the better angels. It will be to the betterment of everyone, including those you love.


  257. Welcome to my blogroll. 🙂

    You ladies are what I aspire to be when I grow up. Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll keep reading.



    Students egg Obama poster 1:28
    Texas A&M’s Young Conservatives of Texas encouraged students to throw eggs at a picture of Barack Obama. KBTX reports.

    My 20-year old daughter, a student at Texas A&M, phoned me yesterday from the scene of this “free speech” event, an “Anti-Obama Carnival”. She was livid. Some students were laughing and throwing eggs at a picture of Obama, while other students stood around, looking on, in shock.

    I’m thinking that maybe the best thing that will come from this display by the “Young Conservatives of Texas” campus group yesterday is the mobilization of my daughter (and many others) into activism against narrow-minded, conservative Bible-thumpers. They have created a monster! You go, girl! And keep reading Grandma Helen. She’s fought much worse than what you experienced yesterday. Learn from her and other feisty women. Fight ignorance as you wear your favorite t-shirt: “Think; it’s not illegal yet.”


  259. Does anyone else find it interesting that Sen Obama had to pay for his 30 minutes (and I hate that it is being called an infomercial – he wasn’t tryng to sell us anything), but McCain was given 30 minutes being interviewed by Larry King?


  260. Why am I rarely surprised that so many McCain supporters are illiterate? Take Maurine’s comment as the perfect example.


  261. Ladies…I found your website through I have spent the last several hours reading over your entries and laughing my arse off. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with all of us–you do my soul good.


  262. Your first line reminds me of what my grandmother always said when she she was exasperated by “some foolishness”: “Oh [insert name], bless your heart.”

    You make me laugh; you make me cry! Thank you!

    Found you via Mudflats.


  263. Helen, my son sent me your blog but I am still voteing for

    McCain. To me Obama is a big blowhard . He will change t

    world. Hog wash. Sounds like Anti-Christ to me, but you

    think I am nuts Just wait and see.


  264. Sarah tried how many colleges??????

    1. Occidental College records –Not released .
    2. Columbia College records – Not released
    3. Columbia Thesis Paper – “not available”
    4. Harvard College records – Not released
    5. Selective Service Registration – Not released 6.
    6. Medical records – Not released
    7. Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
    8. Law practice client list – Not released
    Can you believe someone who can’t make a living as a lawyer????????
    9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
    10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released
    11. Harvard Law Review articles published – None
    12. University of Chicago scholarly articles – None
    13. Your Record of baptism – Not released or “not available”
    14. Your Illinois State Senate records– “not available”


  265. Bravo Ladies! Keep up the good work. I voted last Saturday so please don’t ban me!


  266. AWESOME! I’m going to go bookmark this blog and pass it on to all of my undecided and delusional friends and family. Thanks for a voice of reason.


  267. Dee – NJ: Right on!


  268. Well, I will make sure that I vote so as not to get banned.

    Another thing that should never get banned is the music of the Lizards From Afar. ALL of their music is FREE at:


  269. Dear Helen & Margaret,
    Found you via Feministing and I’m so happy that I did! This is a fantastic blog. If my grandmother read/understood English I would direct her here. She’s 89-years-young and is a firebrand, just like you two. She uses choice 4-letter-words to describe the politicians too.
    Keep on writing and sharing – Another Helen


  270. Jack,
    Perhaps you should your definition of the word fear is different than ours. Could you explain what exactly Helen said that could cause fear? Or perhaps you can give us your definition of fear? Please enlighten us we would really like to know.


  271. One thing I’m curious about. How could the Bush Government spend so much money in Iraq, yet New Orleans is still a waste land?


  272. Love your blog! Love your humor! I will be checking your blog daily.

    I found you through Democratic Underground.


  273. Helen, a friend recently sent me the link to your blog. It is now on my tool bar and I check it every day. I have also sent it to all my friends.

    Keep up the great work and you always make my day.


  274. amen debbie! Stay on your soapbox. Im loving it!


  275. VB, I should have known better. Enough ppl stiff others in the game of life!

    BTW, I love all you guys!

    I love reading the comments almost as much as Helen’s blog!


  276. Helen,
    Your blogs are FANTASTIC! After reading your blog and all of the comments, I have hope that CHANGE is coming! I am soooo tired of “W” and his party! How can they be Pro-life and Pro-war at the same time? I’m tired of spending 10 billion per month in Iraq when we have Americans who desperately need the money here at home. I used to like John McCain, but his campaign is so negative. The more I read about him and hear his lies, the more I dislike him! His campaign promotes fear just like the last two Bush campaigns! We need hope, unity, and a leader who will inspire us…not live in fear of what terrorists might do. I think Obama will improve our “standing” in the world….it can only go up! It’s time for the Dems to get something done in DC. That’s my soapbox for today!


  277. I just found you today, and I’m spreading your blog address to everyone I know. But I don’t think you are who you say you are. I think you’re our beloved Molly Ivins. Wonderful posts!


  278. Oh my damn . . . just discovered your blog – read the whole thing all the way through. As I was reading the first one, I kept thinking, “SURELY this way-out happenin’ chick is from Texas! She’s got to be one of us.” Luckily I was right.

    I couldn’t agree more with everything you say here. And I love the way you put it: straight to the heart, no bullshit allowed.

    We lost Ann Richards, but we’ve still got you. Bless you for that.


    Dallas, Texas


  279. I forward your blog to friends (and ones who don’t think, but I love them anyway)- this one I am sending to anyone who has not voted!


  280. thesecretlifeoffleas:

    That restaurant story you commented on above is just the latest smearmail being sent around the wingnut universe. Someone made it up. I leave it to you to decide why.


  281. OMG Helen, I love you so much I want to hug you!! xoxo There are so many awesome quotes in this post… I hope you don’t mind that I feature you on my blog. You’re hysterical! Not to mention, oh so wise!



  282. The last time I was brought to tears by anyone was this morning while I read your answer to Cecilia. Thank You. My mother is your age but nowhere as sharp as you (her name happens to be helen too). I just found your site yesterday and it took me 2 days to read through your posts.
    I live in Alaska just north of Wasilla but have never thought Palin had the leadership to be mayor little own Vice President. My wife and I were talking this morning that some people seem to have something that make other people want to follow them even though they got nothing to back it up with like George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin. In the primaries this year I thought Obama was like that too, we were for Hillary in this house. When I heard him actually talk in the debates I knew he was the real deal. He is intelligent, compassionate and able to use his head for more then a hat rack.
    Thank you for taking the time to blog. Your insights are priceless.


  283. Helen,
    Your website is one of the first ones I check every day. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and your wit with us. I also can jump on the wagon of having already sent in my vote for Obama (absentee ballot from Mexico).
    I definitely can see where you are coming from. It is disheartening to have to choose between two people who you can not support full-heartedly. However I do not think that you can use it as an excuse to do nothing. Get involved with election reform groups and local politics where there is a much higher likelihood of getting someone who you fully support elected. Make sure that all of the elected officials that supposedly represent you hear from you regularly. And in the meantime, until we have fixed the system and can vote for those who truly live our values, I encourage you to go ahead and vote for the lesser evil. It does make a difference. Less evil is still worlds better than Super evil. I know that if McCain/Palin reach office they will do everything in their power (and at that point it is a lot of power) to make my life worse (as a low income, queer, sex-positive, woman I don’t think that is an exaggeration). They are proud of the decisions they make that actively harm me and my community. I’m with you in that I don’t think that Obama/Biden will do everything that I would want them to do, but they will hurt me, personally, a whole lot less.


  284. do you know Shari whatsherface on THE VIEW is still UNDECIDED???? EH joked she would have her spend the night @ her house, and have her ‘straightened out’ . YEA RIGHT!

    btw, Watch THE VIEW tomorrow…they are all suposed to dress up in POLITICAL GARB.

    Helen, who do you think our fav one will come on as? 😛


  285. I really wish I knew some “undecideds” to send this to. Every time I see “undecided” in a poll, I wonder whether those people are really smart enough to be able to vote. I mean c’mon . . . there are only a few days left. How could anyone not be able to decide by now?

    I really enjoy your well written opinions and I appreciate the time and effort you put into posting nearly every day now. Keep ’em coming. :o)


  286. Today’s post was worth waiting for ! I loved it! Pissed off Republicans are claiming that Obama is buying the presidency !! I say, “You betcha, baby!” Barack was smart enough to know that, no matter how much more gifted and qualified he is, there was no way he could defeat Clinton, then McCain, playing with an equal bank account. Think about it – they both had the name recognition, POW/First Woman status, years of national popularity, more media experience, and backing of the party bigwigs, while he had the new guy standing, a funny name, and a different skin color. He would have been trying to climb a tree without using his hands. He decided to try to rely on $$$ from everyday folks, and when it came rolling in, he knew how to budget it! While the “hares” sat comfortably waiting for victory, the “tortoise” played it smart !


  287. I’m a first time reader and a total fan. Thanks for such a great blog.

    I personally don’t think Palin is so dumb, but I do think she’s a bitch. Any woman who’s been through high school should recognize her for the mean girl she was/is. I can’t vote for that person, although just like that mean, manipulative girl she is really quite brilliant, politically.

    Not that I would consider it anyway. I’m all for Barack. But I did read some of the comments above from the other side and I have to say that three points jumped out at me.

    One commenter actually thinks that the Iraq war was justified even if there were no WMDs, because Saddam Hussein wasn’t obeying the UN. Wow. If the US military is going to police all the countries in this world that do not obey UN resolutions, we are going to have to raise taxes really, really high.

