Posted by: Helen Philpot | January 22, 2012

2011 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

London Olympic Stadium holds 80,000 people. This blog was viewed about 580,000 times in 2011. If it were competing at London Olympic Stadium, it would take about 7 sold-out events for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.


  1. You gals ROCK. I really enjoy your blogs. Keep on doing this. Your voices are some of the few sane ones out there.


  2. Congratulations Helen and Margaret! Well deserved accolades!


  3. delurkergurl: I don’t have TV and don’t want to go to the bar to watch it. I could go hang out with friends at their home but I am being lazy. I will watch the super bowl though. A good game is always great. If I start watching a good game, I can’t stop.


  4. Who’s watching football today? I don’t have strong preferences for any teams that are left, but was sort of looking for a win for the Ravens. Pats have been in the superbowl a lot lately. I’m a big “Blind Side” fan so would have liked seeing Michael Oher move forward. Not a good ending. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ So far the Giants & 49ers seem fairly evenly matched. At this point all I ask for is a good game, and I’m not disappointed.



    FROTHY; I skied out to a melting glacier. It is shrinking faster than any prediction. Climate Change is real my friend. It is Jan 22 and I am just now able to get out to the Glacier. I normally can get out to it in Nov – not this year tho. I do love skiing in fresh snow. I have to get over water to get to the glacier so the water has to be frozen to access it.

    “Why is it important to you that Perry — and the majority of Republican Presidential candidates in the last two election cycles — claim to be willing to consider creationism and evolution equivalent?” Here is my stab at it. I think it is important that politicians attempt to undertake policies that have an empirical basis indicating their efficacy. I would not want to elect someone who believes that the National Institutes of Health should promote “bleeding” or “hot cupping” as a means for treating illness nor someone who believes that the alleged grant of dominion over the birds of the air and the fish in the sea in the Bible means we should indiscriminately slaughter animals to the point of extinction. Nor do I want to elect someone who has no sense of the scientific method or other evidence-based modes of thinking. And I sure as hell don’t want to elect someone who thinks that the abstinence-only approach to sex education and family planning works.


  6. I just meant that ‘anonymous’ posts aren’t counted. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  7. “Hey Pfesser, you know you didnโ€™t really earn that top spot.”

    LOL. Probably not.

    I leave the blog open on my desk during the day. What I do is very much like being an air traffic controller; I try to take a little break every hour or so and look at it then. I’m sure I have something more productive to do, but it’s a good mental health break. I haven’t found any other blogs that are all that interesting.


  8. Marvelous! I’m thrilled to see that you are read world-wide. I look forward to more good reads.


  9. Gabby Giffords is stepping down. It sure is a shame to lose her, though I wish her all the best in her recovery.

    Poolman, the funniest headline I’ve read this week was that Mitt was “Newt-ered” in SC. That remains to be seen, of course, but it was cute.


  10. Congratulations! Keep it up.

    Life should be interesting going forward. The GOP has turned into a Newt. Anonymous has become anything but.


  11. Congratulations, Helen and Margaret!

    You have shown us we should never let age stop us from accomplishing our dreams in life.




  12. Who is this Anonymous blow hard?


  13. Helen and Margaret, congratulations on creating a space that so successfully highlights the humor in the BS.


  14. Congratulations! Your recognition is well-earned. Thank you Helen, and thank you Margaret! I encourage everyone to make a generous donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of this blog.


  15. Helen, congratulations to you and Margaret so keep ’em coming – please!


  16. Hey Pfesser, you know you didn’t really earn that top spot. ๐Ÿ˜€


  17. Congrats!

    Love your blog! Only one request – MORE! Please…

    ~ PattiLynn


  18. anon- WordPress sends these announcements to all their blog owners, each and every one, once a year. sheesh.

    Helen and Margaret-
    Congratulations! Thanks for this place here you share with us and thanks for having us all in


  19. With a looming elections and the side effects of feeding the gremlins after midnight, this year is shaping up to be even bigger around here, Helen! Congratulations to you & Margaret!


  20. Interesting read. Think we have our answer as to if these two old ladies are real. Reads like a corporate review. Fine accomplishment regardless.


  21. Congratulations M&H! Best blog in town. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Way to represent JJoe and NOP! You guys win the most dedicated pie eaters award! I don’t know how you can stand it.. but keep up the good work. LOL LOL xo


  22. Congratulations. Quality trumps quantity every time.


  23. Congratulatinos!!!! Your posts are amazing!!! I will make a donation to planned parenthood as well


  24. You ladies rock. I hope you rack up another million or two hits during 2012. With the election you might hit more. Only 8 posts in 2011 and you stil had a half million hits. Wow. I just made another donation to Planned Parenthood in your honor.