    Another commenter warns us that taxes are going to up! Oh no! Let me just say that as a parent of young children, the ginormous US debt is terrifying. We absolutely have to raise more tax revenue to help us balance the books, or at least get closer. Oh for the days of the Clinton surplus!

    Finally, blame for the whole financial crisis can absolutely be spread all around the Capitol, but it didn’t start at the Fannie and Freddie hearings 3 years ago. It started WAY back in the 90s when banks were deregulated and allowed to offer more credit products. And then in response to 9/11 the gov’t decided a great way to bolster the economy was to drop interest rates and so we got a huge housing bubble. And then there were a lot of greedy greedy people who saw an opportunity to swindle the poor and ignorant and uneducated buyers and others who thought they could jump on the band wagon but got there too late. And the fact that no one was regulating the credit default swaps….hmm. Sounds like something Congress should have taken care of YEARS ago. The Republican Congress. ahem.


  288. do any of you have a myspace? Sorry to hijack this thread. But I can’t believe this woman commented on Sarah Palin’s myspace page (yea, I went there!) and proudly announced she stiffed a waiter! Heres the link and what she wrote.:

    scroll down to PAULA.

    Heres what she proudly writes:
    Oct 30, 2008 10:47 AM
    Obama 08 – explained perfectly

    After I was seated in the restaurant, my server had on a “Obama 08” tie. I laughed as he had given away his political preference.

    When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to someone whom I deemed more in need … the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight.

    I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10, and told him to thank the server inside as I’d decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful.

    At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment, I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn even though the actual recipient deserved money more.

    I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.


    And we thought Elizabeth was the devil! My God, the poor guy wore an Obama tie and she used it as a way to be a cheapstake and stiff him! I hope she doesn’t plan on eating @ that restaurant again…she’ll get something on her plate she didn’t bargain for!


  289. Amen, ditto and all things that say I agree. Very well said Miss Thang. I am so happy to have found your blog. Tell it like it is sista!


  290. Andrew – thank you for making that point. I am NOT in the higher income brackets – in fact, I make $40k per year, which I consider to be pretty good. I’m not struggling financially. If someone asked me RIGHT NOW to pay higher taxes to benefit those who needed more help than me, I would. And I would MOST CERTAINLY do it if I made hundreds of thousands a year. Partly because, as you say, it is good for business generally, but also because I believe that however little I may have, someone else always has less, and I can almost always find something to share with those who are worse off than me.

    And who knows – someday I might be the one who needs the help.


  291. WoW!!! this is the best thing I’ve read in a while.


  292. […] Read Helen’s response to an undecided voter. It’s so good. Here’s a taste: If you are undecided – and I am at a complete loss for how you could be – please consider the following: […]


  293. I think I’m in love with you old ladies! Awesome post.


  294. Excellent post! I’m not even a Democrat but I”m still pulling for Obama, because the alternative is basically telling the GOP “Yeah, we Americans are fine with all the stunts you’ve pulled these last eight years.” I’d always been raised to think of my country as “the good guys,” and “good guys” don’t torture people, start bogus wars on false pretenses, lock folks up without a trial solely on the president’s say-so, or insist “You either agree with me or you’re an evil terrorist.”

    I think Helen would make a better president than Obama, though.


  295. Sometimes I think that people who don’t do their homework shouldn’t vote. I know we’re all busy, but being an informed citizen is a responsibility, and responsibility makes the right to vote a meaningful one.

    I remember a few weeks ago reading about two moms who hadn’t done their “research” yet on for whom to vote. Give me a break. Stop watching Dancing with the Stars and Survivor and all the rest of those shows and keep up with what’s going on.

    Your mind–use it!

    I sure appreciate this blog.


  296. Thanks Ladies for your insight.


  297. i voted, i voted already, don’t ban me.

    this is a wonderful place to visit, thanks for all your work.



  298. Your blog is possibly the best thing I’ve read in a long time.


  299. I just discovered you an your blog and would just like to say that I love you! Absolutely hilarious!


  300. I find it very hard to believe that there are still undecideds out there. The candidates are so very different. Think about it, McCain is a vet, yet everychance he gets he votes against expanding veteran’s benefits. Obama has never served, yet supports those who do. McCain is a senior, yet wants to screw them. Obama, not there yet, but still wants to give them a hand. McCain picked an inexperienced fruit puff from Alaska, and Barack Obama picked a Senator with a lifetime of service to his country and great credentials.

    In my mind we have two choices:

    1. Hate and fear…vote McCain
    2. Hope…Barack Obama


  301. GREAT POST. One of your best, yet, if such is possible.

    I cannot WAIT for the celebration next week! I am not one for much t.v., but you can bet your panties I will be watching the afternoon and evening of 11/4.

    I voted absentee last week, so Matthew, no need to ban me!!


  302. abuck, and others with your mind-set… you almost changed our minds…. ALMOST… a little more fear-mongering ought to do it! lol


  303. as usual, woman, you say it straight and clearly! This regime of hate and fear must stop. Watching Palin and her booing campaign, reminds me of Nazi rallys I’ve seen on old newsreels…we have forgotten too much of world history.

    keep on keepin on ladies! you are truly my idols!


  304. I just flat out love you and your blog. Hilarious, truthful, and insightful.


  305. Well said as always…are people still undecided? Hard for me to imagine, but if there are, you steered them in the right direction!


  306. You’re awesome! As for me…I’ve already voted down here in Atlanta, GA!


  307. On the undecided……

    “I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention? To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. ‘Can I interest you in the chicken?’ she asks. ‘Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?’ To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.'”
    David Sedaris


  308. You spoke to Cecelia about when was the last time a politician brought a tear to the eye???

    Well, if you watched the Obama infomercial last night – it should have brought a tear to your eye…

    He spoke from the heart – with his heart – to the hearts of all of us….it was probably the most sincere heartfelt ‘political’ statement I have experienced since the Kennedy times.

    God Bless Obama (and Toot) and may he succeed beyond his greatest expectations – in which case, our country might survive intact for another few decades.


  309. “Cecilia, when was the last time a politician brought a tear to your eye… moved you deep in your soul? Honestly when was the last time you really felt that Americans could do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it? I am an old lady. Most of my life politicians have moved me. Most of my life I have felt that Americans can do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it. It’s been 8 long years. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. Thank you Barack Obama. Thank you. ”
    This struck so true for me. Thank you for this. This morning I watched Obama speak in Florida and through much of it, I felt a lift in my heart and HOPE for the first time in oh, years. It means something. For there to be undecideds when people like Palin have forced rape victims to pay for their own rape kits and has promoted hunting wolves from helicopters and paying a bounty for each foreleg brought in. It blows me away that the RNC can force Obama to deny the man who had been his spiritual leader while someone like Palin remains a follower of a spiritual leader who has bragged about his LITERAL witch-hunts in Africa! He terrorized a woman in Africa, and along with his followers made live such a living hell for her that she ended up having no choice but to leave her home and her village. Is this the compassion you want your vice president to show? I throw up a little every time I hear Palin call herself or anyone else a “Maverick”. Thank you for making your voices heard and for your humor and wisdom. I have already voted and seeing as I refuse to let McCain send my children to one of his many wars, I chose Obama.
    Thank you so much for this post, it’s made my day to read!


  310. Helen, you are so much nicer to Cecilia than I’d be. Undecided at this late date? What, are the candidates too similar?


  311. You are so amazing. Thanks for making my day.

    I did vote early for Obama/Biden and saw them both yesterday at the Sunrise Fl rally.


  312. Wonderful answer to Cecilia.I hope she reads it. When I first encountered her I feared she could be schizophrenic because she could not hold onto her own opinion. OrI thought she just wanted your guidance and some special attention. Anyway you did put into words beautifully my very own thoughts and I hope Cecilia appreciates you as so many of us do! (Sorry If I offended you with my unsubstantiated diagnosis, Cecilia)


  313. Day 2 of reading your blog and it is as fresh and delightful as day 1! This time I read all the comments too and find it interesting there are people dropping by to float some GOP turds in the punchbowl. They’re probably the ones who fart in church too.

    Anyway, I already voted an early ballot here in AZ. It was required for me because I am a poll worker on Election Day! A first time for me and I am so jazzed to be able to serve in this way.

    I think if Cecilia is still undecided at this point it is because she is an attention piggy. Who is, no doubt, in hog heaven right now.


  314. Hi Helen, Another great one. If you’d like something factual to tell your husband about the ad before the World Series game last night, it’s this: John McCain was offered the chance to run an ad, for the same length of time by MLB and the networks that carried the Obama ad. Luckily for ALL of us, his camp declined to do so. His 30-60 second hate ads are enough to stomach. Looking forward to tomorrow’s lunch time. Thanks again. Ad–


  315. Helen,

    You are wonderful! Preach on girlfriend!


  316. Dear Cecilia,

    I went to the Raleigh, NC Rally yesterday where 50,000 people came to hear and see Senator Obama – there were people of all colors and types and sources of income.

    The deciding question was articulated by Mr. Obama himself: “Are you better off than you were 8 years ago? If so, then you should vote for McCain.” He went on to say if you are not, then here is what I have to offer and as Helen said you can read about that elsewhere.

    Let me expand on this idea because as a Democrat (a group which often thinks of others unlike themselves when deciding something).
    Cecilia , is the world or are the specific people you care about better off than 8 years ago?

    Check out Sherman Alexie on Steven Colbert Report for a very interesting discussion along those lines – the sarcasm is harsh but the beauty shines through. Mr. Alexie is an author and member of the Spokane Couer d’Alene Nation and speaks from a point of view of the common good.

    Finally, what issues are of greatest importance to you and your family? For me it is the health of the living systems on this planet. Without taht health, there is no life to sustain anything, not warfare not peacetime, not tax revolts or tax breaks, not adoptions not abortions.

    So you know what Party, what Presidential candidate currently and historically have lead and defended Earth (envirnmental) Issues? The Democrats and Mr. Obama. The body politic is not perfect but it is evolving and we and our President can get to work making things better for everyone come Jan 20th.

    That said , when I cast my ballot for Mr. Obama I am not voting for him, I am voting for a culture of Caring and Love. I am voting for you and her and him, and his great grandchild and your aunt and that whale and that water supply and that ecosystem and … you get my point.

    Bless you for asking, I know you asked M&H so I have taken a liberty.


    a registered nurse in Durham, NC

    I started a blog on Word Press – inspired by these wise women, Margaret and Helen and my experience going to my hometown recently and the seeing the political leanings (in GA) by way of yardsigns and conversations.


  317. This election, the choice is clear.

    Vote for OBAMA!!

    HOPE over fear

    I look forward to reading your blog Helen!!


  318. Love you! Will buy three T-shirts for my “best friends”!!!!


  319. Cory,

    Great post!


  320. Wonderful, wonderful post. I found you through Nick’s Bytes. I only wish more undecideds would read this and pay attention.


  321. I worship you. Helen for President!!


  322. Helen,

    Why do you refuse to say anything negative about Obama? Having one radical/questionable associations is a little sketchy, but having at least 5 (maybe more as they keep popping up weekly) is concerning. Yet, you seem to disregard this. Why?

    Obama is using the “middle class” as a stepping stone…Dems have been doing it for years. If the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010, everyone will be paying more in taxes than they are today! Obama’s plan is to lower them after the expiration, but they will all be higher than they are today!

    Palin isn’t running for President in 2008 folks…Helen seems to think that she is. Oh yeah, she’s a heartbeat away. That is idiotic and it would be similar to someone saying that Biden is a trigger pull away…both are insane. Barack Obamy is a Community Organizer with a poor record in the Senate! He is also the MOST LIBERAL Senator right now…that’s not a good thing! The choice is clear people…if you are a Democrat, you should love McCain…if you are a Republican, you should accept McCain…if you are a victim and just don’t think that life is fair…Obama is your clear choice!


  323. Wonderful, wonderful post. I found you through Nick’s Bytes. I only wish more undecideds would read this and pay attention.


  324. If you are going to try to sway an undecided voter, perhaps it would be more helpful to speak to your candidates policies and ideas instead of engaging in the same fear mongering against the other party that you accuse the McCain people of doing. So here are a few talking points that you may feel free to use at any time:

    Iraq: Obama was opposed to the war in the first place and there were no WMD’s found.. Now this is true there were no WMD’s however what we did have was 18 UN resolutions ordering that Saddam provide proof of the safe destruction and or removal of the WMD’s that had been previously marked by UN Weapons Inspectors, or face “Serious Consequences”. These 18 UN Resolutions had been completely ignored and Saddam made a mockery of the UN. So the question to be asked is how many UN Resolutions warning of “Serious Consequences” do you pass before you act? How long do you allow a vile dictator who kills and oppresses his own people, to make a mockery of the United Nations and the United States knowing that other vile dictators in the region are watching? So he may have been correct that we did not find WMD’s but why did Saddam refuse to comply? And how many chances should he have been given before facing serious consequence?

    Honesty and integrity have been a big part of this election. The candidates had pledged to accept Public Funding for their campaigns that come with stricter guidelines for raising funds. This is all part of an agreed bi-partison goal of Campaign Finance Reform. John McCain accepted Public Funding keeping his word. Barack Obama saw that he could raise more money by being the first candidate since Watergate to refuse Public Funding and go it alone. This decision was made by his obvious belief that he could raise more money outside of Pulic Funding, and did not need the oversight into his fundraising. So the question is, who broke their promise and who kept their word? Who can you trust to follow a promise that may be unfavorable? and who would take the less ethical approach for their own gain?

    Economy: With the Democrats like Nancy Pellosi, Barney Frank, Gregory Weeks, and Maxine Waters screaming that the Republicans calls for “DE-REGULATION” caused the financial crisis, you would think that the Democrats have zero culpability in the current economic crisis. I invite everyone to do a Google search on the 2005 congressional hearings on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There you will find a You Tube video of Greg Weeks, Barney Frank, and Maxine Waters, belittling a spokesperson from OFHEO (Office of Federal Housing Oversight) for calling a hearing on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac who in their eyes, need no further oversight. These individuals continuously state that there is no problem with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    In a Congressional letter dated June 28, 2004 Signed by all of the Congressional Democrats and addressed to the President, Democrats state that the Presidents call for stronger regulation of Government Sponsored Enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is unwarranted and will result in these entities not being able to help lower income families from living the American Dream and owning a home… Don’t take my word for it, check the Congressional Record, here is a link to the actual letter signed by the Democrats including Pellosi, Weeks, Frank, and all those screaming that the Bush Economic Policies have led to this recession….

    Click to access LtrBushGSEs.pdf

    Many Politicians Obama included receive monies from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac you have to decide for yourself if you feel that this influenced their handling of this issue. Oh and by the way Democrats were in the majority in the Congress for the last 2 years. Bill Clinton himself when asked what the biggest obstacle the Democrats had to overcome when it came to the Economic Crisis said the following:
    “I think the responsibility that the Democrats may have resides more in resisting any efforts of the Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie mae and Freddie Mac”… A quote from Bill Clinton on the Economic crisis.

    Now, are the Republicans clear of any culpability in the Economic Crisis? No. But they are also not the ones denying it either. Character and integrity in a President? You decide

    So these are just a few talking points that undecided voters should confront on their own and make their own decision. It is easy to follow and post negative garbage, fear mongering, and emotional feeling. It is better in a democratic society to give people specific facts and allow them to make an educated decision for the betterment of the Nation.


  325. To Amanda at 11:16am today:

    My parents were white Southerners and George Wallace supporters. I learned that I did not have to proselytize to them about my choices; I only had to vote my conscience and leave them to do likewise. I strongly urge you to go your own way, and respect your parents for their choices. It is their right to vote for whomever they choose, just as it is your right to cast your vote for your favorite candidate. It’s part of the growing up that we all have to do to separate ourselves from our parents when the time comes. Let go of trying to convince your mom how right you, and your candidate, are. You are beating a dead horse. Be your own woman, vote for your candidate, and love your mom as she is. Don’t let politics come between you two. Politicians come and go, but your mom is your mom forever. I’m tellin’ it to ya like a friend here! And congratulations on voting for Obama. I did, too, the other day. Feels GOOD!!!


  326. I voted! Voted early!

    Any of you who have the chance to vote early, take it!

    (Of course I voted for Obama!)


  327. JJ,
    I am sorry you feel the way you do. I watched the vp debate and I heard what Joe Biden said. He said that he feels gay marriage is something to be decided by the church. In a way that is understandable. No government can force a church to marry someone. I did not here him say that the government would not recognize a gay couple married by the church.
    I am from a country where the right for gay marriage is decided by the province. Some provinces recognize it and some do not. The church still has the right to allow or disallow it.
    As a person who has a family member who is gay I fully understand your frustration. All I can say is, although the world is not fully there, it is on its way. I realize that a person’s rights are in no way a small thing that should be ignored, just remember that there are other things that need to be taken into account as well. Think of the economy as well as your rights. I guess all I can say is take it one step at a time. Don’t give up…keep fighting.


  328. Hi Helen,

    It’s amazing how your blog has grown! People are so thirsty for truth and hope. We sure don’t get it from the “media” who have sold their souls. It’s sad that in the land of the free and the home of the brave the rest of the world gets the real news not us. Scary…



  329. Helen, it’s day two of me reading your blog. I can say nothing else but…YOU ROCK!!

    Your new biggest fan.


  330. Helen,
    God bless your soul. You are a light at the end of my long dark tunnel. I have never heard the choices for this election put so succinctly and accurately. You are that little voice in my head. I love your blog, just discovered it yesterday and now I know why you’re so screamin hot right now. You go and I promise to come back after the election!


  331. Thank you ladies both for a wonderful and delightful political journey. I voted several weeks ago and now sit atop pins and needles waiting for Nov. 4 (or probably 5th). Bravo and keep it up; we need more independent thinkers (and doers!).


  332. I was watching the coverage of the Obama/Clinton rally in Florida and came to this conclusion regarding economic philosophy and the choice for president:

    If you believe that government should put taxpayer money in the hands of the wealthy and whatever ‘leftovers’ they have should trickle down to the middle and lower income classes, then go ahead and vote for McCain. He seems to believe that too.

    Otherwise, vote for Obama.

    Personally, I don’t want to depend on there being leftovers after the rich indulge themselves in luxuries that I can’t even imagine.


  333. just found you via joemygod, and OH MY GOD am I going to keep coming back here!
    Bravo, ladies, bravo!


  334. I LOVE this blog… I pass it’s entries along with your web link to all my younger (republican) friends… I think it is time that religion doesn’t play part in our choice for a president, we saw where it got us last time when Bush went on his “Gay” rant….. I love Obama, my 7 year old son does as well… he will actually listen when he speaks and when McCain comes all, all he can ask me is “Mom, why does that man look so grumpy ALL the time?”… I think that sums it up nicely…. Keep up the good work!


  335. UAW-Many States have early voting, and this year because the turnout is expected to be so large, many States want folks to vote early.
    Last week, my husband and I were in the town office of our little VT town, dropping off some items for the local food shelf. I asked our town clerk about early voting and was told we could do it right there, or take the ballots home and mail them in by the deadline. We decided to vote right there and then. I voted for Obama. I’m still not certain who my husband voted for as he won’t tell me. (He knows what I’ll do to him if I found out he voted for McCain/Palin/and Joe the plumber.)

    So go out and VOTE!


  336. My friend just pointed me to your blog and I am instantly in love with it. You’re both fantastic and articulate and funny and inspiring. Hooray!!


  337. I am living in fear, Helen. I’m shaking in fear right now that racism will win out and Palin and McCain could come out on top using lies and innuendo to trick Americans who use their emotions rather than brains to vote. These are Americans who still want Joe Six Pack who is just like them to be president instead of somebody smarter and more elite than them. I can’t even barely comment of this line of thought because it gets me too upset. I love your blog because you say it all more eloquently for us. Just keep saying it please…please…
    We need people to listen. Time is too short.


  338. Anyone who is undecided should watch MSNBC from 8PM-10PM Monday-Friday. I guarantee Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow will make you see the light.


  339. If Undecided is still undecided after reading all this, I’d be surprised, but then…many of the voters do surprise.
    anyway, here is something else for Undecided to think about—it’s from an email that’s doing the rounds.
    I hope it will also help, just as your discussions do.

    What if things were switched around?
    You Make the Call

    * What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the stage following the debate, including an unwed, pregnant teenage daughter?
    *What if John McCain was a former president of the Harvard Law Review?
    *What if Barack Obama finished fifth from the bottom of his college graduating class?
    *What if McCain had only married once, and Obama was a divorcee?
    *What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had a long affair while he was still married?
    *What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became addicted to pain killers but also acquired them illegally through her charitable organization?
    *What if Cindy McCain graduated from Harvard?
    *What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five? (The Keating Five were five United States Senators accused of corruption in 1989, igniting a major political scandal as part of the serious Savings and Loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.)
    *What if Obama had trouble reading from a teleprompter?
    *What if Obama was the one who had military experience that included discipline problems and a record of crashing seven planes?
    *What if Obama was the one who was known to publicly display a serious anger management problem?
    *You could easily add to this list. If these questions reflected a reality, if the tables were turned, do you really believe the election numbers would be as close as they are?
    This is what racism does. It covers up, rationalizes and minimizes qualities in one candidate and emphasizes negative characteristics in another when there is a color difference.
    *And, think of this – the candidates’ educational backgrounds:
    *Barack Obama:
    Columbia University – B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
    Harvard – Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

    *Joseph Biden:
    University of Delaware – B.A. in History and B.A. in Political Science.
    *Syracuse University College of Law – Juris Doctor (J.D.)

    *John McCain:
    United States Naval Academy – Class rank: 894 of 899

    *Sarah Palin:
    Hawaii Pacific University – 1 semester
    North Idaho College – 2 semesters – general study
    University of Idaho – 2 semesters – journalism
    Matanuska-Susitna College – 1 semester
    University of Idaho – 3 semesters – B.A. in Journalism
    *Education isn’t everything, but this is about the two highest offices in the land as well as our standing in the world.
    You make the call.


  340. You are a “classy broad” and I mean that as a term of utmost respect. I have something to add to the “conversations with the undecided”.

    * If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your single mother and grandparents, you’re “exotic, different.”

    * If you grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers, you’re a quintessential American story.

    * If your name is Barack, you’re a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.

    * If you name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you’re a maverick.

    * If you graduate from Harvard Law School, you are unstable.

    * If you drop out of four different small colleges before graduating from the fifth, you’re well grounded.

    * If you spend three years as a community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend eight years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, and then create and manage the most organized political campaign in history, you don’t have any real leadership experience.

    * If your total resume is: local weather girl, four years on the city council and six years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, accused of abuse of power as mayor, found guilty of abuse of power as governor, currently under further investigation for more abuse of power as governor, then you’re qualified to become the country’s second highest ranking executive.

    * If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising two beautiful daughters, all within mainstream Protestant churches, you’re not a real Christian.

    * If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, dumped your disfigured wife and your children, then married the heiress the following month, you’re a Christian.

    * If your former pastor from this country’s oldest mainline Protestant denomination, an ex-Marine who helped save a President’s life, denounces past racism in America, you are guilty by association of being “unAmerican.”

    * If your pastor lays hands on you to prays to secure you high government office and protect you from witchcraft, you are “born again.”

    * If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

    * If you staunchly advocate abstinence only, charge rape victims for the cost of testing their criminal rapists, provide no option in sex education in your state’s school system, while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you’re very responsible.

    * If your spouse is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family’s values don’t represent America’s.

    * If your spouse is nicknamed “First Dude”, with at least one DWI conviction, no college education, who didn’t register to vote until age 25, once was a card-carrying member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, and used your elected office to orchestrate a continuing personal vendetta, your family is extremely admirable.

    * If you live in the same city and served on a charity board with a leading education professor who did something bad when you were eight years old, you “pall around” with terrorists.

    * If you not only supported but once managed a slush fund for a convicted felon, you are a reformer.

    * If you went to a going away party for a Palestinian sympathizer “you’re a terrorist”.

    * If you’re the head a committee that gave that same Palestinian sympathizers group $500,000 than you are a “Maverick”.

    * Mavericky maverick maverick maverick.
    (Sorry that last one was just me having a laugh.


  341. Helen, once again you’ve hit the bull’s eye. Thank you for spelling it out for the folks who are still undecided. Like you, I don’t see how anyone could be at this point.

    And for the record, we don’t have early voting in Washington state. We do, however, have the option for absentee ballots (which accomplishes the same thing), and hubby and I have already voted and mailed ours in.



  342. 1. I want to read 1 million posts from you before you die. Write fast.

    2. Read up on California’s Proposition 8 and blog about it.

    3. Move here to California, preferably to San Dimas, but anywhere within 30 miles will be acceptable.


  343. Don’t ban me either! I voted on the first day in Kyle, TX after happily standing in line for over an hour. I say “happily” because I am thrilled to see such a magnificent voter turn out! Obama and articulate, thoughtful people like you are making this happen. I’m somewhat familiar with 20th century German history. For years now I’ve had the thought that the USA saved Europe from Hitler and Germany from itself with the WWII. For at almost eight years I’ve been wondering who would save us from ourselves. I’m getting my answer! If you and I are neighbors, I’d sure love to invite you for pie and coffee! You make me even prouder of Austin, Texas and the UNITED States of America!


  344. I love, love, LOVE you both! Keep up the good work and thank you for putting it so succinctly.


  345. […] Margaret and Helen Now let’s talk about taxes. John McCain is working overtime to scare the hell out of all the Joe the Fill-in-the-Blank’s out there. He’s trying to fool them into thinking that they actually make enough money to be worried. That is the biggest joke the Republican party has managed to play on the good people of America. Most of us don’t even make enough money in a life-time to afford the membership into that club. The idea of a progressive tax where the wealthy pay more in taxes than the poor is nothing new. Not even close. In fact 81% of economist agree with the concept… and here is a real eye opener – until he crapped his pants about losing this election John McCain supported the concept as well. Trust me, that dog don’t hunt, he will say anything to win at this point. De-regulation of banks? He was for it, but now is against it. He was for privatization of social security and now he is against it. He was for the estate tax and now he is against it. He used to have a spine and now he doesn’t. You know, at his age, he should know there’s medication for such personality swings. If I hear that McCain is a Maverick one more time I just might throw myself to the floor and break a hip. A maverick is an independent individual who doesn’t go along with a group or party. If John McCain’s a maverick I am one of those cheerleaders on the sidelines of Harold’s beloved Dallas Cowboys. Nobody seems to dispute that the Republican party led by George W. Bush got us into this mess but what everybody seems to forget is that Sarah Palin and John McCain are Republicans. Look, when the Religious Right came knocking at the door of the RNC Membership Round-Up, someone should have turned out the porch lights and told everyone inside to be quiet until they went away… the same thing I do when those nice looking boys on bicycles with bibles come to my door. But the Republicans opened that door, invited them in and now they have to live with that decision. Cecilia, when was the last time a politician brought a tear to your eye… moved you deep in your soul? Honestly when was the last time you really felt that Americans could do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it? I am an old lady. Most of my life politicians have moved me. Most of my life I have felt that Americans can do anything if we put our hearts and minds to it. It’s been 8 long years. I had almost forgotten what that felt like. Thank you Barack Obama. Thank you. By: Studs McGonagle | Filed in Obama Tags: McCain, Obama « FUX Business News Slams McCain […]


  346. I’m playing catch up on your posts today, Helen. Well done with the undecided voter. I have to believe that people aren’t paying attention to still have no idea who to vote for.

    And don’t worry about all of those people who are mad at you for name calling. You’re just calling it like you (and me and a bunch of other people) see it. Thanks for doing what you do.

    For those in early voting states: Get to it. My husband and I voted for Obama yesterday (and had a celebratory high five afterward — didn’t want to draw too much attention with a terrorist fist bump!). Today is the last day of early voting in Tennessee; most other early voting states close tomorrow.

    Keep up the good work Helen! Only a few more days to go!


  347. Totally brilliant! Another Must-read blog. Just what I needed 🙂

    Beautifully written with wit and wisdom.

    As of now you have at least one Icelandic reader, ladies.


  348. I am reading the responses here, and I see a lot of responses that I truly like. I myself love your posts. But… in my case, you are preaching to the choir. I have no problem expressing that my leftist leanings have been well ensconced for decades.

    I believe that a President’s real duty is to inspire his people to be involved. As to how a given president’s personal politics will affect my day to day life, I have had in the past virtually no opinion. Liking to focus more on politics at the local level.

    The last eight years, however, has taught me differently. There is a point when you are so desperate to maintain the your place at the top, that you forget what you stand for. Republicans used to stand for smaller government and fiscal responsibility, two things with which I have no quarrel.

    In the last eight years we have obliterated our economy in order to pursue a war and enrich those who have no need of it. Don’t get me wrong, I thank god there are soldiers who are there for my protection and my defense. And in return, I promise to be loud about when I fear that their devotion and patriotism is being abused. Also, I don’t want to take money away from a man who has worked hard to be rich, but why must he take it away from an average girl who legitimately has no argument with his successes. All I want is a little nobility and conscience to guide everyone’s way, the rich and poor included.

    In the last eight years under so-called REPUBLICAN leadership our government has become alarmingly large, yet somehow just small enough to fit into everyone’s bedroom and their wallets. I don’t effin’ care who sticks what into whom and where… and for crying-out-loud, I don’t most certainly don’t give a crap what my president thinks about it. I don’t care what my neighbor has checked out the public library… as long as he is READING, and not listening to some figurehead’s “talking points”.

    So see, all I want is a person that I can respect. I can be OK with having to disagree with some of his or her politics, as long as he or she is willing to bring us all closer to understanding one another.

    My point is, after all my long and drawn out opining, how can we bring people together to actually read these different articles and blogs? And also other informative websites like:

    I am going to try to send this article to at least three people I think are on the fence. I am going to stand up, and try to reach across the line. I know that nobody likes conflict, but be a patriot. Be brave and talk to someone different than you.


  349. Excellent summation. Thank you for clearing it up!

    I just found your blog, I LOVE IT! I’ll be back! 🙂


  350. Please don’t ban me! Please… I swear I voted yesterday at the Harris County Courthouse in downtown Houston during lunch hour. I waited in line 20 minutes, and it ran smoothly. Besides, it was a gorgeous day so standing outside was like a mini-vacation.

    I could have votef straight ticket because I would have been done sooner. But I wanted to feel the experience of clicking on Barack Obama and Joe Biden. It felt GREAT.


  351. Lovely post and very well written. You points are clear and concise. Well done lady!

    I voted two weeks ago 😀

    Can’t wait for an Obama presicency!


  352. You hit all the points that touched me last night, watching the 30 minute Obama spot. I wept to think that someone actually believes in America as much as this amazing man, and that he has given me hope once again.
    No indecision.
    Thanks from OR


  353. A terrific response to Cecilia! I’m wondering where she is today, and if she will read this. If she has, she hasn’t commented yet.


  354. Helen, your posts are probably the clearest, no nonsense and OBVIOUS discussions of this election. What amazes me is that no one else is capable of this level of clarity and observation.

    Let me please note the following:

    I get so annoyed when I hear people complain about taxes on higher income brackets. My household income is $445,000/year. I will be one of those individuals hit by the Obama tax increase. Here’s the thing: I’M OKAY WITH THAT.

    I can afford a tax increase. Every month I put $8,000 in a savings account (in addition to the money I save through my 401(k) and IRAs). If an extra $1-2,000 of that has to go to taxes instead, I’ll still be okay. I will still be able to feed my family, pay my bills, and go shopping. My life won’t change much, at all.

    Meanwhile, there are people struggling TODAY to pay their bills and feed their families. Tax relief for those people would free up some of that burden and prevent some of those foreclosures and bankruptcies we’ve been hearing so much about. It’s better for my business if people don’t foreclose on their homes and can pay their bills.

    I don’t have a problem paying more taxes while people who make $60,000/year get a tax break. Why? Because if the middle class is doing well, I do well – my customers serve consumers, the marjority of which are middle-class Americans. I take a hard hit if the middle-class can’t pay its bills.

    It’s funny how many of those who would be most advantaged by Obama’s economic plans are the ones who scream the loudest in opposition to it. Meanwhile, those of us who actually make enough to be affected by the tax increase understand its usefulness. Is our populace that uneducated?


  355. Good Day Helen,

    I came across your blog today and what a treat! If this is the writings of a “scatterbrain” mature woman, maybe all of us need to be “scatterbrain” in order to obtain the clarity of observation and thought that you share so well.

    It is truly a pleasure to read your blog and I will be checking in on a regular basis.

    Thanks for piercing through the fog!!



  356. Beautifully said! Mr. Obama should have you on staff as a writer.

    Love and Peace from CA


  357. Helen, you seriously rock my world.


  358. You ladies are seriously awesome, and I want to be YOU when I grow up!!


  359. Helen, I voted early and for Obama. Please don’t have Matthew ban me from your blog as it is one of the high points of my day. Thanks.


  360. Thank You Helen for your wonderful posts. I look forward to them every morning. You are funny, articulate and right on! If McCain gets in, we will have nothing but war. It is all he knows or understands, it has been ingrained into him since he was a child by his military family. It is his reality. His pitbull friend thinks war is ordained by God Himself. If they win, I hope that all the people who voted for him are ready to send their children off to war because he will install the draft. Our military is decimated and he will have no other choice.


  361. Dear Helen,
    Your blog is my new favorite place! I LOVE your writing and intelligent insights. My beloved (late) Grammy would have adored this. I wish she could see it!

    Keep up the good work. You have become my surrogate online Grammy!


  362. As usual, terrific column Helen.
    We voted 3 weeks ago (early) here in Arizona via Mail. And of course, we voted for Obama. We’ve both changed our registration to Independent – and are hoping against hope, to turn McCain’s state BLUE!

    As other early voting states, we are having a huge turnout and long lines – which is, of course, terrific for the Dems.

    Keep up the columns girls – you’re a breath of fresh air!


  363. My 23 y.o. son just forwarded your blog and I have now read two of your insightful entries. You and your comments/commentary are wonderful and I just had to write to tell you so.

    As one of those who will be taxed more heavily under Obama’s plan, I want to say that I strongly support Obama and feel it is a privilege and my patriotic duty to pay a ‘fairer’ share of taxes. Although my husband’s father is a crotchedy McCain supporter, my husband’s grandfather pounded into my husband (and me) that we are so lucky to have benefitted under this wonderful capitalistic system we live under, and should want to ‘give back’–those who ‘make more, ‘SHOULD give more’. And want to….Having said this, I want to stress that my family’s stock portfolios grew and benefitted hugely under Clinton, and under Bush, the value of our holdings during the past 8 years plummeted. Thus, I just think it’s hard to believe that all of us….thinking beings…don’t know in our gut (if not in our brain) that an Obama presidency would be so MUCH better for our economy, for our businesses, for our sustainability, for our and our children’s future…. He, too, feels me with hope…and optimism. On a personal level, I realize that a lot of ‘grandfathers’ and ‘grandmothers’ out there (for many ill conceived and questionable reasons), are not supporting Obama…And so, your crusty, critically astute and ‘right on’ comments are SO wonderful, valued and inspiring. THANK YOU!!! You are a treasure.
    Sincerely, (Philly) Jane


  364. Thanks for reiterating the reasons to vote against John McCain but I’m still undecided. I know I can’t vote for McCain and I can’t vote for Obama just because he’s the lesser of two evils because that would mean I’m choosing evil. Obama went on national television and said he does not support my right to marry the person I love. Joe Biden reiterated that position at the VP debate and agreed with Palin – it seems he has since flip-flopped a bit and a few blogs have said he supports the no on 8 campaign in California but even if that is true, I feel it’s too little too late. Obama basically believes that separate is equal – that civil unions are just as good as marriage even though they don’t have all the rights and privileges of marriage. As a White African-American I feel doubly pained by his position and his admonishment to just jump over a broom and act like I’s married naw…

    You’ve done a great job of parroting Obama’s message of “hope” and “change” and at one time I believed him – I really did think he stood for something different but as time has gone by all I see and hear from him is yet another slick & polished politician spouting platitudes – where is the substance of his ‘change’?

    Is he going to instigate a 21st century educational system so we can finally abandon our 18th century agrarian one? Is he going to hire and train people to inspect every cargo ship, plane and truck coming into this country to keep us safe from foreign terrorist? Is he going to overhaul the student visa program and track every single person in this country on one of these visas so that they don’t overstay their visas like the 9-11 hijackers did? Is he going to change the TSA so they aren’t just “Thousands Standing Around”?

    The mainstream media in the country is a Joke – when Wolf Blitzer turned to the camera at one of the primary debates and told me to go online to find out more about the candidate’s health care policies I was flabbergasted – that’s his job and getting information about a candidate’s position is the purpose of having a debate not just a talking point exchange thing they called a debate.

    I’m sure there are lots of other people running for president and yes, I’m undecided but only because I’ve abandoned any hope that either major party candidate can really change this country.


  365. Best DAMN Blog I have read in a long time! Fantastically worded, sharp, and witty. Helen Philpot, teaching us to respect our elders. God bless you Helen! I wish there were more people like you!


  366. Wonderful post Helen! So eloquent and heartfelt, you really moved me – and made me laugh to boot!

    I just found your blog through a post on another blog (don’t remember now which one) and I’ve spent all morning reading and catching up. I really should get busy with other things but – I LOVE THIS BLOG!! And I love you two ladies!

    Keep up the great writing, Helen!

    Oh yeah, almost forgot – I voted early in Florida for Obama/Biden! 🙂 I will now spend Election Day helping other folks get to the polls!


  367. Helen,

    You are absolutely amazing. Can I adopt you as my Grandma? 🙂



  368. What a wonderful blog—makes me believe in humanity again. Great the someone is brave enough to say publicly what many of us have been thinking.
    I tried a letter to the editor (of our very conservative newspaper) but no luck in having it published.
    It seems many people are finding your blog, so keep up the good work.


  369. Hi,
    I really enjoy your blog. I am 21, registered, and my first vote for president is going to Obama.

    I have a problem. My mother is voting for McCain solely because she was raised Republican. When I try to debate things with her (as I’ve been educating myself and following both sides of this election very closely) she scoffs, says that I’m “too young to understand”, and dismisses my opinion. I can’t get a word across without her calling Obama, the first presidential candidate I will vote for, a terrorist. It blows my mind. Please help me figure out how to inform my mother of the truth about McCain and Palin. I know that she’s a very smart woman, just brainwashed. Is there a way to reverse it?



  370. Love you love the blog

    You need to write articles for magazines and papers,

    I have sent another email to Ellen!!


  371. I voted, Helen! It felt so good to press that button for Obama. Too bad it likely won’t do much good here in Texas, but it’s the principle that matters, right?



  372. Helen, you are awesome! Every post makes me laugh; you are keenly insightful. I too am completely baffled by the undecideds at this point. The differences (to me it seems) between McCain and Obama are STARK!

    I wish my grandmother could be as awesome as you. She has nearly as much gusto, but she reads Ann Coulter and watches Bill O’Reilly, so we don’t talk politics much. I have to physically run away when she starts talking about the “war at the border with those damn Mexicans”. (We live in southern California.)

    Anyway, you’ve got a new fan, I’ll continue to read.


  373. It is a wonder why in the world anyone could be undecided at this point.

    You’ve got Barack staying on point, not bringing up all the dirty little secrets (or not so secret) about McCain. He could have talked about The Keating Five, he could have talked about the money that was spent on McCain’s first senatorial campaign (dirty money which almost brought him down), he could have talked about McCain’s scandalous divorce/affair. All these talking points I expected especially after Palin’s successful 10 day roll-out (and subsequent crash and burn.) I must admit, I made a call to the field office and begged them to tell Barack to go dirty. Obama just stayed on point.

    When people started attacking Palin’s daughter’s out-of-wedlock pregnancy, he staunchly said, “Families are out of bounds.” I sat there thinking, “Why is this guy not defending our position?” And then the lightbulb came on. He is defending our position. He is trying to rise above all the nasty rhetoric and give the populace something to believe in other than white trash ramblings and lying down in the gutter which the last 8 years has produced in national politics.

    As I think about this today. I am really proud of him. I can say that I was wrong and he was right. I am glad that he has stayed on point and showed us real courage and real dignity. That there is a way to win an election without making sure you blast the other guy until you have no dignity (are ya hearing me John….Sarah, and now Elizabeth?)

    Thank you Barack Obama for rising above all the “silliness” and showing us how to be dignified Americans to ourselves and the world.

    And thank you Helen, as always, for another wonderful to the point posting!

    Your friend,

    P.S. I am going to be one of those overpass nuts waving Barack signs on Tuesday morning, so if anyone from Seattle sees me, honk!!!


  374. I love you Helen…. and that is all…….


  375. Alaska has over 900,000 caribou… Ungovernable as all get out, I’m sure.

    Helen, you rock. Don’t you dare break a hip over those pseudo-mavericks!


  376. I’ve been finding your blog very interesting for someone who doesn’t live in your fair country. I’m an Aussie – and from an outsider’s point of view, I agree with you two lovely sassy ladies – we need hope in the world and Obama is the way to go. If I lived in the States, that’s where my vote would have gone. The other thing I find fascinating is that you don’t have to vote – here we DO (I know someone who has slipped through the system & whenever they complain about politics, I tell them they have no right to complain because they didn’t vote – bitchy of me, yes. I’m usually a meek person but sometimes….). There are so many countries where people DIE to get the right to vote, who WANT the right to vote. I believe it our responsibility to vote and even if Australia was ever to change the system, would continue to vote. Thanks for your posts.


  377. Helen once again you tell it like it is! I am sorry and not trying to put anyone down, but quit listening to your friends and do your own research! It has also occured to me that the undecided (some not all) may just enjoy their friends vying for their attention. Just saying.

    If nothing else ask yourself why the McCain campaign has turned into the Straight Hate Talk Express. Seriously if this is being a Christian and these are the Christian values they keep spouting in their campaign, I truly think God is weeping.

    As far as donations I am one of those donors to Obama. I paid with my debit card and had to fill out all of my information. So all of this nonsense about “who his donors are?”, Is just that nonsense! The average donation to his campaign is $86.00. Gee I see a conspiracy there!

    What is hard for the Republicans to believe is that grassroots is the way to go! The people have spoken and I believe that above all else scares the bejeebers out of them!

    If I am called or contacted about my donation they will hear a very long curse filled rant from me.

    Look forward to your next post.


  378. Nice job, ladies. It’s pretty cool the way voices of youth and elders come together in the blogosphere. Your writing has appeal for all ages, and your common-sense wisdom is what we need more of in public discourse.


  379. I hope Cecilia saw the infomercial. They say you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. If anyone is thirsty for the truth in this campaign, O’Bama’s show last night would have quenched that thirst and satisfied their decision that he is the right way to go!

    AND, he never even once mentioned McCain or Palin’s name– or anyone named ‘Joe’ for that matter, lol! But had it been the other way around it would have been a mudslingin’ fest as usual from the Republican side.


  380. Dear Dear Helen
    Please don’t pay any attention to the folks who say you are dwelling on any one subject too much. It’s obvious that you have the good judgement to know when enough is enough.
    I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on health care issues.
    Keep the faith baby.


  381. Amen! I voted early…and for Obama-Biden, of course.


  382. Fantastic post. I found you from a link on twitter and have been reading for the last hour. Excellent work and I am looking forward to a new blog to read daily.


  383. Helen,

    Your response to Cecilia is right on target! But, there is one issue you missed – hope you don’t mind me filling your poster in on it.

    That issue is Veterans and their issues. John McCain is for turning the Veterans Administration Medical into a Combat Injury only treatment center. He has voted against funding for PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury treatement. Even his wife has poo-pooed the vets that have PTSD implying that only “untrained” teens get it. My husband was 35 when he reenlisted in the Army to support his family – he went through Basic for the second time, went to Fort Rucker to learn a new career path and then went to Iraq in the first Gulf War. He had been in Army before, and was currently an Active Reservist in the Air Force – which meant he was constantly at his unit’s office hoping for a flight. He was trained, he was experienced but he STILL got PTSD. Strangely enough after 8 years of a claim for his disability – that Social Security decided was severe enough for him to be unable to work – we’re still waiting on the VA to agree.

    But since it wouldn’t be deemed “Combat” related – John McCain’s plan would toss him to the curb. When every soldier, sailor, airman or marine joined the military and signed their name on the dotted line – they were promised VA Health Care when they got out – now McCain wants to take that away from them. That’s not right.


  384. Thank-you sooooo much for your posts. You say what I am thinking and feeling but soooo much better than I could ever express! Don’t fling yourself to the floor and break your hip, just please sit down at your computer and write some more:))


  385. This is a GREAT VIDEO, appears to be all REPUBLICANS speaking their mind as to why they are voting Obama. I think it says it eloquently.


  386. Took the words right out of my mouth! I’m putting y’all as my blog post. I love it!


  387. sisu:
    Here is one contribution you can tell your folks about.
    I am a 20 year vet of the U.S. Navy. I work and so does my husband. The only time I ever asked for help was back in the 80’s when I got laid off. I got 1 week of unemployment.
    I pay my taxes, I don’t lie or cheat anyone. I pay my bills and help my 2 college kids get through school the best I can. I can’t afford to go to the doctor or dentist.
    And I sent Obama money because it is the “rational” thing to do.


  388. You are the best!!!


  389. Yet another post that does not disappoint. Thank you for keeping it real.


  390. I guess if someone is still undecided, they must have missed Obama’s infomercial last night. But was it an infomercial? Some say yes, others say no. I’ve got the real answer. Check it out.

    Duke Daley


  391. Helen!

    I voted on Saturday – knowing it would be an extremely long line, I took my crutches since I didn’t think I could stand that long. Some nice man at the front of the line asked if I wanted assistance. I was escorted into the voting area where I got all the handicap assistance I needed from the poll workers. A word to this wise – if you are disabled and cannot handle the long lines – DEMAND ASSISTANCE!

    When someone in my family asked about our Christmas gift exchange this year – we are trying to be frugal and keep everyone out of debt – I told them I didn’t need any more crap, just give me a new president for Christmas – specifically one named Barack Obama. I also told them that if they failed to vote, I didn’t want to talk to them at Christmas – failing to exercise your rights as an American is not an option in our family, even if Sarah Palin thinks we are un-American.

    As for Austin being the liberal oasis – there is a projection that Harris County may go BLUE this year!

    I am hoping for an extremely happy Christmas this year!


  392. Helen,

    Your post yesterday about the panties made me laugh so hard that I literally slid out of my chair. I laughed harder than I have in years; I was shaking so hard I started sweating. Needless to say tears soaked by face and neck.

    Thank you for bringing some humor, insight and perspective into such a nerve-racking election season.

    You are my hero!!!!! Keep up the great work. Looking forward to your blog everyday like a ray of sunshine.



  393. Once again you have done it. Every point you make is clear and makes me smile because someone gets it. It is a joy to read your BLOG. I am aware that we have a freedom to vote for who we think would run this country best. I find it amazing people are either undecided or voting Republican this year. I have never been political but with the election coming up I did research and found it easy to see the glaring differences between the canidates. I want an intelligent person that will think about the country as a whole and what is best plus at the same time protect their rights. Obama is the only one that seems to belieave the same thing. I find McCain is just not up for the task. If I can make the time and do the research then anyone can. I did read alot of arguments for both canidates and decided the best choice is Obama.


  394. Helen, you are spot on! If anyone out there is undecided then they must have just woke up from under a rock.

    If anyone is truely undecided, check out the facts on

    I wasn’t able to watch the “infomercial” live, but caught it on youtube. Very inspiring.

    I’m an election judge also and I have already cast my absentee ballot for Obama.


  395. Rock on, Helen!

    I’ve had multiple Obama signs stolen from my property. My new mantra: you can steal my Obama sign, but you can’t steal my vote! (Don’t even get me started on how the Rebs have stolen the last two elections…).

    Go Helen!! Go Barak!!


  396. You remind me of the feisty old woman who lived across the street from me growing up. I want to be her; now I want to be like you.

    (Sullivan sent me…)


  397. Damn, Helen. You rock. I just ended up here from Princess Sparklepony’s Photoblog.

    I cannot fully express how much I admire you.


  398. Helen, you are a treasure! Please continue to bring us your unique and fresh doses of clarity.


  399. You ladies are the best. I’m another new fan of yours via Sullivan. Your honesty and clarity are a gem in the amidst all the political nonsense around. Keep it up!


  400. I’m emailing this link to my inlaws who are for McCain. Everytime I see them, the displeasure that they state against Obama is where he got his campaign funds from and why isn’t there any record of who donated.

    I love your blog. I mean it, really!


  401. Great blog, ladies! And right on the money!

    Already voted here in Seattle. 🙂


  402. Thank you.


  403. Wow! Yes! I agree completely!

    There is so much information available to all of us. Most of it is glaringly obvious. I don’t understand how anyone could be “undecided”.



  404. Helen, you are amazing, my darling! So sage are you…I truly hope and pray that people are taking note. Love ya!!


  405. So well-done.

    It ranks right up there with what David Sedaris recently wrote in the New Yorker about the choice in this election, and the “undecideds”:

    To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

    To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.

    Helen, what was your profession? Your analysis is so sharp, and your style even sharper. Where can I read about your background?

    I’m still in love.


  406. Helen,

    I’m one of the group who found your blog through the Andrew Sullivan link. You rock. Keep giving them hell!


  407. A friend of mine suggested your site, it is refreshing, like a breath of fresh air, nice job. I gave it a link and I will look forward to reading it some more in the future.

    Don Smith


  408. Thank you so much. As I watch some of the speeches Palin and McCain are doing I am appalled by what they are saying.

    We need to a come together as a nation to insure we have hope and unity for the next years of the US. On side note with the fact that the US isn’t considered to top nation is a catastrophe in itself.

    Thank you for all your writings. You did your part and hopefully you have inspired at least one person to do something about it.


  409. Amen!


  410. I have just sent this blog to the angry Clinton supporters on my husband’s side of the family. They just do not want to let go of their anger. Mabie they will listen to your wisdom. That was well written.


  411. The idea of a progressive tax where the wealthy pay more in taxes than the poor is nothing new. Not even close.

    That’s for sure! One of its biggest proponents was Republican Teddy Roosevelt, purportedly one of John McCain’s role models.


  412. Helen! You are like the grandma I always wished I had. Funny and wise and takes time to think things out and put them into the world in an eloquent way!

    Thank you!!


  413. Hi,

    I just wanted to say that, politics aside, your writing and common sense is an inspiration to this 20-something do nothing-er.


  414. Hey UAWTradesmen,

    No one said anything about voting twice. Just voting early like nearly one third of our nation will do in this election.

    And as for ACORN, they’re the ones that got ripped off. They paid someone by the hour to collect voter registrations who thought it would be funny to fill them out with crap. BY LAW, ACORN is required to turn in ALL completed voter registrations, fraudulent or not, so that they or any other organization cannot be accused of suppressing voter registrations of a particular party. They sort the voter registrations carefully and put all those that they consider fraudulent in a separate pile and flag them for the board of election officials. The board of election officials can then make the final determination on whether they’re really fraudulent or not.

    And think about it, a voter registration form filled out with Micky Mouse is going to be identified as false. No one’s going to show up on election day with an Mickey Mouse id and attempt to vote.

    There is no vote fraud here. Nor voter registration fraud for that matter. The system works as it’s supposed to work.

    Just because you don’t understand clearly how the system is designed to work means that your ignorance allows your opinion to be manipulated by people who use fear and divisiveness as a campaign tool.

    Please, for the sake of our democracy, stop swallowing all the innuendo and slurs being thrown around and educate yourself on how things actually work.


  415. Dearest Helen:

    You are sunshine~~~~~on a cloudy dayyyyy~~~~~!!!!

    Thank you, again, for being YOU.

    Take good care.


  416. “If I hear that McCain is a Maverick one more time I just might throw myself to the floor and break a hip.”

    Hee-larious!! Thank Chaos I didn’t have a mouthful of tea when I got to that line! My computer might not have survived the shower.


  417. Thanks for being involved and informed Americans. Great blog. Thanks.

    Go Obama!


  418. Wow! I’ve read 2 of your posts now and I am impressed! I’m with you 100%!




  419. Helen, you continue to say what I believe, but with a wit and eloquence I will never possess. Thank you for this blog.

    BTW, I have already voted absentee. Bubbling in that little oval was an emotional experience for me. I felt so very proud to be voting for someone I believe in with every fiber of my being. That has never happened to me before and I’ve been voting since 1975.


  420. Every single time a registration form is filled out, whether by someone writing MICKEY MOUSE or ELVIS OR BARACK Q. PUBLIC, it is CHECKED & VERIFIED by LAW. Then & only then will they be disguarded…obviously they cannot show up to vote b/c they DO NOT EXIST. It’s registration not actual VOTER FRAUD.


  421. A wonderful Blog – I’ve read every entry and I love it. I’ll be here every day and I’ve sent this to my family and linked it on myspace.

    You are so refreshing and I thank Andrew Sulivan for pointing me this way.

    I too have one question as Raj did. What is worse – being uninformed in this climate and not knowing who to vote for – or being misinformed and voting for McCain/Palin.

    A little independent research wouldn’t hurt anyone.


  422. Helen,
    You are batting a thousand with me. There has yet to be a post where I didn’t laugh my ass off at least once.
    Thanks for all of them!

    P.S. I have already cast my early ballot for Barack


  423. You never cease to amaze me.


  424. Helen, this blog entry MADE my day !!!! You are a beacon of light for us all!!! Thank you for sharing. I mean it…….


  425. I voted on my birthday for Obama/Biden and that was on 10-20. I wish like crazy I could go vote again for them.


  426. No undecideds here. Put two more in the box for Obama. My husband and I sent out ballots in today.

    I read an article yesterday that said you aren’t a Christian if you vote for Obama. I found it interesting that someone else, some normal, regular person just writing an article knew so much about me. I don’t feel I ever have the right to tell anyone if they are Christian or not. If they believe they are, then more power to them. It also said that if you read God’s voter pamphlet. I was quite surprised; I didn’t know God put out a voter pamphlet for this election. I must have missed getting mine in the mail. Although it would be interesting his take on the hatred and bigotry coming from the Republican side. Didn’t God say it is only in his power to judge. The only thing I know that is “God’s word” is the Bible and it was written by MEN. I think that leaves a lot to interpretation.

    Rock the Vote. Remember everyone, you may have a different opinion, but this is the most important election in recent history, so just get out there and do it.


  427. I love you, man. I want to be exactly like you when I grow up (er, grow up more).



  428. Found you through Sparkle Pony…bless him! We live in Oregon so we had the luxury of voting for Obama last week. Since you can’t kick me off for THAT reason, I’ll be back often. Love & blessings.


  429. I thought Tuesday was election day. What’s this early voting? Sounds like Mayor Daly’s polical machine …VOTE EARLY_VOTE OFTEN…Make sure the cemeteries are all registered. Shame on ACORN(registering Micky Mouse to vote) Sounds like someone is trying to steal the election.


  430. My vote went in and I am hoping it really gets counted. But, that is another blog!! lol

    For the undecided…who has run our Country for the last 8 years? And who went with him 90% of the time? Do we really want another 4, God forbid 8 years of the same? I think not!!

    As I say daily, YOU ROCK!!!


  431. I JUST VOTED!

    Because I am an election judge, I have to vote absentee in case the don’t assign me to my poll.


    Helen, you are right on again!


  432. You rock Helen. Are you sure you are not Rachel Maddow?

    “… Palin? Really? … ” sounds very familier.


  433. Hooray! This is wonderful. I’m thrilled to have found this. (Thank you Robin Amos Kahn for your post on Annie’s blog, MommysInATimeOut). It is reading blogs like this that help keep my sanity during this very trying time. You see, my family (by blood and by marriage) are all pro-McCain. They are totally into the doom and gloom spoon fed to them by the Republican party. I can’t agree with you more; let’s give optimism and hope a try.

    And if anyone reading this hasn’t done so already, go out an early vote! 🙂


  434. Dear Margaret and Helen–I just found you and already I love you both! When I grow up I want to be just like you! Keep up the great sassy work! xo Katherine


  435. Yay!! I just sent this link to everyone I know.


  436. Re:alex
    McVeigh intentionally killed a whole lot of innocents (including children, obv)

    Ayers killed no one, but defaced public property to protest the war.

    In Ayers’ case it’s my impression that one could more easily empathize with him–he felt that the war was such an act of terror on the part of the government that he believed drastic measures needed to be taken. Unfortunately, he appears to have proceded kind of recklessly in doing so.

    What McVeigh did appears to me as hardly justifialbe on the same level.


  437. I have a question. What’s the difference between Bill Ayres and Tim McViegh?


  438. I just love you — a voice of reason and compassion (you *and* Obama!).


  439. After the past 7 years .. after the past 7 weeks .. there really are still undecideds? I tend to believe undecideds have drank the talking points kool-aid spooned out by the GOP pundits and AM talk radio buttheads: Fear, misinformation, and blaming-this-democratic-controlled congress. Yeah, right. Not buying it. I voted Monday and it was the most sure Presidential vote I’ve made in my entire voting history.


  440. Helen, you are truly a great American. I will share this with any undecided person I know. Thank you!


  441. Oh Helen. I’m another who found you via Sully’s blog and I’m so glad I did. You inspired a blog post for today. And I’m adding you to my blogroll for easy access.

    You go girl.


  442. I’m here via Andrew Sullivan as well. Ma’am, you write a refreshing blog, and my hat’s off to you. You call it like it is, and with straightforward language that’s a delight to read. Keep it up!

    (And yes, I don’t understand how anyone could possibly be undecided by this point either. What on earth could they be thinking? That God will come down from Heaven and point His hand at a candidate? God gave us free will and brains; people should be grateful and take advantage.)


  443. A life based on fear is no life at all.

    Now the Reich is trying to close in on undecideds with the idea that if Obama wins it will be the end of the world.

    Um, isnt that what these nutbars were going for?


  444. I just found your blog this morning and I love it, what a great old gals you are. I will be back.


  445. I just discovered your blog!

    I love your writing and I just read where Helen is in Austin! The liberal oasis in Texas, at least until it’s plowed under by GOP-based wing nut developers.

    Every Republican ad running here in Austin is an attack ad, you notice? Lazy bastards can’t even run a decent comparison ad here without trying to scare the dim bulb voters which is the base core of the party.

    Keep it up!


  446. Helen (and Margaret) for Cecilia and everyone else.

    Though I am an Obama Mama and I want everyone to vote for him, I do realize that we all have a choice. I can only hope that we all have a brain.

    I have sent the following link to all of my undecided friends and the young’uns who are voting for the first time. It is a good summary of both of the candidates and clearly outlines where they stand on the issues.

    If you are still undecided, read through the list of issues. Compare them to where you stand, decide, then VOTE.

    I really don’t care who you vote for (mostly) just be an INFORMED voter!


  447. You are a breath of fresh air!! I got dibs on your first book!!


  448. Great blog. I’ve sent it to many others. Keep up the great work and don’t quit on Nov. 5th.


  449. Bravo Helen.

    For a hilarious look at the undecided voter check out David Sedaris’ article in “The New Yorker”:


  450. Who’d a thunk that the best case ever made to vote for Barack Obama would be made by a blue hair in a red state!

    Helen – you’ve outdone yourself! If this post doesn’t convince undecided voters, then I don’t know what will.


  451. I have voted already and I am Proud to be backing Barack Obama, who gives me HOPE

    The republican party as a whole makes me sick to my stomach at this moment, I really thought better of Elizabeth Dole and long time ago Johnny boy


  452. Just discovered your blog. It made my day!


  453. I found you today through “they gave us a republic” You guys ROCK!! Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!! Now I have to go read all your archives!


  454. Listen, ladies – let’s forget our dispute and be just Americans: the presidency is not just an unimportant thing like playing Bingo. You know that the president of the United States has to be an experienced man like me. We all know that this Obama is way too young to have any experience. I have absolutely nothing againgst African Americans – in fact a lot of them vote for me and are decent Republicans. And I stand by That One when other people call him a terrorist. Though he is not a natural born American like I am he deserves to be treated fair – but me also!
    It wasn’t me who said that he was a Muslim and a terrorist friend and a liar and a Negro. OK, sometimes some intern in my campaign may have said some unintended words but those came all from the Clintons, most of them were Bill’s former interns.
    Be American and vote for me, please!
    I have to win the war in Iraq and in Iran and maybe later Syria.


  455. Thank you, Helen for saying so beautifully what so many of are feeling.


  456. I found a link to your blog on Andrew Sullivan’s “Daily Dish”. You’ve hit the big time.

    I hope to be half as cool as you someday.


  457. Another great post Helen—You know I fully expect McCain to come out in these last days pulling more for that crazy evangelic vote—You know the ‘God has chosen me to run the country” type of plea. He is getting more and more desperate. Kee on blogging Helen—we love it!!!


  458. You are so smart and I just love reading your blog. Also, I already voted! Hah!


  459. Careful, dear ladies. You keep this up and you just might land yourselves your own TV show…

    Just asking, shouldn’t you be more concerned about those that have paid attention and are still undecided?


  460. God bless you ladies. Finally, some straight talk about the supposed Straight Talker.

    I’m so sorry my grandmothers are no longer with us to see this election. They would have enjoyed it, their comments would have probably mirrored yours (maybe even a little saltier) and they were both from swing states.

    I only hope more people have the wisdom you have.


  461. My husband and I will be at the polls at 7 am Tuesday, with our three little ones in tow. They want to vote for Obama too.


  462. He’s more like a lot of those Ford Mavericks. Broken down, rusting, and unfit for even the smasher.


  463. Hey Helen,

    Love the blog, and I agree with you broadly about McCain/Palin. You bring a really fresh voice to the blogosphere that’s entertaining and even inspiring at times. It would be a pity for the effect to be lost by your beating this dead horse. Indeed, I think you’re running the risk of becoming redundant with this now-stagnating focus on McCain. On the other hand, I loved your take on Elizabeth and think you have awesome potential as a voice against the multi-faceted, widespread deterioration of American culture. You seem to have an eye for both what to call bullshit on, and how to call bullshit on it. So, please, take advantage of this awesome gift. There’s more than one front to the war for America’s soul ;).

    Thank you for putting so much energy into this! Really!


  464. Andrew Sullivan linked to you and I’m so glad he did because you girls ROCK!

    There are so many moments in just one blog of yours where I thought I could not possibly say it better.

    Thank you so much. I hope you live forever.


  465. Helen! I watched Good Morning America this morning and there were some comments made of a McCain supporter and what she said is so mistaken. If you can write about this on your blog it might help.

    One of the things she said is that Biden called the upper class unpatriotic and wants to punish the upper class for being rich by taxing them. I am sure you will agree with me that Biden wants them to be held to the same standards as the middle class and pay their fair share. He did not say the upper class was upatriotic, just that not paying their fair share is unpatriotic.

    The next point she made about Palin. She said that is something happened to McCain and Palin had to take over….the lady said she is sure that McCain will have in place enough advisors to guide Palin. Dumb answer.

    The next point the lady made was about how Obama wants to stop the war and leave those people with no help. They make it seem that Obama is going to pull out the troops on day one which is not true.

    So that is their argument….I am sure you can come up with some gems to answer these riduculous ideas.

    Thanks for listening! as I have been listening to you! But of course I believe as you do, before hearing of your blog.


  466. When is the election?

    Should I register to vote?

    Just kidding!

    Rock on! Couldn’t have said it better. 🙂


  467. You can’t ban me- I already voted!!! And I’ve been driving my friends to early vote every chance I get!!!


  468. I ::heart:: you Helen. Really do. Great post today.

    I agree, I feel hopeful when Barack Obama speaks. John McCain scares me, with his angry all the time tone.

    I don’t like the scare the living daylights tactic he has been taking…and he keeps accusing Obama of lying about hte tax plan, my goodness, how many times does Obama have to say the same thing before McCain gets it?

    I will be taking my kids to vote with me next Tuesday…..can’t wait…..


  469. God bless you, Helen. Your thoughts are clear, and your words are absolute truth. Thank you for explaining how millions of Americans feel today.


  470. I WILL VOTE, I promise you that. There is finally some hope on the horizon.

    Thank you for your wit and wisdom.

    I hope you continue to write.


  471. I just found this blog today via. Andrew Sullivan from the Atlantic.

    You are my idol.

    My mom is in the middle of a familial tug of war. Dad is a huge McCain fan. I can’t go there, but I’m working on mom. I’ll definitely show her this entry.


  472. You rock! LOVE what you wrote in responce to undecided. Keep up the good work! There is hope for America!


  473. You are so eloquent and right on the money you almost brought a tear to my eye! Thanks so much for blogging.


  474. Very well written!

    Obama brings tears to my eyes and optimism to this country. What is there to be undecided about?


  475. Loving this blog entry. Loving it!!!!!


  476. Again, you are right on. I hope I have your wisdom in 30 years! And you are so correct about the differences in the candidates. One only has to listen. When one lives in fear, one brings fear to their door. When I country lives in fear, it brings fear to the shore. Let’s rise above the fear-mongering and be great again. Thank you for your blog. I love it and check in daily.

    I mean it. Really.


  477. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

    You are water to parched souls!


  478. You Ladies never cease to amaze.

